MTL - Online Games: Start Unlimited BUFF Talent!-Chapter 9 Can a pastor play like this?

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Feilong swept his gaze across the sky and found Lin Bei who was standing beside the throne.

"Haha! There's really only one priest! And...the light shining on the actually golden!"

Gold level equipment!

Equipment of this quality, but also jewelry with a very low drop rate!

On the first day of the game, the value would be hundreds of thousands of sea blue coins!

The point is...there are two pieces!

Get rich!

Feilong's eyes lit up in the sky, and he had completely lost his mind.

"Priest boy in front, who asked you to rob our boss? Now I'll give you a choice. If you know each other, give me back the equipment dropped by the boss. We Fight Shark-Dynasty can let go of the past! want it. Waste!"

Feilong shouted in the sky.

Although he can let people go up and explode the priest now, but... those two gold-level jewelry won't necessarily drop!

Therefore, for the sake of safety, Feilong Zaitian chose to threaten the opponent.

Although he is a bit swayed by interests, he is not afraid at all!

The other party is just a priest, let alone the other party's level is over level 5, what if it is level 10?

With 300 people on their side, can they still let this kid run away?

In the second world, the death rate is only 10%. It would be better if the opponent could take the initiative to hand over the equipment.

Lin Bei frowned slightly when he heard the words, but he didn't care about the other party's words.

In the second world, the situation of gun bosses happens from time to time, and everyone depends on their abilities.

But... the boss on my side has already been killed, and it is a bit ridiculous to say that I robbed the boss.

His current attributes, even if the other party has 300 people?

For him now, it's just a group of experienced babies.

However, he did not pay attention to the flying dragon in the sky for the first time, but turned his eyes to the other two directions, namely the people from the Fengyun Guild and the Qingyu Guild.

"What about you? Do you think I stole your boss?"

Lin Bei asked with a smile.

"No such thing! I'm here, just to invite you to join our Fengyun Guild! No malice! If you need it, we can help you deal with the people of Dou Sha-Dynasty!"

Fengyun Wushuang's pupils shrank slightly, and quickly responded.

"God! Come to our guild! There are many girls in our guild! And the medicine is full!"

Before Qingqing Zijin could speak, Yu Wushuang shouted excitedly.


Lin Bei didn't speak, but there was a flash of regret in his eyes. Fengyun and Qingyu's people together have two hundred people. If they go together, he can gain more experience.

Since they can't get on, it's not good for him to start the brush directly.

"The flying dragon is in the sky, right? I'll give you 10 seconds to apologize to me."

Lin Bei said lightly.

"I told you that you are paralyzed! A pastor of Caibi is pretending to be an uncle?"

Feilong Zai Tian heard the words with a grim expression, and said ruthlessly, "Since your kid doesn't eat a toast and doesn't eat a penalty drink, then don't blame me for bringing someone to kill you to retreat! Let's go together!"

Dou Sha-Dynasty is nothing more than a third-rate guild, and Feilong, the guild leader, is very clear in Tianxin.

but! If you can grab these two pieces of golden equipment, everything will be rewritten!

Gold-level equipment, on the first day of opening the server, is completely like an artifact!

Once they get it, their Shark Fighting Dynasty will be able to use it to create early-stage advantages, keep snowballing, and eventually turn the guild into a second-rate or even a near-first-rate guild!

How could he give up such an opportunity?

Although there are people from the two guilds, Fengyun and Qingyu, who are eyeing them, but... he is not worried!

There are hundreds of pastors here, and they will definitely be able to live with milk!

To prevent the change from happening later, Feilong Zaitian directly ordered to besiege Lin Bei!

However, Lin Bei sneered, took out the goblin bow, and shot arrows at the crowd.

-300! (Weakness crit!)

-300! (Weakness crit!)

In just seven or eight seconds, Lin Bei shot more than 20 arrows in a row.

"Grass, this priest's attack speed is so fast!"

