MTL - Omni-Magician-v9 Chapter 728 Every 1 person has a war

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Gloria found her opponent.

Although she is not good at fighting, she knows that she should fight at this time. Under the influence of this mood, she seems to start to understand the essence of her own Titanic power. This looks like a little innocent and even a little girl. The eyes are full of anger, and the white group of people constantly floats, giving people a dusty and powerful temperament.

The guard saved by Gloria did not leave in accordance with the words of Gloria. He stood by and stared at the girl who had previously needed to protect herself, but suddenly became very great. He had no words for a long time. He suddenly understood. What?

Can you stand by the side of the leaf, and the presence of girls like Effie and Dajinsi, how can they be ordinary people?

"Ha ha ha ha" Saruman's mouth burst into a loud laugh, urging the eyes of Sauron in his hand, surrounded by black fog, as if to a sinister devil swallowed toward Gloria.

Saruman was originally a powerful magician who specializes in the peak. After being enchanted by the eyes of Sauron, his power is even stronger. He has entered the realm of the Holy Sorcerer, and then meets the king of war, the teaching of the King of War. Under the control of the eyes of Sauron, more strength, although in the eight people who invaded Yaxia today, his strength is probably the weakest. His main role in the Hammer is to use the eyes of Sauron to conduct exploration. Search and other work, but even so, he is still a strong presence of the tower sage level.

His shots are naturally extraordinary.

The guard’s hand clenched his long sword and looked at the layers of black evil spirits that swept through him. They seemed to have a goose bump, and their hands could not help but tremble, but he quickly let himself Calm down, my heart secretly said: "Don't be afraid... Gloria girl has just shot so extraordinary, she must have a way to deal with these weird things, I just need to stand behind her to be safe, don't worry at all... Hey! ?"

I was comforting myself in my heart. The guard suddenly had a glimpse of my eyes. Now that I’m a singer, I’m stunned by the smack of smoke. When I look sideways, the girl is smashing, and her eyes are looking at Salou through his shoulders. The black misty ghost that Mann reminded, the voice trembled and said: "Ghost... there are ghosts... so terrible!"


Girl, are you really so pitted?


Just as Gloria and Saruman came into contact with each other, Effie and his party had already found an idle atmosphere of the four devils and the great sages sitting in a hotel according to the information given by Joffrey. And the black sage.

Hundreds of emperors guarded the hotel and surrounded the hotel, but the people in the hotel seemed to be not worried. The four devils sat at a beautiful dining table with some exquisite tables, these four devils As if you are enjoying something, the Daxian and the Black Sage are standing sneer at their side.

This piece of pieship seems to care for the power of Yaxia.

"Is it you?" Among the four devils, a demon who looks like a woman but has a rather low voice, his skin is dark black, his head is made into small pieces, but his forehead is born. There are two rows of tentacles, and the shape can't be said to be weird. "Effia, Freya, Dajinsi, Vivian... You are the king of war to explain the people we want to solve. Since you are all here, then Come on, let's come."

The demon **** is the evil force formed by the dark magic. It is like a guardian angel with leaves hanging on the girl beside him. They are not real flesh, but with the devil's own character, it will be transformed into different shapes. Now the four devils It is also different in shape and different.

The weird demon who is talking now is the greedy demon in the four devils.

He spoke, one hand out of the air to Effie and others, a little starlight suddenly appeared on the side of Effia, Dajinsi and others, the starlight is only a little, but it is rapidly expanding, into A huge mouth appearing out of thin air, as if to swallow everything in the world.

Devouring is the characteristic of greed.

"All retreat!" Dajinsi shouted in the mouth.

Her words were said to the guards of the emperors around her, and her body quickly became a shadow. The shadow swept Efiya Xun to the side, and Freya quickly became the elf state. 】, dexterously jumping to the side, Vivian released a butterfly-type sacred words, flying with her to the side, that is, after she learned the [lining butterfly] holy words, the sacred words made from it, The Dark Elf King, Yoda, and Bakahaz also rushed away from each other with their own abilities.

This scene is born in an instant, but it can greatly demonstrate the cultivation of the people.

And obviously, Effia is the worst among the people.

Effia was originally the daughter of the city of Stan, and she has the reputation of a genius swordsman. But after all, it is a small place. Looking at the big 6, her talent is just a normal level, not to mention the fact that the leaves are lifted. Yes, the last trip to the Black Castle made the power of Yehshang’s people greatly improved, but she did not participate, leaving Vivian with the outside world, and Vivian benefited from half a million The beast's beliefs and abilities have also improved, but Efia's strength is still at the original level. It has been pulled far by Dajinsi and others...

Just devour the devil to attack suddenly, and everyone else responded in time to avoid it. Only she stood there and did not react, relying on Dajinsi to bring her to the side.

