MTL - On-duty Woman Penetrates Lily Sentences-Chapter 22 (1)

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Before that, Gu Jinghe had asked the system, and it turned out that when she switched trumpets, she had a chance to customize her position.

In the past, every time she switched trumpets, she was either at school, at home, or on the way from home to school.

This time she set He Xiaohe's location near Ji Yunyan. It was raining at night and the air was chilly, but He Xiaohe was wearing a thin dress and a pair of shorts.

She didn't hold an umbrella, just sitting in front of a shop, staring blankly at the front, hugging her knees, not knowing what she was thinking.

This position was specially chosen by her to ensure that Ji Yunyan would see her when she looked up.

It seemed that her eyes were not focused, but in fact she had been paying attention to Ji Yunyan's actions. Seeing Ji Yunyan looking up, she quickly lowered her head.

Ji Yunyan took a deep breath. It wasn't the first day she knew Gu Jinghe's temper, so there was really no need to be angry about it.

It's just a little unexpected to her, no matter what happened in the past, Gu Jinghe would at least give her a chance to explain, but today he drove her out of the car without even finishing his sentence.

Could it be that the other party was stimulated by something?

Ji Yunyan became more and more irritable, "You didn't tell me about this plot."

The system whispered, "There is indeed such a plot, but it didn't happen today..."

It can only know the specific content in the first few hours of the plot, and it only knows the outline of the plot that did not happen later.

No wonder today when the president gave the necklace, it always felt that scene was familiar. It turned out that this part of the plot actually happened.

But not today.

"Why is the plot brought forward?"

The system was puzzled, and Ji Yunyan stood there with cold eyes. From time to time, someone passed by her and looked at her with surprise.

After all, on a rainy evening, a drenched woman was standing on the side of the road in a long white dress. No matter how you looked at it, the scene revealed a strange feeling.

Ji Yunyan didn't care about other people's gazes, and only thought about the changes in the plot in her mind.

The system thought for a long time, and finally could only say, "Maybe we changed the previous plot, so the subsequent plot has changed accordingly."

After all, a small change may be huge for future development.

It was originally a fate-changing system against the sky, assisting the heroine to change her destiny, and of course it would not all develop according to the plot.

Ji Yunyan accepted this statement for the time being. She realized later that her clothes were already wet and sticky to her body, bringing a chill.

Ji Yunyan glanced around, originally looking for a clothing store, but her eyes were attracted by a girl diagonally opposite.

The man was sitting under the eaves, holding his knees with his hands, lowering his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

That's... He Xiaohe?

Ji Yunyan frowned slightly, why is she here?

He Xiaohe's house is not nearby, and it's so late now, why is He Xiaohe sitting there alone?

Ji Yunyan pursed her lips, and stared at He Xiaohe for a long time across the street. The man kept his head down, didn't raise his head, and didn't notice that anyone was watching her.

Gu Jinghe counted down in her heart, she guessed that the heroine would come over within five minutes, because Ji Yunyan was sensitive and suspicious by nature, she would definitely not come over as soon as she found her.

She will observe from the side, and will not come over until she confirms that He Xiaohe is really harmless.

The system didn't take it seriously at first, because the heroine has always been very kind to He Xiaohe, seeing He Xiaohe here, how could she not come over right away?

However, two or three minutes later, the hostess was still standing opposite, staring at the host with an inquiring gaze.

The system had to admit that what the host said made sense. The heroine, a girl who is good at acting, was not completely true in her previous performance.

Gu Jinghe was not in a hurry, and counted down slowly. Sure enough, when she was counting down to the last few seconds, a person walked over slowly and stood still in front of her.

Gu Jinghe adjusted the expression on his face so that he looked at a loss, only those big and round deer eyes were deeply red.

One of them is standing, the other is sitting, you look at me, I look at you, it is hard to tell who is more embarrassed.

Although Ji Yunyan was the one standing, she was wet all over, with her hair sticking to her cheeks, revealing an indescribably pitiful look.

