MTL - On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized-Chapter 27 Daughter incense

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"This, this can't make..."

Uncle Xining looked around the shabby room in bewilderment, his eyelids twitched, and saw that there was still air leaking from the top of his head - he had the guts to let the chancellor's son suffer such grievances.

The word "Uncle" opened the distance between Weng and his son-in-law. He was anxious to wink at Cui Ti, hoping that his daughter could help persuade him. The next moment he suddenly realized that he was really stupid. Cui Ti was blind, so how could he see him? for help?

"Ti'er, please continue to persuade him, wouldn't it be good for you and him to live in Chenxiangyuan?"

His voice was pleading.

Pei Xuan, who smiled warmly in the spring breeze, and Pei Xuan, who rejected people for thousands of miles, were completely different. She usually had no airs, but she was really annoyed, and she brought out her airs, which put a lot of pressure on people.

This echoes the saying: People with a good temper are more frightening when they get angry.

Uncle Xining turned pale with astonishment, and his forehead was sweating profusely.

One is the biological father, and the other is the newlywed 'husband-in-law', Cui Ti glanced at Pei Xuan who was sitting on the wooden bed from the corner of her eye, and seeing her frown frowning, she felt distressed and moved for a moment.

Pei Xuan did everything for her, let her go everywhere, and she persuaded him, this man would not care anymore.


My husband and son-in-law feel sorry for her, Pei Xuan loves her and cherishes her, how can she stop her from venting her anger?

If this tone is not good, I am afraid that the editor will secretly blame himself at night.

She really loves Pei Xuan, she changed her mind and shook her head: "Marry and obey your husband."

This is the meaning of indifference and inability to manage.

Uncle Xining's eyes widened, and when he was about to reprimand him, Pei Xuan raised his eyelids: "Uncle is so majestic."

That's right!

The corner of Uncle Xining's mouth twitched, no matter how powerful he is, how can he compare to the rich and powerful son-in-law?

"son in law…"

Pei Xuan was indifferent: "See off the guests."

Just as Baitang was about to move, the bell held down her hand calmly, and the young servant who had been standing by Pei Xuan's side stood up with a smile, "Uncle, please."

He belongs to Mr. Lang, and he belongs to Pei's family. His words and deeds are much more important than Baitang's. Even if Uncle Xining is narrow-minded and holds grudges, he will not bear grudges against his own daughter. Baitang belongs to Young Madam. Although the father and daughter don't have much contact in the future, why not do it if they can save one trouble?

Today, Mr. Xining gave Uncle Xining a lot of shame. Uncle Xining had to hold back his anger.


Walking out of the gate of the small courtyard, Xiningbo's legs and feet were weak and he almost fell down.

On the ground, fortunately, the servants around him quickly supported him, and he looked back at the courtyard standing silently in the wind.

Naturally, he couldn't blame Cui Ti. Cui Ti was a married woman. If he wanted to be Mrs. Pei, he couldn't offend Pei Xuan first. It was understandable that he couldn't say anything in that situation.

What really shocked him was the change in Pei Xuan's attitude. This person smiled differently, and when he was cold, he was another. At the age of eighteen, he was so imposing in that small hut that he couldn't straighten up.

This son will do a lot in the future, but now, he has offended people?

A wise man is bound to make a mistake, but this mistake could have been avoided!

He stared at the dilapidated small courtyard behind him, thought about the leaky roof, and then thought about the poor eyes inside, so angry, he hurried to the back garden, saw a maid, and asked with sullen eyes: " Where's the lady?"

The servant girl was startled by him, and hurriedly saluted: "Madam went to Baishao Court."

The Paeoniae Alba Courtyard is brightly lit.

Stepping in, seeing the neatly manicured flowers of various colors in the courtyard, Uncle Xining lost his leisurely mind to enjoy the scenery, and the first thing that popped into his mind was the small broken courtyard that he had been to before.

That was the old residence where Cui Ti lived for more than ten years.

