MTL - On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized-Chapter 55 Titi Rabbit

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Yes, I am your light.

Pei Xuan fell asleep and woke up on the seventh day. From the emperor to the cleaning boy in Pei's house, it touched the hearts of many people.


Dou Qingyue walks crookedly supporting the handmaid's arm, weak Liu Fufeng, her face pale.

As soon as she came, Cui Ti's clattering heart instantly returned to calm. She looked at Pei Xuan, moved her eyes down and stared at her pure white inner garment, thought for a while, and bent down to add a layer of heavy fur coat on her body.

This season, approaching autumn, is far from the time to wear fur coats.

She made it clear that she was acting petty, and Pei Xuan sat on the bed and gathered the thick snow-white fur coat with both hands to cover her thin figure.

Cui Ti felt a little more at ease when she saw it, but she still couldn't understand Dou Qingyue following behind Pei Xuan like a little tail. where.

Who is Dou Qingyue? According to kinship, at most she is the daughter of the uncle's family, not to mention that Dou Qingyue killed her in her previous life.

The two looked at each other with disgust through blood feud.

Cui Tichu was here, and Dou Qingyue felt uncomfortable all over. Looking at the inappropriate clothes on Pei Xuan, she felt that the fluffy fur was dazzling.

Be pampered!

She gritted her silver teeth, her head suddenly became dizzy, and the maid hurriedly supported her.

"Cousin, I have something to tell you."

"Let's just say it here."


She was so anxious that she coughed repeatedly, and the servant girl beside her couldn't bear to plead for her lady in a low voice. Pei Xuan's cold eyes paused, and she tilted her head to look at Cui Ti: "My lady."

Cui Ti's frowning eyebrows gradually relaxed: "Okay, let's chat."

She got up and walked away, she didn't feel at ease to go far, she stood outside the door and pricked up her ears.

The inner room was quiet and no one spoke.

Dou Qingyue looked at her "good cousin" with a sickly expression, plain white clothes, black hair, shoulders and neck much better than ordinary people, elegant and dusty, he looked very different from before.

She called softly: "Cousin..."

Pei Xuan lowered his eyebrows and didn't look at her: "Sit down."

She pointed to the wooden bench not far away, Dou Qingyue sat down obediently, covered her handkerchief and coughed again, this time coughing so much that her heart and lungs were about to burst out, but she didn't see Pei Xuan pity.

It shouldn't be like this.

Cousin is gentle and kind, the most soft-hearted.

She suddenly had a bad guess, and her back was slightly stiff.



Pei Xuanruly rubbed the needle-like long hair on the fur coat, her fingers were like green onions, her skin was like white jade, and her long hair like a waterfall fell on her shoulders. She said softly, "Qingyue, you know, I'm not 'cousin ', it's my cousin."

Dou Qingyue's heart trembled suddenly, and she lost her voice in shock: "You—"

She turned pale: "You're back too?"

"Qing Yao, it's time to turn around."

She raised her eyebrows, her beautiful eyes were cold and clear, as if they were heartless.

Dou Qingyue spit out a mouthful of blood suddenly, the blood stained the wet brocade, her body trembled uncontrollably, a thick memory broke through the door of her heart, and a mad rush came out.


Who is Qing Yao?

Who am I?

She was full of panic, facing Pei Xuan's eyes, she couldn't help but want to run away.

But where can she escape to?

She didn't dare to look like that.


I am not Qingyao!

She stood up in a hurry, but she couldn't stop the rush of her predecessors, she was destined.


She is Qingyao.

It is a fairy grass that grows obsession next to the ink washing pool of Wenqu Xingxian Palace.

In delusion to get the love of the immortal, he jumped off the reincarnation platform without regard to the rules of heaven, entered reincarnation, and became the daughter of the Dou family.

"no no!"

She took two steps back and knocked over the stool.

There was a chaotic sound in the inner room. Cui Ti suffered from blindness and couldn't see what was going on. When she just thought about approaching the door, the door opened and someone rushed out from inside.

There is a strong smell of medicine in the wind.

It was Dou Qingyue.

"Miss? Miss!"

The servant girl ran after the man.

Cui Ti was confused: "This is..."

"Xuan'er? Xuan'er!" Mrs. Pei came over in a gust of wind: "Xuan'er is awake?"

Pei Xuan came out wearing a fur coat with loose long hair: "Mother."

Seeing her standing there unharmed, Madam Pei was overjoyed, she was so excited that even Cui Ti forgot about Dou Qingyue's gaffe.

