MTL - On-duty Woman Penetrates Lily Sentences-Chapter 31 (1)

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Ji Yunyan panicked for a moment, but quickly calmed down again.

He Xiaohe is young and has a pure personality, so she probably has never seen a hickey, so she shouldn't mess herself up.

Thinking of this, Ji Yunyan stretched out her arms to hug He Xiaohe, and put her head on the other's neck. When she spoke, her voice was soft, with a little nasal sound in it, like a spoiled child, but mixed with inexplicable grievances.

"Xiaohe, I am not favored at home. My father forced me to accompany his business clients. Although I wanted to resist, there was nothing I could do."

The more Ji Yunyan spoke, the calmer she became, and she had already thought through He Xiaohe's possible reaction in her heart. No matter how the other party responded, she had a reason to excuse herself.

In fact, when He Xiaohe found out, Ji Yunyan was not in a panic. She was afraid that He Xiaohe would misunderstand her, and she was even more afraid that He Xiaohe would hate herself because of this, and she was unwilling to get close to her.

After thinking about it, Ji Yunyan decided to confess a part and hide a part, assuming that Xiaohe would find out something in the future, she would have a reason to explain it.

As Ji Yunyan said, she hugged He Xiaohe tightly, feeling the warmth of the other person, and a smile slowly appeared on her lips.

He Xiaohe's weight in her heart is far more important than she thought, maybe she really fell for it, not seeing people as well-behaved and docile pets, but as lovers who can make friends with each other.

She thought a lot in her mind, compared to Gu Jinghe's thoughts were much simpler, she was simply surprised.

Of course she knew what was going on with the marks on Ji Yunyan's body, and she asked this intentionally, just to see how the heroine would explain it.

Well, in fact, she wanted to watch a play.

I wanted to see the panicked expression on Ji Yunyan's calm and composed face.

Who knew that Ji Yunyan's reaction was so fast, and that the other party was willing to tell He Xiaohe about the president, which really surprised Gu Jinghe.

After all, Ji Yunyan is a person with a lot of self-esteem, and she doesn't like to tell others about her difficulties, let alone being forced to please someone she doesn't like, which is a shameful thing in her opinion.

Gu Jinghe couldn't help but sighed in his heart, it seemed that Ji Yunyan really liked He Xiaohe.

She was suddenly flustered, although her goal from the beginning was to build a good relationship with Ji Yunyan, but in case, Ji Yunyan liked He Xiaohe so much, wouldn't it be very painful for Ji Yunyan when she left?

Gu Jinghe didn't forget that he had to leave after completing the task. The president might still be able to stay. After all, she was a character that existed from the very beginning, but He Xiaohe was Gu Jinghe's trumpet that the system opened. When she leaves, He Xiaohe will definitely be taken back by the system.

So what will happen to Ji Yunyan who fell in love with He Xiaohe...

Gu Jinghe suddenly didn't dare to think about it, the scene of Ji Yunyan biting her that night appeared in her mind, and the wound on the back of her neck began to ache again.

For someone like Ji Yunyan who is extremely defensive and extremely insecure, if he really lets go of his vigilance and starts trusting someone, then he must really like him.

If she knew that He Xiaohe was lying to her in the future, even He Xiaohe and Gu Jinghe were alone...

Gu Jinghe shuddered, he couldn't fall off the horse, he must not fall off the horse!

Ji Yunyan hugged He Xiaohe tightly, and naturally noticed that her body was shaking. She was very sure that He Xiaohe would not blame him, but suddenly she was a little uncertain.

Why doesn't Xiaohe speak?

Ji Yunyan licked her lips, looking at the white and tender skin and blue blood vessels in front of her, she suddenly had the urge to bite on it again.

She frowned slightly, but what she said was full of grievance and temptation, "Xiaohe? Do you think that I am bad like this?"

Gu Jinghe came back to his senses, and quickly hugged Ji Yunyan, "Nianyan, it's not like this, I was just thinking, why did your family treat you like this?"

