MTL - On the Wedding Night, Ms. Cui Realized-Chapter 12 Express your heart

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In April, when the imperial court conferred officials, Pei Xuan was awarded the post of editor in the Imperial Academy. From a sixth-rank official, without real talent and learning, he could not gain a firm foothold in the Imperial Academy.

The first son of the Pei family is well-known. At first, the officials of the Imperial Academy were afraid of her father, the prime minister, and did not dare to assign her to do more things. After getting along for half a month, Pei Xuan never refused to do things like repairing books and running errands. .

The champion, the second place, and Tanhua are all working in the Imperial Academy, so they are not lonely.

At dusk, after leaving the gate of the Imperial Academy, Song Zizhen invited his friends to Fengminglou for a drink, but Pei Xuan refused, and simply went to the reception in a green robe with various flowers.

The scene of Feng Ming's cuddling celebration banquet last time was ugly, but this time when he came again, his mood was very different.

Song Zizhen patted open the wine seal with one hand and poured wine into the two people's porcelain bowls: "There are three joys in life, wedding night in the bridal chamber, and when you are named on the gold list, you are better than us. Three joys in life and two joys in life, what else do you not know?"

On the matter of making fun of Pei Xingguang, Zheng Wuji was obviously on the same side as the surnamed Song: "I always thought that Xingguang was the last to get married, but it turned out that among the three of us, Xingguang was the first to fall in love with the girl of."

The pear blossom stuffing filled the small porcelain bowl, he picked it up and took a sip, squinting his eyes: "Xingguang, Zizhen and I are very curious, what do you like about that girl?"

Knowing that coming to drink would not be so easy, Pei Xuansi gently held the wine bowl, lightly touched his lips, smelled the authentic pear blossom wine, and then smiled: "I don't know, the first time I saw her The heartbeat is messed up."

"Oh oh oh!"

Song Zizhen winked at Zheng Wuji in a strange tone.

"Be serious."

Pei Xuan glared at him.

"It's not that I'm not serious, it's that Xingguang you are not. There's no one who is not pure when he sees a girl for the first time."

"Why am I impure?"

Song Zizhen smiled, lying on the table with his upper body, and lowered his voice: "Do you want to kiss her, do you still want to hug her, your heart is in a mess, do you want the girl to touch it? Oh, Xingguang, don't be embarrassed, I Both Wuzhi and Wuzhi understand!"

He looked like a big man who thought of women as a matter of course, Pei Xuan lowered his head and drank, not answering his words.

"Look, it really touched Xingguang's heart. A man, no matter how cold and reserved he looks, a girl's heart is always warm."


Pei Xuan opened his mouth, thinking about it, why bother to provoke two 'older unmarried' men?

Seeing her hesitate to speak, Song Zizhen rolled his eyes:

"Xingguang, it's agreed, Wuji and I will be your best bridesmaids, and we will go to greet you with you."


"Don't worry." Master Xiuzhuan drank slowly, raised his eyes slightly, and said with a smile, "I can't run away from you."

These two people not only had to be best suitors for her, but also had to help her hold back the wine. On the wedding night, she had to keep her head clear and talk to the girl all night.

She misses Cui Ti so much.

Want to hear her talk.

It's a pity that her fiancée moved out of the small courtyard, and she can no longer talk to her across a wall.

But it's good for her to go back to Chenxiangyuan, at least the roof of Chenxiangyuan won't leak when it rains, and it's a comfortable and safe place to live.

Thinking of this, she secretly fell in love.

Seeing her appearance, Zheng Wuzhi asked: "Xing Guang, what are you thinking?"

"Do you want to be a bride?" Song Zizhen encouraged her: "Aren't you going to meet her before marriage? Even if you talk through a screen, it's fine, otherwise, Hongyan can pass the letter."

His words hit Pei Xuan's thoughts day and night, and he was not sure: "Can that work?"

"Why can't it work? The betrothal gift has been given, even if she doesn't pay homage, she is still yours. Besides, you are her established husband. When a husband sees his wife, how can he say anything bad?"

