MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 340

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Chapter 487


Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saijokuni felt that the world was spinning for a while.

Rao was the strongest God of Death in the past, and it was difficult for him to accept such news all of a sudden...

Almost fainted.

His back was instantly wet with cold sweat.

In fact, it's no wonder that his reaction was so huge...

Because everything is so amazing...

Youhabach, who he mistakenly thought had been beheaded, not only did not die completely, but also hid in the shadow of Jingling Court.

Thousands of years have passed, and instead of being completely destroyed, it has developed into an empire.

This is still under his nose!

When he thought about it, his eyelids jumped quickly, and he felt deeply regretful for not paying attention to Luo Yu's casual remarks.

"Then... Mr. Luo Yu, can you... take us to that country? Since you already know where he is and know that the guy isn't dead, you mustn't let it go again this time!"

A sharp light flashed in Yamamoto's eyes.

It seemed that the muscles on his body began to bulge high, and the tightly squeezed fists even trembled slightly.

It seems that if there is a sandbag next to him now, he will immediately raise his hand and punch it!

But this sudden fighting intent also left Luo Yu speechless.

"Speaking of which, old man, don't be so excited... I'm telling you that this is not to help you, but to prepare you."

"Oh yes, and you prepare a copy of all the things that have energy in Jingling Court, and bring them all to me."

"After all, I haven't paid for the elimination of Aizen for you, and the invisible empire will also be eliminated. It shouldn't be too much to take those treasures in your warehouse, right?"

Although Luo Yu asked somewhat casually.

But there was an unmistakable look in his eyes.

Of course, this was something that was destined to be refused.

Even if Yamamoto Yuanliu Zaizhong refused, Luo Yu could go for it directly.

But he is a serious person, and he is more or less reasonable, so he politely spoke to Yamamoto Motoryu Saijokuni first.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi, Shigekuni, was so shocked and worried that he couldn't add more.

He was thinking about how to destroy Yohabach.

After all, no one knew better than him how terrifying Yohabach was.

If it wasn't for the stunted growth of Yuhabach, he might not have been able to play.

It was also the Yohabach who killed all the gods of death.

But in the end, Luo Yu seemed to directly regard this as a business.

Although he has absolutely no chance of rejecting this deal.

But...wouldn't that be too casual, that's Yohabach...

Even if he beats it once, it still makes him feel that the scalp is numb and tricky...

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saijokuni couldn't help but be very curious.

"That... Mr. Luo Yu... It's not that I don't trust you, but Youhabach is just too weird... Then you will bring someone to deal with him... Who the **** is going to do it, do you want to do it with it?"

Although Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saijokuni felt that the current Unohana was already very powerful, and even surpassed him long ago.

But he still felt that it was okay to be cautious with a guy like Habach.

At least Mao Zhihualie and others are not stable enough.

He felt that it was still necessary for Luo Yu to go there in person, so that he could be completely at ease.

If nothing else, Luo Yu kicked him away a few months ago without any solution at all.

He also easily grasped his flame.

It can be said that it is unpredictable, and it is many times stronger than Youhabach who was a thousand years ago.

So he was very eager that Luo Yu could take action against Youhabach.

However, Luo Yu looked at him like a fool.

"If you want me to shoot those ants on the other side, don't you think too highly of them? Speaking of which, I wouldn't even bother to fight you if I didn't have a subordinate at the beginning."

"And if it hadn't given you some face, the battle wouldn't have been so intense at the beginning. Instead, if I told you to kneel down, just kneel down, and if I told you to bark, you would just bark. You have no idea how good I am to you! "

Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni was blinded for a while.

Although he felt that Luo Yu was suspected of bragging, he just didn't know how to refute...

It is too hard to see through Luo Yu.

Even in the face of Luo Yu's questioning, his forehead was immediately soaked with sweat, and he didn't have much thought of talking back.

"This... Then... the people who are going to destroy Youhabach are the three of them, plus the few from Jingling Court?"

Thinking of Luo Yu's intricate connections.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saigekuni was also a little speechless.

Anyway, she is a pure woman, nothing else.

Among men, it seems that he is the only one who can speak.

What is Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saigekuni thinking?

Of course Luo Yu knew that.

If not want to maintain a little description.

He can't wait to tell this old man that his greatest wish is to turn all men into little sisters and live in a world with only little sisters!

