MTL - On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized-Chapter 45 afraid of thieves

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Miss Cui San, who is much loved in the uncle's mansion, is busy making adjustments. Teach the newly bought cat, the little Persian cat, with different colors of eyes, one is clear blue, the other is bronze, the hair is soft and very beautiful.

Cui Dai fell in love with this cat immediately, and couldn't put it down.

Uncle Xining's cronies barged in bravely, while the servants were yelling outside the door, disrespectful.


Cui Dai frowned, full of impatience, and went out to face the menacing minions: "What's the matter? This is a place where you can come and play wild? I don't even look at your things!"

In the eyes of Ms. Cui San, the servants in the mansion are all slaves, and it is rare to have a cat to relieve their boredom, and their manic mood has eased a lot, and now they are back to the far side.

She was so angry that she glared at these unruly servants.

Cui Jian is the personal follower of Uncle Cui Shao of Xining. He followed this uncle when he was young, and he has a lot of face in front of Cui Shao. In recent years, he has rarely been ordered to run errands. Yes, he smiled and narrowed his eyes into a line.

He understands the meaning of uncle sending him here, after all, Cui Dai is a spoiled daughter who grew up, others dare not come, even if they come, they dare not be violent.

But Cui Jian dared.

He saluted Miss Cui San with a smile, his bent waist straightened up slowly, his expression changed: "Tie it up!"

Cui Dai breathed a sigh of relief, her eyes widened: "How dare you?!"

"I don't dare, but I have to listen to my uncle." Cui Jian gave an order, and the people around him rushed up and tied Cui Dai tightly with rope.

He has long been dissatisfied with this delicate and wayward third girl.

Uncle has two daughters, the one Cui Jian pity is Miss Cui, and the one he hates is Cui Dai.

More than ten years ago, he had advised his uncle to treat his eldest daughter well, but Cui Shao was very concerned that the eldest daughter was blind, so he tried to persuade him later, which made Cui Shao displeased.

Now that the eldest girl flies up her fingers to become a phoenix, and the third girl is able to get engaged to Chen Minghou's second son by virtue of the elder sister's Dongfeng, the uncle's attitude has changed significantly.

This time Pei Langjun handed over a letter of accountability to force his uncle to give an explanation. If he wanted to maintain this in-law relationship, the Cui family had to give the Pei family an unmistakable explanation.

"take away!"

"Dog slave! Let go of me! You are the next to commit crimes!" The fourteen-year-old girl didn't have much strength, she struggled several times without earning it, and her eyes were red with anger.

Cui Jian was indifferent. In his opinion, the uncle should have disciplined this really unruly daughter.

Even if you are restless at home, if you marry into the Hou's mansion, it will be fine if you fail to bring benefits to the uncle's mansion. If you cause unnecessary disasters, why not give her a good beating now, so that she can have a long memory.

A group of people came aggressively, and walked away aggressively, and kidnapped the master of the courtyard when they left. The servants of Chenxiangyuan didn't know what was going on, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that Cui Dai is kidnapped, at least she doesn't have to wait on others, and she doesn't have to invite unreasonable abuse.

At this time, they actually envied the white pigeon who lived with the eldest girl in the prime minister's mansion.

They heard that Pei Langjun personally changed Baige's name, and now it is called Baitang, which was bestowed by the most talented champion in Dazhao. At first they didn't believe it, but after it was confirmed, they had to believe it.

Baitang's life is really good, and the eldest girl's life is also good.

Everyone shook their heads and sighed, sitting idly in the courtyard in a daze.

On the other side, Cui Dai was humiliated and sent to the main hall.

Mrs. Uncle, who heard the news, shouted outside before entering the door: "What's the matter? Why are you tying Dai'er so well?"

Cui Dai was so frightened that her little face turned pale, and she knelt on the ground crying.

Cui Shaowen said with a sneer: "What's the matter? Look at the good daughter you taught, what kind of things are you doing! Someone wrote a letter to control my length!"

In short, the daughter's good is given by him, and the bad is taught by the mother.

Previously, the eldest daughter returned home and stayed at home for a few days. After leaving, Xiningbo and his wife had a big quarrel. They fought coldly for many days, but finally chose to reconcile.

