MTL - Omni Genius-Chapter 3150 Grinding the Emperor!

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When it comes to this, the burial of the gods is also a pause, and the **** of the four great emperors who are opposite to each other sneer, "I want to tell you a very unfortunate news..."


The four great emperors were also blind, and there was a very bad idea to breed, so that their minds appeared for a moment of trembling. ▲∴

"The warm up is over..."

At this time, the burial of the gods was a word of words.


Almost at the same time as the voice just fell, I saw that the fierce and fierce black beast suddenly broke out, and the endless force was released. It was almost a powerful sword that was aggressive and domineering. It became a piece!


The giant sword was condensed by the power of the gods of the four great emperors. Suddenly, it was broken. Naturally, the gods connected to it were strongly countered.

The four great emperors are also completely mad at the blood...

With such a blood spurting out, the face of the four great emperors suddenly became pale and pale, and there was no such thing as a little bit of blood... The breath of the body was even more looming, as if it could be completely extinguished at any time.

"Surely horrible..."

Seeing such a scene, Qin Fang and Fan Jin are deeply shocked, subconsciously exclaimed, but also can not help but shrink the neck.

The battle of the Yuanshen, the four great emperors, the power is absolutely terrifying, and it is easy to kill the horror of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor... The giant sword is the assembly of all the forces of killing, fierce, but It was completely broken by the fierce beast.

"Hey, the four of the family... I’m afraid that it’s not dead!”

Qin Fang is also amazed.

Although he had long expected the horror of the burial of Shura, far beyond his imagination. However, I did not expect that when the firepower was fully opened, it would be strong enough.

The four great emperors joined forces and opened the battle of the Yuanshen. They did not hurt him. Instead, he was violently attacked and directly crushed.

"Qin Shao. This guy... won't turn around to deal with us?"

The attack just made was really horrible. It almost instantly defeated the four great emperors of the family, and strangling them was just a matter of raising their hands.

However, recalling that the burial of Shura was just before they started, they once glanced at them, and Fan Jin could not help but come up with such a sentence.

The burial of Shura is too horrible, and even the strongest of the Emperor Wudi is not enough for him to clean up, if it is to be done to both of them. It seems that they have no chance or courage to resist.

"will not!"

The Qin side is very calm and said.

The burial of Shura is indeed clear-headed, but... It wants to get rid of the imprisonment of Wushen Dan. It is absolutely impossible. Otherwise, when he saw Wu Shendan, he would not be so scared.

What's more, the burial of the gods is actually not a physical entity. It is just a god. The body of Situ Qingyun is just a temporary shell. The kind that can be abandoned at any time.

This is the advantage of the burial of Shura, but it is also its greatest disadvantage... This will be concealed and imprisoned by Wu Shendan.

The burial of the power of the sacred sacred sacred sacred gods. Let it resume its thinking for a short time, but it still does not break away from the control of Wu Shendan, and even... it is so short-lived, in exchange for Wu Shendan’s more fierce and harsh imprisonment, it has not escaped. It's possible.

If the Qin side did not estimate the mistake, just hit this one. Although it was easy to crush the violent attacks of the Yuanshen battle of the four great Emperors of the Wu family, it also completely annihilated its last bit of consciousness.

Since then, it has been inseparable from the imprisonment of Wu Shendan...

This is definitely a mistake!

That is to say, when the burial of Shura chose to kill the four great emperors of the family, he was destined to give up the revenge against the Qin side. So how could there be a chance to start?

"This is good..."

When I heard this sentence, Fan Jin was relieved.

He did not understand himself. Why did Qin Fang’s words make him really believe? Perhaps it is because Qin Fang has not had a mistake since the words and things he has done so far!


It seems that it is also to prove what the Qin Fang said. After a slap in the face of the Great God Sword, the burial of Shura immediately screamed in the sky, and the blackness of his body became more intense.

However, if you look closely, you may find out... In the black gas, there are some strange blood-colored smokes mixed and flowing, and they are entangled with those gods.

This is the best proof of the further integration of the power of Wu Shendan and the control of the burial of the gods...


However, the horrible roar of the burial of Shura, the lethality is also very terrible... The four great military emperors of the family there have almost lost their fighting power, and where they can withstand such a terrible and powerful bombing, instant Just slammed, it burst completely.

The tyrannical body of the Emperor Wu of the Emperor, did not resist the horrible oppressive force, directly bursting ... into a piece of minced meat, blood rain, flying in the air, the scene is quite awkward.


Qin Fang and Fan Jin both hid far away, and the burial of Shura under the control of Wu Shendan, the intentional contraction of the Qin side, naturally has no effect, at most, it was only shocked by blood.

The Qin and the two are timid and timid...

You must know that the four people who are exploding in the body can be the strongest of the Emperor of the Wu Emperor, the Supreme Scorpion... No, it should be called the Emperor Wu of the Emperor can not withstand its terrible pressure, even the so-called indestructible golden skeleton is also shocked. Cracked, it became a piece of golden broken bone, and in the **** rain, broken meat, also brought a little golden light.


Just the breath, the body of the four great emperors was crushed, and they were instantly killed. The burial of Shura also seemed to lose his opponent in an instant, and he became more stunned and more violent and violent.


and then?

It seems that the cave where the family's heritage is located is also found. There are some strong emperor-level powerhouses in the cave. It directly slams the past with a violent slap.

The power is superb. Absolutely terrifying...

That Jin Road, even if it is far away from the 100 meters, and no longer has the power to cover the direction of the Qin Fang, can clearly feel the ... ... the whole body pores are fully open, the skin of the goose bumps, really terrible.