Effia is already the weakest of Ye Hang’s group...

Among the four demon gods, one of the devils saw this scene, and immediately opened his mouth and smiled. The demon **** was thin and long, giving the impression that he was not male or female. His face was like a heavy makeup with eyeshadow. But under the chin, there is a slender beard. This is the demon god. It sees the heart of Ephelia.


The greedy demon released the attack, and everyone escaped. Time passed less than a second, and Bakahaz sipped in the mouth.

This old man with the name of old rogue warfare at this moment. He waved his hand at the moment of escaping to the greedy giant mouth, and suddenly there was a black spot in the big mouth. The black spot quickly changed and became A horrible black hole that devours everything, the giant mouth is swallowed up by the black hole from the inside out, and the black hole is then narrowed down.

The greedy demon saw a slight sigh and looked at Bakahaz: "You are the old rogue? Many of the masters in the church are folded in your hands."

"The church smashes the civilians with the name of God and loves the world. I only think that there are not enough believers to kill them!" Bakkahaz was domineering at this moment, his body floating in the air, watching the greedy demon.

The source of the power of the greedy demon is greed of original sin, control of greed, devouring everything, and Bakahaz's black hole magic also has the characteristics of devouring everything, so after knowing the things of the four devils, Bakkaz knows that his enemies are which one.

"Ignorant magician!"

The greedy demon god’s previously released swallowing giant mouth did not expect to take everyone down in one fell swoop. The king of war summoned them. Although they felt some complaints in their hearts, they also understood that these people around Ye Hang had already had enough Strong qualifications let them shoot, the previous swallowing giant mouth is just a small test, test their power.

Accompanied by the loud screams in the mouth, the greedy demon body rose to the sky and rushed to Bakkahad, and the two quickly entangled.

Followed by, the sound of "咚咚咚咚咚咚" rang, and Dajinsi opened the "Dark War Fortress". There were thirteen black weapons and one black bullet behind her. Turned into a rain curtain to the hotel in front of you.

When the four devils came to this hotel, they had already expelled everyone and slaughtered some of the hotel’s buddy bosses. So Dajinsi didn’t have to keep his hands. In the twinkling of an eye, this three-story building was under the gunfire of Dajinsi. For the ashes.

The dust is flying around.

The four demon gods, the great sages, the black sages, these are all located on the top of the big 6 and have no meaning in dealing with their army. Only the strongest of the same level can completely suppress and kill them, even if they do not need to discuss in advance, Dajinsi et al. I also know how to deal with the powerful firepower of these people [war fortress] just to spread the rest of the demon and the sage.

Followed by Dajinsi, he quickly flew to a demon who flew out of the dust and regarded it as his opponent.

This demon **** is a man's image. It maintains the human appearance, but looks very proud. His head rises slightly, as if he would never look at people with his right eyes. He also wears quaint clothes that don't know what age, this demon, It is the arrogant devil.

It looked at the flying Dajinsi, cold and proud smile: "Want, look at the devil, you were originally our compatriots, but betrayed the will of the devil, combined with a human magician, we pursued you thousands In the year, let us understand this grievance today!"


In the dust of the sky, a small figure slowly came out. This is the last of the four devils. It looks like a dry man, tall and thin, skinny, as if it were just a layer of flesh wrapped in a skeleton. Specifically, on the top of the head with its sparse head, you can see the raised lines of a piece of bone, which is not the bone that normal people should have.

This old man is the lonely demon in the four devils.

It seems to be a thin and weak old man. After getting out of the dust, he bends and starts to cough loudly. It is not like a horrible evil killer, giving people a sense of harmlessness. Now this time looks more human and animal. The little girl came to him.

The coming person is Freya, the appearance of twelve or three years old, but her arms are holding a magical magnet that is only a little shorter than her height, giving people a feeling of being alive.

"Old man... no, devil, I will be your opponent!"

Freya worked hard to show herself a cool look.

"Little girl, are you going to bully me this old man? Look at my old sick man, do you want to kill me?" Lonely devil said in a miserable tone.

"You are a lonely demon, I have seen you in ancient books, you are not an old sick!" Freya said calmly, holding the magic magnet in his hand.

"Ancient books? The ancient books are all deceiving..." The lonely demon seems to tremble toward Freya, and its eyes suddenly flashed a glimmer of light, and the bones of the dead bones suddenly soared, and the fingers stretched at least ten inches, forked to Fu Lei Ya’s throat.

But then, with a bang, the gun rang.

[No me killed].

The bullet accurately shot the palm of the lonely devil, but did not penetrate the palm of the lonely devil, but the elongated hand of the lonely demon suddenly recovered.

