MTL - Open the Simple Mode After Wearing the Book-Chapter 47 sleepy

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Relax and walk around.

Because Zhao Qingshu was too busy, and Zhao Qingzi was sticking to her tightly, Wu You never had a chance to talk to Zhao Qingshu, but Jing Rong said that Azi was much happier than before.

Common self-defense techniques can still be used.

But Mo Ziyi is really not the material to learn martial arts, Wu You often breaks down when taught, but every time she sees her nervous and restless, the anger in Wu You suddenly drops, and then In addition, this girl is very diligent and sensible, Wu You is more patient.

I looked at the sky, looked at Mo Ziyi who was practicing in the courtyard, saw her sweating, and beckoned her to rest. Mo Ziyi wiped the sweat from his face as he walked towards Wu You and the two of them.

Zhao Qingzi sat in the gazebo and looked at them, and suddenly asked, "Why didn't Xiaohong and Liniang come today?"

Mo Ziyi was drinking water when she heard the words put down the teacup in her hand: "Xiaohong is ill, Liniang is taking care of her now."

Zhao Qingzi was really curious, Jiang Hong jumped up and down, not like she was so easily sick: "What kind of disease is it, but it's still serious?"

Speaking of this, Mo Ziyi wanted to laugh a little: "She went out to play yesterday, and when she saw the fish in the river swimming happily, she wanted to catch one, but the weather turned cold yesterday, and she was fully clothed. It's wet, so sick."

Wu You thinks this Jiang Hong is also a strange person. Have to go into the water.

Zhao Qingzi also felt a little strange, she thought about it: "Did you go out of the city with her yesterday?"

"Yeah, I wanted to walk out of the city yesterday, but the girl was worried and insisted on following me."

Then this is very clear, Jiang Hong wants to hide her good martial arts.

Wu You felt that this worry was necessary, after all, Mo Ziyi seemed to be the target of the person behind the scenes, so she couldn't help but persuade: "I think Xiaohong's worry is correct Yes, although Qiu Hua has been arrested, you should be careful."

This feeling of being cared for made Mo Ziyi a little moved, "I know, am I here to learn martial arts? However, Miss Wu is concerned."

Wu You muttered in her heart, "As far as your three-legged cat skills are concerned, it's more or less the same to deliver food."

But Wu You couldn't bear to hit her when she saw her smirk, so he just smiled and shook his head: "It's better to pay attention to everything, there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people."

"I know what Miss Wu means. By the way, have you found that Doctor Zhou? He has a weird temper and is difficult to invite."

Although this matter is out of Mo Zi's care, she still can't help worrying about it. During her time in Beijing, she has experienced a lot, and the happiest day is with Wu You and Zhao Qingzi When the two are together, I don't know why there is always a sense of peace of mind.

Wu You couldn't answer either. She wanted to help, but in the end, Azi did it herself, so she turned to look at Zhao Qingzi. Zhao Qingzi was drinking tea at the moment. Hearing this, she looked up at them. The two replied casually: "I found it, she is on her way to the capital."

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head and continued drinking tea, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

Zhao Qingzi was so calm, but Wu You was not as calm as her, she shouted happily: "That's great!"

Mo Ziyi was also very happy to know the news: "After Miss Zhao's legs are healed, the two of you can come to Jinzhou to play."

After thinking about it, she felt that this was wrong. Now it is very dangerous to go to Jinzhou from the capital. She couldn't help but feel a little depressed: "I don't know when the bandits outside Jinzhou will be eliminated. These gangsters are doing a lot of evil, and if they are not removed, the people of Jinzhou will continue to be harassed."

Seeing Mo Ziyi's worried look, Wu You's heart was very complicated. She couldn't help but patted Mo Ziyi's shoulder and wanted to say something, but she didn't know where to start.

So Wu You decided to change the subject: "Is it really so difficult for Doctor Zhou to invite her? Azi, how did you invite her here?"

Zhao Qingzi's eyes flashed: "Isn't she a lover of money? I used the gold you gave me to invite me here."

Actually not, that Dr. Zhou originally planned to visit Jin Gao for auscultation, but later learned that he was seeing a doctor for the eldest princess' daughter.

Zhao Qingzi's subordinates had no choice but to forcibly knock her unconscious, so they were **** and transported to the capital.

Put down the teacup in his hand, Zhao Qingzi continued: "She is coming soon, it should be tomorrow."

I didn't expect happiness to come so quickly, Wu You was excited, and wished he rode over to take over the doctor Zhou, but he was worried about the situation on Zhao Qingzi's side, Wu You always felt that the person behind the scenes was not give up so easily.

"Aunt Zhang is going to come back recently, I don't know how she will make fun of me."

Zhao Qingzi knew that Wu You was talking about Zhang Wenqi, and also knew the unique way of meeting between them. For some reason, if it wasn't too much, Zhao Qingzi still wanted to see Wu You deflated. very cute.

Wu You suddenly smiled when she saw Zhao Qingzi, a little stern, but she was helpless when she remembered the letter she received yesterday. , I don't know what the trick is this time, how can this person be like a child, without any handsome appearance.

If Zhang Wenqi's soldiers heard this, they would definitely complain about Wu You. Zhang Wenqi was not like this on the battlefield, but it made the enemy fearful.

The integrity of Daxin's territory is mostly attributed to Zhang Wenqi, and the other is Wu Zhan.