Rumble ~~

The powerful bombardment was in the cave... The power of violentness was directly introduced into the mountain, and there was such a deafening sound, as if the whole mountain had trembled fiercely.


More exaggerated is. The Qin Fangs seemed to hear a dragon scream... The sound of the low dragons was not too real, but it was very similar.

"I rely on it, even the dragon veins have been hurt by him..."

Qin Fang’s eyes were almost green, and he did not expect that the burial of Shura was terrible to this point. Even the dragon veins of this mountain could be injured.

The dragon vein is the essence of such a large mountain range. If it is cultivated to the extreme, it can be a horrible existence that can turn dragons and break the void.

This mountain in front of you. It is the only large mountain range of the imperial island of Xiandao. Its dragon vein can also be said to be the dragon vein of the abbot fairy island. It is definitely not simple...

After millions of years of gestation, this dragon pulse must have been spiritual, and even has been half-stepped, and this will be the result of such a horrible blow under the horror of the burial of Shura.

This is not the dragon of joy, but the sound of a dragon with a little pain. It is very likely that... this dragon has been wounded by the burial of the gods.

How can this not be surprised and horrified by Qin Fang?

Of course, more is still envious of hate... if possible. Qin Fang is not allowed to have the strength of the burial of Shura!

"Hey, I knew that this guy is so ferocious, even the dragon pulse can be damaged... I should take him to Kunlun, let him go to see the Yulong big array, maybe there are some miraculous effects maybe!"

"However, Kunlun Dragon Pulse...hehe!"

This is obviously just a joke from the Qin side. The Kunlun Dragon Vein is called the Zulongmai, which is the root of the Wanshan Dragon Vein. Its tyrannical is far from being comparable to the dragon vein of the small abbot Xiandao small mountain.

The burial of Shura may be really terrible. If it was in its heyday, it really hoped to incite the Kunlun ancestral veins, but now it... even if the firepower is full. Only by Zu Longmai to kill this ending.

Rumble ~~~

However, the effect of the violent blow of the burial of Shura is quite obvious... The earth is shaking, and the mountains are also tremors. This cave, which is the foundation of the family, is also trembled violently and is constantly landslide.

It can be said that it will not be long before the cave will be completely buried by the rock.

The Emperor Wudi is indeed powerful, but if it is buried in this rock, the death is absolutely incomprehensible... So, at this time, someone immediately rushed out of it and rushed out.

"Who is it? Dare to destroy my family..."

A violent roar was also sent out from the crowd that rushed out... The deafening sound, the full anger, and the terrible strength were unmasked.


However, it was not someone’s answer to meet him, but a paw that seemed to have been waiting for a long time... The strange black behemoth did not know when it appeared again.

I took a direct slap shot, and then the powerful tyrant of the Emperor Wudi was directly smashed on the ground, and the whole person was smashed down.

Even the screams didn’t come out, just directly...

"Spike Wudi!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Fang and Fan Jin also smiled and glanced at each other. Although the burial of Shura is now barely on their side, you can see a hard-working practice for a lifetime, and it is hard to climb the peak of humanity. The Emperor Wudi is so easily beaten to death and spiked, and that feeling is really very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, this situation only happened once, and it did not appear again.

"Hey? People are dead..."

After waiting for a few minutes, the cave was completely collapsed, and no one rushed out. Qin Fang couldn’t help but scream.

Obviously, only those who have been able to rush out are the ones who have just come out, and those who come out are all unlucky and unlucky, and can only be buried in it.


At this time, in the courtyard of the family, there was also a sudden fire of a fireworks-like thing, bursting in the air suddenly, forming such a harsh sound.

Of course, after the burst, it is also a very dazzling light. It is estimated that most of the Penglai secrets can be seen.

"No, it's the signal of the family's ringing..."

Seeing this, Fan Jin changed his face and immediately said to the Qin side.

"Ringing the arrow signal? Notifying the family members who are far away from the Presbyterian Hall? Oh, don't worry, you know how much distance between the two places, even if the family is coming back at the fastest speed, it will take at least half an hour or more. We still have enough time to retreat!"

The Qin side is very calm.

Nowadays, the masters who can be regarded as the masters of this family have been killed by the burial of the gods, and the rest of them are small characters that do not flow into the stream.

These people can't stop their footsteps at all. When they want to go, there is absolutely no one to stop... and the elders' temple is in Penglai Xiandao, and here is the abbot of Xiandao. The two islands are very close, but the relatives of Penglai are relatively The original environment, traffic, etc., it will take half an hour to get back.

Of course, if Chen Xianken of the Narcissus Island is willing to help, it may be faster, but the loss caused by it is also enormous.

Presumably, Chen, who is in conflict with Lujia, is not willing to weaken his fighting power at this moment, so there is nothing to worry about.

Half an hour, it is not long, but short is not too short, but it is enough time, Qin Fang will naturally not give up the fat that he left.

"The bottom of the family... Oh, forget it, don't forget it! We are sweeping in the ancestral home, and there should be a lot of gains!"

The caves of the family are directly slammed by the sacred sorrows of the gods. It is estimated that the entire cave has completely collapsed... Even if the Qin side is so fast, it is impossible to get through this channel and gain benefits.

Instead of spending that effort, it is better to directly sweep the ancestral home...

Anyway, there is nothing to threaten the opponents of the two of them, as well as the murder of Shura’s big killer, which can definitely make them a big harvest!

"You are the boss, I listen to you..."

Don't look at Fan Jin just a little worried about the revenge of his family, but when he thought that they could rob the whole family, he would become very excited, and even some could not wait, this is what he did not even think before. Things are now already done! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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