MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1100 See the 1-leg bet

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Love is blind, and it is also extremely blind when a person pursues his favorite things. The irrational behavior will be planted in this child ’s heart forever after the yoke of sane is broken by the surging emotions. Seed.

Turnia wants to help Chrydil pull out this seed, dare to face this way in addition to ignorance and fearless, this child has extraordinary courage, or a very good seed, and now as a goddess The messenger's own obligation is to ensure that excellent seedlings will not grow too crooked in the future.

"Look at your courage, I'll give you a chance."

Turner smiled and stared at Kryder. "You can try to convince Aisha, as long as Aisha is willing to follow you, then I will convince myself to give up and give up Aisha, and then transfer her ownership to you."

As soon as this remark was taken by Aisha, who was regarded as a bargaining chip, the girl almost doubted whether she had heard it wrong, and looked up at Tenaya with an inquiring expression.

Not only Aisha, but even Chrydiel's expression of hatred gradually calmed down, and it seemed difficult to imagine that the female demon in her heart would say such a thing, and the aristocracy and guests at the side also talked about it. For these confident words of Tanya, they all thought that Tanya had completely "tweaked" her pet, and the elf girl in front of her estimated that she really wanted to set her free and she did not dare to leave Tenna Ya.

Crediril did not immediately agree, but watched Tenaya with vigilant eyes.

Tenaya sneered dismissively: "I know what you are thinking. Do you think I will use spirit magic to control Aisha, or will I threaten Aisha in private to prevent her from leaving? Rest assured ~ I still can't use this A boring little way, and I can tell you very clearly that Aisha will definitely choose to continue to follow me, because I gave Aisha something you absolutely can't give. "

"As long as I convince Aisha to follow me, will you never take Aisha away?"


"Neither will His Royal Highness Prince Augusta or anyone else take Aisha away."

Turnaya frowned: "You are a little skeptical at a young age, but it is not bad to be cautious. I can assure you that as long as Aisha agrees, I will never regret it and never use any other means. Taking back Aisha or someone taking Aisha from your side has been sworn by my name, Tanya Frost, and all guests here, including the Grand Duke and Prince Augusta peeking aside, can become witness!"

In the dark, the Duke of Catherine, who was monitoring the situation in the hall through the projection screen and accidentally shot, looked distressed as if he had eaten a green fly, and Augusta looked at his valiant minister helplessly. Shrugged.

"Are you satisfied then? Little ghost!"

Every word was bitten by Tenaya, and the onlookers around him heard that Tenaya was serious this time, as long as the little elf girl named Aisha did choose Krydier, so special Naya will never regret it, let alone take an oath in front of so many people, even if Turna ’s status is special, if she violates the oath, it will be in Carlsmen and even the entire Big 6 Eastern aristocratic social circle Leaving a notoriety for breaking the oath.

With such a guarantee, Cradyle nodded and was preparing to open his mouth to agree, but Tenaya reached out to stop him and continued to say, "But I also have the conditions, if you can't, then ┉"

"Never get closer to Aisha again?" Krydiel gritted his teeth and looked at Tenaya.

Compared with the fear caused when Tenaya destroyed the ring before, never letting Isaac approach any more made Krydier fearful and unacceptable.

"Haha ~ never talk about it, but you are not allowed to come to see or see Aisha until you reach 2o."

Turnia stooped down and deliberately used a vicious voice to say: "Emotions will be diluted by time. I want to see if you can continue to like Aisha after a few years, or Say at that time you have found another object you like, and if you can still maintain the mood of today, then I am giving you a chance. "

"Okay! Okay! I agree!" Krydiel waved his hand firmly and said firmly.

I am 14 years old this year, and I have said more or less in six years. It is absolutely impossible for me to forget Isa. Even if I cannot take away Isa today, I will still be here after 2o. Try to take Aisha away.

Seeing that Keldir was watching her affectionately, Aisha, who was once regarded as a bet, was a little dissatisfied. Whether it was for Keldir or Tenaya, she was as casual as it was to decide as an object to buy and sell. Anyone who falls into this kind of destiny will feel sad and dissatisfied for himself.

