MTL - Online Game: You Call Him A Newbie?-Chapter 242 [243] Demolition and Bone Box

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  Chapter 242 [243] Demolition and bone box

  The next step is to share the spoils, because Zhou Tiansheng and the others did not participate, and it is not easy for Lin Feng to share with them.

  So these things are mainly Lin Feng, Xiao Hei, the dragon monster and the tiger monster.

Dragon-shaped monsters and tiger monsters do not have a great demand for beast crystals. Although beast crystals are also useful to them, they are still inferior to those natural treasures, so almost all beast crystals are divided by Lin Feng and Xiao Hei. gone.

  Lin Feng glanced lightly at Xiao Hei who was joking aside, this guy definitely has something to hide.

  But with so many harvests this time, he might as well keep some for himself.

   And Lin Feng also shared some of his beast crystals with Zhou Tiansheng and Dou Boss. After all, only by recovering together can we better protect ourselves in this world.

   So the next step is the question of where everyone will go.

  The tiger monster was about to return to the forest, but Lin Feng didn't say much.

   As for the dragon-shaped demonic beast, it is natural to go back to Zhongzhou. Lin Feng and the others are also going to Zhongzhou, looking for the Ruoshui River, crossing the dragon gate and returning to the God Realm, so they can also drop by.

Finally, Lin Feng looked at Mu Ling, gave her hundreds of bronze-level beast crystals and dozens of silver-level beast crystals, and said in a deep voice, "It's fate to be able to meet you. Beast Sect, these are gifts of thanks, let's part."

Mu Ling bit his lip, didn't take the beast crystal, but looked at Lin Feng and said: "Senior, I know that you are people from the upper realm, with great supernatural powers, but you really don't want to be reconciled to being ordinary. Senior also said, I have good talent and aptitude, can senior accept me as a disciple? I want to go to the upper realm with senior to see."

"No, the matter of accepting apprentices is related to cause and effect. I will not accept apprentices hastily. With these resources, you can quickly increase your level. When you have strength, I believe you can rise step by step, so let's forget it. "Lin Feng refused.

Mu Ling burst into tears. Lin Feng asked her to leave before entering the Beast Sect, but she was not reconciled to an ordinary fate, so she waited outside for Lin Feng, hoping that Lin Feng would take her away with her. It would be even better to go to the Upper Realm to have a look.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Lin Feng also sighed softly, "I'm not a god, so at most, I can only pass through the Dragon Gate. My brothers and they are all gods, but this world can only allow them to recover to the **** level. , so in the end we may not be able to take you to the upper realm, rashly accepting you as a disciple, and keeping you here at that time is also irresponsible, so your Excellency should not say more."

  Muling suddenly felt a little desperate. Could it be that he really couldn't go to the God Realm with Lin Feng and the others?

  The dragon-shaped monster beside him was surprised when he heard the words.

"Unexpectedly, you are all people from the upper realm. No wonder you are so extraordinary. There are a few of you who are actually gods in legends. Oh my god, I actually met a god. He suddenly exclaimed .

  Lin Feng glanced at him lightly, and the dragon-shaped monster suddenly shrank its neck, suddenly remembered something, and quickly smiled flatteringly: "Senior, boss, the younger brother spoke a little aggressively before, senior, don't care, haha, haha."

Xiao Hei jumped onto his dragon's head and patted it lightly, "Xiaolong, I think you're not bad, so follow me well. If I'm in a good mood, I can't say I will give you some benefits. You may have the opportunity to ascend and leave this world in the future."

  The dragon-shaped monster was overjoyed immediately. No wonder he always felt something was wrong when he saw this black cat before. He dared to be a boss of the orc clan in the upper realm.

   "Okay, Ao Fang must take good care of the boss." The dragon-shaped monster immediately flattered Xiao Hei, and after everyone did this, the little dragon was called Ao Fang.

   Mu Ling looked at Lin Feng, desperate, and sighed, after all, he was going to take Lin Feng's beast crystal.

  But at this moment, Ao Fang said: "Actually, it is not impossible for the big brothers to lead people through the dragon gate."

  As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at him curiously.

"In our world, there is a saying that one person attains the Tao, and the whole family... No, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, and within the body of the God Realm, don't they all have small worlds? In fact, as long as a few big bosses recover the **** level, they will take this girl Put it into the small world in your body, and take it through the dragon gate together, wouldn't that be good?"

   Ao Fang said hey, and at the same time looked at Xiao Hei, blinked, meaning to say, when you leave, can you take me with you?

  Mu Ling's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he looked at Lin Feng.

  Lin Feng was a little speechless. His words were just an excuse to reject the other party. How could someone make trouble?

   "I'm not at the **** level. Although there is a small world in my body, it seems strange that this world suppresses me. So I guess, even if I recover to the peak of the epic level, the longevity world will not be able to open, so..." Lin Feng could only say.

  The implication is obvious, I can't take you away.

  Besides, he is telling the truth. This mirrored God Realm seems to suppress his Longevity Realm. Even if he has recovered some extraordinary power, the Longevity Realm has not responded at all.