In the crowd, a soldier holding a shield exclaimed.

Under normal circumstances, if a shooter has not learned occupational proficiency, unless he is equipped with the best equipment to increase the attack speed, he can only shoot one arrow per second, but the priest in front of him... can shoot at least 2 arrows per second, which is outrageous!

How do they do this?

Outside the crowd, Fengyun Wushuang looked excited.

This operation... is to shoot arrows at the speed of card attack!

And the density of simply amazing!

Card attack speed archery is actually an advanced operation skill for archers. The principle is that by constantly wearing and unloading weapons, the purpose of canceling the attack and resetting the attack is achieved, and the arrow is forcibly shot.

It sounds like a ghost, but as long as it is handled properly, it will be very silky.

Of course, this requires extremely fast neural reaction speed and hand speed. If it is an ordinary player, even if he knows the operation method, he will probably be stunned in the same place because he is in a hurry, causing the attack speed to drop instead of rising!

"Xiao Lin, can you do it?"

Fengyun Wushuang looked at the first shooter of his team next to him, "Niao Da Lin Zi Xiao", and asked aloud.

"I can be a der! His attack speed has been refreshed to about 0.4 seconds, which is close to the limit!"

Niao Da Lin Zi Xiao looked at Lin Bei who was walking around in the field with a bow and archery in shock, and muttered: "Looking at him like this, he is completely useless! Damn, I have practiced for so many years! "

It's really people-to-people, maddening people!

Card attack fast archery, he will!

But... at his level, he can get stuck to 0.8 seconds at most, and it will also affect the walking position, and there is a risk of mistakes!

And what about the pastor?

Looking at it like this, it’s not a problem if the attack speed is stuck to 0.4 seconds, and the position doesn’t affect it at all!

Simply inhuman!

Even if it is the first marksman of the WWL "a hail of bullets", the limit operation will be stuck to 0.3 seconds! Although it is 0.1 seconds faster than this pastor, don't forget that this is a pastor!

Priests use bows and arrows, and there is a penalty for attack speed!

In other words, if the priest was a marksman, his attack speed might be faster!

Just outrageous!

"Captain! This great god, I feel that he has switched to the wrong profession! If he is a shooter, he will definitely be a fierce group!"

Bird Dalinzi said in a low voice.

"Well, I think so too. Everyone, be careful and prepare to protect people!"

Fengyun Wushuang gave an order, and everyone was immediately refreshed, their positions scattered, and they were ready to enter the arena to help.

On the other side, Yu Wushuang was extremely excited, and kept shaking Qingqing Zijin's shoulder beside him: "Qingqing, have you seen it? This is the Great God! We must pull into our guild!"

"Well, but... he is so powerful, will he agree? We are a new guild after all, aren't we..."

Qing Qing Zi Jin hesitated.

"What about him! Pull it first! If you don't agree... then add a friend! In case someone bullies us in the future, let's pay him a favor to the head office, shall we?"

Yu Wushuang curled his lips and said, "Okay, okay, don't worry about it so much, and quickly order the people to go and prepare to help! Didn't you see that the people from the Wind and Cloud Guild are ready to do it?"

"Ah good."

"I mean, is this the priest?"

"God God is not a dog god", who rushed to the Thunder Ruins, was stunned. Seeing Lin Bei, who kept walking in the field, attacked and shot arrows to kill the enemy, the whole person was dumbfounded.

Can a pastor play like this?

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room also saw Lin Bei's powerful operations.

"Damn, this is a priest? I'm not even a level 50 shooter. He's outrageous!"

"It's over, I'm level 60, I can't understand this operation at all, do I have to restart it?"

"What is the weak point crit? It can be seconds? Is it an S-level talent?"

"Damn talent! Have you seen it in WWL? Have you seen the operation of the 'Bombshell' boss? This is a top operation, not a talent at all!"

"Honey, he's so strong, why doesn't he switch to shooter?"

