MTL - On-duty Woman Penetrates Lily Sentences-Chapter 15

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Gu Jinghe swears that she really said it casually, because she never thought of taking Ji Yunyan home at this time.

Because... she had never been to that house herself.

Gu Jinghe couldn't help touching her forehead. She was the first one to come this morning, and she was just preparing to go down the stairs, perfectly avoiding the scene at home, so she still doesn't know what the room looks like.

If when Ji Yunyan sees that she goes home like a guest, won't it be revealed all at once?

At this time, Gu Jinghe was very fortunate that she still had a system. She carefully looked at the pictures sent by the system, and found that the place where He Xiaohe lived was very similar to the layout of the home she lived in last time.

It's just that the area is smaller, but the general structure is the same, even the arrangement of the objects is similar, Gu Jinghe felt a little low all of a sudden.

Looking at those pictures, she even felt nostalgic.

"Hey, I saved up so hard to buy a house."

The system comforted her, "So you have to work hard and do the task. After the task is completed, you can go back."

While they were talking, the two had already arrived at the bus stop. Gu Jinghe looked up at Ji Yunyan, "Nianyan, you...Are you really going?"

Ji Yunyan turned her head and glanced at her, "Could it be that I've been walking all this way?"

She had already followed He Xiaohe to the bus station, but the other party still asked such stupid questions.

Gu Jinghe blushed, with anticipation in his eyes, "I just want to confirm."

Ji Yunyan curled her lips slightly, "You said you are a good cook, don't let me down."

Speaking of this, Gu Jinghe's eyes lit up. Compared with her usual timid and cowardly appearance, she looked more confident at this time.

"It will not let you down."

Gu Jinghe didn't lie. In her previous life, she was a pastry chef and knew how to make a lot of desserts. Her cooking skills are not bad. Although there is only one person, she still lives a decent life.

Because she was not sure if there were any ingredients at home, Gu Jinghe proposed to go to the supermarket, and Ji Yunyan accompanied her.

From this world to the present, she has never been in contact with these ingredients. Gu Jinghe touched the flour, not only showing a nostalgic smile.

Her gaze was so gentle, it was like looking at a beloved lover, Ji Yunyan also smiled slightly.

It seems that He Xiaohe really likes cooking.

The two bought a lot of vegetables, and when it was their turn to check out, Gu Jinghe remembered an embarrassing thing.

When I went out this morning, I met a group of gangsters. All her money was robbed, even the money in her mobile phone was forced to be transferred out, so now she doesn't have any money.

Just very poor, poor enough to feel sad, poor enough to cry.

Gu Jinghe thought of his life of spending money like water when he was the boss, and looked at the account with zero balance now, and couldn't help crying for himself.

How can she be so poor?

I don't know if I can give some of the president's money to He Xiaohe, and I will discuss it with the system at that time, otherwise she has finally gotten rid of the job of the president, and she can't be allowed to go out to work part-time when she is He Xiaohe.

and many more…

Gu Jinghe suddenly remembered that she really seemed to have a part-time job!

He Xiaohe has no relatives, and she earns her tuition and living expenses by herself, so she goes out to work part-time every week, and sometimes even has to do several jobs.

Gu Jinghe suddenly regretted that she shouldn't have set He Xiaohe up so badly at the time, but in the end, she was the one who suffered the most.

too difficult.

She touched her phone, still thinking about how to speak, Ji Yunyan had already handed over her payment code.

Gu Jinghe could only look at her with moist eyes, his cheeks were burning red.

Ji Yunyan deliberately pretended not to see it, and when he walked out of the supermarket with his things, Gu Jinghe whispered, "I'm sorry, I asked you to accompany me to buy things, but you still have to pay."

Ji Yunyan wanted to laugh, but she deliberately teased Gu Jinghe, "Are you rich?"

Gu Jinghe's cheeks became more and more red, and even her ears were hot. Under Ji Yunyan's gaze, her eyes turned red anxiously, "I...I will return the money to you."

Ji Yunyan was noncommittal, "Let's talk."

To her, the money was not something worth caring about, she just wanted to tease He Xiaohe and see how embarrassed he was.

so fun.

The supermarket was not far from He Xiaohe's home, and the two walked back with their things, the smile on Ji Yunyan's face slowly disappeared.

This place is not much different from what she imagined. There is an alley, and at night, it is dark inside, and you can't see your fingers.

Go through the alley, enter from the stairs, and walk up to the third floor.

Ji Yunyan was silent, Gu Jinghe was a little uneasy, she took out the key and opened the door, " go in first."

Ji Yunyan responded softly, and raised her eyes to look around the room.

The size of the room is not large, with a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom and a bedroom. The structure is very simple, but the interior is warm enough to not make people feel cramped.