Ji Yun's eyes turned cold, "He is not from my family, my mother has passed away."

Gu Jinghe was silent, "Then... did those people bully you?"

Those ones?

Ji Yunyan realized that He Xiaohe had misunderstood, she thought she would accompany many business clients.

She put her arms around He Xiaohe's waist, "It's not them, actually there is only one person."

"Are these marks on your body made by her?"

Ji Yunyan hugged He Xiaohe tightly, pretending to be very scared on purpose, as if she didn't want to recall those terrible experiences again.

Gu Jinghe clicked his tongue in his heart, what's the matter with the heroine, she can pretend better than her.

If she hadn't been the president herself, she would have believed that she hadn't done anything to the heroine. The reason the heroine is like this is because she has experienced something terrible.

"She threatened me with my mother and forced me to have dinner with her, but Xiaohe, no matter what, I am a principled person."

"She never touched me."

Gu Jinghe:? ? ?

She almost blurted out, how is it possible?

Didn't the system say that, after using that function, Ji Yunyan's mind will automatically load the lingering images of them, and even she herself has such memories.

But because she has a system, she knows that these memories are all fake.

How could Ji Yunyan say that she hadn't been touched?

If it wasn't that Ji Yunyan was deceiving He Xiaohe, then the other party was not affected by the function of the system at all, and she knew in her heart that all of this was fake.

Gu Jinghe became flustered, and she hoped it was the former, because if it was the latter result, it meant that the heroine probably knew the truth through other methods.

Most likely, the other party also has a system.

When Gu Jinghe thought of such a possibility, his body felt weak and his heart beat like thunder.

If the heroine has a system, how many things does her system know? Will it be like her own system, able to spoil the future plot?

So how much did the heroine know about what she said and what she did?

Even, does the heroine know that He Xiaohe and Gu Jinghe are the same person?

Gu Jinghe recalled that when he was in the clubhouse, Ji Yunyan easily defeated a master of a thousand talents, and when she met Ahena, she was not humiliated like in the original plot.

Fuck, fuck, why didn't she notice something was wrong before?

She was almost sure that Ji Yunyan also had a system, but the other party probably didn't know the existence of Gu Jinghe's system, let alone that Gu Jinghe and He Xiaohe were the same person, otherwise she would definitely not have such an attitude when facing He Xiaohe.

Gu Jinghe's face turned slightly pale, and she questioned the system in her mind: "Before I asked you to scan whether Ji Yunyan had a system, didn't you say no?"

She believed too much in the system's scan results, that's why she still chose to ignore Ji Yunyan's anomaly even with so much evidence.

The system was also confused, "My scan result can't be wrong, that's the latest function of the book wear department, I bought the plus version."

Gu Jinghe expressed doubts about what it said, "What if the other party's system scans you? Can it be scanned?"

The system was even more proud, "Impossible, I also installed the latest version of the shielding function, unless the other party's version is higher than mine, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to find my existence."

Gu Jinghe paused, and cursed in his heart, "Then what if the other party has the highest version of scanning function and shielding function at the same time as you?"



Gu Jinghe: To you. Mommy.

She was very flustered, no wonder the system failed to scan out the existence of the system in Ji Yunyan's body before, maybe the other party really might have purchased the latest version of the function like her system.

Using the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son, the result is that the two systems did not find the existence of the other.

Then she used the special function of the system twice, making Ji Yunyan think that the two of them had done everything. Didn't Ji Yunyan know very well that nothing happened at all.

While Gu Jinghe was flustered and frightened, he also felt an indescribable sense of shame.

Originally thought that she was the only one who knew the truth, but after a long time the heroine was also acting.

Wait, Gu Jinghe suddenly remembered that the system clearly said that this function is only for one person, but she fainted with Ji Yunyan twice, is it possible, in fact, the system is right, it was Ji Yunyan who fainted system made?

