MTL - Online Games: Start Unlimited BUFF Talent!-Chapter 5 Forum exploded!

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The life limit of a level 7 goblin elite should be around 1500 points. For Lin Bei at this time, there is no danger at all.

Now that he is equipped with a mithril scepter, his magical attack power has reached as high as 350 points. Under the superposition of various buffs, the damage of the 5th-level punishment has directly reached a terrifying 1510 points!

Not only that, but now his life recovery is 315 points, magic recovery is 25 points, and his battery life is terrifying!

Thirty goblin elite soldiers were divided into six teams, wandering around the thunderous ruins.

Lin Bei quickly approached a patrol, and without saying a word, a disciplinary technique fell!



The white beam of light fell, and the goblin elite shooter fell to the ground.

[You killed the level 7 elite goblin shooter! Get 144 experience points! 】

Now that he is level 5, he needs 8000 experience points to upgrade from level 5 to level 6. After killing these 30 Goblin elites, he can get at least 50% of the experience points. Plus the lord, maybe he is lucky. You can go straight to level 6!

Under normal circumstances, killing monsters by leapfrogging is rewarded with experience. On average, you can get an additional 10% experience bonus for every level you exceed.

In addition, killing experience monsters can get 2 times the experience of ordinary monsters, and killing the lord level can get 50 times the experience of ordinary monsters, which is very impressive!

Lin Bei fired a punishment technique every second, and in just a few breaths before and after, he wiped out a goblin team and exploded a piece of bronze equipment.


Goblin Bow (lv.5)

Quality: Bronze

Attributes: Physical attack power +90, range 25m

Special effects: 1. Agility +3; 2. Range +10m


It is a good little gem. Lin Bei is carrying it directly on his body. With this bow, his manipulation space is a little bigger. Before, his attack methods were relatively monotonous and the physical damage was pitifully low. Now he has this bow. If you use the war bow with his precise shooting to trigger a weak point crit, you can trigger a crit damage that ignores defense, and the power is very impressive!

In the second world, there are two ways for physical damage to deal crit damage. One is to trigger the crit rate in the data. This kind of crit damage is purely based on the face, and the damage will be affected by the target's defense. The crit coefficient is only 1.5 times; and another way is to attack the target's weakness and trigger the weak crit!

The weak point crit damage can ignore the target's defense and directly cause double damage, which is very terrifying!

But it is worth mentioning that hitting a weak point is not 100% capable of triggering the weak point crit damage. Strength, angle, and timing are all indispensable! For the vast majority of people, even if they hit the enemy's weakness, they generally can only deal weak point damage that ignores defense, and cannot deal critical hits.

However, Lin Bei was different. He was a top thief in his last life. Although his equipment was a bit poor, his skills were very top-notch. For him, it was easy to attack with weak points! He can even hit a further fatal crit!

The fatal crit is the ultimate crit!

Not to mention the terrifying triple crit damage, and the same as weak crit, ignoring defense!

Not only that, after causing a fatal crit, it will also have a certain negative impact on the target for a period of time. In the last life, more than half of those shocking professional league scenes were reversing the situation through fatal crit, turning defeat into victory. scene!

However, it is still very difficult for Lin Bei to trigger a fatal crit.

Because of the fatal crit, he needs the cooperation of physical combat skills. Now he is just a priest and has not learned the combat skills of the physics department, so he can only rely on experience and technology to make weak crit, but even so, it is enough!

Draw the bow, aim, shoot the arrow.

All in one go.


-238! (Weakness crit!)

With one arrow, it directly hit the eye of a Goblin elite warrior, causing more than 200 points of weak crit damage!


Being attacked, the Goblin Elite roared and greeted two elite teams rushing towards Lin Bei!

Seeing this, Lin Bei smiled slightly.

This time, he didn't rush to do it, but kept adjusting his position, pulling the other two teams into a long dragon, and only after they all entered the range of 6 meters, did he attack!

Holy light broke!


A three-meter thick golden beam of light shot out from the Mithril scepter, directly penetrating the entire six-meter area in front of him!

-648! -652! -1320! (Critical attack!)…

A series of damage numbers floated up, and one of the unlucky ones directly triggered a 5% spell crit effect and was instantly killed on the spot.

In addition, those Goblin elites who were not hit by seconds were all ignited by "Holy Flame", and under the bonus of "Elena's Prayer", they suffered 20 points of continuous damage per second!

"The damage is a little weaker, but the attack range is not small. Before level 10, the only thing that can compare to it is fire."

Although the bonus is not very high, and there is no judgment damage that generally ignores defense, it is an area skill, and it is very good to have such an effect.

What's more, "Elena's Prayer" gives Holy Light skills a 90% cooldown reduction bonus, and he can release it once every 3 seconds. As far as the efficiency of killing monsters is concerned, the current stage is actually more powerful than Retribution. of!

After three seconds passed, Shengguang Po attacked again!

Brush brush brush -!

