MTL - On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized-Chapter 15 sweetheart

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There was a sound of insects chirping outside the window, and the evening wind blew gently.

In the newlyweds' wedding room, the candles are red, and the bride's wedding dress is also red.

The room was filled with indescribable joy.

Pei Xuan was so anxious that he couldn't know what to do. He couldn't get a single word of response to his successive inquiries, and his voice slowly lowered to a very low level.


The voice is trembling, lest the bright moon in front of me be frightened, the lover in my heart,

Cui Ti woke up suddenly, her eyes lowered, she stared blankly at Pei Xuan's genuine daughter, she never dared to think that the story of 'the husband is a girl' would actually happen around her.

She held out her hand blankly.

Pei Xuan reacted quickly, sideways to avoid, the clothes that were opened inside caused a gentle wind due to her avoidance, so that the snowy skin and jade skin that fell into Cui Ti's eyes became more conspicuous.

It's ridiculous that after living two lifetimes, Cui Ti didn't even look at her own body, but first looked at the most beautiful man in Xijing.

A man is not a man, but a girl.

She stood there in a daze, with joy and sorrow on her face.

No matter how smart Pei Xuan was, he would never think of 'opening the eyes of a blind man'. She carefully said: "My lady, are you feeling unwell?"


Cui Ti didn't dare to look at her, her voice was low and weak: "My knee hurts."

"Bumped? I'll get you some medicine, lady, just stand here and don't move. I'll be back soon."

No one would dislike her earnest instructions, Cui Ti responded softly.

Pei Xuan turned to get the medicine box.

After she left, Cui Ti dared to look up at her back.

A gentleman is like jade, he cuts like a hammer, cuts like a grinder, and he is the son of the Pei family.

She always thought that Pei Xuan was too careful and caring. Looking back on her previous life, she often couldn't help but sigh that there was such a strange man in the world, but now the case was solved.

Not a man, but a woman.

She is a kind-hearted, ambitious woman.

White underwear, red wedding gown, black long hair, and a semi-circular arc dripping with clear water, this is the first time Cui Ti has seen a woman's gentle image with her own eyes.

"My lady, I'm back."

Pei Xuan opened the medicine box, picked and picked out the bottle of medicine for treating bruises. The small white medicine bottle was at hand, and she turned to fasten her belt.

When Cui Ti saw her again, her slender waist was outlined by the belt, which was tightly covered, but it made people unforgettable when they first met.

"My lady..." She knelt down holding the small medicine bottle. Come over: "I'll help you with the medicine."

Cui Ti pointed to her left knee.

She hasn't seen enough of Pei Xuan yet.

She was afraid that this was a dream, and that God only allowed her to watch it for one night.

The married lady looked too lazy to do it herself, Pei Xuan rolled up his cuffs with a smile, moved closer, held his breath and carefully rolled up his trouser legs.

Cui Ti is very thin, with thin bones, not much flesh in her calves, her underwear rolled up above her knees, and her white and tender skin was slightly bruised.

After the ointment was applied, Cui Ti snorted unexpectedly, then blushed, and grabbed the corner of her clothes with her fingers, not daring to look at Pei Xuan's face.

"Call out the pain, don't hold back, I'll take it easy."

Her fingertips were slightly hot, she deliberately ignored the nasty words her friends kept whispering in her ears, and settled down to take the medicine.

Cui Ti bit her lip and didn't speak until the medicine was applied, and the rosiness at the tips of her ears didn't disappear.

"Are the eyes really okay?"

"Well, it's all right."

Pei Xuan was dubious, but he was still worried: "Call the doctor tomorrow to show you."

"No need!" Cui Ti lowered her head: "No need, it can't be cured, it was brought from the mother's womb, there is no cure at all."


Regretful of mentioning her sadness, Pei Xuan peeked at her guiltily, wanting to get close to her, but knowing that it was very inconvenient to get close to her tonight, she walked around the room and came back with a book in her hand: "Ah Cui, I'm here How about teaching you how to read and write?"

"it is good."

"You sit down first."

Pei Xuan helped her sit on the edge of the bed, turned around and moved closer to the candlelight, and sat down next to her: "Perseverance is the most important thing in reading and literacy. In my opinion, talent should stand aside before perseverance. Those who know you, they will live in your mind, accompany you to relieve boredom, make you happy, and no one can take it away."

Those who can pass the exam will have more or less keen perception and focus than ordinary people in literature. Seeing the excitement and joy on her face, Cui Ti frowned: "I will study hard."

At first she never gave up in frustration, Pei Xuan smiled more comfortably.

She felt a sense of accomplishment in finding something to do for her wedding night.

Finally something to say.

Cui Ti remembered that the first word Pei Xuanjiao gave her was love.

Love is a word full of power, and it is Cui Ti's unattainable beauty.

Pei Xuan took out the engraved wooden board he had prepared earlier and took her hand to touch it: "Have you touched it? Let me take you to trace it?"

She deliberately waited for a few breaths,

Not seeing Cui Ti showing dissatisfaction, she immediately held her finger to write and draw.

Cui Ti's heart was still in a mess, but it didn't stop her from smelling the faint scent of osmanthus on this man.

She has already learned how to write 'love', and she also knows that the second word Pei Xuanjiao gave her is Ti.

Ti, orange, the sun is orange, the flame is orange, she said that the person who first made a name for herself may not love her.

If you don't love her, you won't give her a colorful name.

