MTL - One Piece: The Soul Purchasing Pirate-Chapter 846 Top thousand military horses

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At this moment, Luo Chen, who touched the white conch, finally knew that he could not forget the woman.

The farther the smiling ship sailed, the more the Bailuo Island became a point, and finally disappeared.

The boat is prepared with food, wine, and a hand that has been calibrated. After Luo Chen counted these items, his heart was moved silently.

A woman, born from a noble woman, can do this for him, which is not easy.

On the island of Bailuo.

The beautiful woman wearing a cheongsam looked at the smiling ship that was farther and farther away, and the crystal tears ran down the cheek.

However, she is laughing.

Last night, she started taking the initiative, but then, this man, like a heroic warrior, continued to conquer. He did not refuse, even responded.

He also likes me.

"Hope, you can live and see you again."

"If you can't come back, if you have your child, I will raise him up."

"No regrets, no regrets in this life."

Everyone around thinks she is crazy, even she herself, she feels crazy. But a person, for a lifetime, for love, at least should be crazy once, isn’t it?

"Miss, we should be ready to go."

The waitress behind sighed and walked over to remind him.

Jasmine took a deep breath, wiped the tears from her face, and smiled: "Okay, ready to go, goal, Andorro!"

She is going to Andoro, but it is not just for business, but more about wanting to know the man, what is the place where he lives.

Turning around, the woman left, a touch of jasmine fragrance drifted, and then went with the wind.

The sea is magnificent, and the heroes are never lacking. In this sea age, the pirates are the protagonists of the times.

In the chaos, the dragon and the snake are together, and the dragon is a snake, and it is gradually being revealed before people. Recently, there have been more and more legends about the four emperors. They will be the top four sea thieves who are now the most prosperous and the most prestigious. Even recently, because of the red-haired war, some people have already proposed the concept of the five emperors.

There is no doubt that the peak of this sea thief era is coming, he will usher in an era of emperors.

The chaotic situation will become more and more calm and will be restored to regularity.

Among the four emperors, Luo Chen is the lowest-key, he is almost invisible to people, and even the people in his pirate group do not know the whereabouts of the emperor. Some people say that he is in the center of Andorro, in the splendid palace, and some people say that he has already traveled and is happy in the outside world.

There are various rumors, but the result is that the reputation of the emperor is slowly declining. A thief whose roots are not so deep, but gradually disappeared before the people, is not enough to give the fierce and daring pirates enough deterrent.

Today, however, on the site of Kaido.

A small sailboat with a size of only about 20 meters and a smile pattern is slowly coming towards it.

Among the four emperors, there are patrol fleets, as well as a variety of monitoring devices.

Once the ship entered the range of Kaido, it was noticed because it was too exaggerated and too conspicuous.

The weather is fine and the wind is beautiful. It is close to the center of the Kaido site, so the defense is more rigorous.

"Captain, are you too weird to see the ship?"

The young pirate pointed at the smiling ship in the picture, wondering.

"Let the lens zoom in and see clearly. If there is no problem, let him go, but a small boat."

The big man with scars said.

Kaidu has contact with many forces, but also has business dealings. Otherwise, there are so many younger brothers underneath, can't you drink the northwest wind?

The young pirates obeyed and soon after seeing the camera, they saw a young man.

"It's a young man, only one person."

With a slightly strange tone, the young pirate said that he turned the camera and pointed at the man's face.

The man is sitting on the deck at the moment, holding a bottle in his hand and pouring it into his mouth.

His expression is calm, and there is no horror or fear of tension when other people enter this area.

“It’s just a plain young man.”

Finally, the pirates concluded.


At this moment, the captain turned around and, very coincidentally, he was also drinking.

The corner of his eye just caught the young man's face. In an instant, he shuddered and the bottle in his hand slammed on the deck.

"Open, open, what's the joke?!!"

The captain instantly felt the blood rushing, and the whole body shook. The huge shock, no, it was the horror that filled him.

"Dry, you, mother's ordinary people! This is the four emperors!!"

The screams tore the air, letting the pirates who are chatting, quietly, are all looking at the picture here.

Then, the sound of inhaling sound came out. Every pirate who knew the face of the four emperors was shaking all over the body, and the face was full of shock.

"He, how did he get here?"

"Made, the waste outside, haven't you found it?"

"It has been touched here, waste! Waste! Waste!!"

In the screaming voice, the fear is mixed, and the atmosphere here is immediately tense.

"He, he has only one person!"

The young pirates realized at this time that the guy on the smiling face was not simple, but he still wondered.

"He is alone, enough to top thousands of horses, what do you know, newcomers!"

The captain turned and shouted at him loudly.

"What are you doing, just let the alarm sound and let everyone know!"

Taking a deep breath, the captain's voice was extremely heavy and tense.

"Four emperors Luo Chen, come!"

A smiling ship, a man sitting cross-legged on the deck, let Kaido's site shake completely, an incredible, shocking voice spread across the sea.

But there is no doubt that all the people have moved.

All the pirates under Kendo’s knees, a heart is beating.

They have never experienced such a thing, and a four emperor came to visit, which is really a shock to the whole world.

"How come this time, Captain Kaido is still hurt, he is still training!"

The pirates are flustered.

In the battle with Shanks, Kaido did not win, and he also entered a bad situation. If this time, with another four emperors to open, and has been defeated by the captain of Luo Chen, the situation is not very good.

The smiling ship sailed all the way, and there were more and more ships on both sides. On each ship, there were shadows and a large number of pirates emerged.

"Everyone notices that everyone pays attention, there is no order, and I am not allowed to act rashly!"

The serious voice rang quickly, facing a four emperor, no one dared to attack easily before he found out the way.

Read The Duke's Passion