MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 293

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This made Broken Bee speechless and puzzled.

Because in general, there is no specific way to get in.

As a result, Luo Yu not only came in, but also brought her in... It's really confusing...

When did Jinglingting become so good? It just doesn't work out...

She suspected that she had entered the fake Jingling Court...

"How did you do it? I didn't show you how to get in at all... You can't get in... The protection of the enchantment is very strict, and it is absolutely impossible to enter without special methods..."

Seeing that Broken Bee had turned into a curious baby, Luo Yu replied very kindly.

"Isn't this very simple? Just use the barrier to deal with the barrier, and you don't need to untie it at all. You also came in like this. Isn't the essence of spiritual pressure?"

Broken Bee seemed to have thought of something, but he couldn't help but be surprised.

"This... Having said that... but the enchantment is very complicated... generally impossible..."

Chapter 414 The sudden appearance of Ichimaru Gin

"Hehe, it's impossible for others, isn't it possible for me all the time? As a man, there can't be times when you can't, isn't it?"

Luo Yu laughed suddenly.

Suddenly, Brobee felt that something was wrong, and she squinted her eyes with a questioning look.

"You're wrong. Why can't a man say no? Did you think about other things? I just thought you were very good, but I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

However, Luo Yu just smiled indifferently.

"What kind of person, although I don't know what you are thinking, Brobe, but I subconsciously feel that I can't say a word. This is absolutely reasonable, I suspect it is important for me to become stronger. reason."

Broken Bee showed up again in an instant, whether this is true or false suspicious look, I feel as if I have been fooled again.

"Hey, are you finished? Don't keep pretending to be serious all of a sudden, you're probably serious at all, and you're full of bad intestines~"

Luo Yu smiled helplessly.

"If you have to speculate on me like this, then I really can't do anything about it, but I've been thinking about what happened in my practice."

Luo Yu insisted so much, and for a while, Broken Bee began to sway from side to side.

After all, there is still no evidence, no matter what, she is more cranky, which makes her depressed.

But at this time, a man with light purple hair, squinting eyes, and a face a bit like a snake suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"Hey, isn't this Broken Bee? Just now the door seems to be a little different, what's the matter? Could it be this strange man who did it? In this case, I can't just sit back and watch it~"

Broken Bee was a little unhappy at first, and when he heard the voice, his face was also upset and he threw it away.

"It turned out to be your Shimaru Gin, don't bother my mother. Just do whatever you need to do. If you mess with the old lady, you will look good!"

Ichimaru Gin was still stubbornly motionless, but the corners of his mouth were raised in a smile.

"Suspicious, really suspicious. The person you are so concerned about is probably a wild man who doesn't know where he came from, because the difference in identities is astonishing, so you don't want me to ask, right?"

Broken Bee immediately embraced her hands, and the boss said word by word in annoyance.

"Can you stop your cranky thoughts? Are you eating too much and have nothing to do? Or do you want to fight and go crazy?"

Ichimaru Gin was stunned for a moment, and finally the smile became more and more tragic.

"It seems that this was guessed, and now I'm in a hurry to hit someone. Since you want it, of course I will accompany you, but you can admit it completely, this man is really curious~ "

Ichimaru Gin murmured something yin and yang strangely again, and then turned his attention to Luo Yu.

When Ichimaru Gin first came out, Luo Yu felt that this guy was not very fun.

Squinting and smiling, the whole person is like a clown wearing a mask.

Although the starting point is indeed good, Luo Yu, as a man, does not like this kind of behavior.

So this time, he came to find fault inexplicably, whether he came because of Aizen or not, Luo Yu was not very happy.

So he held down the short Broken Bee, very tough and authentic.

"For something like a fight, of course it's me, you'd better stand aside first~"

Suddenly the body was pressed to the ground and motionless, it was still a bit strange for Broken Bee, but when he thought of Luo Yu's strength, he was relieved.

However, Luo Yu's matter is considered a secret, and too much publicity will cause problems.

How could she agree to this?

"No... No way, how can I let you come, this is absolutely impossible... Even if he wants to kill me, he can't let you go!"

"Tsk tsk, the relationship between the two of you is really good, but as a man, is it really good to hide behind women all the time? You shouldn't be happy with a man who doesn't know his name, right?"

Ichimaru Gin once again became irritated, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had anticipated what would happen next.

Everything seems to be grasped as soon as possible, very confident.

Although the broken bee was very angry, he gritted his teeth and wanted to jump up and hit someone.

But he was still pressed to death by Luo Yu.

"I don't have to talk about this. He has been provocative again and again. Isn't it too incompetent for me to respond? Besides, the old man didn't say anything. I can't play against other people in a more measured way, right?"

"After all, what he promised me was to allow me to play against the more powerful people on your side."

Broken Bee opened his mouth for a while, wanting to refute something, but couldn't think of any words.

On the contrary, Ichimaru Gin suddenly laughed.

"The two of you are actually pretending to look alike. The old grandfather mentioned should be the captain? Why, do you want to use the captain to scare me?"

"Hehe, even if the captain really knows about you, I will insist on questioning the two of you first, and then atone for him."