Clearly Zhao Qingzi shares the same view with the soldiers, "That's because you are Wu You and she likes to tease you, but in front of the enemy, this is not the case, Marshal Zhang is the pride of the Marquis of Chang'an. ."

Mo Ziyi listened to their conversation and suddenly remembered something: "Did that Marshal Zhang fight bandits in Jinzhou when the snow was heavy?"

Wu You nodded, "Aunt Zhang, she was indeed in Jinzhou to suppress bandits before. She told us before that the person she rescued should be you."

Zhao Qingzi watched the two of them talk beside her, for some reason she felt a little heavy, so she couldn't help but looked up at the sky, the sun was hanging high, it was noon.

I couldn't help raising her hand and yawning, Zhao Qingzi felt that her upper and lower eyelids wanted to fight, but she had been sleeping very well recently, and even with Wu You by her side, she slept better than ever Some, why are you so sleepy.

After talking with Mo Ziyi for a while, Wu You and Mo Ziyi found that Zhao Qingzi had been silent for a long time, so she couldn't help but look beside her, only to see Zhao Qingzi resting her head with one hand, little by little, Her eyes were half-open, as if she was very sleepy.

She couldn't help but worry: "Azi, are you sleepy? Why don't I push you back to your room to sleep."

Zhao Qingzi was awakened by her and felt a little less sleepy. She shook her head and rejected the proposal: "No, I'm fine."

"Do you want Miss Zhao to find a doctor to take a look at her? She can't be careless about her body." Mo Ziyi was also a little worried when she saw Zhao Qingzi's appearance.

Wu You also thinks this way. For some reason, she always feels that Zhao Qingzi is very sleepy these days, but Wu You has been accompanying her, knowing that Zhao Qingzi sleeps well.

"Why don't you take a look, I'm a little worried about you looking like this."

Zhao Qingzi wanted to refuse, she felt that there was no problem with her body, but seeing Wu You's worried expression, the words of refusal suddenly got stuck in her throat and couldn't say, "Okay."

So Zhao Qingzi instructed Jingrong to go out to find a doctor. After a while, the doctor was invited by Jingrong. The doctor frowned after examining Zhao Qingzi's pulse.

Seeing the doctor like this, Wu You suddenly felt nervous: "Doctor, how is her health?"

The doctor took back the hand of the pulse diagnosis, "Miss Zhao is just a little weak, the rest is fine, just take good care of it."

Wu You breathed a sigh of relief and sent the doctor out of the house.

Although it was all right, Zhao Qingzi still felt very sleepy, she couldn't hold it, but she was afraid that Wu You would be bored and wanted to accompany her more.

After pushing Zhao Qingzi back to the room, Wu You carefully picked her up and put her on the bed, then covered her with a quilt and pressed the corners of the quilt, and hung up the clothes that Zhao Qingzi had taken off, Wu You She turned around and found that Zhao Qingzi was looking at herself with her watery eyes. She couldn't help but feel a little funny: "Go to sleep, I'll be here with you."

Zhao Qingzi nodded lightly when she heard the words, her eyes were still quietly looking at Wu You, Wu You was a little helpless, she sat on Zhao Qingzi's bedside, and told Zhao Qingzi like coaxing her sister to sleep in her previous life story.

Zhao Qingzi listened attentively at first, but after a while, her drowsiness began to surge up, only to feel her head getting heavier and heavier, and then she lost consciousness.

Wu You watched as she gradually closed her eyes and her breathing gradually became even. She got up and tidied up her quilt. Look over.


Jiang Hong couldn't help but sneezed. She sat on the bed and wrapped herself tightly with the quilt. Liniang came in from the outside with Jiang Shui in her hand. Seeing her like this, she couldn't help shaking. Shaking her head, she said reproachfully, "Sister Hong, you are so old, why can't you take care of yourself."

As she spoke, she gave Jiang Hong the **** soup in her hand. Jiang Hong took a few sips of her **** soup, and felt that the discomfort of the heavy head was relieved. She was a little embarrassed. Liniang said, "I'm sorry, Yu'er, I want you to take care of me."

Liniang took the bowl from her hand and put it on the table, "It's nothing, but Sister Hong, I've said it many times, you should call me Liniang, I haven't had the name Yuer for a long time. I've used it, and now I can't even think about it."

Jiang Hong knew what she was referring to, she said solemnly: "You will always be Yu'er in my heart."

Hearing these words, Liniang stopped for a while before continuing to clean up: "Well, I know."

After finishing everything, Liniang sat on the stool to rest, Jiang Hong felt a little guilty when she saw her tired look: "I'm sorry, I made you work for me."

Li Niang smiled: "No, it's just that my mental state has been very bad recently, and I've been wanting to sleep for some reason."

Jiang Hong frowned, a little worried: "Have you seen the doctor?"

Li Niang was really sleepy, she replied in confusion: "I have seen it a long time ago, the doctor said that I am only weak, and I have been going to the medical center these days."

He said strangely: "However, I have seen a strangely dressed person in the pharmacy a few times, and he is always staring at me."

Jiang Hong was a little worried when she heard the words, she said anxiously: "I will go with you tomorrow, you are still too dangerous alone."

Looking at Jiang Hong's serious expression, Liniang's eyes softened: "Okay, listen to you."

The author has something to say:Modified a little problem, it does not affect reading, you don't need to care

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