And Gu Jinghe sat on the ground, looking dumb and pitiful, like a homeless child.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

The two opened their mouths at the same time, and closed their mouths at the same time, staring into each other's eyes.

After a while, it was Gu Jinghe who spoke again, "Yanyan, why don't you hold an umbrella?"

Ji Yunyan stared at He Xiaohe's reddened eyes, and there was an indescribable meaning hidden in the eyes, "There is no umbrella."

Gu Jinghe came to his senses and asked a nonsense question, if Ji Yunyan had an umbrella, how could she let the rain wet her clothes?

She licked her lips, and gently reached out to touch the back of Ji Yunyan's hand, "It's so cold."

Ji Yunyan didn't care much, "Why are you here?"

Gu Jinghe's eyes were a little dodged, she bit her lips, she didn't seem to know what to say, after a while, she replied in a low voice, "I'm not in a good mood, come out for a walk."

Ji Yunyan looked down and landed on He Xiaohe's bright and liuyou's thighs. There were some water droplets on his white and tender skin, which were the splashed rainwater.

"You just dress like this and come out for a walk?"

These days the temperature is high during the day, but it can still feel cool at night. Most people walking on the road wear two layers of clothes, and there are not many people like He Xiaohe.

Gu Jinghe didn't speak, but her eyes were getting redder and redder. She shook her head, "Yanyan, your clothes are wet, you have to change them."

As she spoke, she stood up with her hands on the ground, "I'll accompany you to buy one."

Probably because he had been sitting for a long time, he stood up suddenly, his eyes darkened for a while, Gu Jinghe's body softened, he took a step back, and almost fell down.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Ji Yun grabbed her wrist, and with a strong effort, he stabilized He Xiaohe's body.

The two were forced to be very close, their breaths intertwined, and they could feel each other's fierce beating hearts.

Ji Yunyan twitched the corners of her mouth, "Are you going to buy it with me? Will you pay for it?"

There was something wrong with her tone of voice, but Gu Jinghe didn't seem to hear it, and smiled at her, his eyes were still red, "Yeah."

Ji Yunyan reached out and pulled her cheek flesh, feeling the smooth and soft touch, "Are you rich?"

Gu Jinghe lowered his head and took out his mobile phone from his pocket, shaking it at her, "I have money."

Ji Yunyan was amused by her stupid look, and rubbed her cheek with her thumb, "Where did you get the money?"

"I earned it myself." Gu Jinghe said, his voice slowly lowered, "Yanyan, you are my best friend..."

Ji Yunyan moved closer, with her back to the street, and held He Xiaohe in her arms, "That woman is looking for you again?"

Besides, Ji Yunyan couldn't think of anyone else who could make He Xiaohe so sad.

Gu Jinghe's expression froze. She didn't want to lie to Ji Yunyan, but she was embarrassed to admit that she was really forced by Chen Yumeng to have a home and couldn't return.

Ji Yunyan recalled when she saw her just now, she was sitting under the eaves, looking lonely and weak, and couldn't help pinching her cheek, "You're so stupid."

I told her last time that if Chen Yumeng came to look for her again, he would call the police. Unexpectedly, He Xiaohe promised well, but he was actually forced by that woman to dare not go home.

Ji Yunyan lowered her eyes, her expression revealed a bit of coldness, "Is it possible that you plan to sit here all night?"

Gu Jinghe was pinched by her cheek, and looked at her pitifully, "I...I want to wait a little longer."

After Chen Yumeng leaves, she will go home.

Ji Yunyan continued to ask, "Then how do you know if she left or not?"


He Xiaohe seemed to be about to cry, even the tip of his nose was red, and there was mist in his eyes, but he didn't dare to break free from her hand.

Ji Yunyan sighed deeply, she seemed to have compromised, even Gu Jinghe didn't understand how complicated Ji Yunyan's mood was at the moment.

She said, "Let's go."

