MTL - Open the Simple Mode After Wearing the Book-Chapter 88 expedited

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Ignoring the ups and downs in the courtroom, the Marquis of Chang An has arrived in Jinzhou these days.

The capital is very far from Jinzhou, and the old man just arrived after five days from Beijing, which shows the urgency in his heart.

"Why are you here, father?"

Zhang Wenqi is a little puzzled, what is it that needs to be so anxious, if it is just for those things in the court, then there is no need.

Under the support of Zhang Wenqi, the old marquis stood firm. He looked at his daughter and said slowly, "Why haven't you returned to Beijing? Don't you know that everyone said you intended to rebel?"

If it was really for this matter, Zhang Wenqi herself was very entangled, but if Zhang Wenli could not be caught this time, if he was caught by others, Zhang Wenqi would not be at ease.

"I'm looking for brother Li. If I go to catch him, I can save his life."

The old man was stunned, then he recovered and persuaded: "You should go back to Beijing first, the court said that you arrested Wenli is false, and it is true that you commit trouble with him."

Zhang Wenqi was indignant and couldn't help but scold: "It's just nonsense, these people have really made no progress in these years."

The two walked and chatted all the way. The people on the street knew Zhang Wenqi and greeted her warmly.

Unlike the people in the capital, Jinzhou is close to the border of Daxin, Zhang Wenqi's reputation here is higher than that of the emperor, so the people here do not believe that Zhang Wenqi will rebel.

Even if Zhang Wenqi rebelled, they would be more inclined towards Zhang Wenqi.

Old Marquis watched his daughter skillfully greet the people in the city, and his eyes changed.

The two of them arrived at the place where they lived in a short time. Zhang Wenqi poured a cup of tea for his father, then carefully helped him sit down and put the crutches away.

Old Marquis watched his daughter busy, a trace of guilt flashed in his heart, but it was only a trace, he continued to persuade: "Qi'er, you should go back first, and delay it for a while, fearing that something will happen."

"But he also..."

The old man interrupted Zhang Wenqi, "I will help you find Wenli, so you can rest assured?"

Naturally, I am not at ease. Today's old man is plagued with all kinds of illnesses, and he can't walk well. How can he catch Zhang Wenli?

Zhang Wenqi was about to reject this proposal, but the old man said again, "Don't worry, I understand that Wenli boy, he won't hide from me if I come forward."

Zhang Wenqi knew that her father had made up her mind, so she could only let go of her doubts and start preparing for the related matters of going back.

Yun Gu naturally knows about this, but it's not a big deal. It would be better to say that the old man came to Jinzhou, and everything went according to plan.

The news didn't pass so fast, at this time, Daxin Chaotang was still making a lot of trouble over Zhang Wenqi's affairs.

The emperor didn't answer, he just sat on the dragon chair and watched them arguing, maybe a little annoying, the emperor said: "Since the Aiqings agree to crusade Zhang Wenqi, then who will lead the troops? "

The chaotic court was quiet, and the people who shouted the most fiercely just lowered their heads, for fear that the emperor would call his name.

The emperor laughed angrily, "What's the matter? Wasn't it pretty good to say just now? Why is everyone now dumb?"

All the ministers pleaded guilty in unison: "Your Majesty, calm down."

Feeling a bit of a headache, the emperor rubbed his temples and didn't want to look at these useless people: "Okay, let's play something, and leave the court without anything."

No one answered, the **** next to the emperor shouted: "Retreat!"

"Long live the emperor!"

After the emperor left the court, he did not go to the Zichen Palace. After thinking about it, he put on his casual clothes and went to the general's mansion.

The general's mansion is now strictly controlled. This is all the emperor's instigation. Although Wu Zhan is a little disappointed, he still chooses to believe in the emperor.

After all, those people with ulterior motives have talked for so long, and the emperor has not listened to their dispatch of troops, maybe after a while, this matter will pass.

In these days when there is no war, Wu Zhan is in the yard, digging soil, growing vegetables and weeding, and living a leisurely life, especially now that autumn is here, and the vegetables in the ground are growing .

Because this time the emperor was a private visit, he did not let the gatekeeper inform him, so when the emperor saw Wu Zhan, he was still twisting cabbage.

Perhaps the emperor had a ghost in his heart, he saw Wu Zhan twisting the cabbage as if he was twisting his head, and after calming down, the emperor greeted: "General Wu."

Wu Zhan found out that the emperor got it, he just wanted to salute but was stopped by the emperor.

Wu Zhan felt that it was inappropriate to use this dress to meet the emperor, but at the same time he wondered what the emperor wanted to do at this time.

The emperor is also a little embarrassed. He has already put people under house arrest, but now he is asking for him again, but he has been in a high position for a long time and can hide his emotions well.

"Don't panic, General, I came here today to see you, I wonder how well General is?"

Of course Wu Zhan's body is fine. The injuries he suffered from falling off the cliff have long since healed. Wu Zhan replied respectfully, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern, I'm fine."

The emperor looked around and saw that there was no place to sit, "Let's talk about another place."

"The minister was negligent."

Wu Zhan led the emperor to the main hall of the General's Mansion, and the emperor sat on the top.