The more she thought about it, the more likely it was, because Ji Yunyan obviously didn't want to have **** with her, so it was very likely that the other party would use this function.

Gu Jinghe's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't help thinking about Ji Yunyan's anomalies, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

She must cover her vest well, and she must be more careful in front of Ji Yunyan in the future, otherwise she will be noticed by the other party in a few minutes.

Just when Gu Jinghe was flustered, she felt Ji Yunyan's hand go down her shoulder and put it on her heart.

Ji Yunyan felt the soft touch under his hand, and pressed on it weakly, without using any force.

Gu Jinghe was almost scared to death. The heroine's ambiguous action seemed to be a sign of murder. She wouldn't want to dig out her heart, would she?

Ji Yunyan hooked the corners of her lips, raised her head to look at He Xiaohe, saw that the other person's face turned slightly pale, and couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

"Your heart beats so fast."

The face is not very good-looking, what's the matter, are you scared?

Gu Jinghe was thankful that her acting skills were superb enough, she could still show a shy smile on her face when she was scared, "I... I thought those marks on your body were beaten by others."

That would explain it.

He Xiaohe thought that someone else beat her, leaving red and purple marks, but she said that she had not been touched, He Xiaohe must understand what these marks are.

The other party is as clean as a blank sheet of paper, if you see this at first, you will definitely be scared.

Ji Yunyan withdrew her hand, hooked her neckline with two fingers, and pulled it down a little, and the deep or shallow marks were exposed, printed on the white and tender skin, like plum blossoms.

Even though Gu Jinghe knew that these were all made by the system, her cheeks were still flushed red. She stretched out her fingers tremblingly, and tapped lightly on one of the red marks, "Does it hurt?"

Relying on the other party's ignorance, Ji Yunyan laughed, "It doesn't hurt, I made this up myself."


The hostess is bullying honest people again.

In front of He Xiaohe, Ji Yunyan gently stroked the marks on her body with her fingertips. She circled back and forth, and the emotion of her movements made Gu Jinghe blush.

Ji Yunyan took the other party's reaction into her eyes, and the smile on her face became more obvious. She pressed He Xiaohe's hand and let the other party's fingertips stick to her skin, "Do you want to know how I did it?"

Gu Jinghe was stunned, what does the heroine mean?

Ji Yunyan looked at the stunned expression on her face, smiled slightly, put his wrist by his lips in front of her, slightly opened his lips, put them in his mouth, and took a sip.

Gu Jinghe:!

The fingers that she attached to Ji Yunyan's body suddenly felt like a fire, and her fingertips were hot. She wanted to retract it, but Ji Yunyan held it tightly.

Is this something she, a straight girl, should see?

Ji Yunyan let go of her lips, and a fresh, red strawberry appeared on her wrist.

"That's it."

Gu Jinghe's cheeks were flushed, she thought she must be shy and evasive, but she didn't know how eager she was looking at Ji Yunyan's lips.

From the very beginning, she has longed for this place, and she still does.

Ji Yunyan saw her expectations clearly, her cheeks moved closer, and her voice was softer, "Do you want to leave one for me?"

The heroine's neckline was wide open, her red lips parted slightly, and she asked her if she wanted to give her a real hickey.

Gu Jinghe felt that she could bear it all, and she was indeed a person who did great things.

"Yanyan...I, let's go grocery shopping!"

No matter how calm Ji Yunyan was, she couldn't help showing a look of astonishment at this moment. She was teasing He Xiaohe seriously, but He Xiaohe wanted to go shopping with her?

Gu Jinghe just made up an excuse, but after she finished speaking, she realized that she might not be able to leave completely today.

No matter what, she couldn't invite others to go grocery shopping with her when the heroine was talking excitedly.

Thinking of this, Gu Jinghe quietly stepped back. Unexpectedly, the next second, Ji Yunyan hugged her waist tightly and buried her head on her neck.

