MTL - Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven-Chapter 1186 The stagger of 2 worlds (below)

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"It's ... that feeling again." Staring murmured looking at the East.

Ye Tianxie: "?"

"A very familiar feeling is in that direction, far away from here. But where is the familiar, I can't say. This feeling has appeared many times, although it only appears for a short time each time, But it was stronger every time ... this feeling made me a little uneasy. "

That feeling disappeared again, Xing Li's eyes turned, his eyes were blank.

Let Xingli feel familiar ...

"Which direction is it? Can you know?" Ye Tianxie said, all the results must have a cause, so that Xingli has such a reaction, he couldn't care, if he could find that position, he would choose to bring Xingli to Check it out there.

"I don't know where it is, I can only roughly feel that it is in that direction ... And, the orientation is not exactly the same every time." Xingli stretched her finger and pointed to the east ... Just knowing that it was in the east, Even if you want to find the source of this familiarity, there is no way to find it.

Ye Tianxie pondered for a while, then suddenly sighed and said, "Xing Li, do you want to find your own past?"

"Find your own ... past?" Xing Li repeated his words gently.

"When you came to the devil's continent, you did not have any memory of the past. But at an early age, you should know that the power you have beyond this world class determines your identity, and your The past is by no means simple. You have been in this world for more than 10,000 years, and your strength has been restored, but you still ca n’t remember what happened before this world ... Do you really do n’t want to remember it? Without the past, you will not feel very lost Ye Tianxie said quietly, throwing away the uncomfortable feeling of the past, he had experienced so deeply. At that time, the frequent blanks in memory had always been a painful torture for him ... not to mention that Xingli had completely lost her past. I do n’t know where I come from, who my parents are, or why I came to this world.

In the face of his words, beyond Ye Tianxie's expectations, Xingli's expression turned out to be so calm. She shook her head: "When I first arrived in this world, I was desperately trying to remember Recalling my own past ... But now, I don't want to remember, I don't want to remember at all ... even, I am afraid that one day I will remember my past. Brother, do you remember ... That time was because of me Thinking of the Devil, I left my brother, and it was so painful and struggling ... If I could know nothing at that time, there would be no subsequent incidents, and I would have no worries Anxious to accompany my brother ... Later, my brother didn't blame me and brought me back so disobedient, so that I can stay with my brother as before. This kind of me is already the happiest person in the world ... ... I'm so afraid. If I remember the past and the same thing happened before, I ... I ... let me be like this, I can stay with my brother freely, without thinking about anything, nothing Hanging, had only a person like my brother ...... those things have been lost, really not necessary. "

While talking, she leaned forward, leaning her soft body on Ye Tianxie's body and slowly closing her eyes.

Because of the pain of losing his memory, Ye Tianxie had been worried that Xingli would suffer the same torture quietly. After hearing Xingli's words, he realized that his worry was completely unnecessary. The reason he was tortured by the lost memory was because the lost memory was too important to him. Losing that memory was almost equivalent to losing most of his life. But for Xing Li, instead of not wanting the lost memory, she was rejecting it, and naturally he would not be so entangled with the loss of memory as he was.

"Okay, I know ... Xingli, rest assured, I said, no matter what happens, I won't let you leave me ... Even if you restore the memory of the past, whether you were good or bad before Even if I am an evil demon like me, I will not let you escape from me anymore ... No matter what happens in the future, no matter what you have to face, Xingli can't run away and take it upon himself. You know, otherwise, I would have to look for you so hard again ... "Ye Tianxie said softly, stroking her face.

"I ... I must remember what my brother said ... Brother, in this life, no matter what happens ... no matter what happens, I will never leave you again ... never ..." Xingli's eyes burst into tears Blinking, the sound also made a little whine, and his hands quietly held him tighter. More and more she felt how capricious and unacceptable it was to leave quietly.

After playing crazy for a day, Xiaomeng is now relaxed, maybe he finally feels tired and lays on Ye Tianxie's arm, and has fallen asleep unconsciously.

Outside time is close to the time of nightfall, and Sophie Fei has also called him several times to go offline for dinner. Ye Tianxie nodded Xiaomeng's nose and called softly, "Xiaomeng, it's time to get up."

The girl is always sensitive. She wakes up a little bit. In the dimness, she grabbed Ye Tianxie's finger and whispered: "Brother ... I want to sleep again ..."

"Then, let your sister Xingli accompany you first, and after waking up, let her play with you ... Your sisters have called me many times, I will come to play with you tomorrow, okay?" Ye Tianxie She shook her tender white hand and said. The lazy gesture of the girl half asleep and half awake is always so pleasing to the eye, making him unable to bear to kiss her face several times.

"Ah?" Hearing Ye Tianxie's departure, Xiao Meng finally came to her senses, she clenched Ye Tianxie's hand, blinked her eyes for a while, then her lips flattened little by little: "Woo ... Like my sister, my sister will leave at this time every day, and then I will be left alone, no one will play. "

"Your sister Xingli will always be with you." Ye Tianxie said with a smile.