It didn't take long for the reconciliation to happen. Hearing his scolding, Mrs. Uncle was furious, and stepped into the door: "What's wrong with me? I'm so bad, why don't you just divorce me!"


Her words made Uncle Xining speechless, with all the anger on his face, he squeezed out a sentence: "You are so unreasonable!"

"I'm making trouble for no reason?" Mrs. Bo was not in the mood to argue with him, and picked up her little daughter.

Cui Dai got up halfway, but before she could stand upright, Cui Shao picked up the teacup and slammed it on the ground!

The broken porcelain splashed away, almost staining Cui Dai's face, causing her to scream out in fright.


She knelt back with weak knees: "Father, father..."

"Are you crazy?! You can't understand our mother and daughter, then let's go!"

Uncle Xining loses his temper every few years. The seemingly honest and honest man doesn't budge this time. He is too lazy to quarrel with his wife, and a letter is still on the ground: "Look for yourself and see what your daughter has done!"

"Mother, mother, save me..."

Cui Dai whispered for help.

Mrs. Uncle hesitated for a while, then squatted down. She picked up the letter, read it at a glance, and raised her head to look at her daughter in disbelief.

Pei Xuan is worthy of her reputation for being amazingly talented, her writing is superb, and the letter to her father-in-law does not contain a single dirty word, but vividly describes what kind of sweetheart they have as a couple.

Anyone who reads this letter will feel angry in the face. It's spicy, because the son of the Pei family never targets indiscriminately.

She said that Cui Dai instigated the servants in the mansion to harm others, so it must be true.

With a great reputation, no one would doubt her words.


Mrs. Uncle's fingertips were cold, and her expression was dull: "You are confused, no matter how much you don't like her, you can't let someone harm her. You are fellow brothers and sisters, how can you harm each other?"

She couldn't say any more, knowing that she couldn't protect her daughter, and she had no position to protect her, so she simply shut up and stepped aside.

Xiningbo snorted coldly: "You are young and have a vicious mind, who taught you this?"

After reading the letter from her brother-in-law, Cui Dai's face was as white as paper: "Father, mother, my daughter was wronged! My daughter just wanted to teach that blind man a lesson, but didn't want her life! It was her, that lowly servant girl, she made her own decisions! Daughter Wronged, Daddy!"

He kept saying "blind" and "blind", and Uncle Xining rushed forward and kicked her on the shoulder: "If you dare to talk nonsense, who cares about your life! That's your eldest sister, and we all count on her in our house. How dare you harm her?"

A few days ago, he learned that Cui Ti had contracted a strange disease and was in a coma. He had trouble sleeping and eating all day and night, and he didn't think that the root of the trouble would come from his own home.

Being kicked by him, Cui Dai was so painful that she shed tears, looking at her familiar yet unfamiliar father, she was out of breath from crying.

"It's so annoying! Lock me in the firewood room, and no one is allowed to visit without my order!"

It was clear that he was speaking to the mistress of the family, and Cui Shao's mouth was bubbling after some small punishments and big admonitions. After drinking a cup of tea, he began to get busy rebuilding the old relationship with his son-in-law.

Seeing Uncle Xining's handwritten letter, Pei Xuanwen's brows turned cold: "It really is a baby who has never suffered since childhood, so shutting down the woodshed is a lesson?"

She put the letter aside: "Return all the presents from the Cui family. The Pei family has a great business and there is no shortage of these."


The sun had not yet set, and Xining Boshou was worried at home.

The butler walked into the door with a sad face: "Uncle, all the gifts we sent have been returned."

"all returned

coming? "

"Just wait and see."

More than a dozen large boxes were brought in intact, Cui Shao regretted it a lot, and his son-in-law would not forgive him.

"Uncle, what should we do next?"

"Let me think about it, let me think about it first."

He hadn't dealt with affairs for many years, and it was so difficult when he first came, and he was very hesitant.

"At this point, take Dai'er to the prime minister's mansion to plead guilty." Madam Bo came from not far away in a long dress that stretched the floor: "This matter is our fault. this time."

Otherwise, the Cui family will not be able to bear it once they turn against each other.


Mrs. Uncle gave him a white look: "Why are you still hesitating? It's too late, you don't even want to keep your title!"

