MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 311

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However, after years of literacy, how could he be unable to restrain his emotions.

No matter how angry he is, his professionally trained cheeks can still show a gentle smile.

"Since that's the case, let's get over the matter. As for the wedding, it's not a trivial matter. If you want to invite me to officiate, Hinamori, you have to be prepared to delay it for nearly a year."

"After all, this is your wedding. As your captain and elder, there is no room for sloppyness. Not only do we have to choose the best time for you, but also plan the specific process for you, as well as the guests you need to invite. materials."

"Although I am not very rich, but it is related to your marriage, I will devote 12% of my energy and hard work to complete it."

See Aizen said so sincere.

Hinamori's eyes were hazy for a while, and there were faint tears brewing, as if he was very moved.

It was truly unbelievable that Aizen, who had only been able to see from a distance before, was so concerned about her affairs.

It felt like a dream, a little unreal.

"Wow, Mr. Aizen, you are so kind. You are so concerned about our marriage. How should we thank you?"

"Speaking of which, I even suspected you just now. It's really inappropriate, Mr. Aizen, I'm really inappropriate~"

clap clap~

Luo Yu suddenly had a bad illness, and clapped his hands again and again.

Hands patted a little red.

This made Aizen very confused, what the **** is this guy doing?

You just suspected it with your mouth, you slapped your mouth, why did you beat your own hand?

What the **** is this applauding and skeptical?

Or are you punishing yourself...?

On the other hand, seeing Luo Yu like this, Hinamori immediately grabbed him anxiously and comforted him with some sadness.

"Luo Yujun, you don't have to blame yourself so much. You really don't know the situation, so you did such a reckless thing."

"Lord Aizen never cares about these things. Although I'm also very moved that Lord Aizen attaches great importance to me, he is such a respectable elder and won't ask us for anything in return."

"So let's get along more harmoniously and respond to the expectations of Aizen-sama. I think this is what Aizen-sama wants to see most."

After Hinamori finished speaking, he looked back at Aizen with clear eyes.

As if to confirm whether Aizen was really what she said.

But this is just like wanting to use Aizen's attitude to make Luo Yu stop clapping...

Aizen can be said to be frowning inwardly. He never thought that the young forest that he had painstakingly cultivated would have such a virtue of turning his elbows out.

There is absolutely no need to return anything...

He seems to know him well...

I think he just wanted to make her and Luo Yu happy...

If it weren't for the plan, he wouldn't be such a stupid old man!

Speaking of Hinamori's performance, it really surprised him.

I have never felt so disgusted by a person.

Once or twice is fine, and the result is three times the elbow is turned out...

Just because of two days of rude experience, it became like this.

It made Aizen wonder if this is the nature of this girl.

If it weren't for his eyes above the top, he would even try to use such rude means to manipulate this woman...

The painstaking efforts of the past hundred years are no more than two days of small exchanges. Who can bear this breath?

Even licking a dog is not so patient, right?

What's more, his blue dye is not a dog licking at all!

However, for the plan, he still had to go against his heart and nodded with a smile.

"That's right, that's what I thought. As expected of Hinamori, after working together for so many years, you still know me better."

"Since the matter has been negotiated, then you should go back with Luo Yujun today, Young Sen, and leave the rest to me. The fifth division has nothing to worry about."

This is undoubtedly an expulsion order.

But this shocked Hinamori, because she just wanted to rest for a few days before coming back...

It was not about marriage at all. It was obviously a whim, but now it seems that everything has been finalized...

And what she originally wanted to rest, but it seems to blow directly...

This is not what she wants... How did things suddenly become like this? ?

Hinamori was deeply depressed.

But this made Luo Yu so happy that he directly stopped the waist and carried Young Sen on his shoulders. Then, with tears in his eyes, he ran to Aizen and cried.

"Mr. Aizen, you are such a good person, thank you so much for being a good person, and I will bring Hinamori back, I will never disappoint your expectations, it will definitely make Hinamori happy~ "

There was nothing wrong with Luo Yu's gratitude, and it was even a little sincere.

But not only did he use the transformed dog urine to smear him on his body, but also used all-purpose glue to stick it firmly to the ground.

When Aizen couldn't react in time, he immediately carried Hinamori and ran away.

In just a few words, Aizen even just smiled instinctively to accept Luo Yu's thanks.

But when he came back to his senses and smelled the stench, his face was as ugly as if he had eaten Ollie.

Chapter 444 Victory over Aizen

"This guy... why is it so stinky... Hinamori is... fascinated by this kind of guy??"

When there was no one around, Aizen's rare expression was a little out of control, and some were really incomprehensible.

I originally thought that Luo Yu had something special or outstanding.

But in the end, Luo Yu smeared a lot of stinky liquid on him, and he was blinded all at once.