Aisha wanted to protest but was glared back by Tenaya. In the presence of Tenaya, Aisha now dare not say anything about her request.

"Interesting gamble, can I also join it?"

However, at this moment, a voice came from behind, as if it was magical. The guests who were still interested in the crowd around them were like soldiers who had been ordered, and they turned aside regardless of their status. Come.

"Oh, Lord Clossay."

"Who is he? It seems that I haven't seen him much in social circles."

"As a friend, I have to remind you to learn more about the external affairs. This Vice President of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce, His Excellency Closide, is also the most powerful person who is expected to be the chairman of the Free City Chamber of Commerce. Today ’s The banquets are all specially organized for the Black Rock Circle Chamber of Commerce. "

"Vice President ~ Are you sure? It looks so younger than me at such a young age."

Closside, in a black dress, walked lightly and walked forward. The handsome and handsome temperament was unique among countless nobles and upper-class people. If you want to say, you have the same temperament as Closed. Extraordinary people, but most of these people have reached middle age and even have to be white, and the young aristocrat Junjie has a stable and mature sense of vicissitude and the kind that seems to swallow the world compared to Closide. Boldness.

Many aristocratic girls and ladies stared at Closed with intoxicated eyes. Not only were the young and golden men of extraordinary temperament, only the Prince Augusta in the entire Carlsheim Empire was comparable to him. It's no wonder that even the Princess Celine, who has the reputation of golden gems in the empire, couldn't help but feel a little lost when she first saw him, and it was unprecedented that the two of them had been alone for nearly half an hour after their first meeting. .

No matter who His Royal Highness Princess Seline meets for the first time, whoever can talk to the Princess for five or six minutes is the limit, let alone Her Royal Highness used ‘impressive’ to describe him.

He is handsome and young, and may be the chairman of the next chamber of commerce in the free city. Such a potential vice president of the chamber of commerce, tonight, I do n’t know how many women have attacked it. At the start of the banquet When there were fewer than five women around Crossside, many men became the object of envy and jealousy.

"I'm also very interested in this little elf girl, can you join this gamble?" After coming to the front, Croside glanced at Tanya, and then she focused on Aisha.

Being watched by the emerald green and black pupils of different colors, Aisha shivered unconsciously for a while, and then she felt that the tall man who was watching her in front of her was not like a human, but it was somewhat like some extreme There is a huge and terrible twisting existence staring at himself. The eyes in the other's eyes reveal red-naked possessiveness, but it is not as scary as others, nor is it red-hot The affection of love is more like a kind of more pure possessiveness, like the need to complete a certain obsession.

He must get himself!

There was a thought in Aisha's mind, and some of those who were suddenly afraid shook and grasped Tenaya's hand tightly.

The female assistant Emma, ​​who was wearing an evening gown behind Closide, could not help but poked out Aisha ~ ~ It turns out that this is the elf girl who the vice president has always been thinking about, Hmm ~ Although she is really cute and looks like a pitiful little cat, she has the urge to take her back and raise her, but she ’s just an elf, although she ’s young Elves are indeed rare, but as long as you have money in a free city, there is nothing you can't buy.

Is there anything special about this little girl elsewhere?

"Oh! It turns out you're Closide." Turner stared at Closide in a "first meeting": "Is that the guy who has been holding my little pet forever?"

"Hello, Miss Turner, I think Her Royal Highness Augusta should have mentioned you to me." Closed retracted his eyes from Aisha and stared at Turner's gaze.

In Rogge's report, the half-elf mage in front of him resisted the black dragon guard Garrodus with his magic and a quasi-religious staff lost ten thousand years ago. Some sort of bizarre magic killed the Black Dragon Guard, a powerful black dragon who survived the dragon war thousands of years ago.

However, according to Rogge, the half-elf should have died in the battle.

Since the former Tenaya was dead, who is this one in front of her now? Or is it that Rogge's unreliable guy is so stupid that he can't distinguish between dead and living people? 8

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