It is conceivable that after tonight, his ideal relationship between Weng and his son-in-law will be severely torn apart, Pei Xuan will no longer respect him, and the Pei family will not accept Cui's in-laws.

If the prime minister knows that his precious son and his wife live in a dilapidated courtyard tonight, and that he treats his eldest daughter harshly and is unkind to his father, the uncle's mansion will really be over.

As his daughters, why does the eldest daughter live in a shabby house and the youngest daughter live in a wide house?

"Madam, uncle is here."

Mrs. Uncle and her daughter gathered together to taste tea, the tea was lingering, she didn't lift her eyes: "Come here, you guys..."

"You go down first."


"You go down too!"

Cui Dai was snarled by him, she turned to look at A Niang, Mrs. Uncle put down the teacup, and coaxed softly: "Go down first."

Uncle Xining watched the people leave, he let out a deep breath, he was speechless, Mrs. Uncle made a cup of tea for him: "If you don't go to win over your good son-in-law, why are you crazy here?"

"Crazy?" The man rushed forward in three steps and two steps, and slapped the woman on the face: "This is crazy!"

Mrs. Uncle's head was buzzing from the slap.

Uncle Xining's reprimand fell on his head and face: "I will leave this house to you to take care of, and you can see how you manage it! It's nothing more than usual, but the south courtyard is not cleaned up properly. Do you want to drag the Cui family to die with you? ?”

He spoke too harshly, Madam Uncle thought that there was an important matter of life or death, so she held back her resentment for the time being and did not bother with him: "What happened?"

"Son-in-law and Ti'er moved to live in the south courtyard." Speaking of this, he frowned again: "You are a mother, how can you let your daughter live in such a dilapidated house for more than ten years? Rumor has it that the Cui family will lose face." Where to put it!"

"It's me... I let Cui Ti live in such a crappy house?"

Mrs. Uncle's face was swollen high, as if she had heard the biggest joke in the world: "You are a father, it's not the first day you know that Ti'er lives in the South Yard, have you ever visited her?

"Since you were born, you have ignored her, so what right do you have to accuse me of being a mother?

"I have conceived for you three times, but because my eldest daughter was born with a disability, she was shameless and had to hide! It was you who cut out my heart first, but in the end it was all my fault? Cui Shao, what else do you have?" Conscience, aren't you afraid that the sky will strike you to death if you say these words!"

There was a moment of dead silence, and another violent quarrel erupted through the door, and Cui Dai shivered and shivered outside the door.

What's wrong?

She was at a loss.

Why does A Niang scold Daddy? Why did Daddy want to beat Aniang?

She was so frightened that she held her breath and dared not make a sound.

This matter is an introduction, revealing the dissatisfaction in the hearts of the husband and wife over the years.

The normally loving couple quarreled with all kinds of ugly behaviors. Uncle Xining complained that his wife did not give him a son, and Mrs. Uncle resented that he married someone who was not human.

The stars and the moon shine brightly together, the south courtyard, after the servants are in full swing to clean it up, the small courtyard looks clean after all.

The dust on the table was wiped off, the pillows were spread out, the bell lit the incense in the inner room, and Ruo Liang fetched a bouquet of flowers from somewhere and put them in a vase. , slipped to Cui Ti's side with small steps, whispered, and led the people out.


Pei Xuan was holding a volume of books, but he didn't notice that the book was knocked down. He read it intently: "My lady, you should wash it first."

She was stunned for a while, then remembered that without her support, the lady couldn't see, she might bump her hands and feet, so she quickly got up and rushed over to help Cui Ti's arm: "Lady, this way."

The tub was steaming, and a layer of fresh petals floated on the surface of the water. Cui Ti couldn't see it, but could smell it. Pei Xuan's palms were hot: "That's right, that's right here."

She glanced at Cui Ti, considering how inconvenient she was blind: "Shall I help you undress?"

She didn't face her attitude at all.

Cui Ti held back his smile and nodded his chin lightly, "En."

Pei Xuan quietly took a long breath and lowered his head not daring to look.

