MTL - Open the Simple Mode After Wearing the Book-Chapter 76

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It's just that Wu You's habit of sitting on the roof has been retained, and it is difficult to change it now.

You can see more scenery from high places. At first, Wu You always looked at the world with the eyes of an outsider, but now he has become an insider.

The people did not find Wu You on the roof, a fat street vendor sighed: "Oh, I didn't expect General Wu to die like this."

Another tall vendor took over the conversation: "Yeah, do you think this Yuchao is really so powerful? General Wu is so sloppy."

The fat vendor: "Everything has an accident. General Wu and Yuchao have fought for so many years. There are too many accidents on the battlefield. I heard that this time it seems that the reason for Ma's surprise. "

The tall hawker said, "Unfortunately, there is no one who can replace General Wu now. I'm only thinking about it now. Neither Marshal Zhang nor General Wu can take over."

Perhaps the business of these two vendors is a little bleak, they have time to talk about some of these things, and Wu You feels a little depressed hearing this.

The two vendors continued to chat, and they talked about Wu You, and then the topic jumped to Chang'an Houfu.

It's all known things, Wu You didn't want to hear any more, she stood up and jumped off the roof, looking for a remote road to the general's mansion.

The capital also began to take on a layer of unease, and the people were panicking. Wu You felt that the emperor's head must be hurting now, and maybe things will go smoothly when he goes to the battlefield.

Walking, the road became noisy again, Wu You looked up and saw that she had come to the Zuihonglou, and she was shocked to realize that she had gone the wrong way.

The tension of the situation could not affect the business of Zuihonglou, which is still a favorite place for many rich and noble people, Wu You suddenly thought of Liniang.

Wu You stepped forward, and there were many women waiting outside the door, only to see Wu You coming, her face turned pale.

They hurriedly stood in front of Wu You, with a flustered smile on their faces: "Why is Miss Wu here today, I won't pick up female guests here."

The original owner didn't think about anything else and went in, and it was indeed just drinking, but where is this drunken red building? The appearance of the original owner naturally caused some people who didn't know her to think.

There was a drunk man who came forward to harass the original owner, who was the original owner, she would never suffer a loss.

She beat the man without saying a word, and then fought with his guards, damaging many items in the building.

At that time, the old prostitute wanted to go to persuade and was kicked over by the original owner, but this was not the original owner's intention.

Although the original owner lost money after the incident, the drunken man in the red house was lying on the bed for more than a week, and the man who had nowhere to go scolded all the people who let the original owner in. head.

So this drunken red building has cast a shadow on Wu You.

Wu You touched her nose and looked embarrassed to see these women so nervous, "I'm not here to fight this time, I'll come and see."

"This is not a clean place, there is nothing to see, Miss Wu, please come back."

Another woman quickly answered: "Yes, yes, and Miss Wu and Miss Zhao have such a good relationship, aren't we destroying your relationship by letting you in?"

Wu You was a little speechless. These people were also afraid of destroying other people's feelings.

Wu You was not the original owner, and she didn't want to forcibly enter to embarrass them, so she shook her head and turned away.

The woman who received the guests was relieved when she saw Wu You leave.

But Wu You didn't give up, she quietly went around to the back of the drunk red building, looking at the high wall Wu You smiled contemptuously, she had climbed over the wall as high as the palace, this is really a piece of cake.

But Wu You feels more and more like a thief. Speaking of which, she has learned two tricks from Jiang Hong, so opening a lock or something is not a problem.

Climbed over the high wall, Wu You avoided people all the way forward, Wu You knew which room was Liniang's previous room, now standing in the courtyard to look up, find the right position and fly upstairs , Lying outside the window and listening carefully, Wu You was sure that there was no one in the house.

The window was bolted from the inside, but it was not difficult for Wu You, she took out a dagger and carefully pried the window open, and then entered the room.

Wu You carefully closed the window again.

Looking around, it's all red, but this is also Liniang's work needs.

I searched lightly, but found no useful information, Wu You thought too, how could Liniang put important things here.

Wu You sighed and was about to leave, when she suddenly heard the voice of a conversation next door, the content of which was also related to her father, she stopped, wanting to hear what they had to say.

Only a man's contemptuous voice came: "This Wu Zhan is finally dead, it's really heartwarming."

The other male voice also sounded very happy: "Yeah, finally died, a warrior is still a mud-legged farmer, and His Majesty actually values ​​him so much."

