MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1128 1 closes and 1 starts

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If you want to position yourself and your life, what is your life like?

Regarding this issue, Gus only wanted to say that his life definitely offended the goddess of fortune. He spent his life as a mercenary on the battlefield and he survived death and blood killing and being killed. The other half was used as a sacrifice. Pin fights with apostles, demons, and undead in the dark, wakes up from nightmares in countless nights, and sleeps unsteadily for one night, and such days until from which **** world to another not too **** So far.

A world like a myth, a real world of races in these myths like dragon elves, in the city covered by heavy snow, under the shelter of magic, demons and undead finally dared not come on their own, I can finally get a good night's sleep, don't worry about being attacked by them in the middle of the night, don't need to wake up from nightmares every time I'm nervous, and don't have to chew cold dry food every day. Eating hot, delicate meals even made me a little accustomed to it at first.

Although the battle still exists, at least I am not alone, and I am not walking on the underworld like an alien. I have started to have more companions who can talk about my distress on the road. This is probably dark for myself. The most precious salvation of all.


The face of the steel prosthetic limb was in the middle, the nose bone of the assassin's boss under the mask was completely broken, and the cranial pressure caused by the huge impact made the eyes pop out as if to burst. As a high-level assassin, after undergoing patience training, he did not let His syncope passed, but the leader of the assassin seemed to have completely lost the ability to fight, and the soldiers covering Gus had unceremoniously used a skill called 'slash' on him, which was cut off with a single sword. The other half of the body.

If there is data here, then the soldier must have hit a crit with anger.

He easily defeated the high-level assassin who attacked, and Gus can only say that this guy is really unlucky. During the time of traveling with Lu Luxiu, he can be said to be the master of the shadow stream master. The superb technique of concealing the breath has been used to it. After being used to concealing this perfect breath, the assassin's slightly concealed breath concealing is as conspicuous as lighting his own face with a bright and dazzling lamp, sneaking into the darkness in the other party When he approached, he already knew his purpose.

And that poisonous dagger is really dangerous, if it is not his own hand or a prosthetic leg, or if he once rejected Yalin's plan to restore the broken hand, maybe he has already died under that kind of poison However, it is also using his ignorance of himself and then holding the prosthetic leg against him, then giving him a fatal blow.

If it weren't for all of these factors combined to give yourself an advantage, you might have to spend more time trying to get rid of this guy.

"Well, the heads of these cowards are dead, and the rest is resolved."

At this moment, Gus also followed the advantage to prepare for victory and chase, ready to defeat the assassin's shaken morale in one breath.

The next battle also quickly showed a one-sided situation. Although they were not part of the same organization, they saw that the strongest person had been killed so easily, and it was so miserable that they died. Apparently, the assassins had already It was resigned, and no one wanted to face the terrible sword and wrist strength that could cut three people at once.

The indicator behind the scenes has no plans to continue the battle. In the face of the man in black armor, the assassin on his own side is as weak as a child. He can't even use the human sea tactics to take advantage of some advantages before there is no comparable weapon. Here.

Although these assassins are cheap chess pieces that have been prepared for cutting, it does not mean that they are wasted.

When the seventeenth enemy was cut under the sword and he saw the enemy that had begun to retreat, Gus finally relaxed his tight muscles, and after the rest of the soldiers returned, they counted and killed 32 people. This is already this. The group of assassins is more than half, and the opponent can persist until nearly half of the dead and wounded before escaping. As far as the will is concerned, it is already a great chess piece.

"Our casualties?"

"No lord!"

A soldier wearing an armor with a height almost as high as Gus came to the side of Gus and saluted: "Four people were injured at different levels, but fortunately the injuries were not a big deal. We have already taken a master class antidote beforehand and will not have life. dangerous."

"Very good." Gus nodded with satisfaction and looked at the corpse on the ground. "Clean it up a bit, watch out for vigilance, and don't know if they will return."

"Observe, sir!"

The wounded soldiers also joined the cleanup after taking the healing potion. By the way, the scattered items on the assassins were searched out and collected. Various poisons, anesthetics, darts, flying knives, camouflage tools, climbing tools, A lot of miscellaneous things, such as unlockers, and even searched for a lot of Havana tobacco from some corpses. And the things that can prove the identity of the other party have nothing. Although not all are sent from the same organization, the organizations that sent them all invariably destroy everything that may expose themselves, even soldiers. A pill for self-use was also found in the other's teeth.