Gu Jinghe quickly closed his eyes, thinking that he might be bitten again, this time it was just symmetrical, one on each side.

Unexpectedly, in the next moment, she felt something soft touched her neck, followed by a wet feeling, and a small piece of her skin was held in her mouth by the hostess, sucking it gently.

This feeling is not painful, but it is not completely peaceful, it is a bit like being bitten by an ant, tingling and tingling.

What's more, in such a sensitive place as the neck, Gu Jinghe had the illusion of being caught by a wild beast. She even thought that when animals are begging for sex, males like to bite the female's neck.

When she came back to her senses, Ji Yunyan's lips had left her neck, and Gu Jinghe knew without looking that there must be a red strawberry left on her neck.

What kind of virtue is the heroine, either biting her or sucking her.


Ji Yunyan fingered the little strawberry she left behind, her eyes became darker and darker, she looked at He Xiaohe's flushed cheeks, and a smile appeared on her lips.

"Xiaohe, do you like me?"

Gu Jinghe didn't know how to answer for a while, this is really a fatal question.

If she said she didn't like it, the heroine would probably kill her on the spot. If she said she liked it, wouldn't it be more presumptuous to her according to the heroine's virtue?

Ji Yunyan saw that her cheeks were blushing and did not answer, so she moved her hand from her neck to her chin, and gently stroked her cheek flesh.

"Last time you said you admired me, but now, do you still only admire me?"

Gu Jinghe gritted his teeth, raised his watery deer eyes, and looked at her without blinking, as if he had finally made up his mind.

"I...I like the smoke."

Who cares, it's better to be hugged and chewed by the hostess than to be strangled to death by the hostess.

Ji Yunyan had actually guessed her answer, but even so, she still felt her heart beating violently, expressing her joy with every beat.

She really likes He Xiaohe, but when she heard the other say that she likes him, she feels that everything is worth it.

Gu Jinghe clearly saw full joy in the heroine's eyes. She should have been happy, but for some reason, the smile on her face faded a bit.

The more Ji Yunyan likes her now, the more painful it will be when he knows the truth. It is rare for Gu Jinghe to feel suspicious of his actions.

Is she really right to do this?

But the words have already been spoken, and there is no way to go back on it, Gu Jinghe thought silently, when the time comes, she will find a way not to hurt the heroine and break up with the heroine.

At least during the time she was here, she hoped that the heroine would be happy.

Ji Yunyan hugged He Xiaohe into her arms, "I like Xiaohe too, so how about Xiaohe falling in love with me?"

I have already said my love just now, and I am not afraid to promise her anything now, Gu Jinghe nodded, and hugged Ji Yunyan tightly, his voice was soft and waxy when he spoke, "Okay."

Ji Yunyan held her baby in her arms, "Then it's settled, you can only like me."

Gu Jinghe nodded obediently, she felt that Ji Yunyan was holding the back of her head, and she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Sure enough, in the next second, Ji Yunyan's lips were printed on it.

Gu Jinghe couldn't help grabbing the other person's clothes with her fingers, and her knuckles were so hard that they turned slightly white. She froze for a while, then slowly softened her body and opened her mouth obediently.

This reaction was in line with the reaction of someone who kissed for the first time. Ji Yunyan did not doubt, and slowly guided her, giving He Xiaohe the utmost tenderness.

Gu Jinghe couldn't help being a little obsessed. When he was intimate with Ji Yunyan as the president, the other party didn't take the initiative, but just opened his mouth and let her plunder.

how to say? The experience is also very good, but it is different from now.

Now Ji Yunyan is the dominant player, and his movements are more gentle. Gu Jinghe's breathing is short, his face is flushed, and even his eyes are hazy.

The experience of the heroine should be her alone, right?

So where did the other party practice their skills?

How can it be so...

Gu Jinghe couldn't describe it, but her body responded honestly. Her hands and feet were limp, and she leaned against Ji Yunyan's arms, unable to say a word for a long time.

