MTL - Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously-Chapter 2890 Mess!

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Jiang Nan said so, obviously it was not an ordinary fight, but a big move!

With all the cards played out, the Star Wars started, the law of thousands of stars, the rules of the era have been broken, and no one is acting according to the rules!

Strong strength is the last word, fist is the iron law, truth!

Even though the Star Wars has already started, the slavery system is still being used among the thousands of races in the starry sky!

Because the benefits are obvious to the people in the starry sky, what they don't like to do can be pushed to the slaves to do!

It is the thousands of slaves struggling in the darkness, their blood and tears, flesh and bones!

It piled up the glory of the entire Thousand Stars Era!

Perhaps this gave the weak the right to survive, but it also deprived them of the possibility!

Under the slavery system, the weak can only be weak, and being enslaved for a lifetime, squeezing out all the surplus value until they die, that is not living!

Some slave species have never really lived in their entire lives!

The slavery system is definitely not the correct answer to the rules of the times!

On the contrary, it is the cancer, the bane of the whole era!

The reason why the Age of Thousand Stars develops slowly is far inferior to that of the Eternal Age, and the slavery system is a major root cause!

Consumed the potential of the era in advance, in exchange for a moment of glory!

You know, there is no slavery system in the Eternal Age, and they have successfully passed through more than five billion years?

Thousands of peaks compete for beauty, a hundred schools of thought contend, ideological collisions, and good competition will make the era develop rapidly and reach an unprecedented peak!

In the past, Jiangnan couldn't understand it, and he couldn't figure out what the correct answer to the rules of the times was!

But as Jiangnan climbed higher and higher, he has now stood at the top of the pyramid, and the scenery he sees is completely different from before!

Jiang Nan could feel that he was getting closer to the correct answer to the rules of that era!

And Jiangnan also hopes that he is the one who writes down the new rules!

Before that, what Jiangnan has to do is to completely subvert the rules of the Thousand Stars Era!

Let this murderous slavery system cease to exist!

Liberating the slaves of the whole world is only one aspect!

Doing so will indeed be appreciated by the slaves, but at the same time, it will also gain a lot of resentment points!

After all, among the thousands of families in the starry sky, which family has not ordered slaves yet? They are all their property, they spent money to buy it, if it is gone, it would be no wonder they don't blame Jiangnan!

This is also Jiangnan's last trick to collect resentment points! Great hand!

In this way, the last third of the progress bar is estimated to be full!

Jiang Nan squinted and smiled: "You can blame me to your heart's content! Hate me! You can call me a saint or a villain!"

"No matter what, I will do it!"

"Since you dare to do it, you are not afraid of being poked in the back by others, and leave everything to future generations to comment on!"

Time flies by like a fleeting moment, Jiangnan's all-star tour of the starry sky has not stabilized the situation in the starry sky!

On the contrary, it became even more chaotic!

The conflicts are mainly concentrated in the Beimian Starry Sky Mine and various industrial parks!

Quality Alliance, Silicon Base, and Bose are fighting each other endlessly, and large-scale wars involving more than a dozen races can be seen everywhere!

What they are fighting for is nothing more than resources, minerals and the like!

Because Zhimeng was beaten violently by Jiangnan, he was completely honest. He never dared to attack Carbon League. Just thinking about it makes his whole body hurt!

But there are still silicon-based and Bose mining areas, assets can be acquired!

In terms of the strength of the quality alliance, it is not impossible to move the other two!

The strength of Vientiane is not much different from that of the ancestor machine. Although Xunzu is strong, the power that can be mobilized outside is limited!

Although the Bose tribe has been the overlord of the starry sky all year round, they are also shameless during the war, and they will be moved if they should be moved!

As for the carbon alliance, it is like an outsider who is detached from things, and generally does not participate in it. Unless you mess with me, I will fight back!

The mining area is occasionally harassed by the Bose tribe, which is a response to nursery rhymes, but it's not a big deal!

Feel free to develop your own!

It is worth mentioning that Siji is like crazy, wantonly exploiting the resources of all its mining areas!

In the past, no matter how fierce the mining was, it would still be mined in an orderly manner, and it still followed the path of sustainable development!

but now? It's completely an out-of-the-box operation, frantically mining the mining area, and exploding the infrastructure!

The silicon base is totally out of the question!

Because of the implementation of the final plan, the silicon base needs a lot of resources to lay the groundwork, and they don't care anymore!

The starry sky world is going to be restarted, I still care about what?

And because of this, the final city has basically taken shape!

The surrounding major star fields have also built material concentration bases one after another!

That's thousands, okay? And increasing every moment!

A large number of star fleets, transport star fleets, and mechanical soldiers are just like the worker ants in the ant colony!

Transport the stars, dust, and all matter that can be seen in each star field to the matter concentration base!

Then transfer to the city of finality and be absorbed by the black hole of finality!

