MTL - On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized-Chapter 40 Unwind

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The sky was gloomy, and it started to rain after a while, and the Pei family's welcoming team came towards Mudan Street.

Cui Ti, who was in the Xiningbo mansion, sat blankly in front of the dressing table, and was turned around by someone. The woman with a flattering voice laughed uncomfortably, and she was uncomfortable when she praised: "Look, look at us today! His bride is more beautiful than a fairy descending to earth."

There are echoes all around.

The rain outside the window was getting stronger, Cui Ti saw the familiar unknown in front of her eyes, and asked in a confused voice: "Bride?"

"Yes, Pei Langjun's bride!"

The chattering voices exploded all of a sudden, and they all envied Cui Ti's good luck and being able to win the yearning of the number one young man in Xijing.

Before Cui Ti, who was out of state, could figure it out, the wedding party arrived at the door, and she was pushed onto the sedan chair.

Everything is out of harmony.

Why... did she marry Pei Xuan again?

Isn't she already Mrs. Pei?

It is a dream but not a dream.

Thinking of Pei Xuan, her mood improved uncontrollably. It was the third time she married the same person.

The corners of her lips were raised, and the pretty face under the hijab was blushing.

"A bow to heaven and earth—"

Cui Ti bumped around like a hopeless deer, her heart was pounding, and she wanted to get into the wedding night earlier and see her gentle and elegant 'husband' earlier.

"Second obeisance to the high hall—"

She bent over.

Above the wedding hall, the atmosphere reached its peak, and Xi Po shouted loudly: "Husband and wife worship—"

The red ribbon in her hand was slightly touched, Cui Ti was happy in her eyes, and she didn't want to wake up early even in a dream.

It seems that the dreaming time has been a little longer.

She was sitting on the wedding bed, the hijab hadn't been taken off yet, beside her were Baitang's whispered thoughts.

"You all go down."

"Yes, sir."

The footsteps gradually became clear, and Cui Ti still remembered that the first thing Pei Xuan ordered when he came into the room was to send someone to prepare a bathtub and take a bath later.

It was also time to wait for the bath, so she picked up the scale and lifted the red hijab in front of her eyes.

The hijab was picked off.

The world was suddenly silent, and no one spoke.

Cui Ti hadn't opened her spiritual eyes yet, but Pei Xuan, who was supposed to speak, remained silent.

After waiting and waiting, she was puzzled.

It shouldn't be like this.

What should that be?

Pei Xuan will laugh

Then ask her "Are you tired of waiting?" At that time, she will reply "No", and then follow Dazhao's inherent process. The two drank the wine, arms intertwined, and there is a lot of care in feeding the wine. If you want to drink half, I will drink Half means that there is no distinction between you and me in this life.

Cui Tiwu was distracted, and the attitude of 'Pei Xuan' on the side was indifferent, and he handed over a glass of wine perfunctorily, which was regarded as a form of joint wine, and he didn't care about the other party's feelings at all.

"Lang Jun, the water is coming."

Pei Xuan hummed, until she turned around and undressed behind the screen, Cui Ti's heart constricted in panic, and she wore a heavy phoenix crown on her head, which was like a mountain pressing down on her.

She listened to the sound of water coming from the room, and she fell into deep fear.


This is not her Pei Xuan.

This is a dream!

It's a nightmare!

Cui Ti was anxious to break free from the nightmare, her leg accidentally bumped against the corner of the table while walking, the sharp pain hit her like a tide, she turned pale, and thought to herself, why hasn't the fairy riding the fat crane opened her spiritual eyes yet?



"How clumsy?"

Wearing a neat bathrobe, 'Pei Xuan' walked over unhurriedly: "It hurts?"

The voice was flat, without any pity.

Why is this dream not over yet?

It's not true, it's horrible!

Cui Ti clutched her heart in pain, her lips were bleeding from biting, even so, the nightmare was still developing.

She couldn't resist, like a drowning person who couldn't find any way out in the boundless sea.

There was no sudden stabbing pain in her eyes, there was no fairy riding a crane to open her spiritual eyes, and there was no Pei Xuan who came out of the tub in a panic with his underwear half open.

There is no tenderness, no shyness, no luck that you ask for.

Some are dead ends that you can't get out of.

She was trapped in a net, which made the sky not work and the earth not work.

"Xingguang, Xingguang, save me..."

Nearly collapsed ravings filled the room, and Pei Xuan tremblingly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "Who cursed my wife, I will never end with her."


Ning Hehuan didn't want to extend this dangerous topic, and instead said: "The power of this dream curse is to give people hope, but also to cut off all hope.

"It's okay now, but soon she won't be able to distinguish between dreams and reality, and will wonder whether all the beautiful things with you are just an unrealistic dream.

"The idea of ​​survival is destroyed

Destruction is a very serious matter, you have to make a decision early. "

"it is good."

She made up her mind: "I will trust senior just once."

Seeing her whole body exuding the aura of breaking the boat, Ning Hehuan chuckled: "Never underestimate the spirit. The **** of the flesh and the mutual fit will be the most touching confession in the world."


No one bothered Pei Xuan anymore.

Sinking into the bottom of the quiet black water late at night, Cui Ti closed her eyes, curled up and sobbed softly, her eyes were red. Swollen, crying into tears.

