MTL - Palace Full of Delicacies-Chapter 78 life

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The low table is surrounded by cushions. The emperor sits on the ground with the national division. Each pair holds a pair of jade chopsticks and glances at each other. The two pairs of beautiful eyes are filled with fire and hidden meaning.

The food made by the stupid slaves, others are not allowed to eat!

Here is the Anguo Tower, all things are in this seat!

Want to fight?

Just hit it!

Su Yu did not have the idea of ​​two people's dark tide, took four small dishes, put a piece of fish on each dish, a piece of grilled wings, a piece of dried clams, placed in the empty space at the end of the table, and then squatted on the cushion, will The head was found under the table. "Two uncles, His Royal Highness, Zhao Shi, go to the table to eat."

The two big cats who were blaming each other stopped sounding, and the chubby cat who was trying to use the claws to get the wet hair on the top of his head jerked up and saw that Su Yu magnified many faces and scared the hair on the tail. After taking a step back, I immediately understood the meaning of Su Yu, cheered and ran out to the table.

Ling Wang stood up and quietly stepped back. "Hey, haha, thirteen brothers, I will go up to dinner first."

The white hair on the face of His Royal Highness Wang seems to have also been shaded. The whole cat's face has turned black. "Yin Yin knows, you let the king go to roll?"

"Oh! I was wrong, I was wrong!" The **** and yellow cat was bitten by his brother and shouted.

"His Highness, slow down to eat." Su Yu's voice laughed, the action of the two big cats stopped each other, and they glanced at each other and decided to temporarily put down their former grievances and anger, and quickly went to the table, not letting it take a while. Let the little fat man finish eating.

The Emperor’s majesty looked at the three cats on the table and the four dishes were puzzled. They pointed at the extra dishes and frowned. “What is this?”

Su Yu gave the emperor a piece of grilled wings and smiled: "Experience."

Formerly, Su Yu likes to feed cats, especially a group of cats. Watching a bunch of hairy huddles squeezing together to eat sweet, I will feel good all day. Therefore, I found a lot of tips for feeding cats. When several cats eat together, be sure to prepare more food, because there will always be one of the weakest cats in the cat group to be robbed, and one more food will ensure that all cats eat.

The emperor looked down and looked up. Sure enough, the **** and yellow cats ate and ate their heads into the chubby cat's plate. When the Crown Prince was squeezed out, he turned his head and went to eat the fish in another dish.

"If you raise a prince in the future, you can't raise it like this." The national teacher gracefully picked up a dried squid's wings and bit a bite.

"It is to be rushed to eat and eat." The emperor squatted deep and thought that he was slightly decapitated.

Su Yu took a slap in the mouth and the royal education model was really different.

The squid is hard and hard. After being beaten, it is still full of strength. The chubby cat is holding a large piece of fish and biting hard. This kind of chewy stuff is very enjoyable for the itching roots, while shaking the short tail. The tail of His Royal Highness is the yellow and white strips, which are smashed in the air, and the royal king of Ling Wang does not forget to stretch his claws while chewing the meat.

Suddenly, the tail of the yellow and white stripes stopped, and the large fish in the mouth of the Crown Prince’s mouth stood in the same place.

"His Royal Highness, what's wrong?" While eating, I couldn't help but see the cat's Su Yuli and found the abnormality of the little uncle.

The rest of the people looked at the chubby cat.

The director of the Royal Palace of Zhao Wang put down the fish and gave a tearful mouth.

Su Wang stretched his claws and dialed the piece of fish, and immediately returned a small white fangs embedded in the meat. "Hongyu changed his teeth!" The sound of fullness was spread throughout the table, and the chubby cat licked. Hold your head in your paws on the table.

"Hey, change your teeth!" Ling Wang immediately went over to watch the fun.

The national teacher raised his hand and smacked the little fangs. "This thing is turned over, and the teeth that are lost later should be sent in time."

His Royal Highness nodded noddedly, and his head was stunned.

"Hey, Hong Sheng, don't eat hard things in these few days, and your teeth are long," Ling Wang said, throwing the fish that has not been moved in another dish into his own dish. "Seventeen Uncles for you." have eaten."

Su Wang immediately took a younger brother's paw and quickly snatched the piece of fish. "There is a good thing to honor the older brother."

"Hey!" The black and yellow big cat bite in the moment when the fish fleshed away, and the brother-in-law tore a moment, so I saved a small piece.

The temple of Zhao Wang was kneeling on the table, letting two uncles grab the robbing on his head.

The Emperor’s majesty looked at the group of shameful people and decided to take the stupid slave away. It was stupid enough to stay with these stupid cats. What can I do later?

Su Yu looked at the awkwardly and funny, picked the relatively tender grilled fish wings, and carefully tore the tender meat inside and handed it to His Royal Highness, "Grandarmor eats this."

The chubby cat smelled it, looked up at Su Yu, and looked at his poor-looking brother, and immediately bit his mouth.

The squid's wings and flesh are actually the best part, not only the freshness of the fish itself, but also the unique fragrance of the "wings". The skin is very thin and is crispy to be baked. It tastes like some pigeons, but it is not always true that although the pigeon meat is fragrant, the meat is hard and the fish is soft and tender. The palate is good and the finish is long.

After reading the roasting wings of His Royal Highness, the frustration of losing the teeth and not being able to eat hard things disappeared, and the short tail began to sway back and forth.