Make up for what is lacking, Cui Ti is blind, she can't see colors, she can't see everything, but her name is beautiful.

The third word she taught her was light.

Light of light.

"Have you learned it?"


This time, Pei Xuan was in a daze. She was surprised at how quickly her wife learned literature, and said softly, "Then why don't you write it for me?"

Cui Ti didn't want to write on the cold and unheated wooden board, she pondered for a while, took her husband's hand, and wrote in her palm.

The soft fingertips hooked on the veins of the palm, itching, as if the heart was hooked by her. Pei Xuan couldn't take his eyes off her, seeing her gentleness with lowered brows and smiling, and her seriousness when writing.


Cui Ti showed off her hand in the palm of the champion of the current subject, and Cui Ti looked shy: "It's written, is it right?"

"Yes, absolutely."

"Is there any reward then?"


"Yeah, I'm a quick learner."

Bullying the ignorant gentleman with the memories of the previous life, Cui Ti's earlobe was red: "No?"

"Why not?"

Even if they didn't have it at the beginning, they still have it now.

After much deliberation, Pei Xuan couldn't think of a way to reward him, so he grabbed Cui Ti's hand anxiously: "I'm going to write!"

"you write."

Worried about affecting the master's performance, she put her palms flat and felt Pei Xuan's admirable left-handed writing.

There is a big difference between not being able to see and being able to see.

If you can't see it, you can only experience it with your heart, for fear of missing any details. If you see it, you can only see her. Cui Ti quietly hides and watches.

Rourou's gaze fell down like a stream of light, Pei Xuan's heart was warm, and every stroke of his pen became warm and affectionate.

She also wrote the word "love" to Cui Ti.

You love me and I love you.

"Did you recognize it?" Pei Xuanyang asked her, "What did I write?"

Cui Ti took in all the details of her expression, eyebrows, and every move. Cui Ti was delighted that she still had a wicked youth, and pretended to be ignorant: "This..."

"It's not this." The tip of her flying eyebrows fell: "Can't you really recognize it?"

"I seem to recognize it..."

"What is it?"


Cui Ti has been blind for 18 years, even if she can see, Pei Xuan can't recognize the ability to pretend to be blind.

Tilting his head slightly, he read the word softly, and the joy in Pei Xuan's heart reached its peak.

She really married a wonderful woman.

It was late at night, and the person who was yelling that he would have a long talk with his wife all night could no longer lift his eyelids. Cui Ti looked at her playfully and suggested, "Husband, it's time to go to bed."

Pei Xuan nodded his chin.

She didn't sleep well last night, got up early and was busy welcoming the bride, and her mood was ups and downs again, unlike a general who is energetic and lively no matter how hard he tosses.

At this time, she showed her demeanor of a frail scholar, and Cui Ti made a gesture of yawning.

With the wife's consent, Pei Xiuzhuan climbed onto the bed.

After climbing halfway, he crawled back again, led Cui Ti to rest on the wedding bed, and then went behind the screen in embarrassment.

Cui Ti guessed that she was going to wrap it secretly. chest.

She smiled.

I lamented that I was really blind in that life, and I couldn't tell whether the person next to my pillow was a man or a woman.


Pei Xuan was fully prepared and came to the bed, took off his coat, and tiptoed to bed.

Cui Ti couldn't help but want to laugh seeing her cautious expression.

Sure enough, she laughed, and raised her hand to unbutton her coat.

Pei Xuan was startled.

This is different from the shy lady she imagined.

The bride groped into the quilt in her midi, the mandarin duck quilt was red, the girl's face was white, Pei Xuan put down the bed curtain, and the little deer slumped around beside her.

"Isn't your husband sleepy?"


Pei Xuan looked at the red gauze curtain above his head and thought.

Woke up again.


An hour later.

Xifang opened two pairs of big eyes that didn't make him sleepy no matter what he looked at, Pei Xuan secretly sighed: "My lady, why are you still awake?"

"It's time to sleep."

Knowing that her husband is a woman, Cui Ti behaved a little boldly, and approached the person next to her pillow with her heart hidden:

"Husband, can you hold me?"

For a newly married woman, if it is difficult to get a hug during the wedding night in the bridal chamber, how humiliating would it be?

Pei Xuan felt sorry for her, and Rou Rou hugged her into his arms.

"Miss, I'm holding you. It's getting late, let's go to sleep."

Cui Ti closed her eyes.

For a long time, until Pei Xuan's arm was numb under the pillow, she looked at Cui Ti who was sleeping soundly, and fell asleep in peace.


The stars and the moon are shining brightly.

The Pei Mansion fell into a state of tranquility.

The eyelashes of the girl who was supposed to be asleep trembled, and she opened her eyes silently.

She can still see Pei Xuan.

Pei Xuan, who was asleep, couldn't hide his daughter's attitude.

Dreams are real.

A celestial being rode a crane to open her spiritual eyes, but her spiritual eyes could only see one person.

She greedily looked at Pei Xuan who was sleeping in the twilight, thinking that in her previous life, this person treated her in every possible way, protecting her, pitying her, and kissing her, Cui Ti's heart swelled, slightly hurt and sour.

A lie is remedied with more lies.

The bright and magnanimous son of the Pei family, a pure minister trusted by all the previous emperors and new emperors, deceived the people of the world, as well as her.

Lied to her, but for her good.

Cui Tiwo couldn't laugh or cry in her arms, she didn't dare to blink more than once during the long night.

It turns out that she really likes Pei Xingguang. !

Read The Duke's Passion