"After all, Brobee, you just went out to carry out a mission, but you came back suddenly and quickly, and brought a strange man back, it's really suspicious!"

Ichimaru Gin said with his eyes narrowed, almost unable to see the seam.

But the momentum all over his body suddenly turned into a sharp knife.

"Oh, this guy is so persistent, so I wouldn't satisfy him immediately, wouldn't it be too cowardly."

Luo Yu said, holding the sword flower, and pulled out the long sword from his waist.

But this made Broken Bee anxious.

"You... eh... you, what do you want me to say is good. You must promise me, don't kill this arrogant guy like Ichimaru Gin, and save some life."

Luo Yu simply made an ok gesture.

"Of course there is no problem. If I kill it, no one will accompany me to practice swordsmanship. Besides, if I save my life, I will leave an opportunity, and I will leave an opportunity for an opponent to become stronger and challenge myself again."

"How could I refuse such a great deed."

Seeing Luo Yu's extremely happy look, Broken Bee was almost speechless.

On the other hand, Ichimaru Gin looked serious.

"It's a good point, but I don't know what my ability is. Don't fight for a while. It's just like your appearance. It's not good for me~"

"Hehe, you're the one who doesn't look good. No one is my opponent in this regard. Even Broken Bee is convinced, okay? I don't think you use it much!"

Luo Yu's rebuttal almost made the broken bee roll his eyes and die speechless.

Why is it good, suddenly you start not speaking serious words again?

Ichimaru Gin seems to have started it first, but what's going on with her?

But even if it made her a little unhappy, she still couldn't grasp the slightest evidence.

It made Broken Bee feel that it was his own head, because he was always thinking too much.

After all, at this moment, Luo Yu and Ichimaru Gin seemed to be serious.

It's not like you're making a fuss.

Chapter 415

However, Ichimaru Gin, who was in love with a puppy, was not pure after all.

At least every night, he studied hard, in order to consolidate his beliefs.

To break free of Aizen's spiritual bondage, he can only use that special impulse method.

Although the whole process is completed by one person, it can give him unlimited fun every time.

Compared to Aizen's ambitions or something, this kind of fun is simply too wonderful to make him die willingly.

This is also the reason why he has worked hard to go undercover for so many years, and he is still able to persevere to the end.

So he looks like he doesn't care much about anything on the surface, but in fact he is a senior old otaku who is proficient in various traditional crafts.

For Luo Yu's code-like cynicism, it was as relaxing as seeing a woman dressed conservatively and immediately thinking of her in a swimsuit.

So he looked very calm on the surface, but he was actually furious in his heart, and he even had pale cheeks due to lack of nutrition and lack of nutrition for a long time.

They all started to turn red slightly.

The movement of the hand is swift to the extreme.

"Shoot him! Sharp gun!"

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

A thunderous blast of air suddenly sounded in the air, as if it had exploded one after another of fireballs, advancing at a speed that was difficult to capture with the naked eye.

I saw Ichimaru Gin's long sword, which was originally steadfast, stretched out in an instant, and reached Luo Yufa in the blink of an eye! !


The melodious metal collision sound burst into the air with dazzling sparks in an instant, scattered all around.

Luo Yu easily blocked Ichimaru Gin's killer spear with the new good sword, and easily endured the flames.

This made Ichimaru Gin, who was originally confident, suddenly opened his squinted eyes with a look of surprise on his face.

"You actually blocked it? You just arrived at the knife and it doesn't seem to be very fast. Did you block it by chance? If so, your luck is really good~"

Ichimaru Gin, who was quite surprised at first, immediately returned to his original indifference after he finished making up the reason.

Luo Yu almost burst out laughing.

However, from Ichimaru Gin's original book, he mistakenly thought that everything about Aizen was accurate, and after all, he was easily killed by Aizen.

Ichimaru Gin is obviously such a common man.

But his intentions are still acceptable, and he can be regarded as a relatively decent person.

So Luo Yu still held back his smile and was serious.

"It's not luck, it's just that I saw through your attack and reacted in advance. You seem to have good strength. The blow you just arrived was hundreds of times the speed of sound, it seems Even the knife is a little hot~"

"Hundreds of times the speed of sound? Is it that fast? No wonder I feel my ears are going deaf. Fortunately, I covered my ears immediately, and it's all right. Why are you okay?"

Broken Bee was astonished, as if it was the first time that Ichimaru Gin was so powerful...

Luo Yu was disapproving.

"When will it become an advantage soon, it's just that it will stretch. He didn't play the corresponding advantage at this speed, it's not interesting at all. As he said just now, it's not useful at all."

Hearing Luo Yu seems to be learning to speak in his own tone.

Ichimaru Yin suddenly felt as uncomfortable as being slapped in the back.

Immediately withdrew, and said sullenly.

"Obviously it was lucky to receive my attack, and to show off beside the girl with rhetoric, it's really bad tempered."

"Although the sin is not worth death, you have already angered me."

"Shoot him! Kill the gun!"

Boom boom boom! ! !

The louder explosion than before exploded in an instant, and a mass of flames several times larger than before rushed towards Luo Yu like a rocket.


The dull collision sound swayed in the air.

Read The Duke's Passion