Gu Jinghe blinked, a teardrop slid down the corner of his eye, and dripped on Ji Yunyan's hand again.

The scene in front of me seemed to be overlapped with that day, but that day, He Xiaohe was crying for her past grievances, but now, He Xiaohe was crying because of her bullying.

Ji Yunyan licked her fangs, for some reason, this realization made her feel happy.

Maybe she was vicious in her bones, the more He Xiaohe was bullied miserably by her, the happier she felt.

She held He Xiaohe's hand, took someone to a taxi, and then gave a list of addresses.

After the vehicle drove towards the destination for a while, Gu Jinghe still looked dazed. She kept staring at Ji Yunyan's profile, with a blush remaining on her soft cheeks.

That was what Ji Yunyan pinched out with his fingers just now.

"Are you not afraid that I will sell you?"

Gu Jinghe reacted for a few more seconds before turning her head and looking out the window. The surrounding environment was very strange, she had never been here before.

Only then did Ji Yunyan see a look of panic on He Xiaohe's face. She watched the man propping up the seat with his hands, approaching her with his face up, and his voice was soft and soft when he spoke, " Ning Yan, where are we going?"

"Go and sell you." Ji Yunyan teased her, lowering her voice on purpose, "Sell you and buy me clothes."

Gu Jinghe looked at her resentfully, biting his white teeth on his lips, leaving a faint mark, "You're teasing me again."

Ji Yunyan smiled, reached out to touch He Xiaohe's cheek, and rubbed her thumb under her eyes.

Gu Jinghe's eyes were full of dependence, probably no one could refuse such an innocent and pitiful look.

"Ning Yan, is there something dirty on my face?"

Ji Yunyan responded casually, "Yes."

Relying on the fact that He Xiaohe couldn't see, she caressed the other's cheek wantonly.

If Gu Jinghe liked Ji Yunyan's lips the most, then Ji Yunyan liked He Xiaohe's cheeks the most.

Warm, soft, comfortable to the touch, a little heavier, and it will leave red marks.

The atmosphere here is getting more and more strange, the system looked at it for a while, and asked cautiously

"Host, you, you won't be..."

Could it be that she has completely become a Lily Wen heroine?

Bend, bend?

The system still remembered the disdainful expression on Ji Yunyan's face when it told Ji Yunyan for the first time that the other party was Bai Hewen's heroine.

"So what? There is no conflict with me being a straight girl."

Straight girl? ?

That's it? ? ?

Do you straight girls look at other girls like that? Touching other girls' cheeks like a moron?

Facing the system's soul-striking question, Ji Yunyan just curled the corners of her lips, "She's different."

He Xiaohe is a gift from heaven to her, unique, a gift that belongs only to her.

He Xiaohe is weak and pitiful, everyone around her bullies her, she has no one to rely on, she can only rely on herself.

No matter how much she bullied He Xiaohe, He Xiaohe would never leave her.

She can only choose to approach, not stay away.

The system was stunned, and looked at He Xiaohe from head to toe. She is just an ordinary, delicate and cute girl. What's the difference?

Ji Yunyan closed her eyes slightly, hiding the emotion in her eyes.

"It was you who said that He Xiaohe never appeared in the plot."

The system seemed to understand something, but also seemed to understand nothing, "That's right."

It was written in the plot that the heroine was physically and mentally abused by the president, and the world was broken. During this period, she was helpless, relatives chose to abandon her, friends chose to stay away from her, her psychology gradually collapsed, and finally she fell in love with the president who gave her all the pain.

Because in the end, she will find that the person who treats her best is actually only the president.

Ji Yunyan snorted inexplicably, "That's just a plot."

In fact, she is not helpless, at least there is one person who gives her warmth in his own way.

Ji Yunyan turned her head to look at He Xiaohe with a deep smile in her eyes.

The system thought for a while, "But didn't you say that this character has never appeared before, so it's suspicious?"

