MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1108 Assault and counter kill

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The merchants of the Black Stone Ring and the Carlsheim Empire were the secretly completed one of the largest commercial and trade agreements and cooperation agreements in the history of the mainland, and what was disclosed to the outside for confidentiality was only a very common reciprocal trade agreement. The Empire also conducted a rigorous political review of all negotiators, and Closing of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce did not take it lightly, but conducted a review of all participants with its own unique means to ensure the trade. No third party will ever know the truth until it is completed.

On the return journey, the staff of the Chamber of Commerce of the Blackstone Circle did not need to use the teleportation array in a hurry as they said. Instead, they set foot on a chartered luxury airship and returned to the free city. During the four-day journey, everyone also held a small celebration party on the airship. The agreement worth 70 billion rien has been successfully signed. Although it cannot be announced for confidentiality now, it has become enough history anyway. Anonymous characters.

Everyone was very happy, but in order to be afraid of spitting out the truth, everyone tried to restrain themselves when they were in the Carlsheim Empire. However, in a private room not far from the Qing Gong venue, the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce Closed But like a strange alien to the lively atmosphere, watching Alsa's message to her sister alone.

No useful value 有用

After listening to the video recording for more than ten minutes, Closed turned off the magic device. It only recorded the feelings of some girls and sisters, and there was no more valuable information.

I failed to bring back Aisha's mistakes. I hope this little thing will allow Her Majesty the White Dragon King to give herself a little time, or to give some evidence that Aisha is willing to follow her away willingly, such as her The hidden sister, if she had a letter this time, she might not lose herself at the gamble.

"Well it seems a visitor is here."

Suddenly, Closed noticed some situations. In the distance in the sky, a strange atmosphere seemed to be hiding. He had approached the airship quickly in a circuitous way. The number was about a hundred or so, and there were roughly two feet. Flying dragons, gryphons, hunting eagles, humans and drow, and a few orcs!


Closside stood up with a little spirit. After projecting his mental power, he could accurately distinguish the number of attackers and the approximate occupational composition. Although there were five wizards, the magic level was not very high, but several of them were The breath of the drow elves assassins showed that their skills were obviously good, but they were caught because they could not hide the breath because they rode on the flying Warcraft.

I have to say that this is really a blood loss!

Slightly squinting, Crosid quickly analyzed. There were 10 other two of the Big Three in the Free City to arrange the attack. In the Free City, they were not convenient to attack themselves so boldly, and outside. Then there are no taboos. However, this time Lawrence and Phillips have really lost their money. You should know that airships are one of the most important transportation vehicles on the mainland. They are all obvious in safety. Usually, the bandits and gangsters spreading in the remote mountains Even if the robber is fierce, he cannot fly to the air to rob the airship. If he takes off in a flying Warcraft, the number is too small, it is likely that the robber will not be robbed, and the guards stationed on the airship will kill him.

As for some of the popular air convoys on the mainland that also fly airships, it is even more nonsense. Aircrafts, such sophisticated large-scale magic guided machines, let alone robber groups, are played by some small countries. No, just the financial cost of daily maintenance and the large number of professional ground crews can make any robber group stare. Once the ground crews who have the skills to repair airships go to airship stations in any country on the mainland. Can find a good job with a good salary, who will be full and have nothing to do with a group of bandits?

Even if it can solve the maintenance problem, the reason why the robber group can run side by side is the covert and rapid action. After the robbery succeeds, it is immediately evacuated, but the airship obviously cannot do this, let alone if there is a gangster In the event of a robbery in an airship, it is estimated that the countries in the relevant regions will pay the price of turning over the hills in the accident area, and all these bold robbers will be caught on the gallows.

After all, a threatened airship route is equivalent to breaking a golden business road. No matter whether it is a country or a businessman walking on this business road, this kind of thing will not be missed. It is like killing parents. It's not fun! At least until now, apart from crashes and forced landings caused by technical malfunctions, manipulation errors, and weather, the airships of the eastern and western parts of the mainland have never been robbed. Some robbers have mixed them in and out in advance. Caused by airship.