The Cui family now only has this good-looking name left. If they can't pass Pei Xuan's hurdle, if they make a fuss with Xiang Ye, he doesn't need to do more, just put up an impeachment memorial, and the Cui family's only glory will also be deprived.

Cui Shao felt that she understood righteousness, so he quickly sent someone to prepare the thorns, and went to the woodshed to "invite" Cui Dai to come out.

The turmoil of various families in Xijing could not be concealed from the eyes of those who cared, so the Pei family sent a servant girl to the official prison on the charge of "committing the next crime". How did the ceremony go and how did it return.

The entanglement inside is really intriguing. The two families are about to break up, and Xiningbo can't sit still.

"Lang Jun, someone is here."

"how did it get here?"

"He came with thorns on his back."

Pei Xuan put down the scroll in his hand, and Qingjuan's eyebrows stretched: "It's quite interesting."

"Then, see you?"

"See you later."

"Young madam, Mr. Lang, please rest in the house. She will take care of the outside affairs, so you don't need to worry about it."

Uncle Xining led Cui Dai to plead guilty to Pei's family, outsiders only thought that young and ignorant Cui San's actions offended Mr. Pei Lang.

Pei Xuan didn't want to mix Cui Ti into it, after all, the sisters are close relatives by flesh and blood, so as not to cause trouble.

She rushed to the front to ask Cui's family for an explanation, and Cui Ti only needed to sit in the room and listen to the excitement.

Baitang smacked his lips: "Your Majesty has good intentions, but it's a pity that you can't see the third girl bowing her knees and burying her head in admitting her mistake."

"It's not very pretty either."

After living a new life, Cui Ti lost the 'innocence' of facing her relatives in her previous life. She hugged the rabbit in her arms in a daze.

Everything that is happening now is different from the previous life.

For example, the previous curse.

The curse was cast on him early in the morning, and Xiaohong from the outer courtyard just triggered this opportunity by accident.

The death in the previous life and the regrets before death were nightmares that Cui Ti could not let go of, so fear entered her heart, magnified by the dream spell, and became a prison to imprison her.

Someone was going to cut off all hope for her, and make her heart die.

Cui Dai is stupid and poisonous, she doesn't have such a brain.

Yunhong is an insignificant pawn, so don't pay too much attention to it.

As for Miss Biao...

Cui Ti couldn't see through her.

But she instinctively rejected it.

Taking a step back, the relationship between cousins ​​itself is extremely warm. Ambiguous, cousin marrying cousin, cousin marrying cousin, in Dazhao it is a common thing to get closer.

In the previous life, before she died, this sick and crooked cousin didn't agree to marry.

Xingguang is a woman, and if the Pei family wants to hide it, they must do a good job in their marriage. The clothes are seamless.

She was Mrs. Pei Shao in the previous life and this life, so what happened before her?

Who does the Pei family like to be this fake 'Mrs. Pei'?

Will it be Dou Qingyue?

Dou Qingyue is sick and weak, and it is estimated that she will not live long. Besides, she was born in the Dou family, and her father, who is a general, is Mrs. Pei's beloved younger brother, who is considered her own family.

It's not that Cui Ti is suspicious, but that she knows how nice and covetous the person next to her pillow is.

In her previous life, she was often looked down upon by those bitter girls and daughters-in-law.

Miss Biao is not in good health, but she always comes to Pei's residence. It is not unusual for her to stay for ten days and a half months when she is in a good mood.

It's too close to the Pei family.

Cui Ti didn't like this cousin.

All kinds of dislikes.

All kinds of mind.

Talking too much makes her seem very petty, but in fact, she is not very arrogant.

People who are used to poor life are rarely lucky enough to save tens of thousands of wealth, and they are afraid of being stolen by thieves, and even more afraid of being missed by thieves.

No one provoked her, but she became jealous on her own.

Cui Dai, who was pleading guilty, was taken away by Uncle Xining, crying. Pei Xuan took a deep breath and went back to the backyard refreshed. He lifted the curtain and entered the door. .

Before she knew it, Cui Ti had already fought hundreds of rounds with her faceless rival in her mind.

The fight was evenly matched, Pei Xuan leaned over: "My lady?"



After half a quarter of an hour, Cui Ti's face turned bright: "Is it dealt with?"

Pei Xuan raised his voice and asked curiously, "What are you thinking, so fascinated?"

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