MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 282

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Only a very small part.

But on Echidona's side, there could only be one Luo Yu, who was almost a god.

As a result, the gods did not pursue anything high, but pursued the lowest desires.

They were things that she had abandoned for an unknown number of years and could never be recovered no matter what.

It just made her doubt her life.

While Luo Yu was still working hard, he shook his head calmly.

"What are you thinking about in your mind? Instead of thinking so much, it is better to help me quickly, let me finish things quickly, can't I do something else earlier?"

"It's just that I'm in high spirits occasionally. Of course, there are still many things to do, such as eating and drinking."

"As for what you want, I understand, and I will give it to you without any secrets. After all, after following me, are you afraid that you won't get what you want?"

"It's not good to use your women's advantages at this time. If you are faster and more powerful, you can get everything that ordinary people can't get by ticking, so why are you stupid now?"

After getting Luo Yu's reply, Echidona was stunned.

However, although he looked more stupid, there was a glimmer of enlightenment in his eyes.

Therefore, everything Luo Yu said is absolutely impossible to conform to his previous style.

But it is true that it can help her a lot.

It can also make everything she has always pursued, all well satisfied.

Compared to the sacrifice that made her a little reluctant, it seemed completely insignificant.

If you can easily get everything you want, it will definitely be a beautiful thing that will make your soul tremble.

With such a longing, she no longer had the little reluctance she had before, instead she took the initiative to come to Luo Yu's side with a sweet smile, and asked gently like water.

"Husband, you said that now... how do you want me to help so that this can be ended faster?"

Luo Yu glanced at Echidona, who had changed greatly and seemed a little enlightened, and said with great relief.

"It's impossible to say it's too fast, but you can help me repair Minerva well, which will make me feel happier, and the speed may be improved a little bit."

"After all, as soon as she was resurrected by me, she started making troubles. It's really a waste of my pains not to talk about giving me face or not."

"Although it's not a big deal, it's a waste of my hard work, so you can help me fix it, you can still make me happy."

Echidona was suddenly puzzled.

"Husband, repair... What exactly do you mean? Can you put it simply? Are you going to beat her up? She looks like she's already in pain."

At this time, Minerva had been treated by Sekhmet for a while.

But I can't stand Sekhmet as a lazy witch, how can it be particularly reliable to treat her thoroughly.

So Minerva seemed to be fine on the surface, but her constant toothache-like pain showed that she was suffering from the previous pain.

So Echidona thought for the first time that she wanted to treat Minerva, but when she thought of making Luo Yu happy, it seemed a little wrong.

But this is obviously not what Luo Yu said.

"Of course it's not treatment, you've been with me for a while, don't you know what I want?"

As Luo Yu said that, he took out a rather sturdy tool, and at first glance, it was so impactful that Ajidona couldn't help but lose her mind.

"Take this, this can not only teach Minerva a lesson, but also completely treat her injuries. How to use it is up to you."

"Just a little reminder, it's best to do it in a form that makes me happy. Otherwise, it's still a long time, and I don't mind staying a little longer~"

Luo Yu didn't blushed or panted at all, and murmured full of breath.

Almost instantly, Bingxue's smart Echidona understood a lot.

"Okay...Okay, I'll try my best...So are you just watching...Is this really going to make you happy?"

Echidona took the utensils and couldn't help but feel a little clueless...

Not to mention whether it can be done well, even this matter... it feels very outrageous, anyway, she doesn't quite understand...

See Echidona's hesitant and unconfident look.

Luo Yu thought for a moment, then reminded.

"Well, it's still the same thing, but you try to change the entry point. For some things, the entry point is changed, and suddenly you get twice the result with half the effort."

Luo Yu said that he grabbed Ajidona's hand, and let the instrument in her hand give her the new entry point that she said.

The first time Echidona saw it from Sekhmet, she was stunned.

But seeing Luo Yu still looking at her with a faint smile, as if he was telling him not to doubt, things are that simple.

The new entry point has been told to you, just go straight to the solution.

After swallowing her saliva in surprise, Echidona turned her attention to Minerva.

Although I find things a little unimaginable, I seem to have learned strange new knowledge.

But in terms of Luo Yu, it should be said that he is very experienced.

He said that if she can be happy in this way, she should be happy. She doesn't want to think too much, so she can just do it.

"Okay... well, I hope this helps you, then the game is about to begin."

"Wait a minute, Camilla, come with you too, help Echidona, and I'll give you a reward that you like very much in a while."

I haven't waited for Ajidona to act.