The host had clearly told her before that because He Xiaohe had never appeared in the plot, her identity was very suspicious, so everything she did was to test He Xiaohe.

Why now, He Xiaohe suddenly became a gift from the host again?

Ji Yunyan smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter if it's suspicious."

He Xiaohe is unique and has never appeared in the plot.

Ji Yunyan thought, instead of seeing her as a girl with a mysterious identity, it would be better to treat her as a gift from herself.

Even if it's not now, she will slowly turn He Xiaohe into her own personal property.

After all, it was He Xiaohe who bumped into him by himself, insisting on coming to her again and again when she couldn't control the tyrannical emotions in her heart.

It was her own choice to jump into the abyss.

Even if He Xiaohe is suspicious, she still has to firmly control people by her side, even if she dies, He Xiaohe can only die with her.

Who made He Xiaohe say that they are best friends.

Ji Yunyan has never had a friend, let alone a true friend, since He Xiaohe wants to be one, let her be the only one.

The system clearly has no emotion, but for some reason, it suddenly felt a chill spread from its bones.

Even though it has known that the host is not as weak and bully as it originally thought after getting along with it these days, the system still thinks that the host is a good person.

Why did it think the host was scary just now?

Must be an illusion.

It was her home that Ji Yunyan took He Xiaohe to, not the apartment the CEO bought for her, but the place where she lived most often, which was also a property left by her mother.

Gu Jinghe followed behind her, looking around carefully, "Your house is so beautiful!"

She said this on her mouth, but she said to the system in her heart, "I knew that the hostess was just perfunctory to me. She usually doesn't live in the house I bought for her."

"I don't know you very well, so it's pretty good to be able to deal with you a little bit."

Gu Jinghe thought so too, the president often acts as a villain in front of the heroine, and the heroine may hate her in her heart, and it is already very good to be able to perfunctory her against her own will.

Don't say it, it's heartbreaking.

Ji Yunyan brought her a brand new pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet, "Fortunately, I haven't thrown away these things yet."

She took off her soaked shoes and said while tidying up, "The decoration style of this house is all designed by my mother."

Fortunately, this property did not fall into Ji Ming's hands, which was Ji Yunyan's last consolation.

Gu Jinghe was silent, and said softly, "Auntie must be a very talented woman."

Ji Yunyan smiled a little at first, and then his expression became cold, "It's a pity that she meets people who are not nice."

Gu Jinghe knew that she was talking about Ji Ming, but He Xiaohe didn't know, and she was not going to ask, but put on her shoes, followed Ji Yunyan, and looked around secretly.

"You can stay here tonight."

As Ji Yunyan said, he opened the door of one of the bedrooms. Although no one lived in it, it was cleaned very clean.

"I ask housekeeping to clean it every once in a while, and it's very clean inside."

It can be seen that Ji Yunyan has a very good relationship with her mother, no wonder she is so eager to get what belongs to her mother.

Gu Jinghe closed his eyes, thoughtful.

"I live at your house, will I bother you too much?"

Hearing this, Ji Yunyan turned to look at her with a slight smile on her face, "I'm the only one living here."

"Besides, you have already followed me in, don't you think it's too late to say this now?"

makes sense.

Two blushes appeared on Gu Jinghe's cheeks, it was because of embarrassment after being guessed, "Then... then I will bother you."

Ji Yunyan regards He Xiaohe as her property, and even this small thought of the other party is particularly cute. Although it was impulsive to bring people here, until now, she has no regrets.

She turned and went into her bedroom and took out a set of clean pajamas from the closet.

"I bought it and only wore it once or twice, and I washed it clean. You can make do with it tonight."

Oh shit.

Gu Jinghe reached out to take the clothes, and vaguely smelled the fragrance of Ji Yunyan on the clothes.

This scene seems familiar, but the heroine's attitude is completely different.

She also brought new underwear for Gu Jinghe, but Gu Jinghe's body was thin and not as bumpy as Ji Yunyan's, so she couldn't hold it up.

