MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 291

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It seems sassy, ​​as capable as a general, and as simple as a girl.

Complex temperament, intertwined.

He also made Luo Yu look at Mao Zhihualie for a while.

"Captain... this is..."

Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni naturally took Luo Yu's reaction into his eyes.

Even for a brief moment, he was clearly caught by the fall of his eyes.

He thought of something almost immediately, and introduced it with great joy.

"She's the captain of the thirteenth team of the Jingling Garden Guardian, and the captain of the fourth team. Her own strength is also very good. Would you like to join the fourth team to try and sharpen your swordsmanship in the future?"

The introduction of Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saijokuni really surprised Uzhihualie, and her red lips were slightly open to the point where she could stuff a sausage.

Even the healing light released by both hands stopped abruptly.

It was Kenpachi who suddenly coughed uncomfortably, and then focused on the treatment again.

But at the same time as the treatment, she quietly pricked up her ears to listen to the movement.

Like a girl who was arranged on a blind date by the older generation, secretly listening to the blind date communicating with her elders, she was extremely quiet and well-behaved.

In the face of Yamamoto Motoyanagi's eager eyes.

Luo Yu agreed without thinking.

"That's very good. It's the best thing to be able to fight against a powerful person. This one is called Uzhihualie. Regardless of his strength, he can help people with treatment. She is really a capable girl. I can play with her in the future. The exchange of swordsmanship can be said to be as good as it gets~"

Luo Yu's answer almost reached the heart of Yamamoto Motoyuki Saijokuni.

On the contrary, Uzhihualie was very suspicious.

Chapter 411 Broken Bee Likes Slow Speed

Uozhihualie was excited and excited.

But I still understand very well that there is a huge gap between her and Luo Yu.

She couldn't even have the heart to fight because of the difference.

Just looking at it from a distance is enough.

But now Yamamoto Yuan Liu Zaizhong actually recommended Luo Yu to join her team, and she has to communicate more...

There is a sense of unreality that the dream immediately shines into reality.

For a moment, she really wanted time to stop, and Luo Yu happily agreed to this moment.

But she knew very well that she might not be able to satisfy Luo Yu.

After all, the strength gap is there, and it is much larger than the gap between Kenpachi and Kenpachi.

It's like the difference between an adult and a child.

How on earth is this possible... to communicate with each other?

Could it be said that Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni was dizzy?

Just when Mao Zhihualie raised his eyes with curiosity.

Shigekuni Yamamoto Yuanyanagi lowered his head and squeezed his eyes slightly.

As if he was hinting at something, Uno Hanaritsu also suppressed the curiosity in his heart.

"Then now, go back with Broken Bee first. She will take you back to Jingling Court, and then help you arrange everything for the check-in."

Yamamoto Motoyanagi's voice resounded again.

Almost after finishing speaking, he immediately recruited Broken Bee, who was stunned by the side, and even more attached to her ear and instructed.

"Remember not to let other people contact Luo Yu for the time being. It's up to you to take care of everything. Be sure to take care of all his affairs, including the necessities of staying in Jingling Court, understand?"

Broken Bee's eyes flashed with great surprise, and then stared at Luo Yu in disbelief.

"He really wants to... stay in our Jingling Court... What the **** is going on? He's not..."

"Of course, he was deeply attracted by the Jingling Court life described by the old man, and decided to enter life. After all, he just loves dueling, not killing. Isn't Kenpachi okay?"

I heard Yamamoto Motoyanagi's reply.

Although the broken bee still felt incredible, he calmed down a little.

Facts are indeed as Yamamoto Yuan Liu Saijue said, Luo Yu did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, at most he did not care about anything when he fought like Kenpachi.

In fact, compared to the appearance of Kenpachi, he has a more youthful appearance, and it feels better to get along.

So after getting a general understanding, Broken Bee went to Luo Yu and stretched out his hand.

"My name is Broken Bee, please give me more advice in the future, and I will take you to the Jingling Court."

Luo Yu put away the sword, clapped the black ash on his hand, and then showed a sunny smile.

"Okay, that's a lot of trouble~"

"It's quite polite, you don't seem to be difficult to get along with~"

Broken Bee smiled back, and after withdrawing her hand, she patted Luo Yu on the shoulder.

"Let's run in this direction. You follow in my footsteps... Cough, in short, don't run in front of me. Slowly rush to Jingling Court, and I will take you in."

Luo Yu was a little thoughtful.

"Yes, yes, but why should it be slow? Wouldn't it be better to go faster?"

Broken Bee couldn't help twitching his eyelids, and then he was speechless.

"Is this because running too fast, it's easy to kill people, or trample the ground? Do you understand? In the future, this will be a place to survive. How can you use such a force, of course, you have to take it slowly?"

Luo Yu nodded thoughtfully again.

"Understood, you should prefer slow speed, so that you can clearly understand all the details of the process, you can have more beautiful insights, you can really enjoy life~"

Broken Bee: ? ? ?

Broken Bee was stunned, helpless and surprised that you seem to be talking about other things, and I have no evidence.

However, the matter that Yamamoto Yuanliu Saijokuni explained was really important, and she didn't bother with Luo Yu any more.