His words were unreliable, Pei Xuan looked at Zheng Wuji.

Zheng Wuji laughed at her rare young Qisi: "It's okay, I'm really worried, if you don't meet, let her know that you miss her, wouldn't it be okay?"

"This is good!"

Pei Xiuzhuan slapped the table and got up, withholding the money for the wine with his palm: "I'm leaving first, you guys drink slowly."

Song Zizhen was stunned on the spot, pointing in the direction of someone's flight, incredulous: "This, is this still Xingguang? Could it be that Cui's parents and daughters used magic tricks on him?"

"What nonsense?" Zheng Wuji said seriously, "This is called lovesickness, do you understand, lovesickness."

"Shopkeeper, have a bowl of red bean soup!"

Acacia, he wanted to die already, and his good brother had a wife and went straight to the women, leaving him and Zheng Wuzhi drinking together would not be good.

The wedding is approaching, Pei Xuan is working in the Hanlin Academy and is only waiting to welcome the bride on May 5th, Xiningbo Mansion, Chenxiangyuan, Cui Ti holds a needle and thread and wants to embroider a sachet for her husband.

The white doves can't stop her from embroidering sachets, so they can only act as her eyes, adjusting her stitches with her hands at any time.

"Girl, it's wrong again."

Cui Ti didn't see any regrets on her face. Years of suffering had already polished her mind like water. If she made a mistake, she would come back again. It's good that she didn't pierce her hand and dirty the sachet.

Her perseverance Baige is quite admirable.

In her place, if she was blind, let alone embroidering sachets, she would not even have the courage to thread needles.

"is this correct?"

"Yes, that's right." Bai Ge didn't dare to be distracted, and hurriedly pulled back her thoughts and continued to assist her master.

As far as Cui Ti is concerned, she is blind, and such precious wedding dresses cannot be stained with blood, so she only symbolically embroiders a few stitches on the half-finished wedding dress, which is barely considered a contribution.

She regretted not being able to sew a close-fitting underwear for Pei Xuan, so she used this sachet to express her affection.

It will definitely not look good when embroidered, but it is also boring to be idle.

Pei Xuan was flying a kite near Xiningbo Mansion again, and what flew into the sky was a huge colorful crane.

The gorgeous crane and the handsome young man who did not take off his official robe in time attracted the attention of many people. Anyone with long eyes, seeing that face and official uniform, most of them knew that this was the unparalleled number one scholar in Xijing.

The number one scholar was conferred by His Majesty and entered the Imperial Academy. Once he entered the Imperial Academy, he had a bright future.

She didn't care about the gazes of others, and tried to control the kite while observing the direction of the wind.

After putting it around, I still think it is most suitable to be in front of Cui's house.

The doorman of Xiningbo's mansion was replaced by an honest man, and the doorman looked at their uncle-to-be inexplicably, unable to figure out what was going on.

Is it so busy to edit and write from the sixth grade Hanlin Academy?

What kind of whimsical idea is it to put paper kites at someone's door?

"Brother, come here."

Menzi pointed at himself, and Pei Xuan called him: "Yes, please go to the house and talk to the girl, just say that I am flying a kite outside, and beg her to take a look with your heart."

"Look with your heart's eye?"

Menzi reported to Baige at the gate of Chenxiangyuan, and Baige waved: "Understood, you go."

She quickly walked back to the room and told Cui Ti exactly what Pei Langjun had said. Cui Ti smiled and said, "Help me out to have a look."

have a look.

A blind man, what do you think?

Pei Xuan said, look with your heart.

The heart is the eye.

After leaving the door, the white pigeon looked up and saw the gaudy colorful kite without any effort: "Girl, it's such a big kite, it has to be two people long. It's a crane that is very aura just by looking at it. The color is too bright."

After stopping for a while, she asked, "Miss, what do you think with your heart's eye?"

Cui Ti laughed at her: "He is talking with this kite."

