MTL - Omni-Magician-Chapter 10 Bonfire

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Using magic ink to write the fire magic matrix on Kerry's body is the way that Ye Ting Ling machine thinks.

Magic ink is a material that can be used to materialize a magic matrix. The magic matrix is ​​used to write the magic matrix on the parchment to form a scroll.

Of course, the magic ink is not a matter of writing on it to form a magic matrix, which has strict requirements for the texture of the rune, but fortunately the armor of Kerry is enchanted armor, which can meet this requirement.

Among the magic scrolls released by the leaf sag, some of them are mixed with extra magic ink, which is contained in the cotton ball and wrapped in oil paper, and the life magic spell [Breeze] mastered by Ye Hang can control the stain. The cotton ball of the magic ink, in the gap between the reel and the blast of the Kerry, the leaf has been used to control the cotton ball on Kerry's body to write a complete fire magic matrix.

This magic matrix is ​​simple in construction, and it is not difficult to complete. Of course, it is not easy for a general low-level magician to complete such a difficult operation. Here, Yeh-Hui would like to say a heartfelt gratitude to the boring of the hammerhead... ...

And this matrix is ​​activated by the magic input of the leaf sag and it burns up.

Even after the wand's wand left Kerry's body, the flame will still not go out. This enchanted armor on Kerry originally contains magical spar, which can provide a constant stream of magic, plus the previous 黛The sword of that has broken the armor, and the magical power of the armor has been leaked out, and the burning of this fire magic matrix has been continuously supplied. This situation is simply not good.

"What is this curse... ah ah..."

Kerry’s mouth screamed and smacked on his body, trying to put out the flames on his body. He suddenly fell into a panic when he suddenly caught fire. The whole person became a fireman completely. If it was a flame curse, It won't burn for a long time, but the flame on his body is burning constantly, and there is no sign of extinction.

"This..." Everyone on the crowd was stunned. I thought that Yehshang and Debbie would never be the opponents of Kerry who inspired the **** of war, but did not expect Ye Hang to have such a hand.

Is this flame a high-level curse of the passing [the ghost flame from hell]? The eternal flame that will stop when the target is burned out?


Looking at the son who had become a fireman, Buska was eager to jump straight, and he hurriedly rushed to the front of Ye Ding: "Hammer, what did you do, hurry to put out the fire on my son? !"

"Okay." Ye Ding had a very good talk. The situation just made him sweat, and he gasped in his mouth. But when he saw that his plan was so smooth, he was naturally very good. He smiled and rushed. Busca extended his hand. "Buska boss, please bring the contract."

"Contract, what contract..." Busca looked at the son who was squatting and jumping in the flames.

"While your son is a fourth-order swordsman, it seems that he can hold up for two or three more minutes?" Ye sneered.

Buska was sweating, biting his teeth and hurriedly took a yellow paper roll from his pocket and threw it into the leaf drop. After the leaf was opened, he saw that it was a debt contract, and there was a twist. Signature, his hands directly tore a tear to tear the contract.

"I have already given you the contract. Hurry up and put out the fire on my son!" Busca hurriedly continued to say aloud.

"Don't worry, there is still an account that doesn't count with you." Ye hang continued without hesitation. "This time, because of your reasons, the business of Anthony's magic lodge was greatly affected, and you came to see it three days ago. When I was in trouble, I also broke a lot of things. Should you compensate us for the loss?"

"You... you are arrogant!" Busca yelled angrily.

Yeh pointed to Kerry, who is still yelling: "It seems that your son can still support another minute."


Buska’s dead and dying leaves, his eyes seemed to protrude out of the ordinary, so that he couldn’t tell the truth, but Kerry’s screams were constantly coming into his ears, and he was ready to compromise. : "How do you want me to pay?"

"One hundred gold coins." Ye down thought, and said.

"One hundred gold coins!?" Buska gas jumped. "You... why don't you grab it."

"What do you think I am doing now?" Ye said with a smile, and he coughed softly. "Time is running out."


Buska's body was smashed up, one hundred gold coins, which almost reached one-third of his total worth. Ye Ding, this is really a big opening for the lion, and Zhangkou asked him for one hundred gold coins...

But looking at the side of the body, the flame is still burning, Kerry, listening to Kerry as if it is getting weaker and weaker, he still bite his teeth hard, took a moment from his arms, took out a piece of brass The colored card was thrown into the hand of the leaf, and it looked distressed: "This is the gold coin card of the Goblin Bank. This brass card represents one hundred gold coins. You should know this!"

Goblin Bank is a large-scale bank commonly used in the entire mainland of Agendas. It is founded by a character who is upright or dull. The reputation is still very trustworthy, and Busca’s card to Ye Hang is a convenient card issued by Goblin Bank. This kind of card is similar to the silver ticket. The one card of the brass color represents one hundred gold coins. There are magic traces on it. As long as you have magic power or sword energy, you can perceive how much the deposit is.

Ye Hang nodded with satisfaction and threw the gold coin card into his pocket.

Debbie saw the card enter the leaf pocket, and the whole thing was picked up: the girl of this size has not seen such a huge sum...

"Now you can unlock the spell on my son!" Busca said coldly, the voices were trembling.


Ye Xiao smiled and nodded, and prepared the Kerry with his wand: "Water!"

The curse of basic life [water flow]

The subtle flow of water like spring rain condensed out of the air, watering on Kerry's body, a burst of sizzling sound, accompanied by a white water vapor, the flame of Kerry's body slammed out Under the impact of the current, the magic matrix of Kerry was completely washed away.

Kerry squatted on the ground with burning water vapor, and his mouth was constantly gasping. He looked like a wolf, his face was burnt, and the original glamorous armor was ruined, like a tramp.

And Busca was shocked: "So?"

The leaf nodded and said: "Yeah, it's that simple."

"But...but..." Busca was stunned. He thought that Yeh had used some deep curse. After all, the ordinary flame curse was only temporary, and it would be destroyed after burning, but the flame of Kerry’s body was In the continuous burning, but I did not expect that only a burst of rain will extinguish the flames of Kerry... I knew that, he used the leaves to help himself, and he could help his son to extinguish the fire.

"" Realizing that he was hanged by the leaves, Buska couldn’t wait to rush straight to bite the leaves.

"I am just a second-order magician. What kind of deep curse is used there?" Ye hangs a sly look and taunts, "Oh, forget, your son is okay, what he said is also four. The swordsman, just as he has suffered dozens of attacks on the flame reel, is safe and sound. This is not enough to hurt him in the fire of the area. Even if he is on his body for a day, he may not be able to hurt his life. ... He shouted and shouted purely and was frightened."

Busca: "... 吱 吱 吱 吱"

- This is the sound of hate to start grinding teeth.

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