MTL - Open the Simple Mode After Wearing the Book-Chapter 49 Aunt Liang

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Wu You sent Zhao Qingzi back to the room to lie down. Except for the panic at the beginning, Zhao Qingzi was very calm along the way.

She lay quietly on the bed and stretched out her hand to give Zhou Yiting a pulse, but she stared at Wu You, who was anxiously beside her. Seeing Wu You like this, she had a smile on her face.

Wu You saw that she was still laughing at this time, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed: "Azi, if you feel any discomfort, just say, I'm here."

Zhao Qingzi nodded slightly.

After a while, Zhou Yiting put down her pulse-diagnosing hand, "Don't worry, fortunately it's too early to find out.

Hearing this, Wu You was overjoyed, and at the same time felt very angry, what was the poison, Wu You and Zhao Qingzi can be said to be inseparable these few days, so it is still a trick.

Wu You could not help clenching her fists, her arms trembled slightly, she calmed down and sincerely thanked Zhou Yiting.

Zhou Yiting looked at the gentle and polite girl in front of her, this face similar to the one she remembered softened her eyes a lot, "It doesn't matter, but this poison is very rare, what are you offended by? Who?"

"Dr. Zhou, what kind of poison is this, and what is the method of poisoning? I have been with her recently, and I eat and live in the same place, why am I fine?"

Who would have thought that after Wu You said this, Zhou Yiting suddenly became nervous, she hurriedly grabbed Wu You's hand and started to feel the pulse, for a long time she let go of Wu You's hand as if she was relieved .

She thought for a while, and then replied softly: "This poison is not something in Daxin, it first appeared in the harem battle of Yu Chao, in the form of powder, prolonged inhalation will cause fatigue and drowsiness, Depressed, eventually dying in his sleep, and difficult to diagnose."

"This poison is not transmitted through diet, I just found a little residue on her clothing, but such a small amount is not enough, and it is only useful for people with poor physical fitness."

Zhou Yiting pointed to Zhao Qingzi lying on the bed, "What is the thing or person she has been in contact with the most recently?"

Wu You was thinking about it when Zhao Qingzi listened to the conversation between the two and said, "I often study dance with a person recently, and she is also drowsy, please ask Dr. Zhou to help her take a look. ."

Wu You's eyes lit up and ordered Jing Rong to bring Liniang in.

Liniang was not in good spirits when she came in, Jiang Hong followed behind her, watching the people in the room vigilantly, Zhou Yiting took Liniang's pulse and checked Liniang's clothes.

This action made Jiang Hong very nervous, she couldn't help but patted Zhou Yitingting's hand away with a vicious expression: "Why!"

Zhao Qingzi looked at Jiang Hong with cold eyes.

A chill crept up her back, Jiang Hong looked at Zhao Qingzi, although she panicked, she still firmly stood in front of Liniang.

Zhou Yiting rubbed the back of her hand hurt by Jiang Hong, and then blew it again, lamenting that this period of time was really unfortunate, but she opened her palm and had the answer in her heart.

So she opened her mouth and said: "This lady is also poisoned by the same poison, and the poisoning is deeper. I just checked it and there is a lot of poison powder on the clothes that this lady is wearing. Dancing, the person sitting next to you will definitely inhale it, I said who did you offend?

Liniang and Jiang Hong were startled, Liniang's face turned pale, she asked with a trembling voice: "But there is help?"

Wen Yan Zhou Yiting raised her head proudly: "Don't worry, although you have to be poisoned more deeply, it is not incurable."

She gave Zhou Yitingting to Jing Rong, and she stayed to watch Zhao Qingzi.

Zhao Qingzi lay quietly on the bed, keeping her eyes on her.

Going to the bed and sitting down, Wu You covered her quilt and tried her forehead again. Her nervous appearance made Zhao Qingzi laugh.

"I'm poisoned, not a fever. It's useless for you to test my forehead."

Wu You took back his hand and felt a little funny, "If you care, you will be confused."

Zhao Qingzi looked out the door, Wu You turned around to see that she might have something to say, got up and closed the door.

Poke out his head and look left and right outside the door. After confirming that there is no one nearby, Wu You closed the door.

"Azi, what are you trying to say? I'm sure there's no one around."

Zhao Qingzi's eyes flashed and she sighed: "This time, it's the Dao, the murderer seems to be very clear about our every move, this time even Liniang and I often discuss Dance is so clear."


I couldn't help gnashing my teeth: "Don't let me know who it is, or she will look good!"

