MTL - Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven-Chapter 1215 The Pale Nightmare Fist · The End (Part 2)

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Ye Tianxie ’s calamity completely disappeared, and the breath of tremendous power calmed down in an instant. The force that oppressed the funeral sky disappeared, and he turned around, staring straight into his Ye Tianxie, who was not threatened, violent anger was rising from the bottom of his heart ...

"It is indeed the power given by the seal of the soul of the beast of calamity! But you can only do it to that extent, and now ... I see what else you can do!"

The face of the funeral is twisted like a wild beast about to go mad. Because of the spleen nature of his broken **** was suppressed by a human to the point just now, the anger in his heart can be imagined. However, before he finished speaking, a bright white light suddenly flashed over the distant sky. This is also the moment when the funeral sky suddenly sees the most terrifying picture in the world.

Hundred seconds elapsed, the white light tangling on Beckham's body disappeared, and her body was revealed again. She looked directly at the funeral sky with a pair of pure white eyes, which contained the eagerness to tear him into Thousands of pieces of endless resentment and anger. The cat's claw gloves on her right had disappeared, replaced by a haze of white light that wrapped her entire right hand.

Beckham's power accumulation is completely completed at this moment. Ye Tianxie didn't feel anything, but the funeral sky locked by Beckham's power seemed to fall into the cold abyss at the moment when she was able to complete it. All the voices of the funeral are stuck in the throat and can no longer be emitted. All consciousness, all beliefs, also at this moment, all become endless fear.

"Well ... what awkward!" Xing Li's heart was pounding, her body shivered slightly, her footsteps, and she even moved backwards subconsciously. Prior to this, she tried several times to try to interrupt Beckham ’s charge with her own power, because she knew what it would mean once Beckham was charged, but Beckham was Ye Tianxie ’s partner, and she She couldn't bear to start ... With her constant hesitation, the scene she was most afraid to see eventually came. At this moment, there was nothing to stop it.

The pupils of the funeral are sometimes enlarged to the maximum and sometimes contracted to the minimum. This is an extreme physiological reaction that can only occur under extreme fear ... and such a reaction actually appeared on the body of a **** of destruction. The red hair of the funeral was straight up, and the body was shaking like a swing, and it was cold and sweaty on the forehead ...

Ye Tianxie has never seen the power of Beckham's ultimate destruction technique, and, when buried, the reaction of this destructive **** clearly told him how terrible a blow it would be.

Beckham lifted his right hand slowly with white light, and kept it up to his chest, and the horror on Burial Sky's face was released to the maximum at this moment ...

"No !!! Don't come over !!!"


Finally, the spiritual defense line of the funeral sky completely collapsed, and he issued a distorted roar, like a beast that was greatly frightened, and fled madly to the distance in the strange roar ... As a prince of a ruined protoss, would he It is a timid god, but the power that locks him is too terrible. It is a power that can destroy his body, destroy his will, and tear his soul. It is just locked by this power. His body and soul shuddered involuntarily, and the horrible scene in which his body would be destroyed to pieces in the next second kept floating ... For the first time in his life, he smelled the breath of death so clearly.

Locked by the ultimate skills of the Nightmare Beast, how could he escape.


At that time, it was the evil God of Destruction that killed her mistress with a blue attack under the attack.

After the hostess died, her host destroyed herself and went with her.

Later, she used all her strength and all her anger to fight against the Destroyer King who held the Blue Spring .... Eventually, she destroyed the Destroyer King and destroyed the Blue Huang Quan. She was almost destroyed, and countless years passed, still Not fully restored to the strength of that year.

She can forget everything, but she will never forget the blue sky ... because it caused the destruction of her closest ones, and it also made her and the fate of all her partners upside down.

Now, the blue sky Huangquan reappeared in her sight, and also aroused all the anger and resentment in her heart. The person who holds this blue water spring, no matter who it is, no matter how much it costs ......... must die! !! !!


Beckham's body disappeared into a white streamer, flying towards the burial sky where the fugitive fled ... When Beckham's attack was launched, the burial sky was doomed to escape, because of the nightmare beast's Once the ultimate strike is locked, it will be an absolute hit that ignores space and even time ...

"Brother ... stop Beckham soon! He will die!" Xingli yelled in horror. At the beginning, the Destroyed King with peak strength died under the blow of the Nightmare Beast, even after The blue water at the moment of the desolate **** was completely dispelled by this shock, and the power of the burial heaven is not possible in any way compared with the Destroyed King of the year. If he is hit, he will not have a second one except death. As a result ... now, maybe only Ye Tianxie can stop Beckham. Because only he would listen.

