MTL - Omni-Magician-v9 Chapter 719 Then you can get up, I am in a hurry.

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The northern part of the Blood Hammer Empire is close to the big city of Wenshui River, Wenda City. {[<(([[({<

It was originally a famous slave city. The business of selling various slaves can be seen everywhere here. The slave traders have long been entrenched here, but then because of Thrall, Ye Hang announced the prohibition of all slave trade, all slave owners It is necessary to release the slaves of his own hands. Of course, Ye Ding will give some compensation.

This regulation actually existed as early as the Matan Empire. After the establishment of the Blood Hammer Empire, Darkins, who was an Imperial Affairs Officer, was also promoted, but for many people in this place, slaves are their way of survival. There is no way to completely ban it.

Some time ago, it was a little more stable. But this kind of business is like a grass on a wasteland. It is hard to find in the cold, but when the spring breeze blows, it will be restored again, just like now.

A few days ago, Ye Hang and his wife actually passed through Wenda City. At that time, there were also Dark Elf King and Longbao. At that time, there was still a calm, but in just a few days, a force suddenly appeared in the darkness of the city. The corner has grown out, and the leader of this power is called Ma Wang.

Of course, Ma Wang is a nickname. His original name is Zhuo Ge. He was originally a head of the mercenary group for the purpose of capturing Warcraft on the wasteland. But now he seems to sell the slaves to get more benefits, so he He changed his business policy. In the past few years, his Mawang mercenary group has also successfully transformed into one of the largest slave trade groups. The scale is actually more than that of Slave’s slave owner, Blywen. A little bigger.

When Ye hang used the harsh way to carry out the abolition of the slave business, he did not stand up to resist anything, chose to be temporarily concealed, and then he suddenly killed again. In these few days, he united a part of the slave owners to form. A powerful force, in the name of Ma Wang, quickly occupied the city government of Wenda City. Because they were brutal and powerful, the guards of the city's main government were killed by them for half a day.

They occupy this city and control all the people in the city. This kind of behavior should be regarded as...made and reversed in all aspects.

Ye Hang canceled the slave business, which hampered the interests of many people. When it comes to interest, it will inevitably cause some people's dissatisfaction. At this time, the Ma Wang’s behavior is to control the whole with lightning-fast actions. The city, then the hostages of the whole city, they did not really want to create the opposite, just want to let Ye Hang reopen the slave business.

They understand that Ye Sheng’s current reputation is top-notch in the entire Big Six. His men have empire guards, and there are orc tribes, elf troops, legends and a half-orc holy sect. These troops take it out casually. They are enough to annihilate them a dozen times, but Ma Wang has no fear.

Because... now I have to fight.

I heard that the coalition forces of Gang and the church are about to attack the emperor. At this time, there is a mood in Yeh, where there is a mood to separate the army to handle his affairs? He can only choose to compromise on them.

When the Blood Hammer Empire can resist the offensive of the coalition forces, it is no longer something they should consider. In fact, other empires should be more moderate in their efforts to work hard, and they are eager to change their masters.

Ma Wang is playing such a wishful thinking and thinks that his behavior will be successful. Ye Ding will definitely compromise him.

During these two days, he lived in the city hall of Wenda City, and held daily banquets with his men. There was a feeling of celebrating this wise action in advance...

On this day, when he was sitting in the hall of the city hall with his "twelve collars" while drinking and eating meat, he discussed how to contact with Ye Hang, and whether they were doing some radical actions. When the leaf was forced to make a decision faster, someone suddenly walked into the hall like that.

This is a girl who looks very thin and petite. She doesn't have a long black head on her head. She has two ponytails. It looks like she is ten years old. A cute little face seems to be a little cold now or shouldn't it. It’s cold, but... boring, as if to say “I don’t know why I want to do this kind of thing”, she walked into the hall, her eyes swept a little strangely across the horses that were talking loudly and then suddenly quieted down. Wang et al.

"who are you?"

"Who made you come in?"

"Hey, the little girl looks so beautiful?"

"What are the guards outside, don't know if we are discussing things?"

The hall that seemed to be a little noisy was even more chaotic. The horse king sitting on it looked at the petite girl. He was the most powerful of the group, so she saw that the girl’s extraordinary is too casual. However, there is no lack of an implicit killing and anger on the body. This slightly contradictory feeling highlights her terrible.

So Ma Wang stood up, his eyes first looked out of the hall. There were twenty guards guarding them, but now they can't see anything, and they don't know how this girl is going to support people. Open, he waved down the shouts of the crowd, faintly watching the girl said: "Who are you?"

"Is that you are doing something here?" It seems that the hall is quiet, the girl said in a very plain tone, and did not directly answer the words of Ma Wang. "I am still very busy, no time to waste time with you here." can surrender quickly."

There seems to be no emotional voice, but that kind of plain but contains the most intense emotions, indifference, and downright contempt, she only wants to say a few words to let Ma Wang and his party completely down?

What a ridiculous proposal!

Among the people present, one was tall and tall, and the body was at least two meters tall. He stood up from the table and chairs. He was bare and bare, his muscles were shackled, and he was leaning on the side. The tomahawk on the wall was smashed. This man is called Asta. He was born with some speciality. He was raised by the orcs. He grew up in the steel tribe and was cruelly treated by the orcs, which made him a ferocious Personality, although it is only the level of the mid-level swordsman, but it really fights, I am afraid I can carry out hard steel with the swordsman.

He was full of anger, and he went to the petite girl in a word, waving the huge battle axe and heading for him.

This is the sound of the battle axe across the air.

