MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1120 Embarrassing status quo

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There is a huge generation gap between the mortal and the mortal in this world. In a power-oriented world, wealth and rights can play a very limited role. In the face of the overwhelming violence of the mortal, the mortal is on the battlefield. It can be said that it was only slaughtered on one side, and now the extraordinary people hide their identities and walk among mortals instead of brutalizing themselves as rulers to enslave them, thanks to the world's sophisticated operating system.

The transcendent is monitored by the gods above the sky, because the gods who need mortal faith to maintain themselves will never ignore the wanton killing and slavery of mortals by the transcendent. After all, the amount of belief is directly related to the safety and security of the gods. When his life is threatened, even the benevolent deities may become less benevolent.

Suppose ... if this world does not have this complex 'ecosystem' in operation, then mortals can really only be slaughtered among the mortal.

The leader of the Black Knights Zero is also Lulu Xiu of the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce. After coming to this strange world and getting a deep understanding, he understands how cruel and ruthless this world is, and he has to say even more than his own world. Cruel, although the Britannia Empire saw the colonial population as an inferior nation for exploitation, anyway, it also gave them the opportunity to work and live, but in this world, the superhuman can completely treat mortals as slaves without bondage. To deal with, but also not to worry about their resistance at all.

Those who are hidden in the upper levels of the free city, whether it is the black dragon prince Closide, the female demon Yunokia, or Philola with a wrong sexual orientation, why do they hide themselves as extraordinary? Acting in accordance with the rules established by mortals is mainly because of the gods that restrict them. Whether it is the Silverwing Chamber of Commerce or Black Rose wanting to truly develop to the upper levels of the city, it is impossible to avoid their influence.

As the chairman of the Silver Wing Chamber of Commerce and himself as the leader of the Black Knights, they have entered the eyes of these extraordinary people. It is only a matter of time before the same black roses are stared at by these extraordinary people. When the day comes, adjust slowly to adapt, it is better to start to adapt now to prepare for the future.

"The tremendous pressure that so-called transcendents put on mortals is really stronger than imagined."

In the headquarters of the Black Rose, the VIP lounge has driven away all the idlers, etc., in order to entertain today's VIP Le Fulan, he took out a bottle of the treasured Sandenberg wine, which was originally produced in Cordoba, western mainland. The wine of the Kingdom of Toskara, indeed, matches the reputation of the water droplets of God in taste and taste.

"Do you need a drink?"

"Just a little ..."

After confirming that there were no more people around, Lelouch took a long breath and took off the mask representing the identity of zero.

A little bit of frozen red wine was poured into the glass, and Levran poured another glass for himself and laughed: "Her Luluxiu, are you not good enough?"

"Well, I was n’t a drinker before and I do n’t know how much, but now I ’m afraid of wasting. For people who are never drunk, wine is no different from sweet juice." Lu Luxiu shook the glass and drank it.

After being reincarnated to the dragon, it brings unparalleled strength and physique, as well as some subtle side effects. For example, alcohol is difficult to make people drunk, and at least one wants to intoxicate a dragon. It is necessary to prepare a drink measured in tons. In addition, after the dragon is transformed, his food intake has also greatly increased. Usually, it is good to maintain the human form, and it will feel very good to restore the dragon form or fight too high-intensity battles. Hunger, you need to eat a lot of food to eliminate this hunger.

After a confrontation with Yunokia last time, Lelouch found that his appetite was so good that he ate the amount of food he would normally eat for a week.

"If you count, Your Excellency will now play three roles by yourself. As a Zero of the Black Knights, how many people do you have now?" Levran asked with a small drink.

"I have only three people plus the number."

"Ha ~" Le Fulan shook her head and smiled in response to this funny response: "This is not the same as those leather bag commerce associations in the free city, from the chairman to the staff members."

Regardless of this, Lelouch can't help it. The Black Knights are still preparing, because considering the confidentiality, there is no other suitable person except the Mage Trust and Crystal Dragon Buani from Ulduar City. Now, a large part of the family members from Ulduar need to guard the pharmacy and chamber of commerce, and most of the companions from Ulduar have already appeared in this city. Not good at making them members of the Black Knights.