And this time actually gathered so many people at one time, and collected so many flying Warcraft to attack themselves at almost no cost, it seems that Lawrence and Phillips did indeed lose money.

Closed closed his eyes for a moment, thinking, then got up and walked out of the room to avoid the people around him and came to the airship deck.

This airship is a small model, which is mainly rented out for travel services. The decoration is fast and luxurious, but also because of the size, it includes not enough crew and attendants. It was estimated that the attacking team of nearly a hundred people and the various flying Warcrafts they were riding could not resist for even ten minutes.

Whenever there was an airship standing in the Carlsheim Empire, there should be spies inserted by Lawrence and others, who explained the time and route of their departure. If you choose to attack yourself at this time, you can also destroy the airship by accident and cover up the illusion that the airship crashed. Even if someone has noticed some unusual places, but wait until the vice president of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce After growing into a corpse, I believe no one will offend the Big Three for a dead body.

Of course, this is not without cost. The status of the Free City as a commercial hub in the eastern part of the mainland will be severely shaken, and the prestige of the Big Three will be greatly weakened. After all, the current situation will no matter how to cover up his death It makes people doubt that the Big Three, and the election of the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce will completely turn into a formalist face-saving project. Everyone will know that the Big Three in the free city threatens themselves in order to keep their power. Businessmen, then next time when they grow up, will it be their turn to point the knife over.

It is inevitable that the extraordinary commercial status of the free city will be affected. Even the election of the chairman of the chamber of commerce and the upper conference will be completely reduced to a shell. No one will obey an organization that is ready to eliminate any aliens who threaten itself. That's why Phillips and Lawrence still did, and apparently they have indeed seriously threatened them.

Closing sneered. Regardless of whether the attack was planned by Lawrence or Phillips, although time and location were chosen correctly, only the person and the side did not choose.

For ordinary people, this attack is deadly and certain, but as an 'Black Prince', no attacking team joined by any extraordinary person can crush them with their fingers when facing themselves. Dead ants are not too bad.

Closing jumped over the parapet on the deck and fell into the dark air below when no one was around. The crew under the cover of the airboat searched the surrounding flight environment with searchlights and found nothing abnormal. .

Immediately, the only light source of the airship, the surroundings were like five fingers in the dark abyss, but there was no effect on Closed at all, even if there was no dragon's strong night vision ability. Your mental perception is more efficient at detecting changes around you than by visual observation alone.

The momentum in the free city has accumulated enough. It is no longer necessary to weaken Lawrence and Phillips' reputation, not to mention the fact that tonight will hit the entire free city.

So deal with it secretly!

Closie sneered and flew towards the high altitude and approached the attacker who was riding Warcraft near the airship. The team of hundreds was not a small number plus His Majesty's Warcraft. Looking at it like a group The greedy vulture is generally, the worldly kingdom born in the airship quickly realized the importance of air power, and occupying the enemy's sky is equivalent to holding the initiative in its own hands, whether it is intelligence detection or assault. Bring a decisive advantage, even in the beginning when the era of ground troops was about to end, and those who dominate the sky in the future can dominate the world!

Because of this, all the powerful countries on the mainland are forming their own air forces ~ ~, and all kinds of flying Warcraft on the mainland have suddenly become sought-after goods. In fact, these attackers are afraid It can be set up in the Carlsheim Empire as a small air squadron. The superiority of the air force is definitely better than their mercenaries. Since they dare to come, they can only show that either Lawrence and Philly The dead men that Perth himself cultivated, either, were given an astronomical reward.

But it doesn't matter. Anyone here is going to be dead anyway.

In the dark environment, the position of the airship can be tracked. Obviously, each of the attackers was blessed with night vision.

Seeing this, Closide flew slightly above them and flew directly above them. Although the night vision was blessed, the attackers did not expect that there would be enemies at this time and they were directly above them. There were not even hundreds of people. Anyone raised his head to look at the top of his head.

Closed stared coldly at these impoverished worms, and his fingertips were condensed by the dark spots that were still dark, and the five black streamers shot straight at each one and aimed at one of the attackers. Master.

The killing begins immediately! (.)