Only after listening to a few sentences, Wu You's heart burned with anger, she clenched her fists and told herself to be calm and not be impulsive.

The two people who were talking next to him belonged to the Marquis of Changning. The Marquis of Changning was different from the Marquis of Chang'an. After the old Marquis Changning died, his descendants could not stand it. not taken seriously by the emperor.

And the people in their house are not self-motivated, from top to bottom are some lazy people.

The Marquis of Changning and Wu Zhan had some festivals. They wanted to send the second master of the mansion to the military camp as a minor official through their relationship, but Wu Zhan robbed them.

Now it is the second master Xiao Yu and his younger brother Xiao Jin who are sitting here.

The two of them didn't know that the wall had ears, or they were too complacent and didn't want to care about these things.

Xiao Yu took a sip of wine contentedly, "Wu Zhan robbed me of my career back then, but now I have been retributed, what a **** protecting the country, I bah!"

Xiao Jin: "Yes, that position should have been the elder brother."

Xiao Yu remembered that his son was beaten by Wu Zhan's **** daughter in order to vent his anger, and he was also very unhappy. Unfortunately, at that time, their Houfu was already on the decline, and there was also a problem with a muddy leg. I lost my identity, so I let it go.

Xiao Yu took another sip of wine, and his tone was a bit obscene: "But Wu Zhan's daughter is quite good-looking, but unfortunately she is too powerful."

Xiao Jin naturally knew what his brother meant, and he echoed: "She used to be domineering, and Wu Zhan was behind her. Now that she has nothing, it's not difficult to do."

These words made Xiao Yu's eyes light up, he patted Xiao Jin on the shoulder and smiled: "You're right, but that ugly Wu Zhan also gave birth to a daughter like Wu You, wouldn't it be? His wife and someone else gave birth to... ah!"

Xiao Yu was punched in the face by Wu You before he could say his filthy words.

Wu You kept telling herself to be patient, but she is not a saint. Originally, her father's life and death were uncertain now, and she even let her hear these villains slandering her father.

When the original owner played a memory clip for her, she still felt that the original hero was too fierce when she was a child, but now Wu You only thinks that the fight was right.

I can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore. It happened to be annoyed in my heart, and there was no place to vent. Since they rushed to the door, don't blame her for being too hard.

Because the wall between the two rooms is not very thick and there are traces of damage, Wu You easily broke the wall with one palm, and then directly attacked Xiao Yu's face. The above scene where Xiao Yu was beaten.

Xiao Jin hurriedly helped his brother up, Xiao Yu kept covering his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood after standing up, looking closely there were two teeth.

Xiao Jin looked at the culprit, didn't expect Wu You to be here, he couldn't help swallowing: "Wu, Wu You, why are you here."

There is such a big movement here, of course, many people will notice that the old bustard learned that there was a fight on the third floor, and went upstairs in a hurry.

Looking at the place where the incident happened, she found that she was an acquaintance again, and she couldn't help but almost fell in the dark.

Wu You glanced back coldly, and the old lady didn't dare to move.

Wu You continued to look at the Xiao brothers again, she smiled very warmly: "Why shouldn't I come? Aren't you still thinking about me? Now I'm in front of you, why? not talking anymore."

Xiao Jin was so scared that his legs were shaking. The whole capital knew that this little bully was so strong in martial arts, her father couldn't beat her, how could the two of them beat her.

Xiao Jin showed a pleasing smile on his face: "What we said just now is wrong, please forgive Miss Wu."

Wu You smiled even brighter, probably because she stayed with Zhao Qingzi for a long time and learned some of her appearances, such as the happier the smile on the face, the more anger in the heart.

Xiao Jin inexplicably felt more panicked, at this time Xiao Yu also came back to his senses, he lost his two front teeth and his speech was a bit leaky: "Get together girl, I'm tired of mud work!"

Wu You did not expect this person to be so brainless, she quickly stepped forward and grabbed his neck and then threw it to the ground, Wu You expressionless and fierce tone: "Master Xiao is quite good courageous."

Xiao Jin let go of his brother's hand as early as Wu You moved, he fell to the ground and then crawled out of the room in a panic.

Of course Wu You would not let him escape, she picked up a chopstick that fell on the ground and threw it backhand, the chopstick pinned Xiao Jin's trouser legs to the floor.

Wu You gently threatened: "I advise you not to think about running."

A lot of people gathered outside the room, all of them were too frightened to say a word, they hadn't seen Xiao Bawang get angry for a long time.