Then, with a bang, everyone thought that the Tomahawk would split the girl into two halves without any accident, but the girl casually extended her left hand and took the axe of the Tomahawk with her palm.

Her left hand has become golden, resisting the axe of the sky, her golden hand is not hurt, even her body has not moved a little.

The moment in the hall seemed to be a bit quiet.

Asta kept the position of wielding a battle axe, and the whole person seemed to be stuck there, petrified.

"Would you like to fight?" The girl seemed to be lacking in interest, as if she was doing something that made her very boring. "Then let's go together, I am in a hurry."

In the hall, it instantly entered a kind of arrogance.

Everyone was surprised to see the girl, the horse king with the golden left hand of the girl, a vague reminder of a person in her mind, but how could she suddenly appear here...

They controlled Wenda City, but it was only two days ago. Even if the Emperor Yaxia received information, it would take three days to get support. This is how she arrived the next day...

That golden hand, can't be wrong, this is the golden body skills of the blood hammer Imperial Finance Minister Debbie Anthony...

"Miss Debbie, we want to talk to you." Ma Wang realized the identity of the girl. He shouted with a slight trepidation. He did not think that he was prepared for this incident. There would be no mistakes. What is the power of Ye Hang and his party? Managing a country has never relied on personal powerlessness. They have gathered tens of thousands of people this time. If Ye is not authentic, he will make more unreasonable things, killing the city, and they are forced to do so. I dare to make it.


Debbie is obviously not in the mood to negotiate with them.

"No interest." She said directly, then the golden little fist slammed and slammed, and the typhoon, the tower's Asta was like a cannonball, and it was shot by a single shot. It flew directly out of the range of more than ten meters and hit it. On the wall on one side of the hall.

His tall body was directly smashed into the wall, and it seemed that he was fainted.

And he licked his sleeves and squinted at the rest of the people. She dealt with this kind of miscellaneous hair.

"Everyone joined forces to win him!" Ma Wang made a decision. At this time, he shouted loudly, and took out his own big sword in the moment. They removed Asta and there are twelve people here. He is a nine-step sword. Shi Xiuwei, the other seven are high-ranking swordsmen, the remaining two middle-level swordsmen, two high-ranking magicians, plus those who come out to mix who have no means of life-saving, the joint is not necessarily this Debbie's opponent!

And it is said that this Debbie weapon is a golden sword, but now her giant sword has not been taken out, perhaps not on the body, only by virtue of the physical strength will definitely be greatly discounted, they are not without opportunities...


Ma Wang screamed, and the horse first attacked against the enemy.

Then, with a bang, the roof of the hall of the city’s main hall suddenly flew away. A huge black-colored figure with a black color fell in front of Debbie. It was a dragon, a black gold dragon and dragon.

It stretched out of the neck, grew up in the mouth, and there was a frightening embarrassment in the mouth.


With a bang, Ma Wang, who had already jumped up and prepared to attack, fell directly on the ground and rolled into a ball with the table. After standing up, he hurriedly retreated a few meters backwards. Others were already scared at this time. The state is gone.


It turned out to be a real dragon!

In fact, a few days ago, Longbao had been to Wenda City, and had a Longwei giant, so that all the World of Warcraft in the entire city was trembled, but at that time did not think that the real dragon appeared.

As the well-known strongest creature standing at the top of the Big 6, the deterrent power of the dragon is far from the petite and cute Debbie. Although the current strength is better than that of Longbao.

In the face of the dragon's prestige, Ma Wang and others have cracked their livers and gallbladder, and there is no longer any thought of rebellion.

And Debbie was suddenly upset, and she looked at her side, stretching her neck and still screaming at the dragon, and couldn’t help but hit the dragon's faucet: "Enough No, didn't you see them all scared? Who will let you out... boring!"

With that said, Debbie turned around and turned away, seemingly no interest in the situation in the hall.

Ma Wang and others subconsciously sighed.

But I have already come to Debbie outside the city, but the fine voice has come in again: "Kill them all, this gang!"


The black flame is mixed with the golden flame, and the horse king and others are burned to ashes in an instant, so that they can't even die in the slightest shackles. This little rebellion is over.

Preparing to marry a city person to let Ye Hang recover the order to cancel the slave business, do not know what they think, it is naive... Think about it, I know that since Ma Wang and others have died, then those under their hands There was no threat to the people. She rode on Longbao’s back and circled Wenda City for a few laps. She called two times and realized that the traitors who had been born were frightened and some even stumbled on the street. Seeking for mercy When seeing the city escorts who were originally blocked outside the city gate began to enter Wenda City, Debbie let Longbao take him to the direction of the Doomsday Mountains.

This time it happened here, she was originally on the way.

The three dwarves, such as Sorin, who had been using magic sounds to contact them three days ago, suddenly lost their tracks. It seems that there was something wrong with the Montenegro dwarves, so Debbie made a decision and took it alone. Longbao came over and found out that the church and the Gangyan coalition might actually enter the blood hammer empire through the hole of the Montenegro dwarfs. If that is the case... then Debbie will directly curse the gods and punished them. .

Although the Godu animal husbandry is desolate, there are many villages of all sizes, and now the agricultural policy of planting the pits and wasteland for planting is more, and the farmers scattered on the wasteland are more, let the coalition directly enter the wasteland, saying no. How many blood hammer empire farmers will be affected by disasters. Most of these people are still believers in the Shenma Church, and Debbie must be responsible for these people.

This is also why Ma Wang and others captured Wenda City two days ago, but he rushed over so quickly.

The event of Wenda City is actually an insignificant episode to Debbie. (To be continued.) 8