It always felt empty when I put it on, Gu Jinghe stood in front of the mirror and looked around, involuntarily imagining the scene of the heroine wearing it in his mind.


She rubbed her face and quickly put that picture out of her mind.

Can't think, can't think.

Gu Jinghe shook the dripping hair, opened the door and walked out, but did not see Ji Yunyan in the living room.

Probably Ji Yunyan lived in a bedroom with a bathroom, and she was taking a bath too.

Because Ji Yunyan didn't say where the hair dryer was, Gu Jinghe was too embarrassed to rummage through other people's things, so he had to sit on the sofa and wait for Ji Yunyan to come out.

Her hair was loose behind her, and the water from the ends of her hair soaked a small piece of clothing, which stuck to her body wetly.

Bored of waiting, she picked up her mobile phone and opened WeChat to see that the landlady was urging her to pay the rent.

Gu Jinghe just remembered that in the setting, He Xiaohe often couldn't pay the rent. Fortunately, the landlady was kind and allowed her to default for a period of time each time.

Gu Jinghe used the president's large account to transfer 20,000 yuan to the small account last time, and now there are more than 10,000 yuan, which is more than enough to pay the rent, but after a second thought, another plan came to her mind.

She first replied to the landlord's wife's WeChat, and then offered to call to elaborate.

The landlady probably wasn't busy yet, so she quickly replied to the message. Gu Jinghe looked up at the door of Ji Yunyan's room, then turned around and walked into the bathroom where he just took a shower with his mobile phone.

Her voice on the phone was not loud, but she kept talking about this matter for a long time, begging the landlord for a period of time, and promised to pay the rent in full.

When making a call, she asked the system to keep an eye on Ji Yunyan, and when the other party appeared in the living room, her voice suddenly became louder, and then quickly suppressed it.

Ji Yunyan saw some water stains on the sofa, presumably He Xiaohe had finished washing just now, the other party seemed to be talking to someone, the voice was vague and inaudible.

Ji Yunyan didn't have the habit of eavesdropping on other people's phone calls. She didn't plan to go over to have a look, but at this moment, she suddenly heard He Xiaohe say, "Thank you, I can have a few more part-time jobs."

part time?

Ji Yunyan frowned slightly, did He Xiaohe encounter something?

I need money urgently, and I need to work more part-time jobs.

The first thing Ji Yunyan thought of was Chen Yumeng. Could it be that the other party asked He Xiaohe for money instead of asking for money from her?

Thinking of this, Ji Yunyan's face became more and more gloomy. He Xiaohe was forced by Chen Yumeng to have a home and couldn't go home, and the other party would call her to ask for money.

And He Xiaohe, an idiot, actually wanted to give her the money, and even took a few more part-time jobs to raise money.

Ji Yunyan felt that iron could not be made into steel. She took a few steps to the bathroom door, and seeing that the bathroom door was not closed tightly, leaving a gap, she gently pushed it and looked inside.

He Xiaohe turned his back to the door, unaware that someone was peeping.

Her voice sounded very obedient, "...ah, yes, she is my sister, yes, but if she makes trouble, you can just drive her away."

"I...I'm not home tonight..."

Ji Yunyan's frown relaxed a little, wasn't it Chen Yumeng?

He Xiaohe's tone sounded pretty good, probably a familiar person.

At this moment, He Xiaohe continued, "Thank you very much, Landlady, thank you for giving me a few more days, I will definitely pay the rent as soon as possible."

When she said this, her voice was lowered, as if she didn't want others to hear her, she turned her head and glanced at the door.

Ji Yunyan hid in time and did not let her see her, but her figure was vaguely reflected on the door, which still made He Xiaohe a little puzzled.

Gu Jinghe turned his back to the door again, hooked the corners of his lips, pricked up his ears to listen carefully, and faintly heard footsteps, and gradually moved away.

Ji Yunyan left.