When such a huge mechanical empire with a silicon base is running at full capacity for only one goal, the efficiency is undoubtedly terrifying!

And Siji has developed new equipment for this purpose!

Just like a large star collection tower!

As long as the star collection tower is placed in the center of a super-large galaxy, it will release super-strong gravity, directly pull all the planets in the galaxy, and gather towards the star collection tower!

After converging, they will be transferred directly to the final star field through mechanical wormholes and particle transmissions!

There is also a wandering star jump engine!

It's not very big, as long as it is put into the planet and consumes the original energy of the planet, the planet will continue to leap and move towards the material collection base!

It can save a lot of labor and improve efficiency!

There are many new types of equipment like this, all of which are developed to collect matter in the starry sky world!

In the beginning, silicon-based material collection bases were only completed in some unmanned star fields, start collecting!

But as time went by, the scope of collection also began to gradually expand!

Slowly touched the star line of some races!

The silicon base is so strong that some small clans dare not contend with it at all, they can only let it go and cut their flesh to survive!

Those who dare to resist can't beat the silicon base at all!

In terms of racial subjugation power, silicon base is also one of the best in the starry sky!

Those small clans were naturally reduced to silicon-based material collection tool people, and were forced to join the final plan!

If you don't want to die, work for me!

The scope of collection is also getting bigger and bigger, and it has even touched the territory of Quality League!

Members of the quality alliance, there is a big brother!

Immediately called Vientiane to stand on the stage, but the silicon base also has the ancestor machine!

The two fought because of this matter, and neither of them took advantage of it!

In the end, this conflict ended with the relocation of the whole family of that race!

Silicon-based not only touched the territory of the Quality League, but the rich mining area was gone, and they even attacked the mining area to which the Bose tribe belonged!

What can he do?

Immediately unite with the Quality Alliance to find trouble with Silicon, and Vientiane just found the place it lost before!

Vientiane shot to block the ancestor machine, and Qianli was to kill indiscriminately in the machine army!

I thought that the ancestor would release the cross holy wing to block the cut!

To everyone's surprise, Jiang Fan showed up!

He slashed and slashed at the ditch, and slashed wildly in the Bose army!

Chasing the cutting all the way, he ran out of the eternal world after chasing the cutting!

If it wasn't for Xunzu's protection, Chuli might have died in Jiang Fan's hands!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

what's the situation!

How did Jiang Fan jump out and make a case for the silicon base station?

Wasn't the fight in full swing before?

But Jiang Fan did not hide it, but stood on top of the ancestor machine with a sword in his hand, blatantly announcing the starry sky!

(???????) "From today! I, Jiang Fan, have nothing to do with Carbon Alliance! Siji is mine, and I, Jiang Fan, will direct all actions of Siji!"

"Anyone who tries to be an enemy of Siji and obstruct Siji's actions will be regarded by me, Jiang Fan, as an enemy, a blocker!"

"And whoever blocks me! Cut!"

"Before you mess with me, think about how much you really have!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire starry sky was in an uproar!

There is nothing more shocking than this big event!

Jiang Fan left the Carbon Alliance?

Is it not on the same side as Jiangnan? what's the situation? Are the two having a quarrel?

It is said that the silicon base is the second sequence, an incomparably powerful behemoth, and it actually fell into Jiang Fan's hands?

Was it because of the previous conflict that Siji was subdued by Jiang Fan?

This, this, this...

No one expected that things would turn out like this in the end!

Humans are really scary!

Two living kings of Hades, one Jiangnan, are in charge of the carbon alliance, sitting on one-third of the world in the starry sky.

A Jiang Fan who subdued the silicon base, this was the second child in the starry sky, can it be more terrifying? Not to mention that there is such a pseudo-world as the ancestor machine at home!

Are these two going to heaven?

The news of Jiang Fan's transformation into the master of Siji broke out, so there are traces of Siji's seemingly unreasonable actions now!

No one in the starry sky is a fool, and everyone has a bad premonition in their hearts!

The silicon base collects matter so wantonly and feeds it to the final black hole!

Could it be that he wants to end the black hole jet and destroy Xun Zu?

As soon as this crazy idea was born, they were frightened into a cold sweat by themselves!


Not to mention that Xunzu will be destroyed if he does it or not, the starry sky world will be sprayed and destroyed, right?

Then there is a fart to use!

Combined with the name of the final city, the truth is ready to come out!

I can't live? Then we all die together?

Good guy!

No wonder you broke up with the Carbon Alliance, no matter how crazy the Carbon Alliance is, they can't do such a thing?

An inexplicable sense of crisis shrouded everyone's heads, and the starry sky seemed to be shrouded in haze!

But even if it is true, so what?

Who can stop it?

Today's starry sky is already chaotic enough, but this news has turned the starry sky into a mess!

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