MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 11 Entering group

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The recovery ability of the dog is very fast. The injury of the red bean is getting better every day, and the hair is growing again. It was originally in the nest every day. Now I can go out with Yu. Yu night looked at the restored red beans, and the big stone in my heart finally fell.

On this day, Yu night packed up and prepared to go out. Yesterday, she met with Luo Wei, so she took the script of the wolverine.

When Luo met with Yu late, she quickly took her and asked her to tell the story of the 'final pendulum'. Yu night looked helplessly at her. "This kind of thing is revealed to you. Then you will not be very boring."

Luo Wei, "But you have recently updated too little, I can't stand it."

Yu late, "That is not the task you are going to prepare for me. I have put most of my heart on the ‘wolf’.”

Luo Hao bitterly said, "Well, why are you blaming me?"

"As long as you know."

Luo Wei is in the right color. "Your script is almost good?"

"Well, you can take it for shooting, you can take it back for review and review, and some areas may need to be modified."

Luo Hao nodded. "The ‘wolf’ is also going to shoot. Yu night, I have to tell you, you may have to follow the crew.”


"You are a screenwriter. When you meet temporarily, you have to modify the lines. You have to plot the plot."

Yu night frowned.

Luo Wei said, "But you can rest assured that you usually have nothing to do, it is very easy. You can rest at the hotel and want to go to the studio."

Yu late is not trying to be light or relaxed. What she thinks is that her family has to go to the pet hospital for a while, although she used to go to travel when she went to visit.

Another is that she did not agree to Shen Qingzhou cooking for him and red beans...

"How long will it take?"

"You must go in the first month. Later, look at the situation." Luo Wei looked at Yu and hesitated. "What's wrong, are you inconvenient?"

"No..." Yu said, "I will arrange it, I will go." After all, it is the script she is responsible for, she can't leave it alone.

"That's good." Luo Wei handed her the documents in her hand. "This has nothing to do with you, but I think you should be curious. This is the selected actors and all the people in our crew."

"Oh." Yu night hangs on the idea of ​​going out for a month, just stuff this file into the bag.

"Then I will go first, Yu night, three days after the start-up ceremony. You, Beijing, a week later."

"it is good."

This evening, Yu night went to the supermarket to buy the ingredients before returning home.

When she was cooking in Shen Qingzhou's kitchen, Yu night thought about how to tell him about it.

"Eating." She set the tableware and sat down at the table. Shen Qingzhou sat opposite her and picked up the chopsticks to start eating.

Yu late absent-mindedly ate a few mouthfuls, from time to time to aim at Shen Qingzhou. Probably she saw it too many times, Shen Qingzhou finally stopped the chopsticks and looked at her. "What are you going to say."

Yu night blinked. "How do you know what I want to say."

Shen Qingzhou looked at him calmly, who couldn’t see the nerves.

When Yu saw him not talking, he said, "I can't come to dinner for you for a while."

Shen Qingzhou, "Oh."

"I have a job to go out for a while, this time may be quite long. You and Red Bean, remember to be self-reliant."


Shen Qingzhou's reaction was too calm. Yu was a little hurt. Isn't she so important? It takes a month to go. They can't eat the rice she made. Shouldn't it be secretly crying?

Yu night did not give up, continued, "I want to go to Beijing, at least a month, long words, three or four months are possible."

"I know."


Shen Qingzhou put down the tableware. "It’s a coincidence that even if you don’t leave, you won’t have to cook for me for a while, because I have something to go out.”

Yu was surprised and forgot to explore what he meant by ‘I know,’ “The red bean.”

"I will give it to a professional pet hospital for care."

"Oh..." Yu late, "How long are you going?"

"A few months, go two days later, so you don't have to cook soon."

Yu late listened to some loss, this is the rhythm that can not be seen for several months, this time to see every day, she has become a habit.

"Well, you work hard, see you again after a long time. Well... wages can be stopped during this time."

Shen Qingzhou slightly raised his brow, and his eyes were like a smile. Yu night was low in the bowl of rice, so she did not see the expression of Shen Qingzhou.

Two days later, Shen Qingzhou left, and the red beans were sent away. Although Yu’s heart is depressed, there is still no way to start preparing for his own travel.

A few days later, Beijing Capital International Airport.

"Hello, are you coming to pick me up?" Yu night saw the person holding his name card, the man is a young man in his twenties.

"Are you too late? I am sent by Rosie to pick you up."

"Well, it is me."

"Well, please, our car is outside."