After Gu Jinghe said a few words, he hung up the phone, and instead of going out immediately, he patted his face with cold water so that his cheeks looked wet, and then opened the door and went out.

Ji Yunyan was sitting on the sofa, and when she saw her coming, he motioned for her to sit down.

"How do you..."

Before she finished speaking, Gu Jinghe interrupted her, "Did I wash it for too long? It was very warm inside, so I couldn't hold back, so I washed it for a while longer."

Ji Yunyan didn't speak anymore, since He Xiaohe didn't want her to know about it, she pretended she didn't hear anything.

Seeing that she didn't ask any more questions, Gu Jinghe couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and changed the subject: "Xianyan, I want to dry my hair, where is your hair dryer?"

Ji Yunyan looked up at her, and saw that He Xiaohe's eyes were a little red, his nose was also red, and there were still water marks on his cheeks, and the water dripping from the tips of his hair had already wet part of his clothes.

She could imagine how the other party was sitting on the sofa just now, because he couldn't find a hair dryer, so he could only let the water drip down.

So stupid.

Ji Yunyan sighed silently, and told He Xiaohe the location of the hair dryer, "If you don't know anything, feel free to ask me."

Don't sit alone, you have to wait until sometime.

Gu Jinghe took the hair dryer, but immediately looked at Ji Yunyan, "Nianyan, may I blow your hair for you?"

There was cautious probing in her voice, and when she spoke, her reddish eyes became brighter, and the corners of her soft lips evoked a smile.

Ji Yunyan watched for a few seconds before reaching out and pinching her cheek, "Blow yourself."

Gu Jinghe hurriedly covered his face, his eyes became more and more moist, as if he was about to cry, "You pinched my face again..."

How many times is this today?

And every time I pinch the same side of her cheek, what if the two sides are not the same size?

Gu Jinghe had a hard time imagining that scene, and couldn't help shivering.

She doesn't want it, it's too scary.

She expressed all her thoughts on her face, and Ji Yunyan could tell what she was thinking at a glance, "Because your skin is good, and it feels very comfortable to the touch."

Gu Jinghe opened his eyes wide, his expression on his face was blank, but he screamed in his heart, " she teasing me?"

The hostess would actually say something like that?

The system thought she minded, so it comforted, "Maybe it's not teasing you, but telling the truth, just like touching a puppy, you will sincerely sigh, its fur is so smooth."

Gu Jinghe's beating heart calmed down immediately, and the expression on his face returned to normal.

The dog system can't spit ivory out of its mouth.

Seeing that she stayed where she was, Ji Yunyan added, "I'll change the pinch in the future so that the two sides won't be the same size."

She happened to hit Gu Jinghe's little thought, and Gu Jinghe's cheeks flushed, " can pinch your own!"

"How can your own be the same as someone else's?"

Two systems: Hey, what kind of tiger-wolf word is this?

Seeing her blushing cheeks, Ji Yunyan stopped teasing her, "Go blow your hair."

Gu Jinghe quickly came back to his senses, "Your hair is also dripping, let me blow it for you, okay?"

This was the first time she had acted so obviously to Ji Yunyan, different from the subtlety in the past, this time, she even tugged at the hem of Ji Yunyan's clothes.


Ji Yunyan was stunned for a moment, her heartbeat quickened by her cute appearance, and she even had the urge to pinch her face again.

Hold back, otherwise He Xiaohe will be really angry later.

"You want to blow my hair that much?"

He Xiaohe is timid and shy.

If it was normal, if Ji Yunyan asked her like this, she would probably blush with embarrassment and be embarrassed to answer. Unexpectedly, at this moment, although she was still shy and timid, she nodded slightly.

"Ningyan, just let me blow it for you, it won't be long."

What kind of obsession is this?

Ji Yunyan was defeated, and sat down with her back to He Xiaohe, allowing the other party to gently lift her hair and blow it carefully with warm air.

