MTL - One Piece Talent System-v2 Chapter 429 it's time

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Fortunately, Nami's posture did not prevent Rhodes from continuing to watch the battlefield below, and was blocked by the distorted space, and no one could see it here.


Nami's body twisted a few times, and finally jumped from Rhodes's body, but her expression at the moment was very interesting.

Looking at the war between the Warring States and the White Beard, Rhodes saw that she had no movements. He said, "I hurt your head, I don't want to say anything?"


Nami wants to say that you will hurt when there is a ghost. Her shock that feels that her head has been hit is a red mark.

Without waiting for her to say anything, the aftermath of the white beard and the Warring States blasted again, and the naval fortress was shaken again. Nami once again slammed and fell backwards.

But this is not to fall to Rhodes, but directly to the bottom of the fortress.

When she looked at the height of the naval fortress, she couldn't help but scream out in horror, but she hadn't waited for her to fall down with an onion, and the ankle was caught by one hand.

"One more time."

Rhodes took her ankle and pulled her back again. She glanced at somewhere without leaving any traces.

Nami wants to cry at this moment.

However, she recovered quickly. After re-stabilizing her body shape, she couldn’t help but flash the picture she saw when she almost fell, and gave a slight glimpse.

She still vaguely remembers that it just seems to be under the fortress of the Navy headquarters, there is a big strange guy, and a strange figure.

It doesn't look like a navy.

"It’s almost my turn to play."

Rhodes didn't sit down again. He put one hand on Nami's bare shoulders, helping Nami to stabilize his body and the other side looking at the battlefield below.

When Nami came back, she heard Rhodes' words, and she couldn't help but blink a pair of big eyes. She couldn't help but ask: "What do you want to do?!"

The following naval generals, white beards, are already terrible monsters, but this is a monster in the monster!

Once you start, I am afraid it is also earth-shattering!

"I am a pirate."

Rhodes glanced at Nami and said: "In this case, of course, take a look and see if you can kill the Navy headquarters."

Kill the naval headquarters...

Kill the naval headquarters...

Naval headquarters...

Nami wants to cry without tears, and it really is a terrible purpose!

Just in the speech of Rhodes, the black-bearded group hidden near the navy headquarters was finally discovered by the navy, and it was completely hidden and appeared directly.

"Hello, hahahaha, I haven't seen you for a long time, daddy, can catch up before you die. It's so good, hahahaha!"

For the first time, he laughed loudly, and it was the killing of the white-bearded pirate group, the captain of the team, Saatchi, who guided the fuse of the top war, Black Beard.

Behind him is also the partner he found after he defected to the White Beard Pirates Group, and the subordinates who rescued him from the city. Now he is a black-bearded pirate group!

this moment.

No amount of light comes together.

The face of the Warring States became a bit ugly in an instant. Although he guessed that Black Beard might have come to do things, he did not expect Black Beard to have already sneaked into the Navy headquarters!

"How did you get here?!"


The white beard's gaze shifted from the Warring States to the black beard. A face was gloomy and terrible. Although the voice was low, it contained a terrifying anger.

At this time, through the special broadcast channels, people watching the war battlefield on the top are also full of horror. Some people shouted the name of the Black Beard Pirates Group, and some people recognized the people behind the Black Beard. A ferocious pirate!

"Great battleship, San Juan hungry wolf, and the moon hunter, Catlin... all are the sea thief on the evil side!"

The appearance of the Black Beard Pirates made the Navy’s pursuit once again stagnate.

At the moment of the naval headquarters.

Both the peach rabbit and the tea dolphins are dressed in the justice of the Navy, together with the former naval general, the black wrist Zefa, are also here.

"The distance is so close, I didn't even notice it."

"Black Beard Tiki..."

In the eyes of the peach rabbit, there was a flash of cold, and the hand was pressed on the blade.

The tea dolphins stopped her and said: "Don't worry, the situation is still under control, and we don't have to do it for the time being."

The power of the navy, even in the top of the war, only revealed a part, and the remaining part was not revealed. The purpose is naturally to guard against all emergencies.

With all the forces of the naval headquarters, a four-magnition pirate regiment is simply not enough to fight against it. Even if there are two or even four emperor pirates, as long as the Kapp Warring States and others are all shot, they will be able to fight, not to Routine in a short time.

If there are really three four emperors in the naval headquarters, then the world government can not sit idly by, and will soon send reinforcements and evolve into a larger battlefield.

In short.

The naval headquarters and the world government are not afraid of all positive battles!


The white beard opened the Warring States and gave a scream to the black beard. The tone was low: "Only you and I will not be called sons, Tiki, you made the only unbreakable rule on the ship, you killed the companion!"

When the voice fell, the white beard suddenly punched the black beard, and the power of the shock raged and broke, causing the earth in front of it to burst and break.

Although the Warring States were not on the front, they still let two steps. He looked at the scene with a sullen look, but he did not.

The white beard deals with the black beard. As the navy looks at it, it doesn't have to use the fighting power to deal with both sides in vain. The goal of the war is to win, and to reduce the loss of the enemy and expand the enemy's losses as much as possible.

Marko and others saw the black beard, all of them were angry and tried to rush, but the white beard stopped Marko and others.

"Don't come over! Marko, for the sake of the team captain Saatchi, I have to kill this guy myself and make a break!"

The sound of the white beard swayed and slammed into the black beard.

The dark fruit of the black beard is indeed the nemesis of all the fruit's ability, but it is only the nemesis of the fruit's ability. It has no egg for pure body and domineering.

Under a few tricks, White Beard understood the ability of the black beard and immediately cut the black beard's chest and knocked it to the ground.

If you change to the white beard of the peak period, even if you do not rely on the ability to shock the fruit, you can live alive with the black beard on the spot.

But Black Beard is not only a black beard, but many pirates behind it, there is also a bounty in the presence of 400 million or even more than 500 million, in the order of the black beard, finally Qi With a shot, it is necessary to attack the white beard.


Standing in the top of the naval fortress, Rhodes, seeing this scene, is finally a slow whisper, dissipating the distorted space barrier.

Nami noticed that there seemed to be changes around her and couldn't help but look at Rhodes.

"I am going to send the white beard to the last leg."

Rhodes stepped forward.

Naomi hesitated a moment and was about to ask ‘that’s me,’ and heard the words of Rhodes.

"You just stay here and don't move. I promise you can leave the navy headquarters safely." Rhodes did not look back. The tone said casually: "If you die here, I saved you several times. Can't even get back the interest?"

Read The Girl Who Reincarnated as a Vampire Heiress