MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 317

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This made Rukia speechless.

"It's already here, where do I have a choice? I'll apologize to you after you defeat it~"

"Forget it, it can be considered a sudden encounter with such a strange thing. If you are solved, I probably won't be able to deal with him, so let me destroy it now!"

Kurosaki Ichigo immediately clenched the handle of the sword with both hands.

boom! ! !

There was a loud bang in the sky, and I saw Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him suddenly suffered a heavy blow of 10,000 tons, and was directly crushed into a pancake.

And after the billowing smoke cleared, a handsome and extraordinary man appeared in front of him, completely startling him.

"Luo...Mr. Luo finally came..."

Rukia didn't know what to say for a while.

Originally thought that he might be dead, but Luo Yu suddenly arrived at the critical moment...

Doesn't this make everything she's done before, completely in vain?

Speaking of which, this still violates the rules of Jingling Court...

But there will be a big punishment...

So innocently offended...

Rukia's chest suddenly burst, a little breathless.

They have already given up everything and pinned their hopes on Kurosaki Ichigo, but in the end... everything was in vain.

This is to say that it is not reconciled, but it is still a little bit.

But still feel helpless for his own weakness.

If it is strong enough, it is estimated that there is no need to make such a choice.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Rukia, I was a little busy over there, and ended up being a little late... Speaking of this person... Why does he also have a death costume... What's going on with this one on the ground?"

This time, it was Kurosaki Ichigo's turn to scratch his head in surprise.

"Don't you have a companion? I thought you were alone... If that's the case, then I'll return the knife to you~"

Kurosaki Ichigo did not hesitate, and immediately handed the sword back to Rukia.

But this made Rukia even more worried.

Few people are more depressed than her.

"Okay, Rukia, I'll take you back to rest for a while. I'll kill Xu alone tomorrow. Just stay in your room."

Luo Yu said and hugged Princess Rukia.

Although it was a little embarrassing, Rukia couldn't use any strength at this moment, and she couldn't break free, so she could only let Luo Yu be like this.

However, he still muttered very depressed.

"Speaking of Mr. Luo Yu, don't you know... It would be very troublesome to involve people in this world into the world of the **** of death?"

Chapter 453 Such a big person

"Huh? Is there such a thing? You mean he... He's like this, shouldn't he be turned into a **** of death by you?"

Luo Yu pretended not to know.

Before Rukia could answer, however, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was bewildered, touched his body and asked blankly.

"Speaking of which, how should I return to my body? It's really strange. Shouldn't I be the legendary soul out of my body?"

Luo Yu nodded very kindly.

"You try to lie down completely, you should return to your body immediately, there will be no problem."

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly realized, and immediately lay back on his body.

Almost immediately, the body that had been dead returned to its original state of motion.

"Since the two of you are all right, then I'll go back first, and remember to be careful next time you remove the spirit."

"Hey, wait, Kurosaki, you have just exhausted my spiritual power. I can't use my spiritual power these days. Why don't you help me perform the task? ."

Rukia suddenly stopped Kurosaki Ichigo.

For a while, Kurosaki Ichigo was overwhelmed, and he was shocked.

"What? A guy like that just could he be attracted to me? I was just passing by...but there is someone chasing after me. Fortunately, you solved it quickly...I didn't get eaten... …”

Rukia nodded slightly.

"That's true. I guess it's because your own spiritual power is really huge, so you are particularly attracted to Xu, but you have also been in contact with that little girl's spiritual body."

"Whether it's to protect yourself or to assist Mr. Luo Yu in carrying out his tasks these days, you should hold the Zanpakutō temporarily."

Rukia handed the Zanpakutō to Kurosaki Ichigo again.

Looking at the knife that was much bigger than usual, Luo Yu couldn't help but sigh.

"It is indeed much bigger than before. Is this the reason why there are more spiritual powers? Speaking of which, I don't seem to have such a strange sight, but I still have more spiritual power than ordinary people."

"It's just that you suddenly lost your spiritual power. Can I give you a little bit of it? I feel like I don't lack at all."

Rukia was shocked for a moment, and then she thought that this might be because Luo Yu didn't want to carry out the mission with Kurosaki Ichigo, so she shook her head.

"It seems that conveying spiritual power is not that simple... Most people are not compatible with each other, so let's continue the task as I said."

"Otherwise, many innocent people will be injured. And this guy will be very dangerous. You can't protect him personally. The plan I said is safer."

Luo Yu knew that this was indeed reasonable, so he didn't nod his head any more.

"Well then, I'll give you a vacation these days. I'll do the task with him."

Although Kurosaki Ichigo was a little confused, he still took the initiative to come to Luo Yu and stretched out a hand.

"Although many don't understand what's going on, but if it's like what Rukia said, I'll use this knife well these days and even from now on."

"I still have a father and two younger sisters at home. If I didn't run into the monster just now, it would be very troublesome, right?"

