MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1156 Hidden line information

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While Rayad was investigating the scene with the investigator Lagwen, the mages on the side did not take a break. A large number of magic guides were taken out of the space equipment and installed around the room. The members of the team were kicked out because the site investigation was done and there was nothing to do. It was their turn to deal with the devil's affairs.

Although the security team scolded these ‘bricks’ unhappyly, in the face of this group of real masters, even the security team ’s captain could only obediently leave.

After waiting for a while, the captain of the security team suddenly found out that his old friend Lagwen remained, as a step by step analysis and found the hiding place of the slave boy that was almost considered impossible to find, as The investigator's Lagwen once again became the darling of the upper-level gangsters. It seems that these mages who can't see the top can not ignore Lagwen's ability to let him stay.

Hmm ~ who said that our security team usually eats rice! TMD usually does n’t do any hard work. Our security team is doing it. A group of big brothers fart, and we stubbornly ran out of gas. As a result, so many people pointed at the backbone and scolded waste, maggots, Don't you know how hard and dangerous the work of the members of the security team is?

The captain of the security team blew his lungs for a while, and saw that the mages had finished their work and walked out from the scene of the crime. Lagwen was accompanied by the female mage Layard, who was talking about what seemed to have happened. People talked fiercely, but in the end, Layard was silent for a moment, then took out a magic device and gave it to Lagwen.

When the mages left, members of the security team rushed forward to deal with the aftermath, removed the victim's body, sealed up the entire house and assigned someone to take charge of the guarding, while the rest were organizing the evidence. Ready to take back for further analysis.

"Hey ~ Lagwen! How about that big **** girl to embarrass you?" After the mage left, the security team captain's respect also left with them.

"Just a little old friend! That's the mage, if they left any detection spells down, the sentence you just said may make you lose your current position and even be sent to prison." LaGwen glanced at the security team The captain reminded.

Suddenly the captain of the security team, who was originally a mercenary, suddenly covered his mouth in horror. For a while, his forehead was full of cold sweat, yeah! God knows if there are any surveillance magic left by those mages. What I said just now would be bad if recorded by magic!

Seeing the old friend shut his mouth, Lagwen pulled him down and whispered, "The female mage with a really big **** wants to take away all the information, whether it is the devil or the analysis of the case itself ~ but was I've investigated the case and asked her to leave me a little bit. At least we don't have to touch it with two eyes and one black when we go back. "

"Good job, I know you can do it," said the captain of the security squad with a punch.

At this moment, a member of the security team rushed over and passed a document in front of the captain. After taking a look at the document, the security team captain handed it to Lagwen: "Victim His identity has been found out, just a guy who loaned usury. Some time ago, the whole force was driven out of the black street after being monopolized by the new black rose. Now he has formed a small gang. Get back to work. "

After reading the document, Lagwen looked at it. Compared with the rudeness of the security team captain, Lagwen looked much more carefully. It seems that every word and every piece of information may bring important information.

From the point of view of intelligence, the man who was killed was a personal scum, a scum that lived by knocking on bones and sucking bones, and said that whether it was devoured by the soul or sacrificed to the devil. For the man who killed many of his family's wives, his first reaction was to report evil and evil, and going to **** was his most deserving belonging.

If it was the boy who had summoned the demon to perform this sacrifice murder, then He deliberately chose such a scum, instead of choosing an ordinary person in the lower area who would not pay much attention even if he died.

Is there still a conscience hidden in this child?

Lagwen sighed while looking at the document. A child born in his childhood who suffered as a slave and suffered in this city had no choice but to escape to the outside world to enjoy all the good things when he gained great power and freedom, Instead, he persisted in revenge in this hostile city, even if he was pursued and besieged, but in this case he still has a conscience and humanity as a human.

It should be said that a person's origin and ancestry cannot truly represent a person who is born with so-called nobility and inferiority. A slave who has mastered the power of the demon still adheres to the last conscience and humanity in his heart. Maybe the city has already turned into a demon without blood and tears.