"Forget it, then start hurrying now, even if it is slow, it will not be slow. After all, the distance is not very far."


Luo Yu responded with Yan again.

The wind was blowing at the feet of the broken bee, and it ran away in an instant.

Luo Yu turned into an afterimage at a faster speed and immediately chased after him.

It seemed that Luo Yu's speed was slightly felt, but Broken Bee refused to admit defeat and generally accelerated the speed immediately.

The figure also turned into an afterimage, leading faster in front.

However, Luo Yu was still close behind, and the two seemed to have turned into two black lines, running towards Jingling Court at a high speed.

And behind him, there was a long, lasting dust mist.

Let's slowly run back to the corner of Jingling Court and Gong Qin, who ate the satisfied ashes off guard, and his face suddenly turned black.

"Who are these people? Isn't that Captain Broken Bee? Speaking of which, who is the other person? Will the Chief Captain be unable to keep up with Broken Bee's speed?"

"It's really strange. It's inexplicable that the two of them ran in such a hurry. Could it be that they were beaten away, and Jinglingting was going to suffer?"

As soon as the two of them summed up, a bad premonition came to their minds, and they rushed to Jingling Court regardless of the initial recovery of their injuries.

In the rear, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saijokuni was still in front of Unohakalie.

Although Yamamoto Genryu Saijuguni didn't speak, Uzhihualie probably knew why Yamamoto Genryuguni stayed behind.

There must be something to explain.

Could it be that the commander-in-chief also regards Luo Yu as the next Kenpachi?

Thinking of this, Mao Zhihualie was a little happy.

There is almost no one who is more happy than her for the powerful existence and the succession of Kenpachi.

After all, she could sacrifice her own existence for this.

Thinking of this, she also sped up her treatment, treating Kenpachi's injuries with a smile on her face.

But after a while, she let out a long sigh, and stood up immediately without wiping the sweat off her forehead.

"Fortunately, the mission is not disgraceful. Captain, Kenpachi has been treated and completely out of danger."

After receiving the report, Yamamoto Yuanyugai Shigekuni nodded slightly with satisfaction, and then called Uzhihualie aside and said.

"You seem very happy, do you already know about my plan?"

Uozhihualie used to be a proper butcher, not much different from Kenpachi, but since he became a medical death god.

The mind gradually became sharper, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Bingxue is smart.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shugekai had this speculation, all because of Hana Lie Uno's usual performance.

Uzhihualie almost nodded quickly in response.

"Captain, do you want Luo Yujun to inherit the name of Jianpachi? Since that is the case, you can just announce it directly. I don't think Jianpachi will have any opinion."

Uzhihualie's answer really gave Yamamoto Motoryu Saijokuni a headache. He originally thought that he could spend less effort and sell less face.

In the end... I still asked him to pull down his old face and say something unspeakable.

"Hey, this matter can be regarded as a future plan, but it's not entirely. Don't you think about why I put him in your team instead of someone else's team? After all, you are just copying medical treatment now. Yeah~"

After Yamamoto Yuanliu Zaijuguo reminded him, Mao Zhihualie suddenly became puzzled.

"This... it does seem a bit strange, and the commander-in-chief is asked to make it clear."

Chapter 412 Mao Zhihua issued a book! Grou9?8,0?2:0ュ5♀8:5/6, by ?DaiュDai. hair, enlightened

Yamamoto Yuanliu Saijue was also drunk, and this Uzhihualie usually looks a bit abstinent, gentle and virtuous, and doesn't seem to care about anything.

But after all, she is a woman of several hundred years old.

No matter how innocent you are, you should know something about men and women.

But the result gave such an obvious hint, but still couldn't say it at all.

Completely like a wooden fish head...

have no choice.

In order for the plan to proceed seamlessly.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Saigekuni could only explain in a good voice.

"That's right, that child may indeed be a new soul, but his aptitude is very good, so I hope you can help teach me more. After all, Kenpachi is not suitable for teaching, but is only suitable for being a good opponent."

"As for speaking, there are other things...that is, you should help him more in his life. After all, he is still a young man, and he doesn't understand many aspects."

Yamamoto Motoyanagi said again and again after hesitating, but finished speaking more implicitly.

Uozhihualie's expression was as usual, and he agreed immediately.

"There's nothing wrong with these, let alone what you ordered from the commander-in-chief, of course I will implement it well."

Hearing that Uzhihualie agreed to come down, Yamamoto Motoryu Saijokuni was quite happy.

As a result, the agreement was agreed, and it stopped abruptly, as if the agreement was only superficial.

But since it is a wooden fish head, it is not surprising to have such a performance.

In particular, it feels strange to suddenly infer other things.

Thinking of this, Yamamoto Yuan Liusai Shigekuni opened his mouth and reminded again.

"Speaking of all these years, the medical department is on the right track, and you no longer need to work hard. Don't you think about your own life?"

"It's not that I want you to leave the fourth division, but I want you to try it once, the life of an ordinary death. After all, you have done such a good job of even medical treatment, and there should be no problems with other things."

"Maybe it can be better than the bloodline, and give birth to a more powerful existence to help you complete the regret of being defeated by Kenpachi."