MTL - One Punch Man: Eight Strange Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 265

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Furthermore, her master is also a witch, and she knows that no matter how experienced she is, some gaps cannot be filled by time.

At least Satila looks much stronger than her.

The breath is also very strange. From her perspective, it is the extreme of darkness.

Compared with the dark magic she usually uses, it is much more terrifying.

As for Luo Yu, she stopped thinking and felt Betty who was beside her trembling, so she couldn't help rubbing her head.

"No matter who found it, what I said is the truth, and there will never be any falsehood. When I say that I want her to kneel and beg for mercy, I will make her kneel and beg for mercy."

"Don't look at her mysterious and unpredictable. In fact, in front of me, she is not much different from yours in front of me. When she begs for mercy, she will just wow."

After being soothed by Luo Yu, Betty's mood was indeed calmed down, but her curiosity about what Luo Yu said arose again.

This wow... Although she wows a lot of the time, such as when she loses a game.

But she always felt that what Luo Yu said did not mean the same to her.

But if that's the case, what is Luo Yu trying to do?

This is the existence that even the giant dragon will tremble three times in fright.

Betty is a little nervous now.

If you really take a piece of it, wouldn't you be nervous from morning till night?

Wait, why does she feel that this kind of thing is very likely?

Shouldn't it be to flee immediately, the farther away the better?

This is the witch who almost destroyed the world...

However, in the next second, Betty's mouth grew and swallowed a bullfrog.

I saw Satila walking, and suddenly knelt down with a "thump" sound.

The black mist covering her cheeks also dissipated for a moment, revealing her slightly haggard and full of sorrow.

It's like a grieving woman who has been abandoned by men and finally found a man who abandoned her.

The inadvertently revealed sad eyes seemed to melt everyone's heart.

Although everything is so bizarre, people don't know how to think for a while.

But the jealous witch Satila not only knelt down, but also looked at Luo Yu with resentment.

It really verified what Luo Yu said, as if he was kneeling directly in front of him and wanted to ask for mercy.

Sati stretched out her hand, as if begging for something, staring at Luo Yu mournfully.

"Give it back to me~"

"Give it back to me~"

"Give it back to me~"

It sounds like an echo, but in fact every sentence contains sincere feelings.

One sentence was more mournful, as if Luo Yu had stolen her most precious thing, and was a mad and bad man.

Betty was trembling with fear, but after listening to Satila begging Luo Yu like this, she began to feel a little uncomfortable wondering if Luo Yu had done something heinous.

For example, to deceive some important things of innocent girls.

Although Betty didn't think she was particularly pure, she really didn't know anything at the time.

It was only afterward that I suddenly realized that Luo Yu was too cunning, and took away her precious things inadvertently.

And Satila doesn't seem to have a lot of vocabulary, and it seems that it may be created by a very simple reason.

To be so sad to ask a man for something, I am afraid it will not be something simple.

As for why she thinks so, of course, it is due to the compassion of the same women.

It's so heartbreaking to look at, it's almost heartbreaking.

In fact, even Betty felt that way.

He has the utmost respect for witches, and thinks about the witch day and night for Peticius, but his heart is so cold that he has fallen into a thousand-year ice cave.

The witch is no less than the supreme goddess to him.

But in the end, my goddess, praying and looking forward to seeing even one side, may be so happy that she faints from crying.

But when I really saw it, I knelt directly in front of others and begged others for something.

What a joke.

How could his goddess, his witch, be so virtuous!

Where did the witch who almost destroyed the world go?

"Where did you go?"

"Where did you go?"

"Where did you go?"

Pettigius cried out in exasperation, his voice hoarse.

The already neurotic appearance has become even more crazy.

The whole person trembled, like a zombie, and rushed towards Luo Yu in a hurry.

Seeing Pettigius' violent reaction, Betty still covered her mouth in surprise, wanting to ask Luo Yu what she was doing.

Are you still going to beat Peticius?

Or is it really necessary to put Satila in front of Peticius crying and let his mind collapse.

Betty is also quite experienced, and naturally knows the meaning of witches to witch believers.

So, do you really want to make Satila cry now?

