MTL - On-duty Woman Penetrates Lily Sentences-Chapter 8

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When it happened for the first time, the system might be able to explain it by coincidence, but it was very doubtful that this happened twice in just one night.

Gu Jinghe seemed to know what the host and it were thinking, and then deliberately came here at that time. Thinking about it this way, even the system has a creepy feeling.

Ji Yunyan propped up her body slightly, looked at the figure on the sofa, and did not speak for a while.

The sofa was very spacious, Gu Jinghe curled up on it, a small ball, Ji Yunyan couldn't see her face, but could hear her steady breathing.

From time to time, a flash of lightning flashed outside the window, accompanied by the sound of thunder, Ji Yunyan lay down with a bone-chilling chill on his face.

"I remember that you seem to have a scanning function. If you scan it, does she also have a system?"

Since she can have a system, as one of the protagonists, the CEO seems to have a system is a very normal thing.

The system froze for a moment, this explanation seemed to be the most reasonable. But generally speaking, there will only be one system in a plot, which is also the rule set by the main system. Otherwise, there are too many systems, and the plot will collapse so that even the real mother doesn't know it.

Although thinking this way, the system didn't say anything, it scanned Gu Jinghe carefully and found no trace of the system.

"There can only be one system in a plot. Maybe it's all a coincidence. I didn't find any trace of the system on her."

Ji Yunyan closed her eyes, the end of her eyes was still red, and there were little teardrops on her eyelashes, "Are you sure there is no problem with your scanning function?"

Although the system has not had any problems so far, Ji Yunyan still expressed doubts about the scanning function of the system. It is very important to her whether Gu Jinghe carries the system.

If Gu Jinghe really had a system and knew her thoughts from the beginning...

Ji Yunyan opened her eyes slightly, and the warm yellow light shone on her face, reducing the coldness on her face a bit.

Wrapped in the quilt, Gu Jinghe suddenly felt a chill behind her back, and felt a cold wind blowing past her ears, she couldn't help but tucked the corners of the quilt, and buried half of her face in the quilt.

Alas, fortunately, with her company, Ji Yunyan is finally not afraid of thunder.

It's just that it's very cold to sleep on this sofa, and I always feel that the back is ventilated.

Thinking like this, Gu Jinghe didn't know when she fell asleep in a daze. In the morning, she was awakened by Ji Yunyan's action of covering herself with the quilt.

Probably because the sofa was too narrow, she kicked the quilt under the sofa when she fell asleep, and Ji Yun got up earlier than her, yet she was kind enough to cover her with the quilt.

Probably because she didn't expect Gu Jinghe to wake up suddenly, Ji Yunyan still had a surprised expression on her face, and then she let go of the hand holding the quilt, "You, you woke up."

She probably didn't even realize that when she said this, two blushes appeared on her face, like rouge, really pretty.

Gu Jinghe didn't know if his company last night had played a role, at least Ji Yunyan treated each other with a cold face before, and now he was worried about her catching a cold.

"Go wash up first."

Ji Yunyan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, she stood up, but she didn't expect this movement to be too fast, her head was dizzy, she staggered two steps, and almost fell down.

Gu Jinghe sat up quickly, trying to hold her hand, but Ji Yunyan had already stabilized his body by himself.

Gu Jinghe's hand froze in the air, and then he took it back without changing his expression, "Go and wash up."

Ji Yunyan pursed her lips, and now not only her cheeks, but also her ears were a little red, she didn't even dare to look into Gu Jinghe's eyes, she turned around and walked to the bathroom, with eagerness in her footsteps.

Gu Jinghe couldn't help but chuckled softly, but she didn't dare to let Ji Yunyan see the smile on her face, after all, it was a bit pretentious.

After Ji Yunyan entered the bathroom, her hot cheeks gradually returned to normal temperature. She closed the bathroom door, put her hands on the sink, and quietly looked at herself in the mirror.

In the morning, she woke up Gu Jinghe deliberately, because she wanted to see Gu Jinghe's immediate reaction.

The expression of a person when he is sleepy is completely different from when he is awake. When he just wakes up, he is the most defenseless time, and it is also the time when Gu Jinghe is most likely to show his flaws.

Ji Yunyan recalled what the system said last night. After she questioned it, the system was obviously not convinced, "My scanning system is the latest version launched by the Book Department. After countless improvements, it is recognized as the strongest scanning system. The system, I spent a lot of money to install it."

"There can never be a problem."

Although Ji Yunyan didn't question it at the time, she didn't believe it completely either. But judging from the temptation this morning, it seems that Gu Jinghe really doesn't know.

Ji Yunyan scooped up a handful of cold water with both hands, and slapped it on her face, her peach blossom eyes were stained with water vapor, making her look even more charming.

After all, there are still countless opportunities in the future, and she can slowly test them out.

If Gu Jinghe really knew something, it is absolutely impossible not to show his feet.

It was only after eight o'clock after washing up, and Ji Yunyan had no class in the morning, so Gu Jinghe took her out for breakfast.

The assistant was also there, but she only provided the location of the restaurant and did not have breakfast with them.

Gu Jinghe had no appetite after drinking too much wine last night, so he ordered a bowl of lean vegetable porridge sprinkled with chopped green onion. Gu Jinghe smelled the aroma and suddenly regained his appetite.

Ji Yunyan also ordered a bowl of porridge. Seeing Gu Jinghe drinking the porridge with downcast eyes, she suddenly said softly, "I remember Mr. Gu doesn't seem to eat chopped green onion."