Xiao Meng looked at Xingli, then bent her eyebrows and nodded strongly: "Hmm! Hey ... my sister has told me, let me listen to my brother, I ca n’t keep lingering on my brother, my brother will go back Well, I will listen to Sister Xingli well, I will not run around, and I will not quarrel with Sister Xingli. "

Many times, Xiao Meng is still very good. Ye Tianxie stroked her white hair and said with a smile: "Okay, tomorrow, I will bring the best candy to Xiaomeng ... Xingli, take care of Xiaomeng, I will leave first."

"Ah, wait a second brother." When Ye Tianxie was ready to go offline, Xingli stretched out his hand and held him.

"Xing Li, is there anything important?" Ye Tianxie asked.

"I ..." Xingli clutched him with both hands. After a while, he raised his head, looked at his eyes, and said something that made Ye Tianxie stunned for a while: "Brother, I Can ... go to your world? I ... I don't want to be with you for so long. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Go to my world ...

Earth! ?

"Xing Li, you mean ..." Ye Tianxie couldn't help holding his breath, because what Xing Li said was too shocking.

"That is ... I want to go with my brother to the place called" Earth "where my brother is. In that case, I don't have to be separated from my brother for so long every day. I can always stay with my brother and protect my brother ... Is it okay? Xingli Xingyan's eyes flickered and she said with deep desire.

Ye Tianxie: "........."

This is not a problem at all!

It is ... humans on the earth can let the spirit enter this world through the game world, and then this world can generate the same body carrying the spirit according to the physical information transmitted from the game equipment, and become the "player" of this world. When the player wants to leave, he only needs to leave the spirit, and the body carrying the spirit will disappear with it ... The spirit is intangible, and its transfer can be easily done. However, a person who belongs to this destiny world is transferred to the earth ... Ye Tianxie never thought about it, and no one thought about it at all. Even Pross, the form he first appeared on earth actually belonged to the spirit plus a regenerated body, not his own.

The earth and the star of Xi Yao are too far away. It is almost impossible to achieve such an exaggerated distance crossing these two spaces. Prose has been searching for a way to achieve it, but until now, he found nothing. He and Ye Tianxie said a few days ago that the possibility of achieving it is extremely slim. Everything can only be expected of miracles.

"Go to the earth where my brother is? Really? Really? Really?"

When Ye Tianxie was still in a trance, Xiao Meng had shouted excitedly: "Sister Xingli, I'm going, I'm going too! I don't want to be separated from my brother."

"Xing Li, can you really do it?" Ye Tianxie pressed his hands on Xing Li's shoulders and asked solemnly.

"I don't know ... but it should be possible to try. If it is strong enough, it can affect space to a large extent. Although it is not pure space power and cannot cause space destruction, the ultra-long distance movement of shuttle space, If the distance is within my ability, it will be possible to achieve ... Brother, can I try it? "Seeing Ye Tianxie was only surprised, and did not mean to refuse, Xing Li took a sigh of relief, she was When I brought it back from the devil's continent, I had this idea, but I was afraid that if he followed him to the earth, it would affect his life, so until now, he just proposed it.

"If it can be successful, of course it is the best!" Ye Tianxie said with excitement, "But Xingli, do you know where the earth is?"

"This is very simple, I just need to follow my brother." Xing Li finished, stretched out her right hand, a purple light condensed intently, and then with the flip of her wrist, the purple light fell gently. Ye Tianxie's body was integrated into his body.

"Okay." Xingli retracted his hand: "I left my mark of strength in my brother's spirit. In this way, I can judge the location of my brother based on the location of the mark of strength ~ ~ . "

Ye Tianxie closed his eyes, and deep in his head, there was indeed a touch of purple light. Ye Tianxie didn't say more, and nodded: "Xing Li, try it. Then, I leave first."

"Ah! Brother, I want to go too ... I want to go ... Sister Xingli, I want to go too." Xiaomeng shouted anxiously.

Ye Tianxie smiled and said, "Xing Li, if it's convenient, bring Xiao Meng too."

Ye Tianxie went offline in a mass of white light and appeared in his bedroom. Sitting up from the bed, he did not leave, but stared nervously at his front in the stillness, waiting silently ...

Will it succeed?

Xingli uses the power of true God. However, the star of Xi Yao is located in the center of the South Chaos, and the earth is in the East Chaos area where the Protoss was originally located, crossing the space of chaos, can it really be realized so easily?

One second, two seconds, three seconds ...

Five seconds ... ten seconds ... twenty seconds ...

Three minutes passed ...

Ye Tianxie let out a breath. Although after the Divine War, the barriers in their respective chaotic areas disappeared due to the destruction of the various protoss, the four major chaos are unobstructed and can be said to have become one, but despite this, even to the extent of Xingli ’s power, It's possible.

Just as he was about to leave his room, the space in front of him suddenly undulated with waves of water ... In Ye Tianxie's enlarged pupils, two girls holding hands were in the space. After twisting, he appeared in front of him.

Xingli and Xiaomeng! !!

Xingli and Xiaomeng appeared so real before him ... appeared on the earth! !!

This is a day of subversive significance. The power of God possessed by Xingli makes these two different worlds completely intertwined.