"It doesn't matter, that guy is just a small person. The important thing is that she is more important, but I am thinking about how to deal with her better, although this is not her body."

"This is not her body?"

Betty stared suspiciously at Satila's ink-like dark energy, and then she was puzzled.

"You mean, her body is still sealed? It's just a clone... But it's just a clone... How can she have such a terrifying dark energy..."

Betty was really stunned.

Rao was that she had lived with the **** witch for a long time.

But it is still unimaginable that the witch of jealousy can be so powerful.

Just being a clone is like, even when her master was at the peak of her desire to be a witch, it was hard to reach.

But thinking about this strength, it is indeed very credible to use it to destroy the world.

So the rumor turned out to be true!

Chapter 371 The Joker Is Actually Pettigius Himself

At this moment, Betty returned to the way she had just seen the Jealous Witch.

The small body trembled constantly, and even hugged Luo Yu's thigh.

I really don't understand what's going on in this scene.

Because Luo Yu's legs were extremely solid and did not tremble at all.

It means that he is not afraid at all.

There are still people who can face the jealous witch without fear.

Betty really doesn't get it.

But what was even more incomprehensible was that the one who was supposed to be domineering, the grudge who was jealous of the witch's humble appearance, asked Luo Yu to keep begging for things.

The cultist who almost made her suffer before turned into an even crazier madman, running around like he couldn't control himself.

Betty looked over, oh, now she can't bear to look directly.

It is no longer walking slowly on the zombies, but crawling on the ground with both hands and feet, moving quite strangely and looking very scary.

At this time, Luo Yu did not intend to pay any attention to Pettitius at all, but approached Satila.

"What you want should be the energy of returning from death, right? I have absorbed this thing. If you are looking for it, you can only take it back from me slowly. If you agree, it is settled like this."

"But if you don't agree, then even if you cry to death here today, you will never get a point."

Luo Yu just put his arms around him and looked down at Satila coldly, with a ruthless look.

Betty, who was left behind, was stunned.

"It turns out that you really took her things, Luo Yu. What's the matter with the return of death? Is it really good not to give it back to others after taking the things?"

Of course, Betty was actually quite curious about what the jealous witch was like when she cried.

Although she didn't show it on her lips, and even seemed to be a bit biased towards the jealous witch, she still quietly looked at the face under Satila's hat.

It's just a pity that Satila kept her head down the whole time, as if she was lost in thought or something.

As for the strange species of Pedicius, who had crawled over madly, he had already come to Luo Yu's side.

Countless black invisible hands suddenly lashed out instinctively, and even the air was drawn into a sharp whistle.

Several flames were wiped out of thin air and smashed into Luo Yu densely.

But what Pettitius never expected was.

Obviously, he will be able to kill this man who has bullied him countless times in the next second.

But suddenly a shadow covered him, and then the attack completely hit the shadow, failing to hurt Luo Yu at all.

The attack was blocked, and Pettigius should have continued the attack.

But after a closer look at the shadow, he suddenly couldn't think.

That shadow turned out to be Satila, the witch he respected so much...

How could his witch do this, blocking the attack for others?

what is this?

"Do not!!!"

The belated loud cry of pain suddenly erupted for a while.

The eardrums of those present were sore.

But Satila is as always.

He didn't even glance at Petitius, and looked up at Luo Yu slightly.

"If I to do it?"

Luo Yu lifted her hat and stroked her face.

"Leave everything to me, and I will bring you happiness. Even things like letting you out of there can be done easily."

"Hey, Luo won't be dazed by her, no matter how good-looking she matter how pitiful she is, you can't say that, right?"

Betty suddenly panicked.

All of a sudden, he hit and hit, and he didn't say anything when he met the opponent's big boss.

Our people also claimed that they wanted to conquer the opponent's boss...

Is this change going to happen so quickly?

Are things going so outrageous?

However, Luo Yu ignored Betty, just like Satila ignored Pettigius, and looked into her eyes very intently.

In terms of appearance, it is indeed similar to Emilia to the extreme.

But it was more morbidly haggard, as if he had been suffering from some kind of torture.

In fact, Luo Yu began to understand Satila just after watching her.

With the deepening of understanding, I found that she seemed to be pitiful.

Read The Duke's Passion