It's really sick to seek medical treatment. She agreed to such a ridiculous idea?

Pei Xuan endured the guilt, and explained softly: "Titi, I didn't mean to bully you, I wanted to save you."



Every time she yelled, she yelled to Pei Xuan's heart, making her internal organs ache.

The matter of casting the curse still needs to be considered in the long term, and the most urgent task is to help Titi wake up from the erosion of the nightmare.

Her little face was blushing, her heart was flattened and rounded, and her emotions were complicated: Which honest gentleman would take advantage of his wife's 'illness' to do such a crazy thing?

Pei Xuan kept spurning himself, and the heat on his face remained high.


She swallowed, and pressed her lips against Cui Ti's ear, soothing her trembling that couldn't rest every inch of her.

"Don't be afraid."

"do not be afraid."

The instinctive reaction of the body made this elegant inner room lively.

Pei Xuan was ashamed. Red, the whole soul seems to be split from the sky by a knife, the left half clamors for love, and the right half is full of sorrow.

She felt like a hooligan without boundaries.

Doing excessive things intensified.

Very contradictory.

Cui Ti's tears fell on her shoulders, Pei Xuan couldn't help feeling distressed, thinking "let's try", this try awakened the bright morning light.

In the Hanlin Academy, Pei Xiuzhuan, who has always been diligent, took seven days off in a row.

This is the first day of vacation.

Song Zizhen and Zheng Wuji made an appointment to go to Pei's mansion in their spare time in the afternoon to express their condolences. Before noon, the servant who passed on the message from the Pei family came.

"Lang Jun said that the family is too busy to take time off, and it is inconvenient to entertain guests. I will invite the two editors to drink some other day."

"Important task? What important task?"

The boy's face was full of honesty: "I don't know."

After he delivered the message and left, Song Zizhen touched

Ba thought hard, and came up with an unreliable conjecture: "Could it be sick? Frail?"


"Oh, it's not good to have a daughter-in-law. I can't get out of bed when I'm a little bit weak, and I'm going to be passive and sabotage because of it."

Zheng Wuzhi shook his head: "You and I don't know how Xingguang behaves? If he can't come, there must be something that entangles us. As friends, you and I don't think about him, but hope that he will be sick and weak? You can close it." Your mouth!",

After being scolded by him, Song Zizhen said embarrassingly: "Of course I also hope for good fortune, that's all, I am a vegetarian today, which can be regarded as accumulating blessings for him.".

Pei Xingguang, who couldn't get out of his body, worked all night and was surprised to find Cui Tigao. The heat has faded, and the tears have stopped, and I sleep more deeply.


Ning Hehuan hid under the pear tree to pass the time, watching her running over from a distance, her eyes were covered with bruises, and her tone was joking: "Mr., will this try be effective?"

Eighteen-year-old Pei Xiuzhuan couldn't hold back this question no matter how prudent he was, his face immediately flushed red.

Such interesting Wenqu stars are rare.

Pei Xuan sincerely thanked: "Senior, what should I do next? Although my wife's condition has improved, she is still awake, what should I do?"

"continue doing."


"But you're going to rest now."

She looked at Wen Quxing's frail body, and she was amazed: "It's best to drink a few more bowls of soup to make up for it, so as not to be exhausted again."

Every time she said a word, Xiao Xiuzhuan's pretty face would turn redder. Ning Hehuan struck while the iron was hot, trying to ruin Wenquxing, who had etiquette and dogma in his blood.

"For things in this world, especially things about men and women, if there is a problem, doing one can solve more than half of the difficulties, and if it can't be solved, then do a few more.

"She loves you, you love her, and you two are willing to do good things. Fiery and sincere love can defeat the evil hidden in the dark. Dream curses are nothing."

Pei Xuan was thoughtful, and bowed for a moment: "Your junior, remember."

"Stop shouting from seniors and juniors."

She is afraid of losing her life.

She touched the fat crane jade with great interest: "Why don't you call 'Expert' to listen?"

You know how to be an expert.

She cultivated Acacia and became a Taoist and was ranked among the immortals. No matter how bad other enlightened people are, they are still small immortals, and she? It's no wonder that he is unconvinced.

Going back 800 years and seeing Wenquxing in the Tiangong, she had to be honored as "Shangxian". After all, she is the star king who governs the world's cultural fortunes. A grass in front of the palace gate is more noble than those in front of other fairy houses.

"Thank you for your advice, Pei Xuan will keep it in mind."


Ning Hehuan narrowed her eyes.

now it's right.

She didn't allow Wen Quxing, who was reincarnated under the guidance of her majestic "Acacia Immortal", to be still a piece of wood that doesn't understand.

She even doesn't allow the loving young couple who are deeply affectionate to not enjoy the mystery of fish and water because of their thin skins.

With her here, the dream curse will be solved.

Just do it.

She plucked the plump body of the Jade Crane: "This person, you can't be cowardly, let alone at critical times."

If he had the guts to show his face last night, why wouldn't he even be able to say 'like' in his first life?

The pitiful little rabbit spirit has been opened up step by step and can't be satisfied, and there are quite a few people staring at a good piece of meat—Wen Quxing, a beauty is a disaster.

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