A corpse fell to the ground, and the two elite goblin squads were completely destroyed!

"There are two more pieces of bronze equipment, not bad."

Lin Bei smiled slightly, and went forward to put away the equipment. After all, his equipment explosion rate for killing these elite monsters seems to be 20%, which is still very powerful. Of course, this is thanks to his 1 point of luck. And BUFF bonus, otherwise, the harvest can't be so rich.

After all, under normal circumstances, elite monsters only drop black iron-quality equipment at most, as for you want to eat shit?

But the existence of "drop quality +1" makes it a reality for elite monsters to drop bronze level!

"When the boss is killed, the silver-level equipment is gone!"

Lin Bei smiled slightly and continued to sweep the remaining Goblin elites. The lord level is different from the elite level. That is the boss. In the second world, the equipment explosion rate of the boss is 100%!

Especially the first kill, the rewards are even more generous!

This is also the reason why everyone is so eager for the first kill of the BOSS!

However, he laughed at the boss of the thunderous ruins. As for the others... it is estimated that it will be over before they can come over.

With his current attributes, killing a lord-level boss less than level 10 is easy!

Just as Lin Bei was advancing steadily in the ruins of thundering thunder, the first brother of Dou Sha Platform, a former WWL professional player, "Gou God is not a dog god" started broadcasting!

"Hello everyone from the audience! Your favorite God Gou is here!"

As soon as the broadcast started, millions of viewers poured into the live broadcast room, and the barrage instantly filled the screen.

"The dog is good!"

"Let's go to a woman's outfit! I'm almost crying!"

"Women's clothing +1!"


However, God Gou turned a deaf ear to these barrages, and continued to smile: "Okay, the broadcast will start early today because I'm going to participate in the [Tianyuan Climbing Competition]!"

Gou Shen said mysteriously: "There are two awards in this competition, one is the highest level reward, and the other is the fastest upgrade reward! The competition lasts for a week, and the rewards are very generous!"

"However, it has been a while since the server has been launched, and there is little hope of competing for the highest level reward, but my family, after a morning of research by this god, have finally made a perfect upgrade plan! According to this upgrade plan, it is absolutely possible to Easily get the fastest upgrade reward!"

"The fastest upgrade reward is compared to the player's upgrade speed for each level. As a [Second World] manipulation monster, of course, this **** will not fool around for seven days!"

"Our goal is to break the record for the fastest upgrade before level 10!"

Gou Shen smiled and said: "Also, this plan is not like those big guilds who lead a group to kill monsters, you only need to bring 4 tool people. Later, I will randomly select 4 lucky viewers in the live broadcast room, let's play together. Records go!"

"Choose me, choose me, choose me!"

"Xiaotian, choose me quickly, I am Erlang Zhenjun!"

"Wow, you actually bring a tool person, you have the ability to brush alone!"


However, people like Gou Shen, who are used to seeing wind and waves, were not moved at all, but continued to follow their own live broadcast rhythm, opened the official database, and said with a smile: "Before we set the record, let's take a look at the previous records. The fastest upgrade record for different servers!"

"The first is to upgrade from level 1 to level 2. The fastest speed is 1 minute and 39 seconds. It was set by the 'God Apollo' of the first server. Helios deserves to be the MVP of the WWL finals, but he is fierce! Although it is said that level 1 to level 2 You only have 100 experience points, but you also need to kill 10 level 1 monsters. If you count it, you can get one in less than ten seconds on average, so the MVP is well deserved!"

"Okay, let's take a look at the 'Tianyuan' of the nine servers, um... 6 seconds, okay. Wait! 6 seconds?! I know, is this so human?!"

Gou Shen thought he was wrong, rubbed his eyes, and stared at the computer screen again.

[Tianyuan's fastest ranking list—lv.1~lv.2]

1. Only want the Buddhist system, 6 seconds.

2. Forest wood, 1 minute 09 seconds.

3. Cao Fei Apollo, 1 minute 15 seconds.

On the leaderboard, 3 players surpassed the record set by God Apollo in one server. Normally, this is understandable. After all, it was the record four years ago. Each server map is completely different, but...there is a chance to break the record!


What the **** is 6 seconds?

Not only Gou Shen, but in the entire live broadcast room, all the viewers were stunned.

"Grass, is this taking drugs? So fierce?"

"He's absolutely dead!"

"This Nima is still human? 6 seconds, faster than me!"

"This brother upstairs, can you tell me how long it takes you? Pure curiosity!"


God Gou quickly came back to his senses, he knew that [Second World] was absolutely impossible to open!

And the database is connected to the game system, so the data is impossible to go wrong!

Then...there is only one conclusion!

This big guy called "Only Only Wants the Buddhist System" has really set an appalling record!

6 seconds!

I'm grass, this is so...

No, I have to look at his upgrade speed at other levels!

Thinking of this, God Gou directly searched the ranking list for "Only only wanting to be Buddhist", and in the next second, all the upgrade data about him were displayed on the computer screen!