Luo Yu did not shake hands with Ichigo Kurosaki, but held Rukia in his arms tightly, as if to signal that Ichigo Kurosaki was busy.

However, at this time, it was also very patient to explain.

"It's probably true as you said, Xu is not affected by any attack in the world, and ordinary people can't hurt Xu at all."

"So you really need this knife now. As for whether you want to carry out the task with me or not, it depends on you. It doesn't matter if you don't come."

Ichigo Kurosaki didn't wonder that Luo Yu didn't shake hands with him. He faintly felt that Luo Yu might have a difficult relationship with Rukia.

Because Rukia had completely lost her previous fierce momentum, Xiaoniai was completely huddled in Luo Yu's arms, and it could be said that there was no resistance at all.

No matter how stupid he is, he still vaguely understands that the relationship between the two is not ordinary.

However, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly became more serious.

"I'll come out and kill this monster called Void with you. It's not for other reasons. I need to have some actual combat experience. How should I contact you in the future?"

Luo Yu hugged Rukia and jumped to the surrounding high wall.

"Since you have decided, I won't say anything. I will come to you in the future, so don't worry too much."

Luo Yu said and disappeared.

Ichigo Kurosaki was stunned for a while, and then he recovered and put away his sword and walked home.

Everything happened so suddenly, even if he was usually carefree and sturdy, he couldn't accept such a thing.

What's more, he also encountered such a monster once upon a time.

Suddenly gaining the power to kill this monster also made him feel a little complicated.

But in the end, it still needs to be in your hands.

After all, if you are really being targeted, it is very necessary to master this power and protect your family.


At this time, Luo Yu, who was flying with Rukia in the sky, brought her back to the rental house where the two lived for a long time with a very smart and smiling smile.

However, Rukia looked worried.

"Are you still worried about giving your power to that person? What are the rules of Jingling Court? It shouldn't be so serious, right? After all, it's an emergency. If you're making things difficult, just say I did a good job. "

However, Rukia reacted greatly.

"How is this possible, this is what I did and what I did, even if you look at your strength alone, you can't doubt you, how can it be blamed on you."

Luo Yu didn't care.

"It's impossible that I did it. I can't say that on a whim, I suddenly found a man with spiritual power and wanted to try to stab him to death."

"Such a thing shouldn't be a big deal, right? For me, who is very curious, isn't it very likely?"

"If those guys want to make things difficult for me, I will reason with them properly. After all, I am still a child of several months old. I just made a mistake once, and I should not be specially made trouble and blame."

Rukia originally wanted to refute, but when she heard Luo Yu say that, she burst into laughter.

"You're such an old man, you still call yourself a child. How shameless are you? But this time, even if you're young, you may not be able to expose it easily..."

"Then you still give him the knife so confidently and take it back directly. Heaven knows this matter, you know it, I know it, teach him to be careful and let him keep his mouth tightly, and everything will be fine. ?"

Luo Yu immediately asked a tricky question.

Rukia was slightly stunned for a moment, and then refused.

"No, he said that he needs to protect his family, even if the time is not long, even if he can protect him for a while."

Chapter 454 Kuchiki Byakuya

"If it ended like this, then your matter may not be exposed. If it continues like this, it may be discovered. Is it really worth it? It's just a person who met once?"

Luo Yu's question made Rukia startled.

But soon her eyes became firm and very persistent.

"It can reduce casualties to some extent. This is because I am too weak. If you didn't show up in time, I might have died just now."

Luo Yu nodded in agreement.

"So shouldn't all this be my responsibility? If it wasn't for me not teaching you to become stronger in time, you wouldn't have ended up like this."

"Speaking of which, I just rescued you, and it's understandable to be stationed and patrol for the rest of the time, right?"

Although everything does make sense.

But Rukia still shook her head.

"How can this be your responsibility? It's not a matter of one or two days to become stronger. Even if you want to help me become stronger, it will take time. Besides, you take care of me, so I haven't helped you yet."

Seeing Rukia instead looked guilty.

Luo Yu shook his head with a smile.

"How could it be, isn't it my decision to help or not? If you are so worried about what to do, I can help you if you can."

"Speaking of which, I will teach you to become stronger today, and help you recover your spiritual power by the way. How about you bring the knife back tomorrow, and how about obediently solving the emptiness with me?"

Rukia couldn't help but be very curious.

"Is this... is it really possible? I can still believe that the spiritual power is restored, but it becomes stronger... it can't be so fast, right?"

Although it has not been completely determined, Rukia still has some longing in her heart.

After all, if she could uncover this matter, it would undoubtedly make her a lot easier.

Complete the task perfectly, and be able to go back safely, and the strength is increased.

No matter what it is, it is an impossible beauty, and it is hard for her not to want to try it.

Luo Yu couldn't help but bring up a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It depends on your wishes. If you cooperate well, everything is easy to say. If you don't want to cooperate, then you can only let your plan come."

"Is it?"

Rukia responded dazedly, simply not knowing what was going to happen.

Read The Duke's Passion