"Say what?"

"Tell me you miss me, you want to see me, you want to be with me."

Bai Ge's face turned red, and she turned her head and spat in response: "Why is your lord still flirting with people?"

Cui Ti also had this doubt.


Doesn't this person not love her?

Why do you want to miss her, accompany her, and want to see her?

Whenever she thinks she understands Pei Xuan, Pei Xuan's behavior becomes unpredictable again, Cui Ti raises her head, and the spring breeze blows on her face.

How long has Pei Xuan been flying the kite, and how long has she been 'watching' in the courtyard.

In order to abide by the complicated etiquette before marriage, the unmarried two watched tacitly and interestingly.

"Mr. Lang!"

Pei Xuan's book boy came to him: "Mr. Lang, it's getting late, Madam is calling you to go home for dinner."

"Wait a little longer." Pei Xuan held the spool and suddenly said, "Knife."

The book boy was taken aback for a moment, and then took out the paper-cutting knife he carried with him.

The knife cut the thread, and a huge colorful kite flew into Cui's house.

"This is the kite I gave you girls, do you understand?"

Menzi was forced to appreciate the big colorful crane she had set for an hour, nodded and bowed: "Don't worry, my lord, the kite will definitely be delivered to Miss."

Pei Xuan was satisfied, but also elated because of that "young master".

Most of her happiness is hidden in her heart, even so, the emotions she reveals are enough for a bookboy's teeth to ache.

Love, I'm really going to make my husband stupid.

The book boy was looking forward to arriving early on May 5th, so he hurriedly welcomed the young lady into the door, lest his family's husband would lose his mind.

"Girl, this is sent by Pei Langjun."

The white pigeon was holding the unbelievably big kite, and the more she looked at it, the more she wanted to laugh: "Why didn't I think that Mr. Lang is such an interesting person before, the girl will follow him in the future, so she has something to look forward to."

The colorful kites are exquisite in workmanship and exquisite in materials. Cui Ti touched it with her hands: "He has a heart."

She carefully recalled the situation in her previous life. In her previous life, Pei Xuan also liked to fly kites, and also loved to curry favor with her with unexpected tricks.

Pei Xuan is the ideal husband that women in Xijing most want to marry.

And this gentleman, it seems that he will belong to her again.

Pei Xuan wanted to see her, and she also wanted to see Pei Xuan, not to touch with her hands, but to really light up her eyes to see how her good husband fascinated thousands of women in Xijing.

Look at his demeanor, look at his gentle and affectionate eyes.

Thinking day by day and dreaming night by night, this night Cui Ti once again dreamed of fairy

A man rode a crane to open her spiritual eyes.

She wanted so badly to see it.

I really want to meet her husband of two lifetimes.

Dizzy in the daytime, waking up from a dream, Cui Ti sat on the bed and thought, she would never see Pei Xuan, the most dazzling young man in Dazhao.

This realization made her very sad.

Cui Ti's sachet was finally embroidered after stumbling over and over again.

It's ugly, wrinkled, even if the material is new and good, but the stitches are messed up, and it's worthless to put it outside.

"never mind."

She raised her hand to throw away the sachet, but was stopped by the white dove: "Forget it, although it is not beautiful, it is the girl's sincerity. If the gentleman is really good, why would he deny the girl because of the quality of the stitches?" Heart?"

Father, like son.

As the wedding day draws closer, Bai Ge finds that her girl is becoming more and more self-hating.

Put away the sachet, so as not to be overwhelmed by Cui Ti after a long time of hard work, she squatted down: "Girl, those who love you will not dislike you for being bad, they will only love you for being good, listen to me, Happy to be a bride."

On May 4th, there is less than a day before the wedding.

Cui Ti hugged her knees with her hands, and there was a burst of enthusiasm in her eyes covered with white gauze. She didn't take it seriously, and her mood was depressed: "Bai Bai, tell me, does he mind if I give birth to a blind boy for him?"!

Read The Duke's Passion