MTL - On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized-Chapter 33 something is wrong

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The bright moon disappears, the sound of insects sounds, the stars also close their eyes, and the ink painting flows silently, the sky shows a light fish-belly white, the morning moisture covers the green branches and leaves, the wind blows, and the water drops hanging on the leaves flow along Vein rolls off.

The sky and the earth are clear, the birds with their legs raised flap their wings and fly to higher branches, and the city of Xijing comes alive from a dream.

There were three people lying on a bed in a mess, and the bell woke up the earliest, and the one who was crushed awake.

A slender leg with little flesh lay across her belly, it was no wonder she was 'pushing stones' in her dreams.

Pushing away Baitang, taking away the hand wrapped around the beam at her waist, and pulling back her half-hearted legs, Hao Zhong rubbed her swollen temples, as the skylight came in through the window, she shivered: "Wake up, Wake up, it's going to be late!"

Magnolia bells sounded from the tallest tower in Xijing, three short and one long, it was the morning bell to remind the common people to get up and get busy, before the last one was knocked, Baitang stared at the chicken nest head: "Oh, oh, I'm about to get up."

She was so sleepy that she might fall down and go back to sleep at any moment, the bell was pulling the beam with one hand and the lazy little girl with the other.

"get up-"

The magic sound filled my ears.

The birds fluttered in the trees.

The window was half open, the purple and gold furnace had burned out the 'scent of love', the flowers in the white vase were in full bloom, and a pleasant fragrance wafted from the inner room. The girl who slept soundly in her arms.

Such a good person really became hers.

Pei Xuan's mood was agitated, and he was quietly enjoying himself.

The morning bell echoed in Xijing City, she covered Cui Ti's ears, not wanting the noise to disturb her sound sleep.

Unexpectedly, Cui Ti still slowly raised her eyes: "Husband..."

The voice was provocatively hoarse, Pei Xuan's ears were flushed, and he responded softly.

Cui Ti rubbed her face against the side of her neck, shy to raise her head.

When the person woke up, the indulgence of last night also came back, she vaguely remembered that she was a bit obsessive, shamelessly trying to win more love from this person, her breathing stagnated, and suddenly her waist became sore and her legs became weak.

But she still wanted to see Pei Xuan.

With the help of 'blindness', Lingyan blatantly took in Pei Xuan's shadow, saw her bright eyes and upturned lips, and thought she had a very comfortable night.


She groped and held Pei Xuan's slender fingers, the bride's shyness and vigorous love piled up in her heart, Pei Xuan relied on the close-fitting gold silk soft clothes to disguise her figure, and boldly hugged her tightly: "Titi."

Cui Ti's chest was swollen, and her fingertips were grabbing the collar of her jacket, regretting that Xingguang didn't dare to be honest with her.

On the contrary, she herself was stripped so clearly that she didn't even have a small coat to cover her body.

For a while, Pei Xuan indulged himself and dared not be presumptuous again: "Let's get up?"


Cui Ti is obedient to her.

The brocade quilt slipped off, and the soft snow-like body came into his eyes. Pei Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then looked away secretly, and looked back secretly, staring straight at the almost indistinguishable tooth marks.

"This is..." She leaned over and said with a guilty conscience, "I bit it?"

"Is it you or who?" Cui Ti lowered her head and blamed.

For a while, the upright Pei Xiuzhuan fell into self-reflection: "Does it hurt?"

As she brushed past there, Cui Ti trembled slightly and shook her head.

Pei Xuan said "Oh" with self-blame, his voice slightly hoarse: "I will pay attention next time."

Cui Ti thought to herself: Don't pay attention, I don't know if I haven't tasted it, Pei Xuan can be said to be sluggish in this matter, gentle and soft, never giving people pleasure, being too polite, really makes people want to cry, please Looking at her, facing her, getting up and down.

She would rather Pei Xuanke bite her vigorously. Biting her hurts is better than scratching her boots.

She couldn't say that.

She was a good woman.