After lunch, the Emperor took down Su Yu and left. "He has finished his homework today and will not be used in the afternoon."

The National Teacher raised the white and slender hand, and smirked gracefully with his hand on his back. Then he waved his hand slowly, "Go yourself."

After the acquaintance of the national team of Su Yu, he was taken away by his emperor.

The three cats who ate enough to drink were still on the cushion.

The **** and white cat squats in a dignified manner, with a solemn look and a long tail swaying. The **** and yellow cats leaned on their elders, satisfying the claws and reminiscent of the fish. The chubby cat lies on the back of the thirteen uncle and concentrates on catching the tail of the black and white strip.

"You a few..." The cold scorpion of the national division swept over the pile of hair and raised his hand to prepare for the guest.

"Twenty-one, come over for a nap." Ling Wang, his younger brother waved his paw and patted his belly.

"The ridiculous!" The National Teacher took a look at the black and yellow hair belly, how can the Tang national teacher make a thing like sleeping belly?

After a moment of silence, a snow-white big cat slid softly on the cushion and slowly walked forward. Then, he gave the black and yellow big cat a slap, stepped on his head and climbed up, sleeping at the highest. At the office.

His Royal Highness: "..."

A good nap time is very important for the Daan royal family.

When the emperor walked down the road, he was trapped, and he became a golden kitten into the arms of Su Yu, and let the stupid slaves take it back. Su Yu held the emperor light and found that the emperor seemed to be a little longer. In the past few days, only the palm of his hand was long. It is now estimated that there is half a foot, obviously two times larger than the royal title of Zhao.

"The sauce, you grow taller." Su Yu lay on the bed, took the kitten into his arms, and gave him a smooth hair.

The emperor squatted comfortably and snorted. Hearing the name of the sauce, he only opened a gap and gave him a glance. The snoring did not stop.

Su Yu’s hand is more than the length of the emperor. The growth cycle of these royal cats and ordinary cats seems to be different. Previously, Wang Gonggong also said that twenty-year-olds counted as adults, and before that were all kittens that were as big as palms. After the crown, it will grow up slowly.

Although Su Yu liked cats in my life, I never liked my family. I was busy at work. As a cook, I had to go from noon to midnight and didn't have time to take care of it. Moreover, I was afraid to raise my feelings but had to face it. The small hairball is old and sick. The life of a cat is only twenty years old.

Nowadays, the cat that only makes him like him from the heart to his heart has a long life, enough to accompany him for a lifetime, there is no better thing in the world.

Putting the long tail of gold around the fingers to play, Su Yu, who has not taken a nap, began to think about the next daily trip. The national teacher said that the squid in the East China Sea is coming tomorrow, and a large number of squid need to be slaughtered, so that they are ready for October 10 The festival of the full moon of the day; the Queen Mother asked him to go to the Ci'an Palace the next day, and learn the management of the palace.

When I think of the Queen Mother, Su Yu suddenly changed his face. So far, the royal family he saw can become a cat. The oldest one is Su Wang, and he is less than forty years old. The reason why the emperor was passive in the church for so long, It’s because the emperor died early...

"The emperor, the emperor..." Su Yu poked the **** kitten.

“Hey?” The Emperor’s knees unhappyly lifted his head between his paws.

"Can I ask a big disrespect?" Su Yu looked at the kitten with a burning gaze, and his eyes were panicked.

The golden kitten licked his head, and the white light flashed. He appeared in the emperor wearing a pale gold soft robe. He turned over and pressed Su Yu under his body. "It is better to do something, otherwise..." A pair of beautiful eyes are dangerously smashed. From the beginning, disturbing the emperor to sleep in the afternoon, you must be prepared to pay the price.

Su Yu swallowed his mouth and suddenly regretted it. This is not a big deal. When the emperor woke up and asked again, he looked at the tired and unrecognized An Hongche, and raised his hand to touch him. Back, "I, I just want to ask, hey, how did the Emperor go?"

An Hongche’s original careless eyes suddenly sharpened. "What do you ask this?"

"No, can't you ask?" Su Yu stayed.

The Emperor looked at him quietly for a while, lying sideways, "dead."

"The war is dead..." Su Yu sneaked it over and over again. Not only did he not feel relieved, but he fell into deeper worries. Daan had no foreign enemies at all. How did he die?

The author has something to say: Small theater:

Small fish: What kind of war will win the soul of the emperor?

Thirteen Uncle: In that year, the snakes and rats in the northwest border flooded, and the first emperor fought bravely and died.

Uncle 17: That year, the deserts of the north desert were full of land, and the emperor fought hard and rushed.

King of Kings: In the year of the East China Sea crab attack, the first emperor fought bravely to kill the enemy, but the enemy was not able to defend the enemy's solid defense.

Hey: ...the widow decided to talk to you tonight.

He threw a mine

Light purple threw a mine

Cool summer pomelo throws a grenade

Jjjjjjjjjjjjj threw a mine

Gyla threw a mine

My cat called Dudu 1991 threw a mine.

Darknight threw a mine

Darknight threw a mine

Sikong throws a mine

Summer threw a mine

Missa threw a mine

Ohnotaeko threw a grenade

Thank you for the mines, grenades of the adults ~ ~ 么 哒 ~ ~ 2k novel reading network