Seeing that Wu You was in a bad mood, Zhao Qingzi stretched out her hand from the quilt. Wu You was interrupted by her action. She held Zhao Qingzi's hand and wanted to stuff it back into the quilt.

Shaking his head, if the two countries are at war, some of the settings in the original book can still come in handy, such as changing the ending of Zhang Wenqi's death, preventing bandits from intercepting food, etc.

"Azi, do you have any clues? My head is in a mess."

Zhao Qingzi smiled, then turned to look at the top of the bed and said softly, "There is a suspect, but I have to think long-term and use a long line to catch big fish."

Wu You couldn't help being a little curious when she saw her confident appearance, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Who are you guessing, Azi?"

"You want to know?"

Zhao Qingzi wanted to tease her, but Wu You looked serious, Zhao Qingzi decided not to joke, she told Wu You in a voice that only two people could hear: "It's inconvenient to tell you now, When the time comes, I will naturally tell you."

Although it is a pity, Wu You will not force others to be difficult, Zhao Qingzi naturally has her own reasons for doing things.

In the short period of time she was talking to Wu You, Zhao Qingzi had been pushing hard. Now that she finished talking, she no longer suppressed her sleepiness, and Zhao Qingzi gradually closed her eyes.

Wu You saw that she was fast asleep, pressed her quilt, and looked at Zhao Qingzi's peaceful sleeping face, with a few strands of blue silk scattered by the bed.

Wu You couldn't help playing with her hair, Zhao Qingzi on the bed suddenly frowned, so frightened that Wu You quickly let go of her hair.

She didn't dare to move any more, just sat by the bed and looked at Zhao Qingzi carefully.

In Mo Mansion, Jinzhou City, after a busy morning, people can finally sit down for lunch.

There is a new cook in Mo's house. She is a down-to-earth and hardworking person, and she is also kind to others, so everyone likes her very much.

At this time, the servants in the kitchen were sitting together for lunch, and the newly recruited cook was among them.

"Aunt Liang, you can eat these? Come on, I have more, let's eat together."

A little girl said to a woman, the new cook.

Aunt Liang looked up at the little girl and smiled kindly: "You can eat it yourself, I'll have enough."

The little girl sat beside her, "It doesn't matter, I can't eat much anyway, come on, these are for you."

Aunt Liang couldn't resist her, so she could only accept it with a smile.

When you have nothing to do after dinner, people also like to get together and chat, and you can chat about everything from all over the world.

The same is true for the little girl: "Aunt Liang, what do you mean by saying that this master keeps the young master in the capital like this, he is not half as good as the young master in his own settlement."

Aunt Liang's eyes flashed: "I don't know, how is the relationship between this master and the young master?"

"Ah? Well, he has a good relationship with the young master, and the young master respects him very much."

After thinking about it, the little girl began to sigh again, but she is not old, and this vicissitudes of life looks very funny on her face: "But after the death of the young lady, the two The relationship seems to be estranged, and the young master has been avoiding him."

Aunt Liang asked curiously, "Why is this?"

The little girl curled her lips: "Young master probably thinks that the master killed the young lady, but if I want to tell you, the master himself is very guilty, and now he often goes to see the young lady's grave. "

I looked left and right and no one was paying attention, the little girl sneaked close to Aunt Liang's ear and whispered like a thief: "I passed by the master's room one night and heard him say sorry inside. ,my child."

After the little girl finished speaking, she distanced herself again, "I can see that the master is guilty, although I don't know what he said in his sleep or what."

Aunt Liang sighed, sighing that good luck makes people.

Life is always busy. After chatting for a while, everyone will start to work.

The little girl said goodbye to Aunt Liang, and Aunt Liang smiled and waved to her. After confirming that the person had left, Aunt Liang's smile faded.

She thought in her heart: "It seems that there is a difference in the ruthlessness that Master Mo and Miss Mo think of."

Yes, this Aunt Liang is Aunt Yun. She was lurking in Mo's residence, but she did not find that Mr. Mo had any suspicious behavior.

Now this Master Mo doesn't look cold-blooded. If his son didn't kill him on purpose, then there is a problem with the bandits.

Gu Yun thinks, maybe we can start from this aspect.

When she came to a place with no one, Yun Gu quietly sent a message to the young lady.

The author has something to say:Sorry, I accidentally fell asleep again I vote for the overlord or the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 447771471;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 6 bottles of Qixiaoyan; 5 bottles of AAAA4 paper, ℡, Resen_Sun; 2 bottles of Xiaolai Shuanglinzui;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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