I want to be a good wife with excellent morals in front of this person.

Bai Tang yawned and waited for a long time, and the door inside opened. Pei Xuan was standing there in normal clothes.

"Come in."

The fairy spoke.

The little maids waited around Cui Ti, seeing the red marks on the back of her girl's neck with sharp eyes, Baitang understood everything she should know, and smiled early in the morning.

The two masters in the mansion finally made it a good thing, and the servants followed suit. The nurse next to Mrs. Pei came to the courtyard and took away the genuine Yuan handkerchief, and Pei Xuan helped Cui Ti go out.

This is the first day that Cui Ti really became Mrs. Pei's young lady.

After eating breakfast, Pei Xuan went to the Hanlin Academy to take a post. He was wearing a decent official robe, and the spring breeze was full of spring. He walked more gracefully and gracefully than others.

Watching her leave the house step by step, the only color between heaven and earth faded away, and Cui Ti was left in the endless white fog again.

She was completely blind again.

Everyone in the family is busy, Mrs. Pei guards her daughter-in-law and speaks her heart.

The nourishing soup was brought over, seeing her drink it, Mrs. Pei's smile deepened: "From now on, you have to live a good life, you are my young wife of the Pei family, after a few days when you recuperate, mother will take you outside for a walk, maybe You can meet good friends.”

The exchanges between the backyards cannot be ignored. If it were an ordinary family with a blind daughter-in-law, she would have wished to hide it secretly so that no one could see it.

But this is the Pei family, and Cui Ti is Pei Xuan's wife.

Her name was officially entered into the family tree of the Pei family, where the weight was placed, and when she went out, it represented the honor and disgrace of the Pei family.

In her previous life, Cui Ti was unwilling to socialize, and rejected her mother-in-law’s kindness several times. One was that she didn’t want to embarrass Pei Xuan, and the other was that she didn’t know Pei Xuan’s intentions. In her heart, she nodded, agreeing to make friends with her mother-in-law in a few days.

But in the Hanlin Academy, Song Zizhen yawned again and again with Wuqing in front of his eyes, and Zheng Wuzhi looked up from the copybook: "Did you go to be a ghost at night?"

"Go, go, go." He said angrily: "I was so annoyed by my mother last night, I didn't sleep all night! The male college should be married, and the female college should be married. She said that I am old, and if I don't get married again, she can only lie down. Going into the coffin and dreaming of holding her grandson. Listen, what are you talking about? I am so worried!"

Zheng Wuzhi's heart is as hard as iron, so he won't sympathize with him: "Then you are marrying a wife. With the Song family's family status and your appearance, you can't even get a daughter-in-law, right?"

"What do you know? Do you think everyone is like Xingguang, who can spot the girl he wants to marry at a glance?"

After he finished speaking, Pei Xuan, who was sorting out the books, smiled slightly: "I'm really lucky."

"Tsk! Is this a human language?"

Zheng Wuji laughed: "This is the truth!"

Song Zizhen squinted his eyes, and suddenly asked: "Xingguang, did you go to catch ghosts at night? Look at the blue eyes, tsk tsk tsk."

He didn't say anything, but Pei Xuan threw him a blank stare and ignored it.

The Imperial Academy is a place where nobles and celebrities gather, and they are free in daily life. Taking advantage of colleagues walking out in twos and threes, Song Zizhen winks: "I just said why Xingguang was so absent-minded all morning. It turned out that his heart was taken away by beauties. When he thought of the youngest Xingguang has turned on meat, Zheng Wuji, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"What am I suffering from?"

"We count you as the oldest, who will suffer if you are not uncomfortable?"


These words were pure heart-pounding, Zheng Wuzhi was speechless, he was really an old virgin who devoted himself to studying.

Most men in Dazhao were married in their 17th or 18th year. He was several years older than Pei Xuan, his talent was inferior to Pei Xuan's, and he was left behind in marrying a wife. He gave Song Zizhen a hard look.