The lonely devil who is about to rush can't help but stay: "Oh, it seems that you have a little girl who can use it skillfully [no rule]] oh, interesting..." He said in his mouth that his body suddenly began to change. The layer of flesh wrapped around his body seemed to be corrupted. In the end, there was only a gray and white weird bone. He smiled and continued to approach Freya. "Lonely is the most painful original sin in the world, little girl, ready. Have you accepted the test of loneliness?"

"In the trial of the Emperor, I have passed the trial of the original sin of loneliness!" Freya seems to be a little scared, but she forced herself to calm down and look at the lonely devil. "So I want to treat you as an opponent, I No longer afraid of being alone!"


On the other side, a girl’s screams suddenly rang.

"Grass mud horse!"

The voice came from Vivian, who has already confronted the great sage of the church.

The dust has not yet fallen, but a weird beast in the dusty smoke rushes out and flies to the great sage who is coming out of the dust.

The Great Sage is the most powerful believer in the Seven Gods Church. He seems to be only a 30-year-old, but he is actually a hundred years old. He was a Pope candidate, but he chose to enter the Devil’s Temple to Get the most subtle teachings of the Seven Gods.

Vivian is the pope of the gods and horses, and is also the most powerful person in the gods.

The strongest of the two churches is about to launch a confrontation of this faith.

"The wrath of the Seven Gods burns the earth, the pagans, let me replace the Seven Gods to kill you!" The great sage shouted, releasing the Word to block the camel beast...


"Let all nearby people leave here, make sure that no civilians will appear here!" Effie's account of the imperial guards next to him, let them evacuate the civilians around, here will be turned into **** battlefield, big The top group of people on the 6th is about to start a life and death battle here!

"Yes, Effie adults!" The royal guards agreed.

Effia looked at a few people who had begun to fight, and he felt a hesitation in his eyes.

"Effia, you are going to retreat..." Joffrey walked over to Effia and whispered, "You follow them..."

The meaning of Joffrey is very clear, and the power of Effia is not enough to intervene in this kind of battle.

However, Effia shook her head: "Jovrey, I want to stay here, you can leave soon."

"Effia, I want to fight alongside you!" Joffrey said quickly.

"Jovrey, Eliza seems to be pregnant? Don't you want your child to have no father when you are born?" Ephelia persuaded, "Leave, I... fight!"

"Effia is an adult..."

"Jovrey, I ordered you to leave!"

After supporting Joffrey in a tough tone, Effia pulled out her own Thunder Dragon Fire Sword from her waist, and the guardian angel Athena stood on her shoulder and showed a look that was about to fight.

Efiya took a deep breath and was ready to join the battlefield.

"You are too weak……"

A soft voice suddenly fell into her ear: "You are the knight of the Almighty Magician, but you are the weakest person around him. He is too eccentric, Debbie, Dajinsi, Vivian, Freya and even Gloria, he is very good to each of them, but to you... you have long felt unfair in your heart, isn’t it? You should feel unfair, you should be jealous, blame him for being unfair, 嫉妒 other The treatment that the girl got..."

The demon **** appeared at the side of Effia. He had already had Ephelia’s ambiguous heart. At this time, he would guide Efia’s ambiguous heart to make her become the power of her own girl. There is no Effia, but Effie is also a woman with leaves. If she kills her, it will also affect the leaf drop!


A battle of the field 6 continued.

The Greeks who have been pursuing the traces of the Great Snake disaster in the past few days have finally found a big snake in a house, and the big snake has not escaped again. They also control the Great Snake Scourge and the Greeks of the [Destruction Rule].

The Dark Elf King found the source of hatred that had been hiding in the dark to create a hateful warrior. He began to kill this hate demon.

In the dust waving, the black sage violently tore the two guards who had not had time to retreat into pieces. At this time, a short figure appeared in front of him, pale gnome, half-orc, Yoda, "hey," he activated his laser sword. A faint smile at the Black Sage: "May the faith be with you!"

On the Godu animal husbandry, Debbie was engaged in a fierce battle with the king of war.

In the space of the Shire Elf, Lier is leading the Charles to fight against the insect nest.

In the city of sin, Jarvis led the army to fight against the plague.

Ye hang and Serti, the no-faced person passed the Xishar, came to the side of the blood hammer empire, he was about to prepare to rush to Yaxia through the transmission array, but in the wilderness here, he encountered a long wait The people here are the strongest existence formed by the king of war and the blood of the tyrannical king, and the demon body!

The existence of the book that merged with the book of youth and the bones of Ner'zhul in the early days of the Godu grazing land was only the shadow of the demon, and the existence in front of him was even stronger. He used the blood of the demon and the power of the emperor. He is the king of war created to specifically kill the existence of the leaves.

"The girls you can borrow power are fighting now, and you are innocent to lend you strength, so your [omniscience Almighty] has been sealed." The demon sorcerer looks at the leaves, "and I can use [ Omniscient Almighty]......" (To be continued.) 8

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