Just tears and things like that smell so bad.

Wouldn't other things, like sweat, stink even more?

Thinking of this, Aizen felt extremely cold.

It is also really hard to understand why his personal charm would lose to such a sloppy man.

Could it be that the more this is the case, the more attractive Hinamori becomes?

He believed that people were gathered by similar things, and he was vaguely convinced that Hinamori was probably that kind of person.

Although some mistakes were not discovered earlier.

But it's also a bit chilly, and he actually spent so much thought on such a pig-like woman.

As soon as he remembered it, he dedicated it to vomit.

If I knew it earlier, throwing all kinds of dirty things on Hina Sen's body is ten thousand times better than the thoughtful greeting!

Of course, this was just a moment of anger at Aizen, and she thought so viciously in her heart.

If he did it all over again, he wouldn't be so extreme.

After all, the secret hobby is still quite difficult to grasp.

And he's not good at making himself stinky.

Now I can't wait, throw myself in the bath immediately, and rub it a hundred times!

"What a disgusting guy, when I stand on the top of all living beings, I must completely eliminate your filthy existence from the world!"

Aizen murmured bitterly, and quickly disappeared into a gust of wind.


At this time, Luo Yu, who was carrying Young Sen, kept patting Luo Yu's shoulder.

"Luo are you doing, why are you carrying me so quickly, can't you let me down?"

Luo Yu hugged Young Sen into his arms again, and then kissed her cheek carelessly, covering her face in shame.

"Oh, I'm so happy today, I didn't realize it before, you are so cute, I really love you~"

Hearing Luo Yu's direct incomparable praise.

Hinamori's cheeks couldn't help but turn even redder, and he couldn't help rolling his eyes at Luo Yu with anger.

"What do you mean? A lot of people are watching us on the road, so shameless. You don't feel embarrassed, but I still feel embarrassed~"

Luo Yu glanced around and did find a lot of people pointing at him, but he thought they didn't exist, and immediately turned his attention to Young Sen.

"What are they, the guy who forgets after watching it for a few days. How can you and I have a big impact on Aizen in front of Aizen? I have to say that your performance is really good, and tell me to go back and ask for it. How can I reward you?"

Originally, Luo Yu was still thinking that he couldn't get Aizen by tricks, so he beat Aizen directly.

But I really didn't expect that the method did fail, but because of the obedient and well-behaved Hinamori, Aizen was accidentally disgusted.

Hinamori himself may not understand how meaningful this is.

On the contrary, Luo Yu felt that this was an unimaginable victory.

And this is the power of love, and it plays a big role!

Although it may be a little boastful, Luo Yu still feels that it is better to attribute all this to love and this lovely girl.

But as soon as he heard the reward, Hinamori's face immediately turned pale.

She already knew Luo Yu well, but she could still understand what this reward was.

But he clearly wanted to let his body take a vacation, but now it looks like he is going to be very busy again.

Especially Luo Yu, who is full of excitement and youth, no doubt that he will use his youthful waist to engage in some very intense sports.

But Luo Yu is alive and kicking, as if his energy is infinite, and he can go on forever.

Her soft body can't be with her for too long...

After a while, he might be completely unconscious.

This is not an exaggeration, but it is really approaching the limit, and it is estimated that he will need to sleep for a few days after being tossed.

So when you hear the reward, can you not be afraid?

Hinamori immediately turned pale and began to shiver.

" mean, can you...take a break for two days, I really..."

Seeing Hinamori look embarrassed.

Luo Yu felt both funny and warm.

This girl is like this, and she is afraid that he will not be able to enjoy herself, as if she is worried that he will be disappointed.

It's so heartwarming that it hurts.

While Luo Yu hugged him tightly with one hand, he stroked his free hand, her black hair drenched in sweat beside her ear.

"What are you thinking, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't know how to take into account other people's feelings. The rewards I'm talking about are normal rewards, such as food toys and the like. You can give me what you want."

"Have you forgotten what I said before, I can conjure a lot of things? You can treat me as a treasure bag that can meet all your needs."

The storage ring made by Luo Yu himself is indeed loaded with a large number of high-tech products in various developed worlds.

There are also all kinds of entertainment products.

But excluding these things, Luo Yu can only use his own abilities to create a lot of things.

So what the girl wants, he can satisfy it as soon as possible.

Even if he wants a huge wardrobe for uniforms of all styles and sizes, he can easily pull it out.

If he hadn't been too lazy to grab a job with Santa Claus, Santa Claus would have lost his job immediately.

At this time, Young Sen didn't know at all that Luo Yu had such a background, but he was relieved when he heard that he didn't need to be astringent.

"Yes... is it true? You said that before, but... suddenly I can't control myself again..."

Read The Duke's Passion