Just after the security team headquarters just sorted and backed up the data, a detailed investigation data was also quietly passed by Rugwen's hand to Lu Luxiu in the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce. After the security team's investigation And search, the information obtained is far more abundant than if Lu Luxiu had decided to investigate by himself, the security team that is dominant in numbers is obviously more efficient than intelligence alone in acting alone.

The only regret is that Graven did not get all the information in the hands of the female mage. As for the so-called countermeasures department set up by the city council to deal with the devil, in the view of Lelouch, its main members are Yunoki, who is a demon in itself. Your Majesty, this countermeasure department is simply the thief's catching thief department. To put it bluntly, from the beginning to the end, it was the private army established by Yunokia, a private army dedicated to the fallen master and Claire.

As a demon, Yunokia is more familiar with the devil's mode of operation, and has more advantages in intelligence collection and analysis.

"No demon enters the world, just devours instead of summoning ~ Ha! Ridiculous." Luluxiu looked at the report with the description of the female mage Radya and felt only funny: "Deception, betrayal, instigation, confusion, here in this In cities like gunpowder barrels, it's hard to find a way to enter them, and it's strange to not make good use of them. "

Alyssa looked a little embarrassed after seeing Luluxiu put down her files. Obviously, her experience in the Golden Harvest had given her a lot of psychological shadow.

"Sorry ~ talked about something you don't like."

Alisa touched her chest and calmed the restless heart: "It's nothing, just a little upset. I always feel incompetent to go there and meet these demons."

You can meet demons when you walk there, maybe it is.

Lelouch also wondered about the luck of his party. After entering the free city, what he originally thought was to settle down and develop slowly. After the expansion of the power, he was steadily advancing in search of the soul stone, but the result was one after another after entering the city. The encounter with the transcendent, first the black dragon, then the blood, and then the female demon Yunokia disguised as a human, and now the demon masters in the void have personally entered this world, facing so many transcendents, especially The devil who doesn't play cards reasonably, this city always gives people a feeling of sooner or later.

Although Lagwen in the report mainly analyzes Claire's psychology and some speculations about the possible location and current status of Claire, what exactly Claire and the devil did in secret refers to the information given by the female mage Rayad, but it is face to face. Based on this incomplete information, Lelouch also roughly inferred something Claire might do.

First, demons were summoned and entered this world, but according to the current situation of the free city, Claire and the fallen master should not choose those three big and five coarse-looking demons, most likely to summon some intelligence-gathering, Stealth assassination of demons and other abilities. Although Claire is holding the magical gem, it is clear that Yunochia also has the relics of the Son of the Star and can restrain it. Unless the fallen Lord's deity comes down in person, the boy has no courage to showdown with the city, but according to the previous Claire's mode of action, obviously using gems will cause him a considerable burden, and it may be the limit to let the form of the avatar's avatar into the main material plane.

At this time, it is natural to hide, it is too conspicuous to summon the three big and five rough-faced demons.

"Is it a demon? It's interesting, but I really want to see how terrible monsters originally appeared only in ancient myths."

Safiros leaning against the wall was eager to try, and missed two good shows in a row, which made this lonely soldier very upset recently ~ ~ I especially want to find something to vent.

"You will have a chance in the future, Safiros."

Lu Luxiu stood up and watched the curtains slightly open, looking at the outside blocks: "Apart from summoning demons, the free city may be more lively in the future. The cost of demons coming to this world is too great, and it is too conspicuous. , Then those cultists who belong to this world themselves may not let this opportunity go. For the demon master, it is better to let this unstable and revenge-bearing child master the unimaginable power. In your own hands. "

Alisa nodded and added: "It is not the first time that cultists want to enter the free city for many years, and there are not a few cultists who are hanged and executed every year. Free city does not like to be interfered by religion and the gods. Devils are not welcome. "

"In the case of a city dominated by demons, but no other demons are allowed to enter it, Yunokia is a more exotic existence."

Lulu Xiu shook his head and thought about the relationship between Yunogeya and the fallen master that night, let alone the boss and the subordinate master and slave. The posture that seems to be the fallen dominated Bellis Mi seems to be incompatible. Like the enemy.