"Who knows, maybe the priest is more powerful?"

"Brother, do you believe it? The priest still wants to touch the porcelain shooter? Do you believe it if I exploded your dog head eight hundred miles away?"

"That's right! It looks like he made a mistake in changing jobs! If not, I'll live stream upside down!"

"Upstairs brother, remember to start the broadcast, I will give you a gift!"

The thunderous ruins, the battle has fallen into the white-hot stage!

Feilong looked grim in the sky, and a cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

This operation simply stunned him!

He couldn't help recalling the reports of several assassins who had been kicked out of the guild by him before, and his heart twitched violently.

It turned out that it wasn't their food, it was the pastor who was too strong!

"Grass, it's hard for Lao Tzu to ride a tiger now! However, no matter how strong the operation is, can it be reversed? Can't do it again and again!"

Feilong Zaitian's eyes were gloomy and he shouted: "Don't be afraid, everyone! Surround yourself! Once you get close, he will definitely die! All the dead people, I will reward each of them with 100 sea blue coins! If I can kill this priest, I will reward them. He has 1000 sea blue coins!"

"Okay! The boss is mighty!"

A soldier heard the words and shouted, took the lead, and rushed up.

The others were also refreshed when they heard the words, and rushed over at the fastest speed!

The scene became more chaotic.

Even if Lin Beika is shooting arrows at a high speed, he is still stretched thin in the face of hundreds of players charging.

Soon, a group of people rushed to within ten meters of Lin Bei!

"Oops! God is in trouble!"

"Let's go together!"

The two guilds, Qingyu and Fengyun, act at the same time!

At the edge of the ruins, God Gou was full of regret and said helplessly: "Alas, after all, there is only one person, and he is a priest, and the movement speed is too slow. Otherwise, if you climb up the tree and take your place, there may be room for manipulation. It's a pity. Yes, this time it will definitely die."

In the live broadcast room, everyone also felt that the priest was powerless.

But everyone is still excited, this pastor is really too strong!

If it weren't for the mistake of changing careers, it must be outrageous!

Maybe it will give him time to grow up and join a professional team to compete with the sharpshooter "Bombshell"!

"This pastor is too strong!"

"Love love, I will be his fan from now on!"

"This operation is absolutely top-notch! Awesome!"

In the live broadcast room, although everyone had already decided that the priest would die, they still admired his operation skills.

Such technology makes them astonished!

However, just when everyone thought the dust had settled, a holy light appeared in the thundering ruins of UU Reading, directly piercing the Dou Sha-Dynasty's encirclement, and tore a huge hole in the crowd. !

Holy light broke!




A series of damage numbers floated up, and a vacuum appeared in the crowd.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 people from Dou Sha-Dynasty died!

In an instant, whether it was the two major guilds who were going to help, or Dou Sha-Dynasty's own people, or the audience in the Gou Shen live broadcast room, they were all stunned at the moment.

"I'm just... Was that Shengguang Po just now? This hurt... is it fake?"

"Damn it, the priest can still play like this? The output is so violent!"

"Is this still the nanny? Is this the battle priest?"

"I'm sorry, the name of the battle priest is so good! The battle priest is awesome!"

"Battle priest is awesome!"

"Battle priest is awesome!"

In the live broadcast room, all of them were swiped by the barrage of "Battle Priest Niubi".

God Gou was shocked, his brain was about to lose the ability to think, because... the priest raised the staff in his hand with a smile again, and the second holy light broke!


A large piece of white light appeared, and Dou Sha-Dynasty's people lost more than a dozen people again!

Does his skill need to be cooled down?

Gou Shen was dumbfounded.

Holy light broke!

Holy light broke!

Holy light broke!

In less than 20 seconds, Dou Sha-Dynasty has already killed hundreds of people!

At the same time, the post about "Battle Priest tortured and killed 300 people in the Fighting Shark Dynasty" was like a bomb, instantly detonating the entire forum!

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