MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 6

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Venerable Vest was blasted out directly.

A face-to-face was crushed.

"Emergency Evacuation Alert!"

"Emergency Evacuation Alert!"

"The disaster level is a dragon!"

"All citizens please go to the shelter as soon as possible!"

The citywide notification alarm for city a suddenly sounded.

After hearing the siren.

Originally wanted to wait for Venerable Vest, the men and women in vest who returned victorious.

His heart froze for a while, and his face turned pale.

And just when the men and women in the vests panicked.

A huge roar quickly approached.

I saw a dark, domineering motorcycle coming fast.

All vest men and women were immediately hooked.

One of them is a man wearing a black vest.

But it stopped in front of the motorcycle's driving position.

"Hey, this gentleman, don't go any further. There are dragon-level monsters there. Let's escape as soon as possible while the road is still intact~"

The motorcycle slowed down and stopped in front of the man in the black vest.

"Didn't you guys also run away? Why can't I pass? Anyway, I'm a hero, how can I just run away?"

Said righteously.

But it's actually for energy.

Now that he has average dragon-level strength, even dragon-level monsters can't beat him.

He also wants to go over there to rub!

And heard Luo Yu's reply.

The men and women in the vests were stunned.

"Which hero is this... Is it an S-rank? Is it a drive knight? It doesn't seem like it?"

"Yeah, although the motorcycle is the best one on the market, it's too bad for a driving knight..."

"It's not an S-level hero, but to fight a dragon-level monster, isn't this going to die?"

Almost all men and women in vests expressed doubts.

Without any choice.

Luo Yu condensed a sleepy fairy talisman and hit the man in the black vest.

boom boom boom…

The sound of the motorcycle's engine rang out again.

Luo Yu jumped over the man in the black vest and walked away.

The man in the black vest, who was stunned on the spot, just wanted to stop him, but his expression changed drastically.

"What's the matter... Why can't I move suddenly, I can't move when a light shines on me... What the **** did that guy do?"

"What, with such an incredible ability, wouldn't it be a superpower?"

"No matter who that guy is, he dares to deal with dragon-level monsters? Is it too cowardly for us to wait here?"

Looking at Luo Yu's distant back.

The men and women in the vests had a fire in their hearts.

"Has our vest organization ever backed down?"

"That's right, dragon-level geeks are also geeks, and geeks have weaknesses!"

"His Holiness may still be fighting hard, how can we fall behind!?"

Everyone immediately clenched their fists and ran to where the vaccine man was!

And the Vaccine Man can no longer find the Venerable Vest.

More disdain appeared on his face.

"What an S-class hero, a mere human wants to fight against me, an apostle of the earth, that's stupid!"

The whole body of the vaccine man glows, and the flight is rapidly advancing towards the city in the air.

A large number of energy **** condensed around the body, as if once again wanting to launch a city-destroying attack!

boom boom boom…

The huge roar of the engine, approaching quickly from a distance, immediately attracted the attention of the vaccine people.

"There are still people who dare to come here. I guess they are some **** heroes. Let's see if I don't blow up you!"

"Hundred Layers of Trapped Immortal Talisman!"

Seeing that the Vaccine Man was shining brightly, Luo Yu immediately felt bad.

After a flash of thought, a hundred talismans were condensed in the void.

Hit the vaccine people with lightning speed.


The air in the void suddenly squeaked.

I saw a white chain entangled in the vaccine man, and wrapped it into a white cocoon at an alarming speed.

The vaccine man, whose hands and feet were suddenly restrained, immediately widened his eyes in horror.

"What's the matter... What the **** did you do, why can't I move?"

"Damn, don't think this will stop my attack!"

The Vaccine Man concentrates and carefully controls his energy again.

The dazzling light just now appeared in Luo Yu's field of vision again.

"Look, he looks like a vaccine man, but why didn't the bald devil come? Or did I come too early?"

Tucao a few words.

Luo Yu concentrated on the void again.

"Forget it, the bald head is so slow, I can't count on it, let's try a new trick."

"Thousands of Thunder Talismans!"

The void above the Vaccine Man suddenly condensed into layers of five thunder talismans, totaling a thousand pieces.

At the time of completion, the situation changed, and the huge dark cloud suddenly condensed.


The entire dark cloud was flooded with dazzling thunder, which was several degrees more dazzling than the sun!

boom! !

A deafening bang suddenly exploded.

Lightning with a diameter of 100 meters, bombarded down in an instant!

A violent and terrifying thunderbolt.

In an instant, the Sleeping Immortal Talisman and the Vaccine Man were penetrated at the same time.

The surging energy continued to tilt, and the vaccine man's skin was scorched and blackened at an alarming speed.

Was blasted into dust in the blink of an eye!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 73258 energy points, please make persistent efforts!"

Hearing the system prompt sound, Luo Yu felt very relieved.

At this time, the city became extremely quiet, the dark clouds finally dissipated, and the sky became a lot bluer.

And seeing the vaccine man being smashed into scum, the men and women in vests were completely stunned.

"Then... that weirdo... seems to have been blasted into scum..."

"Okay... such a strong thunder and lightning ability... Which hero is that person? Why don't you have any impression?"

"This strength... has reached the level of S-class, can you also rank in the forefront of the S-class?"

The men and women in the vests have not recovered.

Suddenly an astonishing explosion erupted from the street.

Let their hearts go to their throats.

Where the explosion occurred, smoke billowed.

I only saw a muscular man in a vest walking out.

It's just that the vest has broken many holes, and it is very embarrassing with blood dripping.

But the men and women in the vest, who were very familiar with the Venerable Vest, recognized him immediately.

"Respect... Venerable, it turns out to be Venerable..."

"His Majesty was seriously injured... Is that weirdo so strong?"

"Doesn't this mean that... the superpower just now surpassed the Venerable?"

The men and women in vests looked surprised.

And saw a familiar face.

Venerable Vest's expression suddenly became serious.

"Don't you guys know that this place is dangerous? That weirdo is amazing, and I'm afraid only the top heroes can solve it."

"Hurry up and escape from here, it will be too late if you don't escape!!"

Seeing the extremely urgent look of Venerable Vest.

The men and women in the vests looked even weirder.

"His Holiness... the eccentric has been resolved..."

"That's don't have to worry anymore."

"A hero who rides a black motorcycle and can use thunder and lightning... With just one blow, he smashes the weirdo into scum..."

Venerable Vest: ? ? ?

Chapter 7 Alarmed by all parties

"Excuse me, Mr. Vest, you are so seriously injured. Did you fight a dragon-level monster? Did you release the thunder and lightning that filled the sky just now?"

"'s not me...I don't have that ability..."

Venerable Vest answered very frankly, but his face was ugly.