He Xiaohe has put a lot of thought into it, and the details can reflect her attitude towards life.

"Sit on the sofa for a while, and I'll pour you a cup of tea."

Gu Jinghe took the bag from Ji Yunyan's hand, and didn't dare to look at Ji Yunyan's expression for a while, she thought, Ji Yunyan is the eldest lady of a rich family, and they live in big villas, so she probably doesn't like her little girl. room.

After she made the tea, she saw Ji Yunyan standing by the window, staring at the small row of succulents on the window sill. Each small box contained different types of succulents.

Gu Jinghe's cheeks became even redder, "I just planted it for fun."

Ji Yunyan looked back at her, with a slight smile on her usual indifferent face, which was different from the usual rejection of people thousands of miles away. At this time, she was completely relaxed, "Very cute."

Being praised as cute by an idol, Gu Jinghe was both happy and shy, "Just as long as you like it, you like anything, how about I give you one?"

After she finished speaking, she wished she could slap herself on the head, Ji Yunyan had never seen anything good, let alone a small succulent.

When she said this, Ji Yunyan probably thought it was ridiculous, right?

Unexpectedly, after hearing her words, Ji Yunyan just smiled lightly, nodded and replied, "Okay."

Gu Jinghe was stunned, the confused expression on his face looked blank, Ji Yunyan smiled, stretched out his finger, and poked lightly on the emerald green succulent, "You said the words, can't you bear it?"

Gu Jinghe looked back and shook his head quickly, "No... no, then take a look and see if you like it."

She seemed embarrassed to stay here, left a sentence to see for yourself, turned around and fled back to the kitchen.

Ji Yunyan's eyebrows were curved, which is probably why she put down her guard against He Xiaohe so quickly, because the other party is really too soft and deceptive, and it is difficult to see such a person around her.

All the people she had met before were full of desire and utilitarianism. They hoped to get benefits from her, and sometimes they didn't even hide their goals.

But He Xiaohe was different, she had no defense against herself, and she had great enthusiasm from the beginning. Although she doesn't have much contact with her now, Ji Yunyan can't guarantee that this may all be He Xiaohe's acting skills, but she would rather believe that the peace and happiness at this moment is real.

Gu Jinghe was earnestly making desserts in the kitchen, while Ji Yunyan stood at the door of the kitchen at some point, staring at her as she was beating eggs.

She looked at it for a while, and suddenly said, "You seem to be very skilled."

It is not difficult to beat the eggs, but Gu Jinghe has a skillful beauty in doing it, as if she has done it many times.

Gu Jinghe gave her hands a slight pause. She was afraid that Ji Yunyan would become suspicious, so she had already thought up an excuse for herself, "I used to work part-time in a dessert shop."

"Although I didn't do it myself, I watched the chefs in the dessert shop do it many times, and I tried it myself when I came back."

She turned her head to look at Ji Yunyan, her deer eyes were full of expectation and shyness, "I tasted it myself, it should be okay."

Before Ji Yunyan could speak, she continued, "I didn't have any friends before, and I never made it for others. You are the first person to **** cooking."

She cheered herself up, "I will not let you down."

With a few simple words, Ji Yunyan could imagine what her life was like before.

Her smile faded a little, "Didn't she say that the person I met in the cafeteria last time was your friend?"

Gu Jinghe pursed her lips. She was not used to speaking ill of others, and she didn't know how to explain it for a while. But Ji Yunyan's gaze was very focused, as if she was waiting for her answer, so she could only whisper, "I'm not very familiar with her..."

If it wasn't for talking about Gu Jinghe's past at this moment, Ji Yunyan might have forgotten about this person. After adding friends that day, that person sent her a lot of messages, all of which were useless.

She never replied.

"Has she texted you?"

Gu Jinghe shook his head, "No..."

Ji Yunyan sneered slightly, "Since the relationship is not very close, there is no need to have too much contact."

When Gu Jinghe heard this, he immediately showed a small smile, and then nodded greatly.

Ji Yunyan feels like raising a rabbit. This rabbit is obedient and sensible, soft and cute.

Although it was not in Gu Jinghe's plan to have Ji Yunyan come to eat at home, the meal did not disappoint Ji Yunyan, especially the desserts made by Gu Jinghe, which were very good in appearance and taste.

After eating, Ji Yunyan was about to leave, and Gu Jinghe brought up the food money again.

"I will return the money to you. But...can I wait any longer?" When she said this, Ji Yunyan had a very familiar shy expression on her face.

Gu Jinghe thought, at least wait for her to help her own trumpet, at worst, she will say that she earned money from a part-time job.

Ji Yunyan stood still, "No need, I will contribute the money and you will contribute, that's just right."

Gu Jinghe opened his mouth, reacted for a few seconds, and then hurriedly said: "How can it be done?"

"What's wrong?"

Ji Yunyan curled the corners of her lips, "All friends are like this."

Gu Jinghe didn't react for a while, and when Ji Yunyan had walked out of the door, she hurriedly grabbed the door frame and asked in a low voice, "Is that what I mean?"

Did Ji Yunyan really agree to be friends with her?

Ji Yunyan didn't answer, only left a meaningful smile, then turned and went downstairs, of course, she didn't forget to bring a small pot of succulent.

Gu Jinghe switched back to his tuba, the president was processing work in the office, Gu Jinghe looked at the familiar computer screen, and his head began to dizzy again.

She quickly turned the chair so that she faced the floor-to-ceiling windows, which made her feel better.

After recovering, Gu Jinghe began to discuss with the system about helping the trumpet.

In theory, this is feasible. After all, in this world, two identities are different, even if they have the same soul, but in the eyes of outsiders, they are two different people.

However, there is a limit to this relief.

Gu Jinghe couldn't give too much, beyond He Xiaohe's personality.

For example, she can give He Xiaohe 10,000 to 20,000, but she can't give it tens of millions, because He Xiaohe is just a poor female college student with no contacts around her, so she has no possibility of getting such a large sum of money.

Gu Jinghe understood, she couldn't let He Xiaohe do something that violated the rules, and she couldn't let the people around her notice the strangeness.

But it is no problem to give money to maintain He Xiaohe's life.

Gu Jinghe immediately transferred 20,000 yuan to his other WeChat account, then logged into the small account, collected the money, and then replied "Thank you, Mr. Gu".

The system laughed at her, "It's all you, and no one saw it, so why bother to say thank you."

Gu Jinghe hummed, and seeing his balance changed from zero to 20,000, his mood suddenly brightened, "This is the prudence of a wise man, and carefulness can last forever."

As she said that, she couldn't help feeling emotional again, "Why didn't I meet such a president who gave me money before?"

In her dreams, she hopes to have a domineering president like in the novel, who treats her well and spoils her.

"Although you can't own it, you can become such a president."

Gu Jinghe lacked interest, "Too tired, too tired."

"Speaking of which, you deliberately lied to the heroine today."

Gu Jinghe didn't think about it for a moment, and the system reminded, "When you were in the kitchen, you said it was the first time you made dessert for others."

Gu Jinghe supported his head with one hand, staring at the sunlight outside the window, "I didn't lie to her, I was indeed not in the last life, but He Xiaohe only served Ji Yunyan."

"The hostess seems to trust you a lot, how are you going to compensate her?"

"Very trusting?" Gu Jinghe shook his head, "It's not enough."

"As for compensation..."

Gu Jinghe actually knew what Ji Yunyan wanted most, and what she wanted was nothing more than her mother's relics.

It's just that now that things are in Ji Ming's hands, Gu Jinghe has no reason to help her get them back, and He Xiaohe doesn't have that ability at all.

As for what the system said, Ji Yunyan trusted her very much, Gu Jinghe thought, that might not be the case.

Ji Yunyan was very vigilant and subconsciously rejected everyone around her. He Xiaohe was able to get close to her only because of her simple and silly personality. Ji Yunyan can take some of his own time to deal with her, but he will not tell her about his private affairs.

Because for her, He Xiaohe is just a pastime when she is bored.

After listening to Gu Jinghe's analysis, the system seemed to understand a lot, but in the end, it could only sigh with emotion.

"The adult world is too complicated."

Gu Jinghe smiled, found Ji Yunyan's WeChat, and sent her a message in a tuba, inviting her to dinner.

The trumpet and the tuba advance at the same time, neither will be delayed.

After a while, Ji Yunyan replied to her.

Gu Jinghe then asked her assistant to book a table at the restaurant. She vaguely remembered that this episode also appeared in the plot. When we had dinner tonight, a little accident seemed to happen.

It seems that the person who is going to meet the president doesn't know the previous lovers.

Then, Ji Yunyan will be humiliated again...

Gu Jinghe clutched his forehead, "It's too difficult."

She's going to be selectively blind again and bully the heroine.

At the same time, Ji Yunyan's system also passed on this plot to her.

"I remember that this episode seems to be in the back, I don't know why it's a little earlier. But the difference is not big, you have a good look, tonight, no matter what, I will hit that bad woman in the face."

The more the system spoke, the more angry it became, but Ji Yunyan looked indifferent, and carefully read tonight's plot.

This is a very low-level bullying with no technical content. I don't know why the heroine in the plot is bullied by others.

Ji Yunyan sneered, resolutely refusing to admit that that person was herself.

"Then go and have a look."

The author has something to say: Gu Jinghe: Watching a play.jpg

Ji Yunyan: Am I afraid?

Cannon fodder lover: Doesn't my existence make you feel the slightest threat? ? ?

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