MTL - Otherworldly White Dragon Lord-Chapter 1096 Little abductor (on)

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Golden hall!

It is as tall as a temple dome. Numerous exquisite reliefs will make the equipment luxurious and noble. The bright lights emitted by the luxurious chandeliers around it will reflect the hall like daylight. A band of up to 100 people will play hard for the guests. Feeling relaxed music, and countless men and women dancing, is this the human world?

At the gate, in the surprise of the servant's immovable look, Aisha, who was wearing a princess dress behind Tennaa, who was somewhat frightened, seemed like a lamb to be sent into the tiger's mouth. At this moment, she was tightly wearing lace gloves. His little hand grabbed Tenaya's hand and stepped into the banquet hall. The fastest update As an uninvited guest, Tenaya did not feel any discomfort but walked in the ballroom in exquisite gowns, as a technical consultant personally appointed by Augusta in the Carlsheim Empire. When she was still a half-elf, Tenaya was a privileged object that everyone wanted to associate with. For the nobles, the more banquets that she could invite to noble people, the more she could show her strength. For Tenaya, it was not her Uninvited, for any host is afraid that this lady does not come to the invitation.

In the vocal hall, countless aristocratic men and women are talking about each other while drinking and having fun. When dressed in a costume with amazing beauty and self-confidence, Tenaya became the focus of attention. Countless men, especially some young people, She turned her eyes on the mysterious and elegant beauty in front of her. After all, Tanya, who had occasionally attended several banquets, was already beautiful and well-known in the upper social circles of the Carlsheim Empire. This mysterious The half-elves can only be a little better than Her Majesty Princess Celine, the 'Golden Gem' of the Empire, but Princess Celine seems to have some unclear relationship with Tenaya. Anyway, when Princess Tenaya attends the banquet, Princess Celine guarantees Not here.

As for Tenaya's semi-elf identity, it doesn't matter even for the nobles who were indoctrinated by the Holy See human supremacy in the eastern part of the mainland.

After all, the world is still power-oriented. As the hot red celebrity in front of Prince Augusta who is about to ascend to the throne of the Carlsheim Empire, not only has he recently gained more privileges and positions by jumping three times. She became the highest adviser to the magic technology of the empire. Except for Her Royal Highness Prince Augusta, she did not even need to obey anyone's order. Such a person who almost covered the sky in the Carlsheim Empire and was such a beautiful person. Will care about her identity!

But no matter how hot the admiration is, there is no concubine hiding in it. No one in the banquet hall dares to go forward and talk about it. You have to know that this beautiful half-elf woman is always true to anyone, and it is like a solitary height Like roses, people who want to pick flowers end up being stabbed and heartbroken.

As for those who do not care about their skin and want to be stubborn, there was once a noble master who was controlled by spiritual magic and turned into a monkey in a short time and was thrown into the face. The result can be explained.

"It's so cute ~ Did you see that? The little guy who followed."

"I saw it early, it's an elf! And the young girl of the elf family!"

"It should be said that it is indeed an elf. It is incredible that even young children are so beautiful."

"As cute as a doll, I want to hug her!"

哎 "Hey ~ you little girl who hasn't grown up all her life, don't hug her, don't you see who brought her in?"

哇 "Wow! What a beautiful half-elf, who is she?"

什么 "What? How obstructive is your message, that Miss Tenaya is the most popular person recently under Prince Augusta's palace."

"Is your Highness' new favorite?"

"Never mind, I'm too lazy to tell you."

Holding hands and walking behind Tanya, Aisha lowered her head a little in fear and tried to reduce her sense of existence as much as possible, but obviously as an elf, and still a very rare elf young girl, Aisha's efforts were in vain. And some people found that Aisha also appeared in the last banquet, but at that time, Aisha was put in a cage and placed in the center of the banquet hall as a display, and this time the girl was also dressed up. Hmm ~ except the bell with a collar around her neck ~ It was brought in by today's Empire Red Lady Miss Tanya.

I saw a group of people set their eyes on themselves, and Aisha was very uncomfortable trying to avoid, but was taken by Tenaya to the center of the main venue, and it was the most crowded place. Picking up a glass of wine from the respectful attendant, Tenaya stared at the red wine without drinking, but with a strange look.

Suddenly Turna turned her head and let go of her hand and asked Aisha, "Do you want something to eat? Aisha."

The dinner is now over to the prom, the dinner is over, but several long buffet tables are filled with a variety of exquisitely crafted pastries, black chocolate cakes, and fruit mousse inlaid with mango and strawberry. There is also a crown pudding with a height of one person. The dialect seems to have at least different styles of pastries from several countries and regions in the world. If it is a sweet lover, you will definitely think that you have come to heaven. Not only that, but also a variety of fruits and snacks, some fruits in the period, even Aisha has never seen.