"It's almost like this, okay, I've told you what I have to say. Go to the treasure house of Jingling Court as soon as possible, and the treasure house of each family to get things, give me as much as I have, and I will deal with it when I get it all. Invisible Empire."


Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni, like the most respectful subordinate, bowed in response.

Afterwards, the three daughters of Uzhihualie finally arrived.

Luo Yu quickly opened a space passage and immediately sent everyone back to the Jingling Court.

Seeing Luo Yu's methods, Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni's expression became even more respectful.

Originally, no matter how powerful he was, if he wanted to go to the world, he had to use the gate of the realm.

Just like ordinary Reaper, you have to run through the tunnel.

However, Luo Yu opened the door directly and moved to where he wanted to go in a second.

If this ability is used in battle, it can be said that it is impossible to guard against, and it is also extremely terrifying.

Anyway, he didn't dare to imagine, and he couldn't speculate at all, how strong Luo Yu was.

But for now... it seems that the previous move is still the right one.

Although the situation was a bit unexpected, the original intention was to let Luo Yu slowly take root in Jingling Court, and bind it here.

But it turned out that the root was indeed rooted, but it was rooted in more than one place.

This is also the reason why Yamamoto Yuan Liu Saijue was too worried about Luo Yu.

Because after all, he still has some feelings for this world.

How much will take care of the world.

It's like dealing with blue dye.

And this time the settlement of Yohabach.

It undoubtedly shows that Luo Yu is heading towards Jingling Court!

After thinking about everything clearly, Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni immediately issued an order to Jingling Court to carry and forcibly take the treasure.

Although the order was arrogant and unreasonable, some teams even committed robbery.

But Shigekuni Yamamoto Motoyanagi seemed to think that was not enough.

He was even hesitating whether to put his own knife in the pile of treasures.

After all, after Yohabach is resolved, there will be no more enemies.

He also abdicated to Luo Yu early, so as to better ensure the safety and stability of the world.

Chapter 488 Going to the Invisible Empire

"All divisions pay attention to vigilance, always pay attention to the state of the surrounding shadows, and immediately kill the enemy as soon as they appear!"

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saigekuni was very cautious, facing the enemies who were waiting around him.

Luo Yu on the side shook his head helplessly.

"Why are you so nervous? You all said that you took money to do things. How could you need to do anything?"

"Look at those nobles who were slapped and dare not talk nonsense. There seems to be hope in their eyes. It is probably because they feel that the enemy is strong, so they feel that they have hope of destroying me."

"So, your arrangement is obviously too unnecessary. Not only is it unnecessary, but it makes them all look down on me. You should reflect on it carefully."

Luo Yu patted Yamamoto Motoyuki Saijue on the shoulder.

He walked towards a big tree, surrounded by women in full armor, but they were not as nervous and serious as other squads, and they fell into Luo Yu's arms very easily.

It seems to have become his left and right wings.

The wings are spread out and are more than ten meters long.

Rao is Yamamoto Motoyugai Shigekuni, who already knew about this, and also felt a little numb in his scalp and didn't know what to say.

Even if it feels like this is a bit too underestimated.

But he also dared not speak a nonsense.

Just as those nobles did not dare to resist in front of him...

"Husband, are those new sisters really okay? Some of them seem to be quite strange. You didn't tell us about it before."

Broken Bee stared at Luo Yu suspiciously.

Really can't help but be curious, after all, this is the first time I hope a woman will be brought out.

Luo Yu was also a little embarrassed, but he had to respond in a good voice.

"Well, they were originally virtual, but they were turned into Shinigami by Aizen. Their Zanpakutō is a symbol, so don't worry about them looking weird."

"As for whether it's reliable or not, don't you worry about the next battle? Why are you worrying about this? Are you doubting my ability?"

Luo Yu couldn't help narrowing his eyes, looking at Broken Bee like a suspicious person.

It made Broken Bee shiver.

It's so fresh in my memory.

In the few months she has been together, she has often experienced various occupations.

I don't know if it's because of taste... She is always in the profession of some suspicious people...

Anyway, all kinds of spies...

Then accept Luo Yu's daily torture...

Each time it was the same torture words, but it seemed that because of the difference in occupation and clothing, Luo Yu could feel a unique torture every time.

In short, it's not enough to make him a little hilarious.

It's okay to torture again.

They all tortured her out of her inner shadow.

You are being tortured while you are dreaming.

Read The Duke's Passion