The two brothers of the Xiao family have been knocked out by Wu You, and Wu You kicked them a few times before leaving. She doesn't want to worry about the consequences anymore.

Wu You returned to the General's Mansion, she sat on the roof of the General's Mansion, and remembered that she was sitting here watching the stars during the Chinese New Year, and his father was sitting next to her, she was not used to it at that time, I always feel that I stole everything from the original owner.

The vegetable garden in the General's Mansion was also a little deserted, and weeds began to grow.

Looking at the messy vegetable garden, Wu You somehow thought of Wu Zhan's bleeding expression, and couldn't help laughing, her eyes were a little sour.

With a long breath, Wu You put the **** back to its original place.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Wu You was very close to the door now, so she went to open the door herself.

Wu You followed the **** all the way to the palace, and finally saw the emperor in a pavilion in the palace. The pavilion was built by the lake, and the emperor was feeding the fish with bait in his hand.

I didn't expect the emperor to look quite comfortable. Wu You just wanted to say goodbye, but the emperor waved his hand and smiled: "No need to be polite, sit down."

Wu You thanked him and sat in the pavilion.

Now she is not as nervous as before, and her views on the emperor are very different from before. She carefully hides her thoughts: "I don't know why the emperor asked the ministers and daughters to come?"

The emperor threw all the bait in his hand into the lake, watching the koi in the lake fighting for food, the emperor smiled, he turned to look at Wu You: "Today, the Hou Changning came to cry with me. , said that you beat up his two brothers, is there such a thing?"

The emperor was still smiling, not looking angry.

Wu You answered honestly: "It is true, but they insulted my father first."

This is what the emperor didn't know, Chang Ninghou only said that Wu You beat up his brother without saying the reason.

He frowned and asked, "Is this true?"

Wu You was still very angry: "It's true, and the words are quite inaccurate. My father has been upright all his life, and now he is dead in the battlefield, how can he be so insulted."

Wu You's expression is sad, this is not pretending, but her real emotion.

The emperor was also angry, he slapped the table: "These two people are so bold, General Wu is the pillar of my Daxin, how can I let these wine bags and rice bags be so humiliating! I must punish them well !"

Wu You was taken aback. If Azi hadn't told her about the emperor's true colors, she would have been moved to tears by this impeccable acting.

The emperor played, and Wu You also followed, she pretended to be moved: "Thank you, the emperor, Daxin is really lucky to have a wise man like the emperor."

This flattery hit the emperor's heart, but he came to Wu You this time for something else.

However, Wu You was faster than her, and I saw her serious expression: "The emperor gave a promise to the minister before, and the minister has an unkind request, and wants to go to the battlefield to relieve the country's worries."

For the emperor, it was a pillow when he was dozing off, "I'm sure, General Wu has been for the country all his life, you are his daughter, don't humiliate his reputation, the rest of the things I It will be arranged for you."

This is for Wu You, and it is also for the civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty and the people of the world. Anyway, the Marquis of Changning is useless now, and if the text is not successful, it is not enough.

Seeing Chang Ninghou who was beaten and screaming, Wu You was not very happy.

After leaving the palace, Wu You first went to Yongding Hou's mansion. She was going to find Azi and tell her about it.

Wu You knew she was still angry, but she was so angry because she was worried about her own safety.

Pushing open the door and walking in, Wu You smiled and said, "Azi, are you still angry?"

Zhao Qingzi sighed, but still couldn't bear to keep showing her face, "I asked Doctor Zhou to prepare the medicine on the table for you. The medicine she made is very effective in treating injuries."

Wu You looked at the table, the table was full of bottles and jars, and she was not ashamed, what is this for? Do you take medicine for food?

Zhao Qingzi: "The emperor asked you to let you go to the battlefield, right? I heard that you went to the Zuihonglou today and injured the people of Changning Hou's mansion. Are you injured?"

Wu You sat beside her: "I've never been hurt, Azi, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Zhao Qingzi's expression changed after hearing this sentence, and then he seemed to be indifferent: "Let's go, so you don't bother me."

Wu You: "…"

This person is always duplicitous, but Wu You also likes this.

For a long time, Zhao Qingzi said, "I want to come back."

"I will definitely come back, it has been agreed."

Zhao Qingzi looked at Wu You: "You can go to Jiangdu first on the way. Uncle went there the day before the accident and stayed at Tongfu Inn."

"Also, you road idiot, you can't find the way with a map, let Yun Gu take you, don't refuse!"