Like a child who suddenly broke into the candy house, Aisha looked at these delicate foods with a little surprise. As an elf and a little girl, Aisha's resistance to sweets has always been negative. Once her sister occasionally I also use rare sugar to make some simple pastries for myself, then I like to eat what my sister made.

看着 Now looking at the assortment of delicate pastries in front of her, Aisha really wants to enjoy it.

But there are too many humans, and everyone is looking at themselves ┉┉

When I saw everyone around me looking at herself, especially a few of them who were spreading butter on a soft cake or someone who had teased herself in a cage before, Aisha immediately cancelled her plan to get food. Next to Tenaya, it seemed that there was only a little sense of security around the half-elf women.

Looking at the girl who was sticking to her like a scared cat, Tenaya went to the table and picked up a plate of plates and picked up a few cakes and fruits. Then she filled the plate with food. Passed it to Aisha.

喂 "Hello ~ Look, it's an elf!" A boy noticed Tenaya and prominent Aisha and greeted their companions.

A group of children who looked similar to Aisha's age suddenly gathered around, so that Aisha hurriedly hid behind Tenaya and almost threw the plates in her hands to the ground.

"It was the elf in the cage last time."

"So beautiful, even more beautiful than Lolo!"

Just as a little boy dressed like a navy dress stared at Aisha and murmured, a girl with a somewhat proud look suddenly stomped him angrily, apparently to Aisha herself It's more beautiful. It was a bit dissatisfied to say from the boy's mouth, but after beating the boy, the girl with the golden hairpin looked at Aisha in contrast. Although the girl looked bulging, but His eyes flashed with his favorite gaze, as if he had seen his favorite toy.

At first, she simply dressed up and put it in a cage to bring it to the banquet hall. Because of the disgust, Aisha in the cage kept sitting on the ground and buried her head in her arms. Naturally did not really recognize the elves, how charming this race, known as the embodiment of beauty in countless stories and fairy tales, is.

Today, Isa was purposely dressed up by Tenaya, plus she was not as afraid and frightened as she was at the beginning, plus she was an elf and had a spirit of transcendence that attracted the attention of these children in an instant.

The boys looked at Aisha, who was shy and scared with a look of admiration, and the girls were full of affection as if seeing a doll of the same size. There is no way ~ the love of humans for beautiful things is born by nature. This kind of nature, it can be said that anyone has some appearance control, whether it is the world where Yalin once lived or a different world, the handsome and handsome man and the white and beautiful goddess will always have an advantage over the fat and round in doing anything. .

And compared with mature adults, the children are not so strong in racism. For these noble children who came to the banquet, Aisha was just a beautiful girl of the same age. As for Aisha, she was put in a cage. When the exhibit was thrown away by the children long ago, even a few older children remembered it, but when they saw Turner ’s eyes, they closed their mouths consciously. Up.

It's not wise to provoke this half-elf beauty, the elders in the family have ordered never to show any rudeness in front of her.

I saw Aisha hiding behind Tenaya, but there was a chubby little boy "Hello hello, can we be friends?"

When I saw someone at the beginning, the children immediately became turbulent and sent out invitations to Aisha ~ ~ Yearning for beautiful things made everyone want to monopolize the beautiful and lovely elf girl in front of them, but facing Tenaya A group of children really did not dare to use their strengths. The shadows that were once learned and tidy by Tenaya were still shrouded in the hearts of the children.

Aisha didn't want to bother with those who had teased herself, and when Tanya walked away with a smile, Aisha hurried to follow the plate full of food.

Soon an interesting picture appeared in the banquet hall. The half-elf Tenaya, who walked in the forefront, looked like Aisha the kitten followed, and then a group of children followed a few meters away. Turner The little tails followed wherever Ya went.

"I haven't seen you for a long time ~ Miss Tenaya."

As the current celebrity of the Carlsheim Empire, Tenaya is also quite entertained. Whenever someone approaches, Aisha stands motionless next to Tenaya, eating the food in her hand, and the group behind her. After all, the child is also a child. Seeing that Aisha and Tenaya were inseparable, they finally couldn't bear it, and they sighed away slowly.

After eating the food in her hand, Aisha was relieved when she saw the symptoms. She really didn't want to be with these humans. How did they tease themselves when they were in the cage, but she hadn't forgotten.

However, at the moment, Aisha didn't notice that when the children were gone, there was still a boy sneaking behind, and his eyes full of firm eyes were watching with excitement, looking at Ai, who was standing idle beside Tenaya. Sha, and when looking at Tenaya, the boy's eyes were full of anger as if looking at the most wicked ungrateful man. rw

Read The Duke's Passion