MTL - Omni-Magician-v9 Chapter 710 I am going to be the queen's elf.

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The original name of Sin City is called Adams City. It is said that here was a prosperous and peaceful town many years ago. Elf, dwarf, giant and even barbarian orcs lived here peacefully.

Of course, there are people.

Here is the bustling place of the most famous trade state on the mainland at that time, but slowly I don’t know when everything here has quietly begun to change. The shadow of evil and darkness begins to creep in every corner of it. The more sin that began to lie in the town, the frequent clashes between the various races, and its name was replaced by the city of sin.

Even many people have long forgotten the name of Adams, a city that was once full of glorious memories.

Yehs and Lier stepped into the place at noon, because this time the leaf was intended to be secretive, so he made some disguise and put himself on the gorgeous head of the Axis magical empire. On the vulgar jewelry ring, there was a funny goatee on the chin. From the outside, no one could recognize that he was the famous all-round magician, just like a walking businessman with his daughter.

Of course, Lier must also do some camouflage.

Ye Ding changed her pale green elf hair to the same black color as herself with bright magic. The elf ear was also cleverly obscured by light and shadow. It seems that Lil is like an ordinary three or four-year-old girl. However, her cute and delicate little face has not changed, let her live like a beautiful doll - in fact, according to the plan of Ye Hang, it is ready to change the appearance of Lier, at least to become less beautiful. It’s too noticeable, but the elf is somewhat unhappy, and the little child is willing to make himself ugly? So I will give up.

From the outside, the city of sin is not as dirty and chaotic as the imaginary of Ye Chui. It is full of terrible shadows. In fact, from the outside, it can give people a sense of prosperity.

After entering the car door, people come and go on the street, all kinds of merchants are full of small stalls, all kinds of goods are also full of exquisite, called selling sounds, quarreling, as if there is no difference with the streets of Asia, but the leaves are still sensitive The discovery of the hidden truth here, from the first second of Ye Li and Lier stepping here, there are no fewer than 13 people staring at them.

They are about to treat the alien, seemingly unprepared businessman, as a fat sheep, and the cute little girl Lile, who is holding a small hand and jumping with leaves, also makes many eyes hidden in the dark flicker. Greedy greed.

Under peace, it is a beast that eats people without spitting bones.

"Dad, it seems to be a little different from what I imagined." After shopping for a while on the street, Lill couldn't help but raise his head and express his opinion on Ye. "Is the stories told by my mother all true?" It seems to be no different from Yaxia."

"Looking at things can't just look at the appearance." Ye Chong paid to pick up the elf and smiled and said to her, "The most terrible crisis has always been hidden under a calm appearance, Lil, you can not mess here. Run, look, there are many people next to you looking at you."

Lil’s big eyes looked around: “Is it because people are beautiful?”

"Yeah, Lil is very beautiful and very cute." Ye Hang deliberately said in a bad voice, "If you sell it out, you will definitely sell a good price. The trafficker likes the beautiful little girl like Lil." ""

Ordinary girls will be frightened when they hear such words. However, Lil is obviously not an ordinary little girl. Instead, she shows a look of interest: "Is this true? Dad." Lil’s eyes glow, she Those who looked around again, "I heard my mother say that those traffickers are super abhorrent. Many children are abducted by them and they can't see their parents for the rest of their lives. We pretend to be trafficked and then hit them with a drop of water?"

"Don't mess around, we are not here to do good deeds." Ye Chou reached out and pressed Lier's small head and saw the disappointment in Lier's eyes. He said again, "Maybe we will have time to do this again." Kind of things, but now we have more important things to do, do you know?"

"Oh, Lil knows." Lil said with a clever way, but Ye Dang apparently did not see the ray of light in her eyes.

Ten minutes later, Ye Chui found a hotel that looked like a good-looking hotel, asked for the best room, and let the guy prepare a rich lunch. He and Lier then enjoyed the living room on the first floor. The taste of this exotic place, of course, Ye Dang is also full of vigilance to do some checks on these foods, to prevent the addition of poison or curse, so that the leaves are very satisfied.

But at the end of the lunch, Ye Hang encountered something that was not very happy.

"Guests from other places, it is the first time you have come here. Do you know if you are satisfied with the food in this city?" A hunchback man with a treacherous face suddenly appeared at the table, his eyes Quietly glanced at Lil, and the ring on his fingers was full of wealth, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth.

"Not bad." Ye said flatly, looking at the humpback man.