After going through two incidents before and after, she knows how her mother-in-law loves her daughter.

The last time the light was not good, I thought I was suffering from hysteria, but my mother-in-law ran over in a hurry and became confused for a while, forgetting that she was blind, and winking at her.

This was what Baitang told her afterwards.

For this reason, Baitang covered his mouth and laughed secretly.

This time it was still the same. The dignified and majestic wife of the prime minister ignored her relatives, and surrounded her daughter to ask her how warm she was: "Mother simmered chicken soup for you in the back kitchen, do you want to drink it?"

Wen Quxing of Tiangong is also the son of the Pei family from the lower realm, Pei Xuan smiled: "I want to drink."

Mrs. Pei was startled, shed tears for no reason, and hugged her daughter: "You scared the mother, so don't get involved in that matter anymore, okay?"

She nodded seriously: "Listen to mother."

It's really mother's little padded jacket, which is very worry-free.

"What did you say to her?"

Mrs. Pei went to the back kitchen to serve chicken soup, taking advantage of the gap, Cui Ti asked.

The fur coat covered her body with sweat, but because her sweetheart put it on for her, Pei Xuan was reluctant to take it off: "I didn't say anything, but after today, she will wake up."

"So amazing?"

"Miss don't believe it?"

Cui Ti suddenly slammed into her clear and clean eyes, and said with a smile: "I believe everything you say, but aren't you hot?"

How can it not be hot?

Pei Xuan loves her and pities her, but also regrets that she wasted so much time in ignorance. Her eyebrows and eyes are curved: "It's hot, but I want my wife to take it off for me."

"Oh, oh, oh, is this still our serious Wenquxing?"

Under the Marriage Tree, Yue Lao looked at the water mirror and smiled from ear to ear.

Hongluan Xing also watched with relish, and said maliciously: "You said that her wish has been fulfilled, and the beauty is brought home, so she can't have trouble with the rabbit anymore, and she tastes the rabbit's head once a month, right?"

Yuelao was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud.

The two gods in the sky watched the fun with their hands in their hands, and Wenquxing on the ground suddenly remembered something and looked into the sky.

And the sky is vast and cloudless.

"What are you looking at?"

Under the eaves, Cui Ti looked in her direction, puzzled: God? What is there to see in the sky?

She looked ignorant, but in Pei Xuan's eyes, she became a cute Titi rabbit with two long ears. The corners of her lips turned up: "It's nothing, lady, let's go back to the room first."

Ever since she woke up, every word she said to Cui Ti seemed to be wrapped in honey, so sweet that it stuck to her teeth, but she didn't know it, it was still in that doting tone.

Cui Ti's ears were red, she rubbed her earlobes, and took her hand pretending to be calm.

ten fingers

Interlocking, the heart that has been hanging over the past few days is also at ease. .

Everyone was happy when Pei Xuan woke up, but on the Dou family's side, Dou Qingyue was seriously ill, and there was no cure for it.

Within two days, the spirit floated into the upper realm, and Fairy Qingyao returned to her place first.

My beloved daughter was seriously ill, and a high fever made her whole body bewildered and foolish, which forced General Dou's hair on his temples to turn white. Mrs. Dou almost went blind from crying, and stayed by her bed day and night without sleep.

Little did they know that their daughter had already returned to where she should have been.

"Poor parents in the world."

At any rate, Pei Dou's two families are relatives, and Wen Quxing has to wait until the love is consummated in the lower realm. If Dou Qingyue dies and the two families turn against each other, it will be very disadvantageous for the reincarnated Wen Quxing.

In view of the usual friendship, Yuelao held the marriage book and asked his superiors to see if he could fill in the loopholes left by Fairy Qingyao.

This time, there really is a solution.

In the marriage book, there happened to be a mortal woman who had done good deeds but died accidentally, and the human Song Zizhen had a lifetime relationship with Song Zizhen. After getting permission, Yuelao went back and forth to the underworld again.

"On the day Wenqu Xing returns to the throne, I must steal a few jars of spiritual wine from her, otherwise, I will be sorry for the old man's hard work."

Hong Luanxing chuckled a few times after hearing this.

The gods in the sky do things, and the mortals on the ground benefit.

Song Zizhen came to Dou's house to visit Miss Dou who was seriously ill after he left the Yamen, wrote poems for her, made her laugh, and tried his best to explain her worries.

Strangely, Miss Dou, who was in a daze like a fool, suddenly became conscious one day.

The people in Xijing all said that it was Song Lang's affection that touched the heavens.