The clothes were piled up like lingering flowers blooming on the woman's slender ankles, and her calves were white. She closed her eyes and turned her back: "Miss, be careful."

There was a slight sound of water behind her, and Cui Ti shyly hid in the bathtub, warm water soaked her shoulders, and delicate petals adorned her fair skin: "Husband."

Pei Xuan turned around subconsciously, and suddenly turned around. The delicate beauty with no hair, her face blushing, went to the window with her hands and feet to continue to "review the book".

She took the scroll down, and Cui Ti hid in the tub and laughed out loud, in order not to remind her.

Hearing her laugh, Pei Xuan's eyes were full of embarrassment, his eyes looked over the screen and saw his wife's raised arms, and his heart beat uncontrollably.

Not knowing how much time passed, Cui Ti stood up from the water: "Husband?"

Pei Xuan raised his head and was so ashamed that the beautiful figure reflected on the screen made his ears smoke, he tried his best to steady his voice: "Do you want to get clothes?"

"Well, Mr. Lau is here."

The pajamas were passed over through the screen, and when they got closer, Pei Xuan could vaguely smell the pleasant fragrance, which was emanating from the lady. She lost her mind, thinking about how to spend the night, if, if the lady insisted Consummate with her, her identity...

Before she got married, Cui Ti was still strong when it came to her daughter's private affairs, and she didn't want to bother Bai Tang. This also trained her basic self-care ability.

With her clothes on, she stepped out from behind the screen, and then saw an idiot who was thinking hard.


Pei Xingguang suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Cui Ti was startled by the struggle in her eyes, and guessed in her heart whether she didn't want to force her, and said softly: "I'll call Tangtang in, and prepare warm water for you again."

"No need." Pei Xuan went around and saw the clear bath water, and said with a smile: "Don't bother them, I'll just use it after my wife."

"This, how can this work?"

"Okay." With her hands on her belt, she said worriedly: "Mistress, go back to bed and rest first, I will come later."


Embarrassed, Cui Ti didn't dare to look or ask any more, she went to the bedside with the bamboo stick in her hand, hesitated for a while, her face was still burning badly, she lay down on the wooden bed, restrained not to think too much.

The water was still warm, and in addition to the fragrance of flowers, there was a fresh fragrance of daughters. Pei Xuan was shy and excited, but at the end he couldn't help cursing himself for being shameless.

Cui Ti waited for her like a deer, and the wind poured in through the hole in the roof, just because Pei Xuan lived with her, her heart was no longer worried and uneasy.

Pei Xuan put on his pajamas, took out a fingernail-sized incense stick from his purse and threw it into the purple gold stove.

The fragrance is a mist, and Cui Ti felt helpless when she saw it, so she had to pretend not to see it.

The wooden bed is only enough for one person to sleep. Fortunately, the two of them are slender, and they can barely sleep when squeezed together. She reserved a place for Pei Xuan early. Pei Xuan has never slept on such a simple bed at his age. When people lie on it, the bed board creaks Squeak.

Cui Ti blushed, and explained: "It's just a little noisy, but it's still solid, it won' won't collapse."

She pulled the quilt over her chest, there was a subtle silence, and suddenly realized something, her face turned into a little red lantern.

Pei Xuan smiled meaningfully, put his long arms around her waist, and asked her to lie in his arms: "I should have come here to see it a long time ago, I have caused you a lot of grievances, it's my fault."

"No, I haven't suffered a lot of grievances." Cui Ti said softly: "It's all over."

Her side is over, but Pei Xuan can't get over the barrier in his heart. In the past, even if she was away from home for a few days, Aniang would send someone to take good care of her room.

It's not like her wife, who got married, and the old house has been reduced to a deserted house.

It can be seen that the Xiningbo couple do not have this eldest daughter in their hearts.

The indifference of hindsight is more cruel than the neglect of foresight.


She used skillful force with her hands, forcing Cui Ti to put her arms on her pillow side, Pei Xuan put one hand on the back of her head, leaning on her lips and teeth: "I like my lady very much..."!

Read The Duke's Passion