The emperor was not polite, he went straight to the theme: "The general and Marshal Zhang have worked hard for me Daxin for so many years."

Speaking of Zhang Wenqi, Wu Zhan couldn't help but want to defend her: "Your Majesty, Marshal Zhang is loyal and she is definitely not the kind of person who commits trouble."

The emperor sighed, his face full of embarrassment: "I believe that Marshal Zhang will not rebel, but she has not returned, and the court is pressing hard, I can only drag ."

Hearing the emperor's words, it seemed that he believed in Zhang Wenqi, Wu Zhan suddenly became excited: "Thank the emperor for your trust."

The emperor carefully observed Wu Zhan's expression, and after seeing that he didn't seem suspicious, the emperor sighed: "The first time I met the general was in the refugee camp, I didn't expect it at that time. The general will be my hero."

"The minister is frightened and dare not bear the name of this hero."

The emperor laughed: "I say you can afford it."

The emperor looked a little worried, he sighed: "If you are a hero, Marshal Zhang deserves it, but now I can't keep her."

Wu Zhan couldn't understand in his heart, but he didn't know much about the affairs of the court. thing.

"I wonder if the minister can share the emperor's worries?"

The emperor has been acting for so long because of this sentence, he was moved, and mixed with guilt: "The court is deep in water, I wanted to protect Aiqing for a while. But now I still have to trouble you, General."

"It is the duty of a minister to relieve the emperor's worries."

"Can Aiqing go out for me and bring Marshal Zhang back, if others go, it will be detrimental to her."

Wu Zhan was shocked: "But..."

The emperor stepped down from the top and held Wu Zhan's hand, his face full of helplessness: "General, now only you can trust me, and now those courtiers are determined to kill Marshal Zhang , if you go to war, you can guarantee her life."

Seeing that Wu Zhan was a little hesitant, the emperor continued to lie: "Just bring her back, I believe that Marshal Zhang will not resist, this is also an explanation for the courtiers, after she returns, The courtiers have nothing to say."

The emperor's words were sincere, but Wu Zhan agreed after hesitating for a while.

The emperor got the answer he wanted, and he felt much better. He stopped staying in the general's mansion and turned back to the palace.

Wu Zhan sat on the stool thinking, then shook his head, his eyebrows were very sad.

"Does my father trust the emperor so much?"

Wu Zhan turned his head and saw that it was his daughter, and Zhao Qingzi was next to her, but Zhao Qingzi didn't come to the door today, where did it come from.

With some doubts, Wu Zhan asked, "Why is Miss Zhao here? Have you heard what you just said?"

Zhao Qingzi will of course pass the tunnel here, but Wu You is going to ignore this question: "Yeah, I heard it all, according to my guess, after you lead the army, father, the emperor will send someone to monitor you, Then I lied to you that I was forced to act helplessly by the oppression of my officials."

Wu You and Zhao Qingzi chose the stool opposite Wu Zhan to sit down. Wu Zhan knew that Zhao Qingzi's legs were all done, so he was not surprised to see that Zhao Qingzi could act on his own.

This is true and a bit outrageous, Wu Zhan sweated in fright: "Nonsense, Sanya, you have to be careful when you speak."

Wu You pouted, "Maybe the person monitoring you will add some seasoning to your father's diet."

"Sanya, why are you so malicious towards the emperor."

To be honest, Wu Zhan was a little puzzled.

Zhao Qingzi watched the two of them talk, and said nothing, she knew the calculus in the emperor's heart.

If Wu Zhan sent troops and Zhang Wenqi came back obediently, the two who lost their soldiers, Zhang Wenqi and Wu Zhan, were just tigers with their teeth pulled out.

Zhang Wenqi has soldiers in her hands, but there is not enough food and grass. Now that the foreign enemies have been eliminated, and there are no more worries, let them consume it.

Fortunately, Zhang Wenqi's eldest brother is not in the capital during this time. If the emperor threatens her with Zhang Wenqi's family, she may return to the capital.

It's just that the emperor cherishes feathers, and it is immoral to threaten such things with his family.

I have to say that the emperor thinks it well, but isn't he afraid of Wu Zhan's rebellion?

Zhao Qingzi thinks this trend is very interesting.

Wu Zhan felt a little headache, he waved his hand: "I will be careful, but you don't cause me trouble in the capital. After this incident is over, I will prepare for your wedding."

The word wedding successfully interrupted Zhao Qingzi's thinking, "This... so fast?"

Actually, what Zhao Qingzi thought was "So fast! Great!"

Feeling that Zhao Qingzi was a little scared, Wu Zhan said with a smile: "I have discussed it with your brother, he has no objection."

Wu Zhan skipped Zhao Cuo and chatted with Zhao Qingshu directly. Obviously, he knew the situation of the Zhao family very well.

Zhao Qingzi blushed, half ashamed and half excited.

She silently made a decision in her heart: "It seems that Gu Yun has to hurry up."

The author has something to say:Haha, some readers are right, I did refer to the Song Dynasty thanks in 2021-01-1708:46:16~2021-01-1816: During 39:41, the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Qingming, bottomless 5 bottles; 421236141 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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