Ji Yunyan patted her on the back lightly, and her voice was full of smiles when she spoke, "Xiaohe, breathe."

Gu Jinghe gasped for breath, his lips became more red, with a thin layer of watery luster remaining, making them appear fuller and softer, which made Ji Yunyan want to do it again.

Considering He Xiaohe's shy personality, this kind of thing should not be rushed, so Ji Yunyan exhaled slowly, suppressing the desire in her heart.

The feeling of being intertwined with He Xiaohe's lips and teeth was even better than she had imagined, and it even made her want to stop.

Is this what it feels like to be close to someone you like?

Ji Yunyan couldn't help but recall the time she had with Gu Jinghe in her mind. To be honest, Gu Jinghe's skills were not bad, but because she didn't like Gu Jinghe, the memories left behind were all indifferent.

Ji Yunyan thought about it, and suddenly realized that he actually rang Gu Jinghe in front of He Xiaohe.

She felt that she had betrayed He Xiaohe, and she felt a little guilty.

It was fine before, after all, she didn't like He Xiaohe, now that she has established a relationship with He Xiaohe, she should be more careful when facing Gu Jinghe in the future, and try to avoid any intimate behavior with him.

Gu Jinghe couldn't help but licked her lips, feeling numb. She was afraid that if she stayed any longer, Ji Yunyan would do more things, so she quickly pulled Ji Yunyan's sleeves and softened her lips. The voice is coquettish.

"Xianyan, there is no food at home, let's go and buy some, shall we?"

"Okay." Ji Yunyan withdrew her hand, "Today is a good day."

She didn't feel it if she didn't talk about Gu Jinghe, but when she talked about Gu Jinghe, she felt the pressure on her body suddenly increased.

Today should be their anniversary, right?

Gu Jinghe suddenly thought about the scenes of various anniversaries that Ji Yunyan pressed her about in the future.

Maybe the other party might do this, after all, she really doesn't have much confidence in her memory ability.

After thinking about it, Gu Jinghe couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he still doesn't know how long they can be together, why bother to think about the future.

The two went to the supermarket to buy groceries together again. Unlike the last time, Ji Yunyan kept holding her hand tightly, and turned her head to give her a sweet smile from time to time.

No matter how worried Gu Jinghe was, he couldn't help feeling a little sweet at this moment.

Either way, love makes people lose their minds.

When they were getting along before, Ji Yunyan's small actions were enough, and after the relationship was confirmed, she had no scruples.

Gu Jinghe held a potato in his hand, and carefully selected it. Ji Yunyan was beside her, touching her face or hugging her waist from time to time.

The people around them always looked at them, with ambiguous messages in their expressions.

Gu Jinghe blushed, "Yanyan, you're outside."

Can you keep a low profile?

Ji Yunyan smiled, "I'm hugging my own girlfriend, what's wrong?"

This is nothing, but at least you have to take the occasion into account, right?

Gu Jinghe said that he would not listen to her, so he could only try his best to control his expression and make himself appear calm.

In fact, she couldn't see, she didn't know how red her face was, there was water in her eyes, and when she smiled shyly, people couldn't help but want to bully her.

Ji Yunyan's ability to just hug him is the result of his efforts to control himself.

She originally had a smile on her face, but suddenly her face turned colder at a certain moment.

Gu Jinghe didn't notice it, and was still carefully selecting condiments.

Ji Yunyan looked around calmly, "Don't worry about it."

Just now, the system suddenly told her that someone was secretly filming them nearby.

When He Xiaohe went out with him last time, the other party seemed to have noticed something, but he didn't tell her.

Ji Yunyan paid special attention to it and asked the system to help monitor it.

She and He Xiaohe never concealed themselves outside, as long as they were acquainted, they would be recognized immediately.

Taking advantage of the movement of hugging He Xiaohe, Ji Yunyan buried her head in the other's neck, raised her head and looked behind He Xiaohe without showing any trace, and she really sensed something was wrong.