Yu nodded and followed him. He called another phone on the road to confirm. After getting on the bus, Yu late asked, "Are we going directly to the hotel or the crew?"

"The director, producer and actors of the crew are eating at the **** hotel. Luo Yijie said that you will pick you up and meet everyone."


When she arrived at the hotel, the young man who took her luggage was sent to the room first, and he took her to the private room of the ‘wolf’ crew.

When I first arrived, Yu night saw Luo Wei standing outside the door. Luo Wei saw Yu late and came forward quickly. "You have finally arrived."

"Well, the plane is a bit late." Yu night looked behind her. "I must go in, I don't know."

“The staff will know when they introduce the introduction, actor, you must know.”

Yu was late, and it was very difficult to say, "Rosie, actor... I am not familiar."

Luo Wei wondered, "They are all red and purple, Xiang Zeran, Li Mengmeng, it is impossible to not know."

Yu night smiled and said, "I really don't know."

Luo Wei looked at her incredulously. "Yu night, you are a caveman. Then you didn't read the document that I gave you that day. The casts in it are written. You are really, not the actors in your script." Pay attention."

Yu night pulled the corner of her mouth, she really did not want to say she forgot.

"If you forget it, it doesn't matter. It's natural to be familiar at the time." Luo Wei took her hand and pushed the door of the private room to pull Yu late.

"Hey everyone, you see who is coming, it’s our editorial master, it’s not too late." Luo Wei loudly announced that Yu’s brain had a cold sweat, which was a bit embarrassing.

Luo Yan said this, the people in the seat looked in the direction of the door.

The role of Li Mengmeng as the heroine of ‘wolf’ is of course to give this novel a thorough look. The novel is fascinating and exciting. She has long wanted to see who the author is.

However, when she saw Yu’s moment, her chin was surprised to fall, and she stood up in surprise. “Are you late?!”

Yu night looked at the girl who spoke, she nodded, "Hello."

"God, isn't it a girl late?? It's still like this..." Li Mengmeng didn't find a big adjective for a while, and thought about it for a long time. "So a cute girl? I thought it was a man."

As Li Mengmeng said, everyone present at the scene shared the same feeling. The hero is also very surprised to Zeran. He also read the novel. The structure is very subtle. The girl in front looks too young, not like anyone who can write such a novel.

"Hello everyone, I am not too late to edit." Yu late felt that he should be polite to say hello.

"It's not too late, big writer, sit and sit." The producer on the side patted the position next to him and told her to sit down. Yu late dynasty producer nodded, then Luo Hao took her to the seat.

"Yu night, tell you about the director of our play." Luo Wei whispered, then gestured to her to look up and read, "Hey, our director is Shen Qingzhou, director of Shen Da, this is also in the documents I gave you. Oh... I forgot you didn’t even look at it."

Shen, Qing, Zhou?

Yu’s head was a glimpse, and when he looked up, it was a blank. After she entered the door, her eyes never looked around. Except for Li Mengmeng Yu, who was talking to her, she did not know what the person was.

So when she heard Shen Qingzhou’s name and saw the person she was sitting opposite, the whole person was not good. The person who thought that he had not seen for several months suddenly became the focus of her work. Yu was too surprised to forget the surprise.

She stared at him. He sat there casually, dressed and cold. And the pair of light brown eyes are now faintly on her body, I don't know if it is an illusion, she thinks Shen Qingzhou's eyes are smiling.

"Mr. Shen?"

"Writer is, hello." Shen Qingzhou greeted her with a public official tone.

Yu night blinked, "Hello..."

Shen Qingzhou slightly decapitated, "Are you just arrived today?"

"Yes, I just arrived at the hotel just now."

"Well, I have already seen the script. The specific details need to be discussed. Come over and come to me later." Shen Qingzhou said.

Yu nodded late and felt that the heartbeat was a little faster.

Shen Qingzhou said that she would no longer talk to her. His expression and the tone of talking to her seemed to be that she did not know her before. At this moment, he had turned his head and spoke to the staff next to him.

Yu late regained his gaze, a little annoyed that he did not have a good look at what Luo Hao gave. It is no wonder that when he was eating at his house that day, he said that he knew that she had to go for a long time. At that time, she thought he was talking about it. He didn't think he really knew it.

He is the director. He definitely has her information. Did he know that she was a screenwriter early? This person is too loaded, and she did not tell her for so long.

However... Yu’s heart began to have some small sneak peeks, which shows that she will still get along with him for a while, just changing places, and neither of them are having trouble.