  But Zhou Tiansheng on the side laughed and said: "It's okay, if he doesn't take you, you can drive. I will take you when the time comes. Now, you have no excuse not to accept him."

  Lin Feng looked at Zhou Tiansheng speechlessly, why are you tearing down my station? Are you not afraid that your granddaughter will find out and trouble you?

  Mu Ling also looked at Lin Feng expectantly, Lin Feng had no choice but to nod and agreed.

  No way, with a few sabotage guys around, what excuses can I find.

  Muling was overjoyed immediately, Lin Feng had to think about it, and took out a mental method from the storage bag, and gave it to the other party, so that the other party could change the mental method to help upgrade.

   "Fellow Daoist, are you in the mountains?"

   At this moment, a voice came from outside. Hearing this, Lin Feng immediately knew that the gray-clothed old man had come here. It seemed that the other party had some skills in escaping from the Beast Sect and finding them.

  Lin Feng had no intention of hiding anything, so he flew out and looked at the gray-clothed old man in front of him.

  The opponent looked quite embarrassed at this time, but his strength had also returned to the initial level of the diamond level. No wonder he was able to escape from the siege of so many monsters and beast masters.

   "Congratulations, fellow daoist, for getting out of trouble. I don't know if you came to find me, so what's the matter?" Lin Feng asked straight to the point.

  He didn't believe it. After the other party escaped, he came to find him for nothing.

  The old man in gray smiled when he heard the words, and glanced at Zhou Tiansheng and Boss Dou meaningfully.

   "These two fellow Taoists must also be from the God Realm. The aura of God-level Dao power is very obvious."

   Zhou Tiansheng and Boss Dou both smiled and did not explain anything.

  Although we are all homeless people, we still need to be vigilant.

  Seeing that Lin Feng and the others didn't talk much, the gray-clothed old man said directly: "This time I came to fellow daoist, first of all to thank fellow daoist for saving my life, and secondly, to get rid of fellow daoist."

   "What's the matter, fellow daoist, tell me first?" Lin Feng didn't agree, but asked the other party.

"It's like this. In the Great Zhou Dynasty of the God Realm, after the head of the Tianhe Gate was exiled here, the inheritance of the gate was also brought here. In order to prevent the inheritance from being lost, I also ask fellow Taoists to If possible, help me bring this thing back to Tianhe Gate, okay?" The gray-clothed old man said, and took out a bone box, which looked weird, but Lin Feng couldn't see anything for a moment.

   "Fellow daoists are very human, I believe they will be able to return to the God Realm, so I would like to ask a few of you to help me with this, I am very grateful." The gray-clothed old man said, and bowed solemnly to several people.

  Lin Feng asked with a strange expression: "Don't you plan to go back?"

"Why go back? In the God Realm, there are gods after the **** level, and above the gods there is the emperor level. At the next little **** level, it's better to stay in this world to be happy and happy. Besides, the beast master How can I let them go so easily." The old man in gray said with a smile, especially the last sentence, there was a faint murderous look in the other party's words.

  Lin Feng did not take the bone box hastily, but asked in a deep voice: "Do you have any valuables in this bone box? If it is lost at that time, after sending it down, don't become a villain instead."

"Fellow daoist, don't worry, this bone is just an empty box, but the sect has been passed down, and it's not easy to throw it away. If fellow daoist is interested, even if you want to study it, it's just a matter of asking fellow daoist to return the bone box." It’s all for peace of mind, even if the fellow daoists turn around and don’t give it away, I don’t care.” The gray-clothed old man said with a smile, and opened the bone box by the way, it was really empty and contained nothing.

  Lin Feng and the others all had weird faces. What a weird idea is a bone box as an inheritance of the sect.

   "Okay, I'm also a homeless person, I will help fellow Taoist once, but I may not go to the Great Zhou Dynasty, so I can only say to help fellow Taoist as much as possible." Lin Feng said.

If you went to the Great Zhou Dynasty, it would be easy to send something anyway. The gray-clothed old man blocked the strong ones in the Beast Sect, otherwise it would not be so easy for Lin Feng and the others to loot the treasure house of the Beast Sect and leave calmly, so they can help If so, let me help you out.

   "Haha, thank you fellow daoist, the Sect Master of the Beast Controlling Sect is still chasing me, I will stay soon, so farewell!" The gray-clothed old man smiled, left the bone box and left directly.

  Lin Feng looked at the bone box, a little speechless.

   "Is there anything special about this thing?" Zhou Tiansheng also stepped forward to look it up, but found nothing.

  Lin Feng also shook his head, "I just feel that these bones are a bit strange, as for the others, I can't tell."

   "Okay, don't study it anymore, that guy said that the Beastmaster is still chasing him, let's go too." Boss Dou said quickly.

  Lin Feng and the others nodded, and then the group of people flew away to the west again.

  On the spot, only the fierce tiger monster was left, watching the figures of several people going away, and after a long time, turned around and burrowed into the forest.

  (end of this chapter)