She paid close attention, and at a certain moment, she finally saw the face of the person who secretly photographed her, and her expression froze for a moment.

It's Gu Jinghe's assistant.

Gu Jinghe patted her on the head, "Xiangyan, can you hug her when you get home?"

Why is the heroine so clingy?

Ji Yunyan came back to her senses, adjusted her expression, and said to the system: "Don't worry, don't worry about it."

The system fell silent, the president's assistant caught you cuckolding her, don't worry about it!

If the CEO finds out, not only you, but even your little lover will be peeled off!

The system is too worried, and its host is too simple, what time is it, don't hurry to seal the assistant's mouth, and still have the mind to accompany the little lover to the supermarket.

Ji Yunyan said that she didn't care, but she really didn't care, not only that, but her actions were more intimate, as if she deliberately wanted to let the people behind her take pictures, showing her face many times.

The system is getting more and more worried. Sure enough, falling in love makes people lose their minds. Look at its host, they are actively courting death!

At this time, the assistant's mood was also very complicated.

He didn't expect that the last time they ran into each other, it would be fine. At that time, Miss Ji and the person next to her were at least not as close as they are now.

Why are you getting more presumptuous now?

Mr. Gu told him to leave it alone last time, but he couldn't pretend he didn't see it!

This has clearly given Mr. Gu a cuckold. If he pretends not to see it, if Mr. Gu finds out one day, wouldn't he be fired?

The assistant looked at the photos on the phone with mixed emotions, and picked out the most ambiguous ones and sent them to Gu Jinghe.

"Mr. Gu, I once again saw a picture of Ms. Ji accompanying this lady."

As long as he is not blind, he can see that there is something wrong with these two people. Mr. Gu can't pretend he didn't see it this time, right?

Gu Jinghe was walking with Ji Yunyan at the moment, and he didn't switch to a larger WeChat account, so he didn't know how intimate photos he had been photographed.

She just felt that the heroine was too clingy.

So clingy.

It's like having skin hunger and wanting to cuddle at any time.

After returning home, Gu Jinghe put down his things and quickly slipped into the bathroom.

No, today is too exciting, she needs some time to relax.

Gu Jinghe propped her hands on the sink, looked at herself in the mirror, and then she suddenly realized that the bright red strawberry on her neck was so dazzling.

Gu Jinghe:? ? ?

She couldn't hold back, and let out a low fuck.

No wonder, she said that when she went to check out with Ji Yunyan just now, the cashier's eyes were so strange.

Even when the two were about to leave, the cashier reminded them vaguely that recently there was a new women's address book with umbrellas, combination packs, many styles, and cheap prices, so they must not miss it.

Gu Jinghe thought at the time that the other party's eyes were too poisonous, how could he tell their relationship at a glance.

Now that I think about it, it's strange that the other party can't see it.

Could such a big red mark be eaten by herself!

Gu Jinghe blushed and covered his neck, wishing he could bite Ji Yunyan twice.

Then she suddenly remembered that Ji Yunyan did have it. Although she didn't bite it out, it was also because of her.

Gu Jinghe: I feel complicated.

She washed her hands and went out from the bathroom. Ji Yunyan was sitting on the sofa looking at her mobile phone. When she saw her come out, she casually threw the mobile phone aside.

"Xiaohe, come here."

Gu Jinghe's knees go limp when he sees her now, and he always feels that his innocence is not guaranteed.

But she had to go there, so she could only dawdle, walking a short distance for two minutes.

Ji Yunyan pulled her wrist and pulled her into his arms, "What are you afraid of?"

Gu Jinghe really wanted to tell her that I was too scared, and I was most afraid that I would be powerless to resist, so I could only lie down obediently.

If the system knows her thoughts, I'm afraid she will laugh at her again. After all, not long ago, Gu Jinghe had vowed to emphasize that he must be attacking.

