MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 2 Grounds for refusal

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With the clap of the 'spectacled panda', the space was restored to the original platform, and the 'spectacled panda' also became the original boy. In the face of the young 'spectacled panda', he seriously asked: "Tell me Why did you choose to decline? "

为何 Why did I choose to decline?

The juvenile was dismissive of this question and asked. "Should I ask, why did you choose me as the Creator?"

"Panda glasses" said a helpless expression, "What does this mean?"

The boy sighed with his hands on his chest and sighed slightly. "In fact, I always have a question in my heart. You also know that I have read many online novels, and I have never been able to figure out why the creator like you, The creation **** always likes to find some foolishness! Hooligans! Perverts, wastes, or weak suicides, etc.

The glasses panda seemed to want to laugh, but didn't say anything to continue listening to the young man's complaints.

"From what you said just now, if I guessed right, then you should prepare to let me go to a different world. There are obviously so many talents in the world, why do you choose me?"

'Panda Glasses' smiled and smiled and waved his hand and said, "Good! First of all, I have to declare that I didn't deliberately choose you"! Panda emphasized word by word: "Honestly, my first contact with you through the Internet was just a coincidence, just like what you human beings say is a fate and a luck! Second, you really look down on yourself so much. "?

The young man shrugged and said, "I don't think I'm just a nerdy foolish guy."

I patted the boy ’s shoulder “spectacled panda” disapprovingly said, “I did n’t let you go to another world in a whim. I have observed you for three years, and I am very clear about your ability. Do n’t hide me. Do n’t forget me. But 'God', as long as I want, I can easily see the past of everyone, and I know everything that happened in your past life. "

In my own life, the teenager listened to the words of the "Panda" and tried to think about his past, but suddenly the teenager found that, except for his own memory of death, his mind seemed to be fuzzy. No matter how he recalled, he could not accurately read the past. The picture.

Looking at the teenager's distressed expression, the "spectacled panda" reached out and gently pressed on the forehead of the teenager, saying, "Every human being once died, the memory will be forgotten as quickly as a flood. This is the so-called reincarnation, which is often said in human mouths. Of course, there are occasionally some stubborn people who can keep some broken memories. "Speaking of this, the fingers of 'spectacled panda' sent out a little blue Shine: "Let me help you think of it all again!"

少年 For a moment, the teenager's mind was like a storm of memory hanging up, and countless pictures rolled out from the depths of his mind┉┉


Your own birth, right! The teenager remembered everything. He was born into a richer family. His father was a local corporate boss who already had a certain strength, and his mother was also a vice president of the university! From a young age, he was smart and well-loved by his parents and elders in his family. Although his father as a corporate boss was busy at work, he still took more time to return home. Family harmony and happiness have always accompanied his childhood.

The happiness of childhood lasted until the age of 9 years old. That day, the father of the teenager was sitting at the desk watching the recent stock trend. Perhaps because the father of the teenager was too unaware that his son had been watching him for a long time When he turned around, he realized that his son was staring curiously at the stock chart on the computer display. When his son asked what he was doing, he smiled and patted his son's head to tell his son that it was stocks. Perhaps as a father, he didn't think his son would understand things like stocks. But it was unexpected that his son actually told himself that he knew what it was, and also said loudly that he had made millions of dollars! As a father, he was surprised to ask his son where to buy stocks, but his son's answer hurt his laughing stomach!

of course! Real-world stocks can be quite different from games like Monopoly 4. It's not that simple to buy low and sell high. Maybe it was a whim. The father held his son in front of him and sat up, jokingly asked his son to buy that stock, and watched his son bewildered in the face of the screen full of data and charts. Then, the father Then I laughed and explained some basic knowledge about stocks for my son! But what surprised his father was that he thought it was a boring explanation, but the young son seemed to listen to it with interest. In the end, as a father, he made a sum of money from his account and bought a selection of his son. Stock

Sometimes a small choice in life may change the fate of a person's life! After buying that stock, the young boy seems to be more interested in this game, which is more complicated than the stock in the game, and maybe the goddess of luck cares more about the boy! Three months later, the 9-year-old made his first money in his life. After going out, the transaction cost and transaction tax amounted to 30,000 yuan.

For a teenager's family, 30,000 yuan is not a lot of money. It may be more like a small surprise falling from the sky. The parents used a hearty dinner and a lot of gifts as a reward for their son's lucky fortune. It's just that young teenagers don't quite understand the value and meaning of 30,000 yuan.