[Only only want to be Buddhist]

lv.1~lv.2, 100 experience, takes 6 seconds.

lv.2~lv.3, 1000 experience, 2 minutes and 19 seconds.

lv.3~lv.4, 2000 experience, 4 minutes and 35 seconds.

lv.4~lv.5, 4000 experience, 4 minutes and 06 seconds.

lv.5~lv.6, 8000 experience, no statistics yet.


God Gou immediately became numb.

What is the upgrade speed of this horse?

What's even more outrageous is that the 4th level to 5th level is half a minute faster than the 3rd level to 4th level!

This is 2000 more experience! The speed does not decrease but increases! Is this reasonable?

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back after seeing the information displayed on the screen.

"Grass, the Buddhist boss is awesome! This speed, I'm convinced!"

"It took nearly ten minutes for Apollo 2 to 3, but he only took two minutes, my God!"

"That's a piece of shit! Look at the speed at which he goes from level 4 to level 5, it's outrageous! It's half a minute faster than level 3 to level 4! Is this still a human? Even Apollo, he used a full amount of it. 40 minutes! How much did he use? 4 minutes! This is ten times faster! I'm numb!"

"Does he have the talent for experience bonus?"

"Don't say it, it's possible! And with such an outrageous upgrade speed, I think it is at least A-level talent!"

"Cow, ah, ah!"


Just when everyone was discussing this "only Buddhist" boss, the data of lv.5~lv.6 on the screen was suddenly updated!

lv.5~lv.6, 8000 experience, 1 minute and 38 seconds.




Everyone, with question marks all over their faces.

1 minute 38 seconds? This is 1 second faster than Apollo 1 and 2 upgrades?


The news of the [Tianyuan Climbing Contest] spread quickly, and at the same time, the forum of [Second World] exploded, and countless posts about "just thinking about Buddhism" appeared. In just a few minutes, there were no less than a hundred thousand !

At the same time, the news quickly spread to the major professional teams.

"Hehe, it's just awakening the talent that is helpful for leveling. What's more, the record is the old yellow calendar a few years ago. What can I say? In my opinion, it only wants to be a Buddhist and just want to gain popularity. , a clown, not worth mentioning!"

Shen Lin team, Shen Apollo listened to the news brought by the coach, and smiled disdainfully, "This kind of account is mostly useless, and the leveling talent can only be a PVE player."

On the other side, Team Nine Clouds, the coach found Chen Changsheng who was graduating in the new server.

"What's the matter, coach? Is there something wrong with me suddenly?"

Chen Changsheng raised his brows slightly. He was about to kill the BOSS in Xinxing Village. With his S-rank talent, coupled with the operation and awareness of top professional players, he could easily capture it!

However, now that he was suddenly called off the assembly line, if he was preempted by others because of the delay, he would lose a lot!

"Changsheng, did you create a new character in the nine servers?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Is 'I only want to be Buddhist' your character name?"

"No? My name is 'Cao Fei Apollo'."

Chen Changsheng looked at the coach who suddenly fell silent, frowned and asked, "Did something happen?"

"Well, a player called 'Only Only Buddha' has set a new upgrade record! Take a look."

Having said that, the coach handed Chen Changsheng a list.

Chen Changsheng glanced at the result list, and his entire body was stunned.

"Damn, this guy is awesome! How can he achieve such a fast level-up speed? Now that I have awakened an S-level talent, it's not as outrageous as him!"

"The coaching staff is also analyzing, but everyone agrees that he has awakened some kind of talent for acquiring experience points, so the upgrade speed is very fast. Such people are PVE talents, if they can pull Entering the guild under our team's name is also a good choice! By the way, you just said that you have awakened... S-level talent? Is this true?"

"Of course! My talent is old and fierce! When I practice my level, I will definitely be able to fly that boy Apollo!"

Chen Changsheng's face was full of confidence.

"Haha, good work! In this case, our team will fully cooperate with you! You only focus on upgrading! When you level up, let's compete for the WWL championship!"

The coach rejoiced.

"That's a must! That boy Apollo, I have suffered a lot from the advantage of his own talent. This time, I must make him look good!"

Chen Changsheng said something confidently, and then he went online to kill the boss without stopping.

"I only want the Buddhist system... I only want the Buddhist system... Wait! I said why I am so familiar, isn't this the character I wanted to create before? Huh... It's dangerous, but luckily I didn't create it successfully. If it was successful, maybe I was at that time. Just like this person, he is a leveling talent!"

After going online, Chen Changsheng looked terrified when he recalled it.

It's so dangerous, I almost missed the S-level talent!

As for the leveling talent of "only wanting the Buddhist system"?

He just doesn't care!

He is a PVP player, the top professional player in the entire league. Even if he does not have the talent related to leveling, will he upgrade slowly with his own operating skills?

"Sure enough, I was lucky this time."

The corners of Chen Changsheng's mouth rose slightly, looking forward to the future.

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