"A better place you can't see it, my guest." The humpback man smiled slyly. He seemed to pretend to be inadvertent. He stretched out his yellow hand and tried to go to Miel's head. "How about let me take you to take a turn?"

"Sorry." Yepong seemed to brush his hands and opened the hand of the humpback man. He stood up and picked up Lil. "My interest in this city is no more than what I have to do. I think I don't have that much time, thank you for your kindness."

He popped a silver coin and flew to the humpback man.

The hunchback man cleverly caught.

Ye Ding had already turned to Lille and went upstairs.

The humpback man looked at the silver coin in his hand, but he was not grateful for the generosity of Ye Ding. Instead, his eyes on Ye Li and Lier became more greedy.

Lier, who is resting his little head on the shoulder of the leaf, is also looking at the humpback man with curiosity. The beautiful little face makes the humpback man feel more excited - this looks innocent and pure. The little girl must be able to sell a good price, or even use her to swindle all the gold coins on this "fat sheep"...

Ye Ding gave the hunchback man a silver coin, but he didn't want to provoke it. This time he mainly acted in a low-key manner, but he did not expect this behavior to label himself with a fat sheep. He took Lier back to the room upstairs. Lier immediately said to him with enthusiasm: "Dad father, is that person a trafficker?"

"It should be." Ye smirked and laughed. The ordinary three- and four-year-old Terran girls must not be able to distinguish good people from bad guys, but Lier is obviously not the same. Ye Ding feels very pleased. He noticed that Lil was excited. The expression, pinched her little face, "Don't make any ghosts, we don't have time to take care of this kind of thing."

"Oh." Lil bowed her head in disappointment.

Ye Ding looked at the room. This so-called deluxe room was a bit rude to him, but he didn't care so much. He thought that Lill had not slept for almost one night last night, and she picked up Lier and put her in the room. On the big bed next to it: "You must be sleepy now? Let's take a nap. Dad goes out to do something."

Lil yawned in a timely manner and licked his mouth with his little hand: "Dad, I am really sleepy."

"Let's take a nap." Ye squatted on Julie's forehead and covered her with a blanket. After she closed her big eyes, Ye hang was ready to leave.

Of course, although he knows that Lill now has her strong defense ability that no one can hurt, he still made some preparations. He set up a protective magic array around the entire room, within his enchantment. It will be the safest place in the world, the power of Ye Ding, no one in the entire city of sin can break through this enchantment, at least not without alarming him.

Prepared for these protections, Ye Hang left the room.

Under the hotel, Yepeng noticed that the humpback man had been sitting in the corner, his expression was like a jackal that had been waiting for an opportunity to capture the prey. The leaf hangs slightly and shakes his head and leaves. Lil is absolutely safe, but he I have also recorded the look of this humpback man, looking for opportunities to teach him lessons...

Shortly after the leaves left, the humpback man sneaked up the stairs, and the rest of the hotel turned a blind eye. They obviously knew what the humpback man was doing, but even the owner of the hotel was just Watching him sigh, and not doing much - from this point, the evil of the city of sin can best be reflected.

The hunchback man soon came outside the room where Ye was hanging. He licked his lips and prepared to push the door open, but at this time a terrible thing happened. He only heard a bang, his hand just touched. To that door, a powerful force was applied to it, so that he couldn't help but fall backwards, hitting the wall heavily, and the bones in his body seemed to be broken in half.

"A powerful magical array..."

The hunchback man suddenly widened his eyes. He was also a middle-level magician, but the previous lifting with the leaf sag allowed him to be sure that he did not feel any magical sensation in the sag of the leaf - this only proved the leaf It’s not a magician, or his magical realm is far beyond his imagination, but it’s not like a brilliant magician to look at Ye Hao’s appearance as a local businessman.

So, what magical creation is protecting this room?

The humpback man felt a little tricky at the moment. When he thought of the beautiful little girl, he thought that the golden coins were piled up in front of him. He felt that his heart began to tickle... What should I do?

When the hunchback man didn’t know how to be good, the seven gods looked around, and the door in front of him suddenly screamed and opened himself. The little girl who was so beautiful and ignorant came out, but... I don’t know if it was an illusion. The humpback man seems to see the little girl's body seem to flash a bit, um, it should be an illusion, perhaps the reason for guarding the magical creation of this room?

The humpback man didn't think much.

The little girl looked at the humpback man with her innocent eyes. The corner of her mouth showed a nice smile: "Uncle, what happened to you?"