"Beckham! Don't kill him !!!"

Ye Tianxie and Burial Sky did not have any resentment. He even wanted to use it in his heart. Besides, he was still Xingli's brother ... If he died in the hands of Beckham, he could not explain to Xingli, meanwhile, If they are known by other gods of destruction, they will hunt them down like the **** of creation ... that is the hunting of gods!

If the funeral died, it would not be of any benefit to him, but would be endless. When Xingli's shout sounded in his ear, his heart followed closely, and he suddenly yelled.

Beckham's body was a slight meal in the air, but it did not stop. A white light passed through the space in a hurry, and a gorgeous white light trace was drawn on the sky ... This light passed straight through. The body of the burial heaven, the body escaping from the burial heaven suddenly became frozen, and freezed in the air.

"No !!!!"


boom! !! !! !!


Zuo Pojun, Murong Qiushui, and others all fell to the ground in different poses. Situ Mo was unfortunately sat on his face by Zuo Pojun and yelled like a pig.

"Dead fat! Believe it or not, I asked my little girl to cut all the fat from your body and make it into a fishing bait to go fishing!"

"I didn't do it on purpose." Zuo Pojun muttered, and patted the dust on his body: "What's going on today ... This is the third earthquake, and this time it felt so strong."

"That's all ... Look at your feet." Murong Qiushui glanced at the corner and said.

The people bowed their heads, and all of them suddenly changed their face. The ground beneath them suddenly appeared a lot of fine cracks. Such cracks were not accidental, but spread over all the land in their sight.

"Ding ... The world announced that uncontrollable abnormal energies appeared in the world of fate. These abnormal energies may drop unknown disasters at any time. Please keep all players alert or take them offline."

"What's going on?" Zuo Pojun frowned. This announcement is definitely the first time in the history of virtual games.

"Maybe, this destiny world is about to change ... Oh !?" Murong Qiushui said quietly, then raised his head, looked at the sky, followed by a sudden jump in his eyes.

"I don't know how the evil and praying about them are at the central island ... That strange man looks terrible ... Ah! Look at me, heaven ... the sky turned white." Sophie looked at the sky and exclaimed.

All the people looked up, and then they were surprised to find that the sky was completely white at this time. This was definitely not the kind of white covered by the white clouds, but an absolutely unusual pale ... But, they trembled. In their eyes, the pale sky didn't last long, and gradually, it turned into a normal blue color, which made them wonder whether the paleness they had just seen was a short-term vision illusion.


The white light passed through the body of the funeral sky, finally stagnating a hundred meters in front of him, showing Beckham's figure. The space, sky, and ocean were shaking like boiling. The only thing that was still was the funeral sky. His body, everything around him ... including the ocean and the sky, at that moment, the weirdness turned pale.

When the air finally returned, Beckham's body was like a dead leaf ~ ~ and fell from the air.

Ye Tianxie appeared under Beckham, holding her exquisite body in her arms. Becky's pupils have returned to the original blue, she silently glanced at Ye Tianxie, closed her eyes weakly, and then fell asleep.

"Ding ... Your pet 'Beckham' has fallen to '1' in all attributes within three months and has fallen into a lethargic state for an unknown duration."

Ye Tianxie breathed a sigh of relief ... Fortunately, there was a root barrier of crickets, and Beckham's vitality was locked. After launching the pale nightmare fist, he did not enter the dying state, and there was no vitality overdraft. Otherwise ... Beckham really has the potential to die directly.

"Xiao Bie, take a good rest." Ye Tianxie whispered softly, watching the young girl in her arms in a dim white light into the original form of Beckham, and then turned around and looked at the funeral The position of the sky suddenly spread his face.

The eyes and mouth of the funeral are all widened to the fullest, and the face shows a look of fear to the limit. From the moment he was hit by Beckham, his body was motionless as if frozen in the air. In addition, there were no injuries on his body.

At this time, Ye Tianxie suddenly saw that the feet of Burial Heaven were rapidly turning white ...

The pale color spread from the body at the foot of the funeral sky, little by little, to his legs, waist, arms, chest, neck ... slowly, every inch of his body, including him His hair, eyes, and even the power crystals on the surface of his body turned pale ... The funeral sky at this time was exactly like a sculpture made of lime.

Huang Huangquan slipped weakly from the funeral sky, broke through the water, and fell under the deep ocean.

The pale nightmare fist brings pale enemies to the enemy!

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