MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 306

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Because the pure young forest is still dumbfounded, completely unaware that there is something tricky here.

He also had great trust in Uzhihualie, and quickly nodded in agreement.

Such a soft and obedient younger generation, even thinking about pitting...

It made Niyinmeng, who cared about everything, suddenly anxious in her heart.

When Luo Yu smiled and led Young Sen to the captain's lounge, he suddenly interrupted.

"That...I also want to practice the Dao with Luo Yujun, I wonder if Captain Uzhihua it feasible?"

Uzhihualie originally wanted to discuss other matters in the ambulance center.

But suddenly Niyinmeng took the initiative to mention it, and immediately stopped.

However, there was no displeasure in the slightest, instead a slightly calm expression of joy appeared.

"If you want to practice more, of course it's the best. If you want to be with Luo Yujun, then let's go together, and the whole of you will also take care of each other."

Although Mao Zhihua Lie's response is very normal.

But it left Nianyin Meng speechless.

It was as if when the big bad wolf was hunting, he did not pretend to be a big bad wolf. He raised his head high and showed his **** mouth, for fear that others would not know it was a big bad wolf.

Although she was speechless in her heart, Niyin Dream couldn't show it, after all, she had no evidence.

So you can only respond obediently.

"Okay, thank you so much, Captain, then I'll go~"

Uzumaki nodded.

"Go ahead, stay as long as you want, it's not very busy today, there is enough time for you to practice."

Obviously it is a very serious thing, but Niyin Mengzhi felt as if he had heard another meaning.

Halfway through the road, I suddenly felt that I knew a little too much.

I even miss the days when I was ignorant.

This is also the person who really blames the ambulance, chatting often without caring about anything.

It seems that the more outrageous things are not suitable for children, the more ordinary they feel, they can be regarded as ordinary things, and they can be said casually without blushing and heartbeat.

And he is also very professional, and any proper nouns will come when you open your mouth...

She didn't want to understand, and gradually understood a lot...

But the ignorant days are completely irreversible.

But now, she must rely on her rich theoretical knowledge to resolve the crisis of many ignorant girls.

A cute and simple girl like Hinamori should not be polluted in the slightest!

Nieyinmeng, who got the answer, quickly followed Luo Yu and the two of them, which aroused the curiosity of Young Sen.

"Yinmeng, you also want to learn together... Do you want to learn Hui Dao?"

Nieyinmeng first glanced at Luo Yu, and then looked worriedly at the young Sen, who was still ignorant.

"Yeah, I came here to study, and I will become more proficient with diligent practice. How can I fall behind if you work so hard."

Hinamori couldn't help being a little surprised for a moment, and then held Niyinmeng's hand with a smile on his face.

"As it turns out, I don't seem to have started working hard yet. Is it really good for you to praise me so quickly? Speaking of which, you are the one who works so hard. The newcomer of mine has to work hard to catch up."

Kayo Mori looks so energetic

Nianyin Meng is both gratified and helpless.

Although the younger generation is indeed a good younger generation, it is too simple.

Up to now, she has praised her so early, and she still has not noticed the difference at all.

If she didn't follow, she might be deceived and still giving money to people.

But Niyinmeng didn't want to expose it directly, after all, there is no evidence for everything.

Even if you want to accuse or even say bad things, you need enough evidence.

So in the end, only a sweet smile appeared.

"Then let's work together. You want to help your captain, and I also want to help my captain. It just so happens that the goals are surprisingly consistent."

Young Sen was also suddenly stunned, there seemed to be more little stars in his eyes, and he immediately nodded happily.

"Well, let's work together."

The two suddenly became good sisters.

Luo Yu, who had been staring at him for a long time, felt strange.

There is no special relationship between these two people in the original book.

Now I'm just learning the way back... It's as if friendship has climbed to an unimaginable peak...

Is this because of what event was triggered, or was it because of some factor that he didn't take into account the speed, which led to such a result?

Luo Yu couldn't figure it out at all, after all, they were both women.

A woman's mind can go to the sky with a complex mind, and two women can rush out of the universe with a complex mind together.

It's not something he can reasonably do.

And he didn't want to figure it out either.

Since things didn't go the way they were, it's still pretty interesting in nature.

He also wanted to see how far Aizen had his influence.

Soon all three entered the captain's lounge.

In the case of many people who eat melons and a lot of melon seeds, the door is closed without leaving a crack in the door.

Chapter 436 Aizen's Calculation

"Oh my God... Luo Yujun, he... can't ride several boats, right? Why doesn't the captain mind at all?"

"Yeah, it's really strange. Could it be that the captain is just calm on the surface, and already wants to kill Luo Yujun in his heart?"

"Probably not. Although the captain is indeed happy and angry, but if he really wants to kill people, he won't wait until no one is there."

The members of the fourth team were puzzled.

But compared to the doubts in their hearts, they were still more afraid of Uno Hanalie, who seemed to be getting more and more gentle.

