MTL - Pampered Poisonous Royal Wife-Chapter 750 Fanwai: The second child has a pregnancy note

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Jiangnan Jinxiu Park, because of the scale of the building, has become a shortage of places. After several discussions, it has found a new garden to move over. After being repaired and rebuilt, it was returned to the name of the king.

In the garden of Gui, the cinnabar of a tree is like a fire, like the burning glow of the horizon. In the small pavilion on one side, a beautiful woman sat down, she daggers her eyebrows, her eyebrows are filled with the scent of Jiangnan’s misty rain, and a long embroidered dress with a moiré is covered. The layers are as thin as the crepe of the flaps, the breeze is coming, the crepe is moving slowly, and the beautiful looks like

It is made up of finely drawn pens that have been collected throughout the Jiangnan Aura.

Suddenly, a small figure in her arms ran with a bunch of sweet-scented osmanthus: "Mother, mother, kissed you to pick sweet-scented osmanthus."

The woman in the pavilion looked back and saw the child running, and subconsciously reached out and wanted to take him in her arms.

"Look!" A man in Xuanyi appeared and flew into the pavilion. He held the child in his arms before the woman. "Have you forgotten what you told you?"

Women and men are Mu Yunyao and Ning Junyi who have disappeared from the court for nearly two years. Ning An Nian is almost four years old. After years of nursed back to health, the body is no different from ordinary children. It is because Ning Junyi took him to practice martial arts, which is higher than the average child. At this time, he rose slightly. Red cheeks, look with shyness: "Oh, sorry, read one

Time has forgotten. ”

Mu Yunyao looked at the serious father and son, and couldn't help but chuckle and waved at her: "Let's come."

Ning An had gone two steps. He had stopped near Mu Yunyao and looked at her abdomen. The tone was with a cautious taste: "Mother is now pregnant with her sister, and she can’t rely too close."

Yan Wang nodded and squatted down and took a shot of Ning An Nian, appreciating: "You can do well, you are a brother, you must love your sister."

Mu Yunyao is a little crying and laughing: "Four Lord, there is no such exaggeration, the diagnosis of the previous two days was diagnosed, and now it is less than two months, where is that so delicate?"

When Wang Wang listened, and Ning An Nian together shook his head firmly, the father and son were doing the same action with their similar eyebrows. The inexplicable revealing a sense of joy: "Yao, you must be more careful."

"Yes, the mother wants to protect her sister!" According to the king's thoughts, it is enough for him and Yao to have a child. It is absolutely necessary for Yunyao to endure the pain of pregnancy production, but Yaoer wants to regenerate. The daughter said that they had said it before, and even directly debunked the fact that he secretly took drugs to avoid the child.

He gave up his previous plans.

Jinlan and Jin Qiao came over with the newly made moon cakes: "Wang Hao, this is the one made by Cai Qing, and it tastes exceptionally good. You can taste it."

The mooncakes on the plate are printed with delicate patterns, and the white ice skin can faintly see the fillings inside. It is very appetizing to have a look.

Mu Yunyao took a piece and put it in the entrance, nodded slightly with a squint: "It tastes good, can you want to taste it?"

When the king saw the moon cake, the eyebrows could not stop wrinkling. When he took the snacks and put them on the mouth, he could smell it in the future. He could smell a sweet smell and couldn’t stop his face. The snacks were thrown down and rushed to the side, and it took a long time to pour out.

The poisonous lady walked over with the moon cake and saw the ugly king of the face. She couldn’t help but throw the remaining half of the moon cake directly into her mouth, patted the moon cake crumbs in her hand, and sat directly next to Mu Yunyao, laughing. Dao: "Isn't the king still good?"

Mu Yunyao nodded helplessly: "Yeah, since I knew that I was pregnant again, he would eat what he spit, but I didn't have the problem of the last time I missed my childhood. I ate well and slept well." The tremble of laughter, the heart disappeared from the disappearance of the king’s mustard: "I have seen people with this symptom, but the person is already fifty years old, but has a single pass and won several rooms. Finally, I had a son, when he was particularly worried about the child, it was this symptom, eat it.

What, spit, and spit until the child falls to the ground, the symptoms are better. ”

Mu Yunyao is a dumbfounded person: "I have been spitting until the child was born?" "Yes." The poisonous lady was gloating over the scene, and the king was cold. When she was facing Mu Yunyao on weekdays, she was a little hot, but who could think of this person? The expressionless look looks like a light and incomparable appearance. In fact, the heart is very slender, and the pregnant person is more worried than Yunyao.


Mu Yunya couldn't help but laugh, and after the laughter, he couldn't stop frowning: "There is no good way?"

"This is just like a woman's happiness. I can only wait for it to go. There is no good way to use it."

"That... I can only grieve him."

I thought that I would have passed, but I didn’t expect that the symptoms of the king would become more and more serious. I could eat some green vegetables at the beginning, and then I would eat what I spit and I could only drink white rice porridge every day. This can not eat too much, barely hungry is not a bad thing, eat more and keep all the spit clean. Mu Yunyao couldn't sit still anymore. She even thought that she had any problems with the diagnosis of her poisonous lady. She also invited several doctors to come to help the king to diagnose the pulse. After the diagnosis, the answers were similar. They all said that there was insufficient blood. Just eat more things and make up, just don't even drink the medicine.

Even if you open the medicine, you can't drink it.

Sui Wang was white and sat on the side of Mu Yunyao. She took her in her arms and gently placed her hand on her abdomen: "Yao, what can you feel uncomfortable today?"

Mu Yunyao has been pregnant for nearly five months, and the child in the abdomen has a slight movement. The king has to step on the hour every day to ask how she feels, and even set the time to interact with the children in the abdomen: "Nothing." Uncomfortable, but you are four, you look a lot thinner."

The king shook his head and shook his head: "I'm fine." He was a little sleepy when he slept now. As soon as he closed his eyes, he remembered that Yao's production was silent and lying on the bed, feeling that the whole heart was He tightened the general uncomfortable, but he did not dare to speak, for fear that Mu Yunyao was more worried.

"You don't look like nothing now." Mu Yunyao reached out and touched the cheek of the king. "Four Lord, don't worry, our daughter will be born safely."

She wants this child, and she wants to be a companion. After all, a child is too lonely, and the second is to solve the knot of the king. Even if it is two years, he still has nightmares. People are worried, but now it seems that something is counterproductive.

"Yeah." The king promised to be serious, but the next situation did not ease.