Any existence that can reach the extraordinary realm will become extremely powerful and sharp mentally. To hide their spiritual perception, it is not easy to cover a face with a mask.

In the end, I have three rings that can be used to change the appearance and hide the breath. I originally wanted to get some more rings of this kind from Yalin, but the number of only 80 made Yalin subconscious. He took a nap, and we can see that this kind of ring is not a decimal in terms of cost. The idea of ​​forming a black knight with a ring can only be eliminated.


Although the Black Knights can only be regarded as a "Leather Bag" Knights, but the potential is still very large. After all, the leader and the tentative beater No. 1 are both dragons, and the beater No. 2 is also a strength. The high-ranking mage with full of talents of ice and fire, Luluxiu decided to absorb some valuable local people from the free city through the black roses. Luluxu did not think it was too difficult. The city was too much. Twisted and cruel. With thousands of years of accumulation of blood and corpses, the cities with bright appearances do n’t know how many people who have suppressed their thoughts of resistance and revenge. As long as they can show them a way, these are unjust and cruel. The persecuted people will burst out like gunpowder barrels.

Of course, the result of a complete outbreak naturally ushered in a complete suppression. Luluxiu did not want to challenge the final bosses behind the scenes, let alone the black dragon prince Closide and the female demon Yunokia, as mortals. Lawrence and Phillips can easily crush the newly established Black Knights.

Although it is necessary to train the armed men of Black Rose, in fact Lelouch is not ready to train them by force. After all, Lelouch's positioning for himself is also a commander and commander rather than a trainer. He knows himself For army building and command, know how to let a group of militia bury the elite regular army through trapping and trickery, but they are not good at training an ordinary person into an invincible warrior, let alone facing the bottom of a group of society It ’s better to expect that they can grow up to fight against the transcendent, and it is better to expect that they are stabbed to death by an olive while eating.

I am not training the personnel of Black Rose for direct force confrontation, but I am training these personnel to deal with the extraordinary people. In the future interaction with the extraordinary people, the members of the Black Rose must know how to swim in these extraordinary Or avoiding them, knowing how to figure out the other's psychology is using the "potential" instead of the direct "force" to deal with the problem with the transcendent.

Lelouch discussed with Levran for a long time on the training of members of the Black Rose. The rules in this city, unless one day you can be strong enough to become a rule maker, for this reason Levran does not want a few black and white dreadful men and women in his black roses to provoke the extraordinary in this city This brings disaster.

"Although the title of the transcendent is given, the transcendent is also divided into three or six or nine. Some people who have just stepped into the transcendent field are actually no different from mortals. They are just more powerful in terms of personal combat power. It can still be done by skilled cooperation and traps. "

In the original 11th district, the black knights led by Lelouch once used the british empire's army to fight the classic airport with fewer wins and more battles ~ ~ as long as the gap is not too large to completely The extent to which the method can be made up, even if the Britannia Empire has a super pilot other than Suzuki, it can still restrain him by calculating and arranging the battlefield, but when it comes to Suzaku this level of super After more drivers come, it is not possible to restrict each other by relying on layout and traps.

Levran also said thoughtfully: "Maybe we can also try to win some extraordinary people, and believe that His Royal Highness Prince and Yunokia should not control the extraordinary people in the whole city."

"If all they can control is poured into their Majesty, and the rest are probably some unsavory generations. They are unwilling to be bound by Closide and Yunokia, and naturally they are more unwilling to be bound by us. Not to mention our current strength is much worse than that of Closide and Yunokia. "

It is a good idea to win over the extraordinary, but the personality of the extraordinary is too changeable and arrogant. It is very difficult to truly gain their loyalty. After all, they have the strength to do whatever they want in front of mortals. After all, the person is not the kind of brainless npc that can't leave the map. The strongest level 10 player on the previous map can be the overlord. As a result, the strongest level 20 player on the next map would prefer to be a gatekeeper for others. Go to the previous map and become the emperor.

Moreover, even if you want to surrender, you must choose the one with the thickest thighs to hold, and the black roses and the black knights are obviously not!

I'm afraid we have to discuss this issue from a long-term perspective. .


Read The Duke's Passion