The rattling knuckles, as well as the inexplicable caring greetings from time to time, really sent chills down their backs... They didn't dare to say more nonsense...

In the lounge at this time.

The three of them practiced attentively, and nothing serious happened during the period, just because they were too focused and sweating profusely.

Especially Niyinmeng and Hina Sentao, their clothes were close to their bodies, and they were very embarrassed to wipe their sweat.

But this scene made the two of them look like hibiscus out of the water, and they didn't know that Luo Yu's eyes began to change like a wolf.


A sudden muffled sound interrupted the busy Nieyin Dream and made Luo Yu withdraw his unbridled gaze.

Just seeing Hina Sen Tao suddenly lying on the ground softly, her face had a lingering and charming blush, but her eyes were tightly closed like Sleeping Beauty.

"What's the matter, is she too tired? Why is she so careless?"

Hear Luo Yu's question.

Niyin Meng was also a little overwhelmed.

"This... I don't know, it seems that I speed up, and she also speeds up... I wanted to try... my limit, but I didn't expect her to be like this... No, it's my problem, Maybe my function is different from hers..."

Nieyinmeng talked about it, and suddenly fell into self-blame.

Luo Yu is very speechless, I really don't understand why this can be rolled up...

Or do these two women think that women who are more engaged in work will be more attractive?

The way they were focused just now, Luo Yu didn't pay much attention at all. In fact, he paid attention to the white and big things.

After all, he imitated the white eyes and created magical eyes that could be colored, no matter how conservative they were, they could not escape his discernment.

Not to mention every inch of his skin, he could even see beads of sweat clearly.

This is also true. As soon as the two women came in, they were like gangs, and they were a little bit exclusive to him and gave him a special lesson.

Anyway, the gods don't know it, don't look at it, don't look at it!

"It should be out of strength, maybe it's good to take a rest, there is no need to blame herself, it's because she is too reluctant to herself."

As Luo Yu said that, he checked Xiao Sen Tao, but Xiao Sen Tao suddenly hugged his hand and rubbed it like a sticky cat, and each time he rubbed his face, he became more and more happy.

It seems that just rubbing like this... can already maintain the happiness like a waste of time...

"This... I didn't do it on purpose... Maybe she has some kind of strange disease..."

Although Luo Yu explained in such a hurry, he actually already had some answers in his heart.

If not surprisingly, there is only one truth to these strange situations.

That's what Aizen did.

With his Zanpakutō and Kyoka Shuiyue's complete hypnotic ability, it was very easy to do such a thing.

In this way, the triggering condition may be overwork or loss of consciousness or something, in short, it is to put Hina Moritao in a state of uncontrollable self-control.

And the purpose of this is to make himself guilty.

It's not that Hinamori Tao is underage, but that there are people who like her.

As long as Luo Yu can't control himself, then it will arouse conflicts between him and those who like young Sentao, and then there will be some fights with each other.

It is estimated that both sides will suffer, but there must be more pieces that can be used, and maybe they can do something like a backstab.

But, what made Aizen feel that he or someone would fall for this kind of trick?

Is it difficult for him to find someone, and only this point of interest is not enough?

This guy really doesn't wink. Shouldn't the arrangement be transferred from other teams with good looks?

Just this little trick, who do you look down on?

Just when Luo Yu secretly despised Aizen in his heart.

Hina Sen Tao seemed to be no longer satisfied with the simplicity, and began to kiss Luo Yu's hand affectionately, doing some unspeakable things.

Nie Yinmeng was stunned by the side, biting her jade fingers in disbelief, not knowing what to do at all.

" didn't do anything? Or...let her go quickly...or she might cry when she wakes up..."

Luo Yu sighed helplessly.

"It's not that I have to make her stick, is it that she holds my hand and doesn't let go? Should I cry first if I want to cry? Why don't you care about me?"

This time, Niyin Dream can't be rectified immediately...

All other giegies are cared about, what is the matter with this giegie instead?

This way of thinking is completely unusual, isn't it...?

"This... or you ask her if she can let you go, and go on like this... I'm worried that she won't be able to see anyone in the future..."

Seeing Nie Yinmeng's answer is strange.

Luo Yu knew that she seemed to have grasped his thoughts, so he didn't play with her any more.

"Wake her up again, it is estimated that different methods are needed, but I am not that kind of person, and I can still pull it out with a little more effort."

Luo Yu said with a chirp, and pulled out his hand from Hina Sentao's arms.

It's also really embarrassing. Like the crisp sound of the piston being pulled out, echoes can still be vaguely heard in a closed room.

It can also be seen from this, how outrageous the situation of Hina Mori Tao being hypnotized is...

If Niyin Meng was not there, it is estimated that everything that should have happened would have happened.

But Rao had Nirvana Dream on the side, preventing things from getting worse, but still couldn't make Hina Moritao return to normal.