Gu Jinghe paused, and frantically called the system in his heart, "Is there any? No way, doesn't the CEO eat chopped green onions?"

The system choked for a moment, "It's not a very important thing, it wasn't mentioned in the plot at all."

Gu Jinghe was stunned. She hadn't eaten with others yet, so no one would tell her whether she ate chopped green onions or not.

Anyway, she herself wants to eat, as for the original body...

At that moment, Gu Jinghe reacted very quickly. She put down the spoon in her hand, frowned slightly and looked at Ji Yunyan with inquiry and displeasure in her eyes, "How do you know?"

This kind of trivial matter that has never been mentioned in the plot, presumably only those close to him know, when Ji Yunyan suddenly brought it up, Gu Jinghe was the first to attack, questioning her to investigate herself.

This logic is so perfect, Gu Jinghe couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up in his heart.

Ji Yunyan was not as helpless as Gu Jinghe imagined. She admitted it openly, "Since Gu Zongfei has taken a fancy to me, I naturally want to know the preferences of the future gold master."

She admitted that she had inquired about Gu Jinghe's preferences, and pushed the question to Gu Jinghe.

Gu Jinghe didn't answer directly, but just held the spoon and drank two more mouthfuls of the delicious porridge, and then said coldly, "It's not really like it, and it's not really not like it either."

"If you really want to know me, you don't have to go through others."

How should I put it, there is nothing wrong with her rhetoric, after all, what Ji Yunyan asked was indeed not the person around Gu Jinghe who knew her best.

Besides, when he said these words, Gu Jinghe's expression was always calm, and Ji Yunyan didn't notice anything wrong for the time being.

Gu Jinghe rounded up the issue, and finally summed up the issue in the tone of a standard domineering president.

"Don't do unnecessary things."

She had warned Ji Yunyan a long time ago that she liked obedient and clean people. If Ji Yunyan really wanted to be by her side, he should know what to ask and what not to ask.

Ji Yunyan lowered her eyes and agreed, but the system in her mind was a little unhappy and kept mumbling.

"Dog woman, hmph, you are so domineering now, you will be the one to cry when chasing your wife and crematorium in the future."

"The cruel words you said to your little wife now are the tears you shed when you chased after your wife's crematorium in the future."

When Ji Yunyan heard this, she wanted to laugh more than she was surprised. To be honest, it was hard for her to imagine that Gu Jinghe, who had a calm expression and a strong attitude in front of her, would cry and beg her for forgiveness in the future.

How should I put it, it's outrageous.

Can't imagine that scene at all.

Besides, even if the situation mentioned by the system does happen in the future, she will never forgive Gu Jinghe and return home with her wife and husband as said in the plot.

That situation was even more outrageous than Gu Jinghe begging her for forgiveness.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

After breakfast, Gu Jinghe delivered Ji Yunyan to the school gate.

She kept staring out of the car window and didn't speak. The assistant thought she was looking at Ji Yunyan's back, but Gu Jinghe was in a daze.

She had already discussed with the system last night, and confirmed the identity of the trumpet, a freshman who changed majors.

Thanks to her coming at the right time, Ji Yunyan just started her freshman year, and she is still very unfamiliar with the students around her, so she was able to arrange such a seamless identity.

However, the trumpet is not so easy to open, the system has already explained it to her.

Because the two identities are actually the same soul, Gu Jinghe's energy will also be divided into two, which means that her trumpet and tuba will become weak and sick.

But the impact is not big, not to the point of falling down when the wind blows, it's just weaker than ordinary people.

Moreover, the looks of the trumpet and the trumpet are only three points similar, the large one is following the path of indifference and abstinence, and the small one Gu Jinghe is going to return to his original nature, so the three points have become one or two points.

Impossible to be recognized.

There is just one thing, the large size and the small size cannot appear at the same time, if they must appear at the same time, one of the bodies will be recycled by the system.

After all, she only has one soul and cannot control two bodies at the same time.

Gu Jinghe is very satisfied with all of this. Most importantly, when she uses the small account, the large account will be taken care of by the system, ensuring that no one will disturb her.

Gu Jinghe is already tired of the company's work, and she really can't wait to think that she will no longer have to work overtime every day to become a dog.

When the trumpet was loaded, the system reminded her, "Don't forget what your main task is."

"You can play a small account, but your actions on the small account must not affect the task of the large account."

The corners of Gu Jinghe's lips curled slightly, "Don't worry."

She closed the window and said to the driver in the front seat, "Go to the company."

When she enters the office, no one will disturb her anymore, and Gu Jinghe can run the trumpet with peace of mind.

She gave herself a cute and easy-to-remember name called He Xiaohe.

He Xiaohe is a poor girl who lost her parents since she was a child and lives under the fence. While studying, she works part-time to earn tuition fees. She is thin and small, and she is always bullied.

She didn't have many friends since she was a child, so she was very envious of Ji Yunyan, who was beautiful and popular with everyone, and regarded Ji Yunyan as her idol in her heart.

Gu Jinghe thought of the settings he wrote down, and not only praised his wisdom in his heart again.

The dizziness brought about by the body transformation made her take a step back and stretched out her hands to support the table.

Someone helped her body from behind, so Gu Jinghe didn't fall down. She was about to speak when she heard that person's voice mixed with indifference, "Be careful."

Gu Jinghe couldn't help being stunned for a moment, it was such a coincidence.

Isn't this the voice of Ji Yunyan?

The author has something to say: Jing He: Are you ready to meet your little sweetheart?

Ning Yan: Expressionless.jpg

Read The Duke's Passion