When the young boy proposed again to buy stocks, his father agreed. Perhaps for a father, his son's contact with the computer likes stocks, a product similar to data analysis, which can better develop his son's thinking ability and calculations. His ability is better than his son playing games on the computer all day long. The father took out the money made by his son as the principal and bought the stock selected by his son again. He spent a little time teaching the details of his son's stock speculation.

And this time! The teenager just after his 10th birthday made 70,000 yuan!

I have to say that the teenager's father was very surprised, surprised that his son was indeed more insightful and patient than his own father. When the stock fell sharply, the son did not want to sell to win this big rally! As a father, he decided not to act as a guide for his son. In the future, he gave everything to his 10-year-old son to operate. In the following days, the losses and profits of the stock co-existed. The teenager took on a peer. On a different road, when children go home and turn on their computers to watch cartoons and play various computer games, teenagers just like to pay attention to countless complex data and charts.

As the expansion of the company began to get busier, the father of the teenager no longer returned to the family on time to have dinner with his family as before, and he could n’t devote more attention to his son. The only thing that can reassure him is that The reason is that his son's test results have always been very satisfying. Of course, occasionally I hear my wife complaining about her son always staying in the room and not willing to go out and walk around a bit more

This peaceful life until the age of 14 years old, everything came to an end┉┉

430 million yuan! This is a huge fortune for an ordinary person! Entering a first-class university and a first-class company are all huge wealth that many people can't earn through hard work all their lives, but now they are in the hands of a teenager who is only 14 years old! The father of the teenager built his own business from scratch, and worked hard for half a lifetime to get everything today, but his son just made a few taps on the computer keyboard at home and made more money than himself. For a As far as the father is concerned, everything his son has begun to slowly deny his beliefs.

From that day on, the relationship between the father and the son gradually deteriorated. The teenager did not understand why his father was angry, but the father did not want to be denied by his son. Finally, the teenager had a big fight with his father. After choosing to leave home. Although he is only a 15-year-old child, the teenager who has been fighting in the economic circle for many years has matured thinking of adults. For teenagers, he only needs a computer that can connect to the Internet to get what he needs. For everything, ask people to forge their parents ’IDs ​​and buy real estate furniture from the Internet. Teenagers are preparing to build their own 'kingdom'. This is not a dream for teenagers because they have a great wealth in their hands. Today, as long as there is money, you can buy anything you want.

The school is no longer a place admired by the teenagers. After a quarrel with their father, the teenager was reprimanded by the teacher for taking a class, and the teenager who was in a bad mood was disdainful and calculated the teacher's salary and The money the teacher can make in this life.

"The money you earn from hard work is not as good as the fraction I earn now!"

The teenager said this to his teacher coldly in front of the whole class, and then walked out of the classroom quickly with the surprised look of the whole class and the teacher's almost indifferent expression! Maybe I don't know when teenagers find themselves starting to like using money to measure a person's life.

Splurge! Earn! Splurge! Earn! The juvenile mechanically repeats this action like an alien living in the world. The clever mind and extraordinary eyes are not dull because of excessive profligacy! Juveniles continue to accumulate wealth in their ‘kingdom’, and live like a real king. When someone reminds them that money is not a panacea, the juvenile tells them scornfully that they ca n’t do anything without money!

No money is absolutely impossible, but sometimes money is indeed not a panacea. At least for teenagers, they ca n’t buy real affection, like a beautiful girl around them. Teenagers It is very clear how they are flattering and flattering themselves now, and also very clear that when they can no longer provide them with material enjoyment, they will soon be abandoned by them, without the company of their families, even if they are holding this one at night With a warm and charming body, the teenager still feels cold from time to time. He has been outside for two years. The teenager finally welcomes the warmth of his family.

Intergenerational hereditary blood cancer! When the teenager fell to the ground and was taken to the hospital, the parents who came to the hospital for the first time were his own parents. After all, all the past discomforts disappeared under the affection. The teenager returned to the home and felt the warmth of his loved ones, but everything It's too late, even if modern medical treatment continues to progress in the face of 'blood cancer', its successful treatment rate is not 100%. Chemotherapy and pain have been entangled with the teenager for two years. At the age of 19, the teenager left the world with regret.


this is! The boy was sober from the illusion, and nothing changed. He was still on the wide white platform.

‘Spectacled panda’ patted the boy ’s head and said, “Did you remember?”