But in fact, she knew very well in her heart that she had no chance of winning against Ji Yunyan.

Just panic.

In fact, Ji Yunyan was also afraid that she would scare her. She hoped that what He Xiaohe felt in the intimacy between the two would be happiness, not fright.

But people are right in front of her, if she doesn't do anything, she will feel unwilling.

So she could only hold He Xiaohe in her arms, peck him on the cheek from time to time, or touch his little hand again.

Gu Jinghe was already immune to these, and he was relieved to see that she didn't seem to be planning to take any further actions.

After falling asleep yesterday, he forgot to switch WeChat. Gu Jinghe became more vigilant. When he entered the kitchen, he took his mobile phone in.

While stirring the dishes in the pot with a spoon, she secretly paid attention to Ji Yunyan. Seeing that he seemed to be sitting on the sofa all the time, she secretly switched to the WeChat account.

The first one was the assistant's message. Gu Jinghe clicked on it, his eyes widened, his hands shook, and he almost dropped the phone on the ground.

Doesn't the assistant she hired with a high salary have nothing else to do? Why do you keep staring at Ji Yunyan?

Forget it last time, Gu Jinghe could still explain it as classmates, but this time Ji Yunyan kissed her on the face, if she didn't act again, the assistant might really think her a fool.

This green hat was put on by her on her own initiative, everyone just needs to know me, why do you have to force her!

Gu Jinghe wanted to cry, but decided to withhold the assistant's bonus.

You are too broad!

She returned a period to the assistant, believing that the other party could see her speechlessness and anger from this period.

Then Gu Jinghe took another sneaky look at Ji Yunyan, and sent her a message as the CEO.

"Come to the company in the afternoon."

She dared to cuckold the president, so the president must give her a good lesson.

After sending the message, Gu Jinghe hurriedly added his WeChat account and switched back. He played with his phone for a while guiltily before cooking with peace of mind.

While putting the dishes on the plate, she was thinking about how to teach Ji Yunyan a lesson, not even knowing when he entered the kitchen.

It was Ji Yunyan who reached out from behind her and held the plate, and Gu Jinghe suddenly came back to his senses.

Her heart was beating fast, and she couldn't help but be thankful that she had finished sending the message, otherwise, if Ji Yunyan saw her WeChat, she would have died on the spot.

Seeing her flustered and frightened look, Ji Yunyan couldn't help frowning slightly, "What's the matter, Xiaohe?"

Gu Jinghe bit his lips, "I was too focused, I didn't realize you were behind my back."

Ji Yunyan seemed to believe her words, but patted her **** meaningfully.

"Then you have to get used to it as soon as possible, and we will always live together in the future."

Gu Jinghe nodded, "Put the dishes on the table, we can eat now."

Ji Yunyan hummed, she seemed to want to say something, but she didn't say anything in the end.

Gu Jinghe came out with two bowls of rice, and found that Ji Yunyan even opened a bottle of wine.

Thinking of He Xiaohe's drinking capacity to get drunk in just one cup, she couldn't help but doubt Ji Yunyan's purpose in her heart.

Probably because her gaze was too obvious, Ji Yunyan explained with a smile while pouring wine for her: "This kind of fruit wine has very low alcohol content, so you won't get drunk if you drink a little."

Gu Jinghe reluctantly believed her words, took a small sip of the wine glass.


What kind of fairy taste is this?

Gu Jinghe was fascinated by the sweet smell of fruit wine, and drank the wine in the glass in front of Ji Yunyan.

After drinking it, he smacked his mouth.


Ji Yunyan was silent, and when she put down the glass, she smiled lightly: "Although the degree is not high, you can't drink too much."

Gu Jinghe's expression was dumbfounded, did the heroine do it on purpose? It must be on purpose!

She panicked, she really thought that she was going to undergo a deep transformation today, but Ji Yunyan immediately said, "Xiaohe, I have something to do this afternoon, so I might have to go out."