Wu You dared to refuse, she nodded quickly.

Zhao Qingzi said a lot again, Wu You listened carefully and took her words to heart.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was time to separate. Wu You was standing at the gate of the city holding a horse. Zhao Qingzi looked at her and hid her reluctance in her heart.

Doctor Zhou also came to see Wu You, but her expression was not as calm as Zhao Qingzi's, she couldn't help grasping Wu You's hand, and she didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Doctor Zhou still doesn't know that Wu You already knows her life experience, she is very reluctant and can't show it too much, for fear of being seen by Wu You.

Wu You looked at her like this, and after a while, she was afraid that she would be suffocated.

So Wu You lowered her head and approached Doctor Zhou, and said softly, "You don't have to hide, I know my background, Aunt Zhou, can I call you that?"

Zhou Yiting forgot her grief for a while. She widened her eyes. After the shock was a huge surprise, she finally cried: "Yes! Of course you can!"

Wu You raised her hand to wipe away Zhou Yiting's tears: "Okay! Aunt Zhou, it's not like I'll never go back, I'm very good!"

After speaking, Wu You also punched a few times, his face was full of pride, of course Wu You is a modest person, this is her intention to make Zhou Yiting happy.

Zhou Yiting was amused by her playful appearance, "Be careful on the road, your father... Your uncle will ask you."

Wu You knew what Zhou Yiting was thinking: "Aunt Zhou, no matter what, she is a father to me. I have never forgotten the kindness of parenting for more than ten years."

Zhou Yiting felt that Wu You was not joking, she wiped her eyes with a smile: "Your parents are very spiritual, and they will be very happy to see you like this now, well, I don't If you can, go to Jiangdu to see your parents, they will be buried there."

Then Zhou Yiting put another piece of paper into Wu You's hand: "This is the address of the cemetery."

Wu You took care of her life, and after comforting Zhou Yiting, Wu You looked at Zhao Qingzi again, and saw that she was sitting in a wheelchair, with a calm expression, no joy or anger, and Jing Rong was behind her standing.

Wu You was a little reluctant, she stepped forward: "Azi, I'm leaving, you have to take good care of yourself, I know you care about others more than yourself, but if you hurt me It will be sad."

Zhao Qingzi's eyes flashed, and he finally nodded in agreement.

Wu You saw her like this and knew she was sad, she bent down and kissed her quickly in Zhao Qingzi's suspicious eyes.

After the kiss, Wu Youyi also ran to the front of the horse, and then turned on the horse, Wu You took the reins and smiled brightly at Zhao Qingzi: "Wait for me to come back!"

Wu You's sudden attack made Zhao Qingzi a little stunned. She looked at Wu You and laughed: "Well, wait for you to come back."

Wu You was slightly relieved when she saw her smile again, but the reluctance in her heart began to rise continuously, Wu You dared not look again, she said to Yun Gu: "Yun Aunt, let's go."

Gu Yun nodded and rode ahead, Wu You followed behind her, and the figures of the two quickly disappeared from Zhao Qingzi's sight.

Zhao Qingzi felt a little empty, she touched the place where she was kissed just now and was in a daze.

Zhou Yiting looked at her and asked aloud, "Did you find out her background?"

Zhao Qingzi lowered her eyes: "No, she noticed it herself, you were too careless, I just helped a little."

Zhou Yiting explained: "I don't blame you, are you worried about her? Maybe we can try to trust her."

A smile appeared on Zhao Qingzi's face: "I believe in her. Besides, you can look at a person's back and worry about her, and she can respond to you. Isn't this a very happy thing?"

Zhou Yiting always felt that Zhao Qingzi's smile was a little fake, "You are really a strange person, I clearly feel that you are unhappy."

Zhao Qingzi turned to look at Zhou Yiting, with a light tone: "Isn't Dr. Zhou a strange person? How can anyone pay such a high fee for seeing a doctor? This is more money than robbery."

Zhou Yiting was choked by her words. She is now very sure that Zhao Qingzi is really sad and shook her head. Her adults don't care about children.

Turn her head and look at the direction Wu You left, she folded her hands and closed her eyes, she prayed in her heart that both Wu You and Wu Zhan would come back.

The author has something to say:The weather is very cold today (shivering), I will be more diligent during this time, thank you for your support~ Thank you at 2021-01-0120:15: From 29 to 2021-01-02 19:39:18, the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Resen_Sun, 1 lotus tea;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4 bottles of Lanbinguo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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