And Miss Dou's family recovered her life at the gate of hell, gradually no one talked about the incident of Dou Qingyue showing her love to Pei Xuan at Guiming Bridge, so as not to die, and then be forced to death by public opinion. .

"Fairy Qingyao, let's go, Hehuan Sanxian and Qinzhen Shangxian are still waiting."

Nine Heavens, the Immortal Attendant urged impatiently.

The fairy grass beside the ink-washing pool reluctantly looked down to the lower world, and saw the fairy gentleman accompanying the rabbit in front of the couch, quietly covering her with a quilt.

She felt pain in her heart, and deliberately turned her eyes away, but the last scene she saw was that the young man surnamed Song put on a face and coaxed the 'Miss Dou' to smile.

She couldn't tell how it felt in her heart.

With the palms spread out, all the blessings and good luck seem to fall from the fingers.

Everything stems from an obsession that shouldn't be there.

She refused to accept it, but she had to.


Xianjun said, Qingyao, it's time to turn around.

As soon as Fairy Qingyao returned to her throne, she was escorted to the sinking cave by the fairy attendant to accompany Ning Hehuan and Qin Jing.

Ning Hehuan didn't bother to pay attention.

Hearing the movement, she turned her head around, and seeing the grass flirting with her, she said "Yo", "Isn't this Miss Dou's family?"

She spoke to reveal the shortcoming, Fairy Qingyao put aside her face and ignored people, but walked to Qin Jing's side and bowed down.

Qin Jing waved her hand, her attitude towards her was not warm: "I have selfish intentions to help you, you don't need to thank me."

At this time, Fairy Qingyao hesitated for a moment, and could only walk between the two of them, suffering from the strong wind eroding her bones, and flooding her body with cloudy water.

The punishment in the heavenly court is not easy even for the body of an immortal.

Ning Hehuan was still in the mood to play around, and with a wave of her plain hand, she called out a water mirror: "One hundred years of loneliness, it seems that I can only watch Wenquxing and that rabbit spirit to relieve my boredom."


Lower Realm, Dazhao, Xijing.

The servants came in a hurry: "Mr. Lang, Mrs. Young, Miss Biao and Mr. Song Lang came to visit."

The Dou family is already married to the Song family. Although she was surprised that Dou Qingyue was almost "resurrected from the dead", Cui Ti also wanted to "look at it" Look', is she really different than before.

"Call someone in."

After she spoke, Pei Xuan opened his lips: "Please."

Song Zizhen was attentively by his fiancée's side, and before entering the door, he was still asking: "Do you really want to marry me?"

He doesn't even want to be ashamed, and he is not honest when he comes to someone's house, what is he heard!

'Dou Qingyue' blushed and responded, Song Zizhen was so happy that he didn't know which leg to take first.

Such a hopeless appearance was just caught by Pei Xuan, she smiled: "Why are you here?"

Hearing this tone, there seemed to be no malice.

"I've met my cousin and sister-in-law." 'Dou Qingyue' said: "I came here with Zizhen to make amends to the two of you. I have offended you so much earlier. Please don't argue with me."

In her words, Song Zi really doesn't distinguish between you and me, but she has really changed.

Cui Ti was skeptical, but the change was too great, which made people feel uncertain.

Pei Xuanxu gave a help: "They are all of my own flesh and blood, so there is no need to see outsiders."

Hearing her say "my own flesh and blood", Song Zizhen heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "OK, Xingguang, I know you are not a stingy person!"

The two of them were talking, and 'Dou Qingyue' walked up to Cui Ti: "I wish my cousin and sister-in-law love forever and never leave each other."


She tried her best to show her kindness, but Dou Qingyue was so dark in Cui Ti's place that she couldn't get any darker. Hearing her say good things, there was always a feeling of a weasel giving a chicken New Year's greetings. Does she believe it or not?

She was still tangled, if it wasn't for her eyes not being able to see, she really wanted to take a good look at whether this person had been replaced.



She had a lot of bad deeds in the past, and Cui Ti still didn't like to talk to her.

At dusk, seeing off the unmarried couple, she sat in her room lost in thought.

Pei Xuan walked over and hugged her and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?"

Mrs. Pei Shao was at a loss.

Pei Xuanzhi smiled, and put his arms around her waist in a serious manner: "I just suddenly remembered that someone once said that a rabbit's head is only that big, and its brain won't work well."

Cui Ti stared: "Who said that?!"

I can't explain the reason, but I am very angry-who did the rabbit provoke?

Read The Duke's Passion