Gu Jinghe immediately understood, she must have seen the news from the president.

She immediately felt relieved, Ji Yunyan was going out, of course he wouldn't do anything to her, so it doesn't matter if she drinks more, right?

"I'll stay at home and wait for you to come back."

Ji Yunyan smiled, filled her up again, watched He Xiaohe drink one cup after another, although there was still a smile on his face, there was no smile in his eyes.

She knew what would happen when she went to see Gu Jinghe today, which was within her expectation, and even caused it on purpose.

She is not afraid of what Gu Jinghe will do to her, but she is afraid that she has not considered comprehensively enough to protect He Xiaohe well.

After eating, Gu Jinghe's cheeks were already red enough to bleed, and she felt dizzy from the alcohol, and she had double images when she saw things.

Ji Yunyan carried her into her arms, moved her to the side of the sofa, and let He Xiaohe lie down on the sofa.

She took out a thin quilt from the room, put it on He Xiaohe's body, and stared at the dim eyes of the person in front of her.


He Xiaohe seemed to have heard her voice, and showed her a soft smile, and also grabbed her clothes tightly with his fingers.

Ji Yunyan stretched out her hand to brush the hair on the other side's cheek, "Xiaohe, wait at home for me to come back."

"Don't be afraid."

"I will protect you."

She turned and walked out, and when she heard the door slam shut, Gu Jinghe opened her eyes again and shook her head hard.

"Cut, switch the tuba."

The moment she returned to the president's body, Gu Jinghe felt that her head was more dizzy than usual. Could it be that the trumpet's drinking could affect her soul?

She rubbed her temples, "Ji Yunyan has a system, we must act more carefully in the future, you must make the trumpet look the same as usual, and don't show any flaws."

"rest assured."

At the same time, Ji Yunyan also said to the system: "I don't know if Gu Jinghe will attack Xiaohe. You must monitor her location and her health status at any time."

The system responded, and then it suddenly snorted.

Ji Yunyan immediately stopped in her tracks, the expression on her face became colder, as if she wanted to turn around and walk back.

Seeing this, the system stopped her immediately, "No, just now I suddenly detected that He Xiaohe's soul fluctuated for a moment."

Soul fluctuation?

Ji Yunyan had never heard this word before, so he couldn't help showing a puzzled expression on his face.

The system didn't know how to explain it to her, because even it didn't understand.

"At that moment just now, her soul was unstable, as if she had left her body."

Ji Yunyan didn't know anything else, but he knew that when the soul left the body, the person was dead.

She gritted her teeth, "How could this be?!"

Seeing her gloomy face, the system quickly explained: "It's all right now, maybe it's just that this function was not stable just now."

Ji Yunyan stopped running back, her face turned cold, "Can you be reliable?"

System: It is also very wronged!

Who knew He Xiaohe would be so strange?

It really detected that the other party's soul had left the body just now, but the time was very short, and in the next second, it returned to normal.

It doesn't know what's going on, and if it knew it, it wouldn't tell the host, so as not to be disgusted and useless again.

Ji Yunyan stood there and hesitated for a while, originally wanted to call He Xiaohe, but thought that the other party was drunk and sleeping, and probably couldn't hear the phone ringing, so he had to give up.

She trusted the system just once, and the system said there was no problem, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

But how could Xiao He's soul leave his body?

This is too strange.

After much deliberation, Ji Yunyan decided to go to Gu Jinghe's company first.

At the same time, she was thinking in her heart, maybe she should install a few cameras at home...

Gu Jinghe was waiting for her in the office, and Ji Yunyan went all the way unimpeded. Before entering the door, she saw the assistant who took the photo look at her with complicated eyes.

Ji Yunyan straightened her back and knocked on the office door without changing her expression.

"Come in."

Gu Jinghe cheered up, and finally it was time for confrontation. I don't know how the heroine will explain it, but I'm a little excited after thinking about it.

Ji Yunyan

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy