MTL - On-duty Woman Penetrates Lily Sentences-Chapter 13

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Luo Xingmu thought of it on a whim, but Gu Jinghe, who has always been calm and steady, also thought this idea was very good, and she immediately gained confidence.

"But where shall I find such a man?"

Luo Xingmu said, her gaze slowly shifted to Ji Yunyan, before Gu Jinghe could warn her, she laughed, "Does Ji know any girls in school, can you introduce one to me? "

Ji Yunyan and Gu Jinghe became vigilant at the same time.

Ji Yunyan thought, she just entered school not long ago, and the only girl she knew was He Xiaohe, but she couldn't push He Xiaohe into the fire pit.

Gu Jinghe thought, that won't work, Ji Yunyan

Isn't the closest person by her side her trumpet?

She played the trumpet to get close to Ji Yunyan, treat her well, and didn't want to create any trouble for herself.

So she quickly rejected the proposal before Ji Yunyan could speak, "The female college student is simple-minded, do you really think she can fool her uncle and aunt?"

Luo Xingmu thought so too, even she herself would be terrified under her father's gaze, let alone a college student in her teens or twenties, wouldn't it be even worse for her if she revealed her secrets as soon as they met?

"You're right, then I have to find a mature one."

Gu Jinghe breathed a sigh of relief, but turned around to see Ji Yunyan looking at her quietly, with probing eyes.

Gu Jinghe almost couldn't catch his breath, no way, no way, why did Ji Yunyan look at her like this? Is she exposed somewhere?

She quickly stroked Ji Yunyan's cheek with her hands, her voice was a bit hoarse after drinking, and her breath also had a faint aroma of wine.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Yunyan opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Gu Jinghe's expression turned cold, "Could it be that you want to go?"

This really wronged her, and the only doubts in Ji Yunyan's heart were dispelled, and she fell limply in Gu Jinghe's arms, "I didn't."

Gu Jinghe curled his lips slightly, lowered his brows and eyes, and his eyes fell on Ji Yunyan's lips, revealing a bit of **** in his eyes.

"That's best."

Ji Yunyan looked at her with full eyes, and under the slightly dim light, her eyes became more and more hazy, with a kind of silent temptation.

Gu Jinghe was a little dazed for a moment, his lips, which she had coveted many times, were slightly parted, as if they were waiting for her to pick them.

Even Gu Jinghe herself didn't realize that she looked at Ji Yunyan with full desire.

Neither system dared to speak, they just stared at this scene closely.

Could it be that its straight host is about to bend?

At this moment, Luo Xingmu clasped his palms together suddenly, and made a crisp snap, "I thought about it, tell me, should I post a post on the forum?"

Gu Jinghe came back to his senses suddenly, and found that his head had been lowered, and his lips were only two centimeters away from Ji Yunyan's.

She paused, her heart skipped a beat.

Help, why is this happening?

The system chuckled, "You're not straight anymore, you're really not straight anymore."

Gu Jinghe: It's all caused by loneliness.

Ji Yunyan still looked at her with misty eyes, Gu Jinghe gritted his teeth, and said silently in his heart, it's all a task, it's all a task.

She put her lips on Ji Yunyan's lips, and she would leave as soon as she touched them, but she could still feel the warmth and softness of his lips.

Amidst the system's laughter, which is not a big deal when watching a movie, Gu Jinghe sat up straight, and when he turned around, he saw Luo Xingmu propped his chin, looking at the two of them with interest.

Seeing that Gu Jinghe didn't seem to have any plans to continue, Luo Xingmu was quite disappointed, "That's it?"

Gu Jinghe stabilized his violently beating heart, and his tone of voice was still the usual indifference, "What else do you want to see?"

"Forget about anything else, at least show me a hot French kiss."

Gu Jinghe snorted and didn't answer.

Ji Yunyan tugged at the hem of her clothes beside her, "Mr. Gu, I want to go to the bathroom."

Gu Jinghe withdrew his hand from her waist, "Go."

The system's tone became more obscene, "How is it? Is the heroine's mouth soft?"

Very soft.

Gu Jinghe thought to himself, but she must never let the system know about her thoughts.

"I don't know who said, oh, how is it possible? I'm a straight girl." The system deliberately imitated Gu Jinghe's tone at the time, "I understand, straight girls can kiss girls."

Gu Jinghe's ears hidden in her hair were red, and she couldn't explain her behavior just now. Maybe it was because she had really coveted the heroine's lips for a long time, and the dim lights in the bar stimulated her nerves and made her lose her usual calmness.

"I'm dedicating myself to the mission."

The system clicked, why is it so unbelievable.

On the other side, Ji Yunyan stood in front of the mirror with a gloomy expression, took a handful of water, and rubbed her lips vigorously.

Although this was indeed the result of her deliberate seduction, being kissed by someone she hated still made her feel unhappy.

Even though Gu Jinghe was about to leave at the touch of a button, it was much better than Ji Yunyan thought.

"Host, take it easy, if the CEO finds out later, how do you explain it?"

After all, he just pecked lightly just now, how could it make the host's lips bright red and plump.

Ji Yunyan took a deep breath, and repeatedly comforted herself in her heart, it was nothing, since she was a straight girl anyway, at worst, she would treat it as a kiss from a friend.

Gu Jinghe had been reluctant to touch her a few times before, Ji Yunyan really thought that he had guessed wrong, and Gu Jinghe had no interest in her.

Today's result is still satisfactory to her. It's not that Gu Jinghe has no desire for her, it's just that he has restrained himself a few times before and didn't touch her.


Ji Yunyan stared at herself in the mirror with spring water in her eyes and a rosy face for a while. Didn't Gu Jinghe just like her face?

This relationship was originally one of coercion and coercion, it was not willing and dishonorable, so why should Gu Jinghe suppress himself?

Could it be that she thought that if she pretended to be considerate, she would be grateful to her?

She stayed in the bathroom for a long time. Gu Jinghe picked up the phone and checked the time. Fifteen minutes had passed.

Why hasn't the hostess come back yet?

The system has an attitude of watching the fun again, "Have you forgotten? The hostess told you herself that you are someone she hates."

"You've been kissed by someone you hate, why don't you hide in the toilet and cry?"

Gu Jinghe: That makes sense.

It is true to say so, but her mood is still a bit complicated.

Anyone who is rejected by others will feel uncomfortable, and Gu Jinghe has been rejected twice in a row.

Big and small are disliked.

She turned her phone, thought for a moment, and logged into her other WeChat.

Since the large size is inconvenient, use the small size to contact the heroine.

Ji Yunyan had actually come out of the bathroom. She was standing in the hall, submerged in the crowd, so Gu Jinghe didn't see her.

The mobile phone vibrated again and again, and Ji Yunyan didn't really want to go back to face Gu Jinghe now, so he simply found a seat and sat down, took out his mobile phone and saw that it was He Xiaohe.

"Ningyan, good evening~"

"I wanted to find a variety show to watch, but I couldn't find any good ones after searching. What is Anyan doing?"

Ji Yunyan sneered, and when she was in front of her, she only dared to call classmate Ji with a blushing face, but she even called out to her through the screen.

"I'm drinking."

Ji Yunyan casually took a picture of the bar and sent it to He Xiaohe. She even thought a little vilely that a cowardly person like He Xiaohe should have never been to a bar.

After all, the other party doesn't have many friends. If she was alone, she probably wouldn't dare to go in.

Gu Jinghe took a look, yo, the lover has already come out of the bathroom, and is sitting down to play.

From her point of view, she could see most of the hall on the first floor, but there was also a small part in the blind spot. Judging from the photos taken by Ji Yunyan, the other party was probably in the blind spot.

Ji Yunyan twirled the phone with her fingers, anticipating He Xiaohe's reaction in her heart, she was not in a good mood at the moment, and He Xiaohe just bumped into her.

Don't bully who she bullies.

"Xianyan, are you alone? It's dangerous in the bar, you have to be careful."

Ji Yunyan has a beautiful appearance, a graceful figure, and happens to be alone, so many people are already eyeing her.

Ji Yunyan supported his head with one hand while typing on the screen with the other.

"I'm alone, why don't you come with me?"

Gu Jinghe let out a sullen laugh, unexpectedly, you are such a heroine.

She thought, it's fine if you want me to accompany you, you just need to come up to the second floor.

But this is something I absolutely dare not say. Gu Jinghe thought for a while and continued to answer: "The old lady downstairs often told me not to go home until it was dark. It was dangerous outside. Ning Yan, you go home Are you alone at the time? How about I come pick you up."

Look how pathetic that is.

The place where He Xiaohe lives is not safe, there are dark alleys, and there are small gangsters who often roam the streets. She is very afraid to go out at night.

But under such circumstances, she heard that Ji Yunyan was alone, but she was still willing to go out to pick her up.

How touching.

Ji Yunyan frowned slightly, "You don't live in school?"

"Well, I have applied for a dormitory."

Their school can apply for a dormitory, but they must sign a contract, agreeing that no matter what happens, it has nothing to do with the school.

Ji Yunyan recalled He Xiaohe's thin body, and Xia Yuan's sarcasm in the cafeteria, and the image of He Xiaohe's family already appeared in his mind.

Her imagination was almost the same as Gu Jinghe's.

Originally, he was only deliberately bullying He Xiaohe, but Ji Yunyan would not let her pick her up, after all, Gu Jinghe was upstairs, and maybe she would stay with Gu Jinghe all the time tonight.

"No, someone is coming to pick me up."

Ji Yunyan thought for a while, and added, "Don't go out."

The neighbor downstairs often reminded He Xiaohe not to go out at night, so the security of the place where He Xiaohe lived must not be good, if something happened to He Xiaohe because of her joke, Ji Yunyan would never feel at ease.

What she said was a little cold, He Xiaohe probably thought that she disliked him, and replied slowly "Oh".

Ji Yunyan wondered if he should comfort her again, but He Xiaohe said again, "Then don't drink too much, or you will have a headache the next day."

"Have you tried?" Ji Yunyan breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that He Xiaohe didn't take it seriously.

"I always watch TV shows like this."

Ji Yunyan curled her lips into a smile, she was so stupid, and her words were also foolish.

"I've already drunk it."

He Xiaohe's typing speed was not fast, and Ji Yunyan didn't know what kind of psychology it was, but kept staring at the phone, waiting for her reply.

"Then...then don't drink any more."

Tsk, I still care about her.

Ji Yunyan had a smile in his eyes and didn't reply. After a while, He Xiaohe asked again, "Annyan, are you in a bad mood?"

It's okay if she doesn't say this, but as soon as Ji Yunyan mentioned this, she immediately recalled what happened just now, and the smile on her face faded.


"Why are you in a bad mood?"

Ji Yunyan exhaled slowly, probably in the eyes of He Xiaohe, a simple-minded and simple-minded person, she is beautiful, popular, and her family is rich, so she probably has never been unhappy.

Ji Yunyan lowered her eyes, and there was a deep chill in her eyes.

"I was bitten by a dog just now."

Gu Jinghe upstairs coughed violently, startling Luo Xingmu, "What's wrong with you, you can choke on drinking."


Luo Xingmu pondered for a while, how could she hear the gnashing of teeth from Gu Jinghe's words?

"I wanted to say just now, what have you been looking at with your phone in your arms? The smile is so obscene."

Luo Xingmu wanted to crane his neck to see it, but Gu Jinghe refused.


Luo Xingmu snorted, "If you don't watch it, don't watch it. Let me tell you, you don't have to worry about your little Canary going away for so long and not coming back."

Gu Jinghe gritted his teeth, "What are you worried about?"

Don't worry about it, Ji Yunyan is fine.

How dare you say she is a dog!

When he was in front of her just now, he was obviously shy, and turned around and said that he was bitten by a dog.

Little girl, don't have two faces in life.

Luo Xingmu sighed, "I thought you liked her so much, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. There are so many people below, you are not afraid of her being bullied."

A cold smile appeared on Gu Jinghe's face. , seeing Luo Xingmu was a little startled.

"She won't."

Luo Xingmu had no choice but to mutter, "I really don't know where your strange trust comes from?"

After all, no matter how you look at it, Ji Yunyan is just a weak little girl with no strength to restrain a chicken.

Gu Jinghe didn't say a word, where did it come from? Of course, what Ji Yunyan said told her.

Even being bullied, it's fine if she doesn't bully others.

Gu Jinghe switched his tuba and found Ji Yunyan.


The author has something to say: Gu Jinghe: Thank you, I was so angry