There was a scent of shampoo on her hair, and after being blown by the hair dryer, even the air was fragrant. Gu Jinghe got close, took a sniff, and suddenly felt the fragrance in his throat.

too sweet.

Gu Jinghe smacked her mouth. Fortunately, the sound of the hair dryer covered up the sound of her smacking her mouth, and Ji Yunyan didn't notice it. Otherwise, this behavior would not make any sense.

The system was also confused, "Why do you insist on blowing the heroine's hair?"

Is it possible that blowing hair in human thinking represents a special meaning?

Gu Jinghe smiled, "You are still too young."

She just wanted to test Ji Yunyan.

She is not a barber, nor is she a servant of Ji Yunyan's family.

Blowing the other party's hair is an intimate act, because you have to give your head and back to the other party. If you don't trust him very much, according to Ji Yunyan's temperament, you probably won't agree.

If Ji Yunyan rejected her, it meant that the other party was still on guard against her, and Gu Jinghe needed to work harder. If the other party agreed immediately, Gu Jinghe had to be more cautious, it meant that Ji Yunyan also had other purposes, and I'm afraid he was testing her too.

Only like this, Ji Yunyan vetoed her at first, but was defeated by her coquetry, which meant that Ji Yunyan was already trying to accept her slowly.

Although he is still a little wary of her, he will compromise because of her acting like a baby, which in itself is a kind of great trust.

Ji Yunyan has actually accepted her.

This shows that her plan for tonight has a high probability of being successful, but she still needs a suitable opportunity, a chance for Ji Yunyan to bring up this matter again.

After blowing Ji Yunyan's hair, Gu Jinghe quickly dried his own. Compared with the delicate and gentle blowing of Ji Yunyan's hair, she tosses her own hair much more rudely.

The hair was messed up by her, but it looked lively and lovely.

Ji Yunyan watched and couldn't help rubbing her hair, "Don't push too hard, or your hair will fall out."

"It's fine if you drop it, I'm still young, and I'll grow up." Gu Jinghe closed his eyes slightly, and blew the hair dryer on his head. His hair was blown wildly, and it swept across Ji Yunyan's cheeks, carrying a burst of fragrance .

Ji Yunyan's eyes became deeper and deeper, she reached out to hold the hair dryer, and after a little effort, the hair dryer was in her hand.

Gu Jinghe opened his eyes and looked back at her with a blank expression, "What's wrong?"

"You were the one who blew it on me just now, now I'll help you."

Compared with Ji Yunyan's repeated evasion just now, Gu Jinghe is much simpler.

She let go of her hand and let Ji Yunyan take the hair dryer, then closed her eyes, enjoying the caring service from him.

Ji Yunyan was taller than He Xiaohe, and from her angle, He Xiaohe's ears and collarbone could be seen.

The originally fair ears turned red, and the skin at the joint bone was also stained with a light pink. Ji Yunyan pretended to casually touch He Xiaohe's ear, and she really felt a burst of scalding heat.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly, and she bent over to get close to He Xiaohe's ear, "Are you hot?"

Gu Jinghe was taken aback, even the corners of his eyes were red now, his whole body was like a bright red and juicy peach, emitting a strong fragrance.

Although she is thin, she is not weak and pale. It just makes people think that she is a small one, which is very suitable for hugging.

Thinking of this, Ji Yunyan's thoughts froze slightly, and the movements of her hands also slowed down. Gu Jinghe's scalp ached from the hot wind.

Gu Jinghe: I suspect she is taking revenge on me.

She hurriedly dodged, but she didn't expect that Ji Yunyan was still holding a lock of her hair, and it hurt in both places.

Gu Jinghe was in so much pain that tears came out, he turned around tearfully and looked at Ji Yunyan, "It hurts..."

Ji Yunyan coughed, she shouldn't be distracted at such a time, "Sorry."

"Let me see, is it hot?"

How painful this can be, plus she hid in time, the pain has long been relieved.