Just as the eight soldiers were lifting the corpses while they were on alert, Gus had contacted Tangier and ran to the inside of the warehouse. Compared to these low-level cannon fodder outside, it could not be protected by the defensive circle. The assassins who sneaked into the workshop were much stronger when they were removed, and it was not known if Kenjiro could handle it alone.

"Sure enough ~ I'm probably only suitable for this life in my life."

On the way, thinking about the previous battle Gus could not help but sigh.

The battle that was just unsatisfactory just now, Gus can obviously feel that after getting used to fighting those weird and terrible apostles, he fights against human beings who are also humans, even in a different world with a stronger overall strength. I think it's too simple.

There is no strength that can tear tigers, no sharp arms like sickles, no overwhelmingly amazing volume, no amazing jumping force, and tentacles that can be stabbed from any unexpected place in all directions. Compared to the Saxony kingdom, The undead warriors encountered were much stronger than these assassins. After getting used to fighting non-human monsters, he was not used to engaging in such modest battles with opponents who were also human.

The most speechless thing is that you can sleep peacefully every night after you come to another world. You don't have to worry about facing death and all kinds of monsters, but you feel a loss in your heart, even on weekdays. The self-training here can't satisfy this sense of loss, but today's battle instead made me feel lost. When the sword was cut and the enemy was killed, when blood splashed on his face, he actually had a kind of himself. It is a feeling of existence.

"Do I like masochism? Or do I never forget something without knowing it?" Gus shook his head and was inexplicable about his mentality.

However, Tangier also sent Gus with good news and bad news. The good news is that three of the intruders who have invaded the warehouse have been killed. Three, and the bad news is that the last one is abnormal. Powerful, its ability to sneak and hide the breath is so powerful that it is difficult to detect even the dense protective array arranged in the warehouse. Every time he captures his trace, he will quickly disappear into hiding, until now it is like a joke. Everyone is still hiding in the warehouse.

The opponent may be an extraordinary person, but also an extraordinary person who is good at sneaking assassins!

Tangier's tone is very dignified, and Gus' face is also dignified. He has deeply understood these so-called extraordinary people in the world these days, and some powerful extraordinary people are monsters beyond human imagination. Mortals are absolutely unable to resist the existence, and in the face of this monster, Kenjiro, he does not know if he can cope.

Gus could not help speeding up his pace.

At the same time, Kenjiro, who is responsible for dealing with the enemy who has sneaked in, also encountered the opponent this time. An opponent who has not been able to capture the figure of the opponent until now, wanders like a ghost in a huge warehouse, looming. The breath is not only himself, but also the master of the shadow stream, who is also good at stealth and assassination, playing a twelve-point spirit to deal with the target.

That's right! The Lord of Shadows joined the battle.

This ruthless ninja, who was haunted by ordinary people, heard the sound of fighting and screaming when Tanger arrived at the warehouse under Tangier's instructions ~ ~ As the sound moved forward, Kenjiro saw him in turn on the road. At the corpses of two assassins, one was horrified with an unbelievable expression on his throat, and the other was defensive, but the heart was pierced from behind, and the third assassin When Kenjiro arrived, he was stabbed into the brain from the chin by the hijacking spider blade that emerged from the shadow. After a brief twitch, he was completely out of breath.

The power of one person solved the three high-level assassins, and the abnormal humiliation and terror that caused the three to die. Obviously, the assassination and stealth skills of the shadow school ninja brought a huge impact to the three colleagues, let them to It is impossible to believe that the assassin was actually assassinated during the assassination mission.

"Be careful! There is another, much stronger than these three wastes."

He didn't care about his own record, instead he completely focused on the last enemy.

Kenjiro also heard in the tone of the robbery. The last assassin was obviously an opponent of its kind. The robbery was like aiming at the favorite prey. After reminding him, he quickly hid in the darkness and started. Competition between field stealth and anti-stealth.

Maybe it's not just that they are evenly matched. Maybe this time their opponents will be stronger.