The boy nodded and said slowly, "Yes, I remember! Just ┉┉ 我 ┉┉"

"It's just me?" Looks like there are still some stunned teenager 'spectacled panda' with open arms and loudly said: "A dead house where you can make billions of dollars at only 19 years old is in you It ’s really hard to find a few in the world. "

"But I am indeed a otaku"! The teenager disapproved.

确实 "Indeed! You spend 70% of your life in the room, and it is not wrong to say that you are a otaku."

所以 "So I choose to refuse, I don't want to be a part of the army in the novel."

"Glasses Panda" heard it very frustrated and said, "You used to chat with me before not always saying what you would do if you passed through it, and you vowed that you could definitely do better than the protagonists in those novels. ? Now that you have a chance, you don't want to. "

"Come on! That's just empty talk. Anyone will have some unrealistic dreams. When the real transcendence of reality happens, I bet no one wants to meet this kind of thing!" The teenager still shook his head.

After changing a sofa on the platform, "spectacled panda" sat down and said, "I never gave anyone in your world the opportunity to travel through. You are the first! I chose you because I appreciate your qualifications. ".

"There are more people with better qualifications than me, you can choose other people."

"Please note"! Suddenly, the "glass panda" tone became serious and sincere: "You are the first person to admire me, and at the same time my first friend who is willing to talk heartily, I chose you! Is it you? Hope to die like this? Do you die silently with regret and remorse? Don't you want to appreciate and learn more about this world! Or a whole new and more magnificent world. "

For a while, the boy was silent, but just bowed his head and didn't talk.

"Do you like the fantasy CG I created?" "Panda" said with a magical temptation, "In fact, those CGs are all real! It is another world's most realistic scene I created, don't you want to see it? Not on a flat image , But fully integrated into the real scene, touch it truly, feel it truly, whether it is a majestic dragon or a beautiful fairy city like a dream! "

如果 "If those scenery are real ┉┉┉" the boy raised his head and smiled lightly: "I am willing to exchange all my wealth for a moment to enjoy those scenery ┉┉┉"

"But are you still unwilling?" ‘Panda’ showed some frustration.

The young man nodded and said, "Do you want to know why?"

"I really miss"!

"If you really consider me a panda, you are a good friend you sincerely love, if you really are an omnipotent 'God'! Then you are stunned," said the young man suddenly kneeling in front of the 'spectacled panda' and said sincerely. : "Can you resurrect me back to my family? I have too much regret and guilt for my family. I hope to spend more time with my parents. It is an act of filial piety for a child to die before his parents. , I don't want to see my parents live in sorrow. "

'Glasses Panda' helped the teenager to look at him with a self-deprecating look and laughed: "According to the story development through the novel, you should be holding my thigh at this moment, and then ask me to give you a strong power to facilitate you to dominate the world after crossing Ah? Haha! It seems that the real reality and the novel are two different things! "

"But don't be sad! I just like your spirit." "Glasses Panda" patted the boy's shoulder and said, "Actually, you are not dead!"

The teenager raised his head in surprise, the 'spectacled panda' snapped his fingers, and the scene of the platform began to change again. The scene became the room where the teenager passed away at the last minute. The whole room was like a magic that was paused. The doctor, the nurse, the young man lying on the bed and his parents are still in a fixed position. ~ At the last moment of your life, I stopped the flow of time in your world, Now your body is still biologically alive, of course, when time starts to flow again, maybe it will die in the next second. But I can make your disease completely cured. "

Listening to the words of ‘Panda’, the boy cried in joy and said, “Thank you ┉┉ I ’m so grateful to you.”

"Glasses Panda" shook his head and said, "From the perspective of you, I can understand your mood. Now you can rest assured that your world time has stopped flowing. Now it is in the eternal moment. You can go back at any time. Your world continues your ordinary life┉┉ "

"Do you still want me to cross the other world?" The young man heard some meaning from the words of "Panda", and looked a little bit lost: "But I'm sorry"

"I understand your thoughts very well, but even if you travel to other worlds and live for hundreds of years, your original world will not change. You can come back and return to your life at any time." "Panda glasses" said these words and knelt down in front of the boy: "I beg you, please, please answer my request."

The young man also paused for a moment, he quickly squatted down and lifted up the ‘panda’ and said, “Do n’t do that, did I say that! You really do n’t have any majesty as a‘ God ’”.

Both stood up and silently, the teenager sighed and showed a seemingly reluctant smile, "You really want me to be a traverser"?

"Absolutely sincerely"!

In the face of the 'glass panda', the young man seemed so sincere and determined to say, "If you can answer and help me solve a few questions about crossing, then I promise you."

"no problem"!

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