MTL - Palace Full of Delicacies-Chapter 127 Boarding

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The reason why the ship can't get close is because there is a donkey living on the island. As long as the cat is willing, the ship will not be lost 30 miles away. The national teacher turned to the big cat and said, "Uncle Huang, you have to let the royal ship approach..."

Without a word, the huge cat jumped into the sea and sang in the sea on the surface. The people finally saw the power of the ancient beasts, and they took the clouds and walked on the waves. Flat land.

Therefore, there is no need to remove the enchantment or something. The cats are on the beach, and the royals have climbed up, letting the ancestors of the ancestors squatting back.

Su Yu never thought that he had a day of riding a cat. He excitedly climbed onto the cat and intoxicatedly embraced Huang Zu’s neck. The other cats also came up, and the snow-white big cat jumped on the head of Emperor Zuo, sitting between the two ears.

Wang Gonggong and Lu Guogong’s sons sat on the broken planks and took the first step with the deaf girl to dispel the idlers on the royal ship.

The Emperor’s majesty jumped out of Su’s clothes and stepped on the soft hair.

Jing Wang's **** cat squatted on the side of the reef, jumping lightly in the reef, leaping high, flying into the cat's fur, just planted in front of the emperor. Emperor Yi Yiyi lifted his claws and held the black cat's head.

The big cat stood up and slowly walked into the sea.

Su Yuxi looked down on the big cat. The sea surface is like a layer of transparent glass. The big cat walks on it without any hindrance, but it is not completely isolated from the sea. The rolling waves will still wet the huge hair. Paws, Huang Zushu walked for a while, will lift his claws.

"Hey!" Slowly walked for a while, and the big cat suddenly screamed.

All the cats were drilled into the fur, and the national teacher at the top of the head was also degraded.

Su Yu has not responded to what is going on, the big cat began to run wild and ran and jumped in the sea. Panic grabbed the hair on his back, but it was too late, and the body began to vacate, and he was about to be taken out. However, the expected fall of water did not come, a pair of slender and warm hands caught his waist from behind, and fixed Su's reputation firmly.

His Majesty the Emperor did not know when he had changed back to the human form, and he was holding him behind him. "Stupid slave."

The arms behind him are warm and powerful, and Su Yu relaxes with confidence and leans on the emperor.

The emperor kneels and frowns, the **** stupid slave is really more and more arrogant, but he is kind enough to pull him, even dare to take the backrest! Angrily opened his mouth and took a bite on the neck of Su Yubai.

"Oh..." Su Yu was shocked. He looked around and saw that the uncles and the emperors were all in the fur. No one noticed, and this was relieved. He raised his hand and held the hand of the emperor licking his waist. "Don't make trouble, I saw it carefully to my father."

"Hey!" The emperor snorted and licked his nose on the tooth print.

Not long after, the royal ship appeared in front of you.

At the beginning, three identical royal ships were built in the capital, and now there is one left, and they are parked at the forefront. The warships of the East China Sea soldiers are arranged behind.

Far away, I saw a huge hairy group jumping, and I couldn’t see it from afar. The closer ones could see a rough outline, like a giant tiger, and I still don’t know what to say on my back.

The big cat suddenly stepped up as he approached the big ship and jumped up and jumped onto the high deck.

The national teacher instantly changed back to the human form, and the toes of the toes slid into the high star-gazing platform. The sound of Qing Yue’s cold springs spread all over the place. "This is the ancient **** beast that the royals are looking for, and they wait for the prince to be like." The sound of far and near, but like a thunder, usually sounds in everyone's ears.

The soldiers have been swearing.

Su Yu looked at the convinced soldiers and took a slap in the mouth. These people simply did not see the appearance of the beast. They only worshipped the Chinese teacher with a word. If you see that this is actually a big cat that is not at all powerful. I don't know what to think.