"Oh, my uncle is fine..." The humpback man quickly took out his most sincere and kind smile. He looked at the little girl with his body, and one hand quietly reached the side of the little girl, preventing the little girl from wanting to go back. When I was in the house, I immediately grabbed her. "Little girl, you must be alone in the house. Is it right? Right? Uncle takes you to a fun place."

The little girl’s eyes suddenly began to shine: “The fun place? Really?”

"Really really, very fun." The humpback man said with a smile, "The best place in the city, how do you want to go with your uncle?"

"Okay." The little girl nodded in a hurry and said with no face.

Things are surprisingly smooth...

The humpback man judged in his heart.

Only he did not see the silky light that flashed in the eyes of the little girl.

Ye Fang's protective magic array can not easily break through to take away Li, but one thing is that Ye Hang did not consider it, that is, Lier staying in the room, with eternal nothingness, she is the only one in the world. A person who can jump over his enchantment without the leaf hangs...

When the guests in the downstairs hotel saw the hunchback man leaving with Lear, they all sighed, and the owner of the hotel began to think about the wording that Yeh was found to find out how his daughter could not explain to him. He didn't have any self-blame and embarrassment. He just thought that the person with such a large leaf was left alone in the hotel of the Sin City, and he should be abducted.

Following the hunchback man, Lier’s silly and sweet expression came to a quiet alley, which is already in the suburbs of Sin City. They encountered some cruel pedestrians along the way, and they rushed to the man’s head to reveal some kind of The self-evident smile, while the hunchback man smiled and revealed his own yellow teeth. When he looked at Lear, he looked like his own treasure.

In the end, Lier was taken to a large yard hidden behind the ruined pavilion.

There are a lot of gloomy and savage people standing here. There is an iron cage engraved with enchanted lines in the corner of the yard. There are three pitiful human children, a weird white Warcraft, and a blood. A sullen elf.

A black-faced man with a big beard was drinking at the table in the center of the yard and talking with someone laughing. After seeing the hunchback man appearing with Lil, he stood up from the seat with some surprises.

"Mr. Jory, my master, look at what I brought to you. This is the goods I just picked up. I believe she can sell a good price." The humpback man with a few compliments Said, this time he naturally does not have to hide his face again, so he looked at Lier, he is looking forward to seeing the girl panicked when she found the truth.

But unfortunately he was disappointed.

Lil is still full of curious expressions, his eyes are still moving against the burly black helmet man who is coming, Jolly.

Oh, it’s a little idiot.

"The beautiful girl I saw for the first time, it was not bad." Qiao Li was very satisfied with the receipt of the humpback man. He showed a disgusting smile and stooped to look at Lil. "Little sister, you call What is the name?"

"Are you the leader here?" Lier asked.

"Well?" Joey groaned and then burst into laughter. "Yes, I am the head here. I am one of the top ten dark leaders in the city of sin. How, little sister, you are Not afraid?"

Lil still looked silly and sweet, and said in a naive tone of innocence: "One of the top ten dark leaders, so good, is that if I kill you, I can replace your position?" ”

The people in the entire yard were smashed at the same time. After a while they burst into laughter and laughed as if they heard the world's best laughter.

"Kill me?" Qiao Li’s laughing stomach began to hurt. "Little sister, do you know how powerful I am? I am a great sword swordsman, only one step away from Juggernaut, my Strength is one of the best in the whole city of sin, hahaha... You want to kill me to replace my position?" Qiao Li slammed his stomach and looked at the humpback man. "The child you brought this time is really interesting. Haha, I can't help it."

The hunchback man couldn’t help He pointed to the elf who was in the cage and said to Lier: "Is there to see the elf? He is from the Shire elves, and it is said to be the elf guard. Captain, but was easily defeated by Mr. Jory. Do you know what the big swordsman represents from the step of Juggernaut? Little girl, do you think you are better than the elf?"

Lil looked at the frustrated elf and then nodded seriously: "I think I am really much better than him."

Everyone will laugh again.

Suddenly they all stayed, including the injured elf, which also showed a surprised expression, because after Lier’s powerful hoe, her long black hair turned pale green, and the human ear It became a sharp ear.

She is an elf!

"I want to be the Queen's elf."

Lil's hands on her hips couldn't be looked down on her head and looked down at the crowds that were more than twice as high as her. Then she looked at that Joey: "Are you a big swordsman from the sword holy step? Or a giant swordsman. ?啧啧, the same as the realm, but it feels too much, how do you become a swordsman, really failed!" (To be continued.)

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