The two of them bickered in their spare time, and Pei Xuan finished his work and propped his chin on one hand to look at the scenery outside the window.

I don't know what Titi is doing at home, is she holding the rabbit in a daze, or listening to Baitang's thoughts, or... thinking about her too?

Pei Xuan's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly recalled the scene last night, it was the first time she had seen such a weak and enthusiastic Cui Ti.

Although it has the function of seducing the fragrance, but the fragrance of the fragrance can only seduce people's most sincere desire. Titi should love her, right?

Probably a little more than she thought.

Her heart is warm.

I am also glad that I had the foresight to put on the gold silk soft clothes in advance, otherwise the clothes would be stripped off...

She sighed secretly: How long are you going to hide it?

"Xingguang, do you want to drink together?"

"not going."

Song Zizhen raised his eyebrows, and poked Zheng Wuzhi on the side with his arm: "See, Xingguang is really a good gentleman of the Gu family, he stopped drinking."

It's not that I don't drink.

As an elegant and refined alcoholic, Pei Xuan thought for a while and said, "I'll drink it another day, I'll treat you."

"Okay! It's a deal!"

A group of people left the Hanlin Academy together.

The servant of Pei's family brought the horse to pick him up. Pei Xuan got on the horse and walked along the long street. Several boys were playing hide-and-seek. One of them covered his eyes and faced the big tree: "Have you hidden it?"

"not yet!"

The children were running around, Pei Xuan tasted a bit of childishness.

When she was young, she seldom played with her peers, she always loved to study in her study, and her interests were different from others.

The street is very long, and her riding speed is very slow, which means that she trusts the horse freely.

The children laughed loudly and listened carefully, but some people were questioning their companions for not explaining the rules of the game.

"You peeked!"

"I did not see!"

"How did you know I was hiding here without peeking?"

This sounded unreasonable, Pei Xuan shook his head and smiled.

"You just peeked!"

"I don't!"

The two yelled at each other, and soon there were other voices, and the horse quietly went away.

Pei Xuan is in a good mood, wandering around the street is enough

Now, the heart of missing Cui Ti came up, and the horse ran quickly.

Also in Xijing, if she was lucky enough to be a pair of bamboo horses and green plums with Titi, how great would it be? Even if they play hide-and-seek together, if she peeps, she won't be annoyed.

Thinking of this, she rarely felt that God was so unfair that her mother was born blind.

"Glutinous rice cake! Glutinous rice cake! White and soft glutinous rice cake!"

The peddler's cries came to his ears, and Pei Xuan's thoughts suddenly went astray. A lady's **** are called white and soft. They are whiter and softer than rabbits, and they are especially sweet to bite.

Her face was slightly hot, and the heat was instantly blown away by the wind. Passers-by were amazed when they saw this Pei family son.

Pei Xuan reminisced about last night repeatedly, it was not enough, and from the tip of his heart, he recalled the tenderness from the time in Chenxiangyuan, Xiningbo Mansion.

"Have some glutinous rice cake."

"Okay, you take it."

Pei Xiuzhuan, who came back from an errand, held the rein in one hand and the delicious pastry in the other, his thoughts flickered and he didn't know where to turn.

"Lang Jun, what are you thinking?" Why do you look so happy?

Pei Xuan smiled provocatively: "Think about those little boys just now."

The boy was at a loss: what do you want to think about?

"I always feel like I'm missing something."

This feeling came out of nowhere, she thought about it halfway and couldn't figure it out. Just as she was about to let go of this matter, a gust of wind came, thick smoke rose from the stove outside the street shop, and the smoke was blown away, blinding her eyes.

Eyelashes blinked a few times quickly, Pei Xuan reluctantly wiped his eyes with a handkerchief, a tear dripped from the corner of his eyes, he couldn't laugh or cry, the wind came at the wrong time.

Suddenly, the smile stopped at the corner of his lips.

"Lang Jun? Are you okay?"

Pei Xuan came to a sudden: she remembered something wrong.

Read The Duke's Passion