The noisy people on the royal ship have been driven to other ships, leaving only Wang Gonggong and Lu Guogong's sons on the ship. The deaf girl Haizhu consciously followed the ship and got into the water tank on the deck. These cats didn't know the way. She had to send the group of gods back to the shore to go home.

"All come to the door, you don't go to see the tribe?" King Wang changed back to the gentle and affectionate look, leaning on the railing and laughing and chatting with the monks.

Haizhu looked at the charming peach eyes and could not help but shake. "No, no need."

"It's a pity that this king wants to discuss with you the patriarchs about the embarrassing things." Jing Wang provoked a long hair with a light blue halo, wrapped around the slender fingertips.

Consultation, let's talk about the ingredients? Haizhu rolled his eyes and silently sank into the water tank. Every year, they have worked hard to rush to the shore, and they have to constantly change their status and sell their shackles. It is very troublesome. It is really a good idea to sell them to these equally secret royals, but only if these guys can give up eating swearing. Thoughts.

Looking up at the King of Jing outside the water tank, the tender and passionate peach blossom eyes, when looking at her, still have a coveted meaning that can not be hidden, and those mortals look at her eyes completely different. Haizhu put her head at the bottom of the tank. She would rather have her beauty than her delicious.

The big cat is too big to enter the cabin. Wang Gonggong covered the deck with cushions and the big cat slept on the deck.

The business with the monks did not end, Jing Wang did not care, turned around and saw a lot of hair behind him, immediately rushed up.

When Emperor Majesty just got on the boat, he grabbed Su Yu and went to the main house. While walking, he took the prince out of his arms and threw it into the fur of Emperor Zuo.

"Mi?" The prince, who was sleeping in a confused state, looked up from the hairs and looked around. It is unknown.

"Two hairs -" The voice of the seventeen grandfather came from the top of the head. The golden little hairball looked up and saw a **** and yellow cat jumping from the stargazing platform and stretching out the four claws like a big squirrel. Fly towards him.

"Mi!" His Royal Highness Prince hurriedly rolled to the side.

"噗", the royal king of Ling Wang fell in the fur of the emperor's uncle, and did not climb up, the pure black hair ball flew along the path of Fangcai, and fell to the body of Ling Wang.

"Hey! I pressed my tail!"

The Emperor of the Emperor took a look at the noisy two people, ready to discuss with the emperor about the situation in the middle of the past few years, and turned around and could not find anyone.

"Let's go play with that too." The king slammed his eldest brother with his elbow, and lifted his chin to point to the two cats who kept jumping from the star-gazing platform to the emperor.

The emperor looked at his brother with a disdain and turned to talk about business.

The bedroom on the ship was not the one that was covered with cushions. The Emperor’s majesty took Su Yu into the room and took the person up. He worried that the bed was too short and didn’t throw him up, but with his own When I got to the bed, I raised my hand and began to tear the clothes of Su Yu.

"Emperor, the emperor!" Su Yu widened his eyes. "You, what are you doing?"

"Eat fish!" The emperor squatted a few times, did not pull it apart, it was very intolerant, and he tore the clothes.

"Hey!" Su Yu tried to fight, just after the robbery, returning to the world, shouldn't you sit down and talk together?

The hand of Taishang Emperor’s door was stiff in the air, and his face was not good.

The king sighed with sorrow, and dragged his brother to turn into the room of the National Teacher. "Twenty-one, show you a fun."

The author has something to say: Small theater:

Small fish: How do cats and grandfathers look at Huang Zushu?

Attack: grabbing

King King: Swimming Pool

National Teacher: Hair Mat

Prince: (And lost in the hairy) Mi?

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Thank you for the mines, grenades, rockets of the adults~~Because everyone is too enthusiastic about the emperor's hair mat, the store is urgently replenishing and will continue to sell today. However, the owner is busy, I don't know when it will be shipped_(:3∠)_ King of Kings: Hey, jump again and go to ship 2k novel reading network

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