Luo Yu beckoned to Camilla, who was at a loss, just like the quail on the side.

Camilla, who was almost ignored, saw Luo Yu calling out to her and promised a reward.

Immediately, her face flushed red, and she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Chapter 397 Rewards at the same time

"Okay...good husband...thank you...thank you so much..."

It was as if he had received unprecedented help.

When Camilla responded, she was already in tears.

It was just a short moment of being left out, which made countless ideas in her mind.

Seeing Luo Yu caring about other people so much, she felt that everything before was fake.

I felt that Luo Yu would suddenly dote on her before, or it was because he treated her as someone else.

At this time, he was called on purpose and arranged to go to work.

Although she didn't get the love she had before, it still made her want to cry.

Everything before is undoubtedly true, she really once had it all.

This little thing alone made her so moved that she almost fainted.

However, she still tried her best to restrain her excitement, and cautiously, for fear of doing something wrong, she walked to Luo Yu with small steps.

But it seems that the more attention paid to each step, the more messy the steps become.

There was a muffled sound, and Camila accidentally stepped on her right foot with her left foot, and she was about to fall.

Fortunately, Luo Yu's eyes were quick and his hands were fast, and he immediately supported her with his hands outstretched, and took her to his side.

"Why are you so careless all of a sudden? Could it be that your body hasn't adapted to it yet? If you really can't do it, let's take a break, so that you won't lose your energy when you receive the award for a while."

Camilla shook her head again and again, for fear of delaying things.

"No...No need, I can do it, I'll do things for you husband, don't worry~"

Camilla smiled sweetly, and immediately stood up and walked to Echidona's side.

"Echidona, please give me more advice later~"

This scene made Echidona speechless.

It seems that Luo Yu and Camilla seem to have a very good relationship with each other.

But now Luo Yu is swaying in front of Camilla.

How can there be any pure love, naked bull trough?

But even so, it still makes the two of them get along very harmoniously and naturally, as if they were truly in love.

Now he has to help Luo Yu teach Minerva a lesson. In the final analysis, he is a new competitor.

Camilla, however, looked as if she was blissfully out of place.

It almost made Echidona speechless.

"Okay, just with Minerva's physique, I may not be able to do it alone, so you should pay more attention."

"Well, I see, Echidona~"

Camilla wiped the tears from her face and nodded happily.

The two soon began repairing Minerva.

In the beginning, I have to say, it was really difficult.

Minerva tensed up again because the equipment was too big.

But anyway, they are witches, and Echidona is well-informed and knowledgeable.

A bit of magic was quickly used to help things run smoothly.

A road that has never been explored opens.

"Hum hum ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Repairing Minerva's body like this made her scream like a pig almost every time.

But every time, her body bones, rattling, are indeed repairing very well.

And when Camila took over, Minerva's screams like killing a pig began to reduce the decibel.

It turned into a very ordinary humming sound. Although the expression on his face was still painful, it was much more soothing than before.

So that the pale and pretty face finally appeared the pink color it should have.

It seems that the blood is getting stronger and stronger, and the skin has a faint blush.

However, this process was still regarded as repeated physical torture, and it still made her mentally haggard.

As time goes on, even if her body and bones are completely corrected, she can no longer endure it any longer.

The white eyes rolled to the extreme, the whole person seemed to be broken, and a lot of saliva overflowed from the corners of the mouth.

But by this time, Echidona and Camilla had also reached the limit of their physical strength.

The pair were soft to the ground, hugging each other and relying on each other instinctively.

It was as if he had undergone repairs to Minerva's body.

The relationship between the two seems to have suddenly improved a lot.

became like sisters.

Luo Yu had already taken care of Sekhmet at this time, and came to the exhausted and disfigured side Echidona and Camilla in a relaxed manner.

"You two are really diligent. In order to commend your diligence, I decided to reward both of you at the same time."

"At the same time... give us a reward... how is this possible... oh no... I don't want a reward... just give her..."

Echidona was dazed for a while, then regained her spirits and shoved Camilla.

However, in order to live up to Luo Yu's expectations, Camilla just tried her best to repair Minerva, possibly repairing Aegedona's share.

So I didn't even have the strength to lift my fingers.

But Rao was like this. As soon as she heard that there would be a reward, she immediately used her soft hands to turn over and want to be ready to receive the reward at any time.

But Luo Yu did not let her turn over as she wished.

Instead, he piled her on top of Echidona, and almost pressed Echidona to the ground, out of breath.

"You...what are you...why pile her on top of me...I'm almost put her down..."

Luo Yu couldn't help laughing badly.

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