But Ji Yunyan hooked the back of her head and pulled the person towards him. Gu Jinghe didn't notice for a moment, fell into her arms, and reached out to grab a bit of her collar.

The system laughed immediately, "What a wonderful scene where the domineering CEO falls in love with me, the hostess is so aggressive."

Of course, if it wasn't for the heroine to the host, maybe it would be happier.

She said that it was fine to bend herself, and that she had to accept it, Gu Jinghe was immediately unhappy.

"I'm just a little shorter with this body, but I'm very aggressive, why do you say I'm a victim?"

The system clicked twice, "You don't look like Gong at all, and your body is not only a little short, is it?"

Gu Jinghe didn't take it seriously, "What's the matter with being short, haven't you heard a saying, if you are short, you are short, and you are working and eating milk at the same time."

The system was taken aback for a moment, then was shocked, and shouted in disbelief: "You are so dirty!"

Gu Jinghe also reacted immediately, her cheeks were slightly red, why was she brought down by the system?

It shouldn't, it really shouldn't.

That's not something a straight woman should say.

She reflects.

Ji Yunyan closed her eyes slightly, and it was exactly as she thought, He Xiaohe's height was just right for her to hold her in her arms.

Especially like now, the other party is obediently lying in her arms like an obedient pet.

A look of satisfaction appeared in Ji Yunyan's eyes, and then she gently dried Gu Jinghe's hair, and nothing like that happened again.

After blowing her hair, Gu Jinghe's stomach growled, and Ji Yunyan rubbed her soft hair, "Hungry?"

Gu Jinghe touched his empty belly, "Yeah."

"There are no ingredients here, so I can only order takeaway."

She herself is not good at cooking, and she doesn't like cooking. She usually eats in the canteen or outside, and doesn't cook at home. Most of the refrigerators are filled with beverages, and there is still a small amount of wine, but there is nothing to eat.

It's not too late now, Gu Jinghe thought for a while, "Why don't you place an order for some food, and I'll do it."

"You tasted my cooking last time and said it was delicious."

Of course Ji Yunyan didn't forget, she thought that He Xiaohe's dishes tasted just like that, but she didn't expect that in the end it was far beyond her imagination, even ordinary chefs couldn't reach He Xiaohe's level.

Now that He Xiaohe said it, Ji Yunyan became a little greedy again.

Going out to eat with Gu Jinghe was originally to deal with each other, and she never had enough. After tossing around for so long now, I'm already hungry.

Seeing that she agreed, Gu Jinghe cheered, sat down next to Ji Yunyan, and raised his mobile phone between the two of them, "Then, what do you want to eat?"

The two were very close, with their thighs sticking to their thighs. After taking a bath at night, they were already wearing thin clothes, and their bare skin stuck together, and they could clearly feel each other's warmth.

Ji Yunyan looked at He Xiaohe's expression calmly. He didn't seem to be aware of the subtlety of the atmosphere at the moment, and he was still carefully selecting the ingredients, and occasionally looked at her with sparkling eyes.

Was it unintentional?

Ji Yunyan licked her lips, and her plump red lips were covered with a layer of watery light. Under the illumination of the light, her lips looked soft and alluring.

Gu Jinghe raised his head inadvertently, his eyes swept away, and his throat suddenly tightened.

She kissed these two lips, and naturally knew how soft and fragrant they were, like endless vines, entangled and tightened her, making her unable to stop.

The heroine, the little goblin, is seducing her again.

Gu Jinghe prides himself on being a flirt, how can the heroine compare her to her?

She put one of her hands on Ji Yunyan's thigh, leaned over, and raised the phone in front of Ji Yunyan, "Nianyan, what do you think of this?"

Her hand was soft and warm, and her fingertips touched Ji Yunyan's leg lightly, and even scratched it lightly, bringing waves of itching.

Ji Yunyan took a deep breath, her eyes became darker and darker, hidden in it was the idea of ​​saying no.

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy