MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 9

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Matsuda Jinhei's ability in all aspects is extremely excellent, and even this ability is enough to modify his personality - for the Japanese national characteristics - defects.

During the examination for entering the police academy, Matsuda Jinpei remembered that he seemed to be mad at the interviewing officer during the interview. Matsuda Jinpei couldn't remember what he said at that time, but his interview results were quite bad. Yes, seems to be the lowest score ever.

However, his academic performance, practical skills, and high-level professional knowledge together made up for the negative impression of the interview, and he still successfully entered the police academy.

Hagihara Kenji's evaluation of his own young tamer is correct. It's not that Matsuda Jinhei doesn't understand or can't express it. He just doesn't care about things that have nothing to do with him or are not interested in.

Now, the meaning of the live broadcast itself means that he needs to express himself, which is an aspect he has not been exposed to much before. But after getting started, Matsuda Jinping easily found the loopholes and the settings he could use.

For example, through what happens in the live broadcast, some thoughts of the audience watching the live broadcast can be guided.

Wishes are real-time, for example, you are hungry now, so you wish there was a loaf of bread in front of you - but after a while, you are not hungry, and the thought that created the wish will also disappear. This kind of wish to sit on a rocking cart can only be completed immediately when it appears today, in order to get the greatest benefit.

There is a word called accumulation. Now that he cannot directly receive a large amount of wishes, Matsuda Jinhei can only use such small things slowly, and slowly collect the wishes that need to be paid to realize his wishes.

He doesn't know how long this live broadcast room can exist, nor how long the love of these audiences can last. And in his daily life, the boring parts that happen to ordinary people are the foundation that supports his life.

Hagihara is very important to him, but he will not devote all his life to it for this purpose. If he was the only one left in his life, if nothing else, Hagi would be the first to disagree, right?

So there should be no ordinary person willing to spend a whole day watching him tearing things down with his head down, or reading a book?

Matsuda Jinpei's professional knowledge did not appear out of thin air. The bookcase in his home is full of materials that interest him. Some are borrowed in the library, some are printed through the Internet, and some are even arranged by himself.

In the words of Kenji Hagihara: "It's very unremarkable at first glance."

If the live broadcast is too long, people's mood will decline, if it is too short, it will not be enough to gather the willpower, and just watching him alone will also become aesthetic fatigue. So get stuck for a certain amount of time and show the interesting and exciting part of your daily life.

Matsuda Jinping still doesn't know there is a word called "hunger marketing", but what he is doing now has a similar flavor.

Then the persecution, ah, I mean, for a limited period of time, we need to communicate more with the same period. Matsuda Jinping looked at the slightly dissatisfied expression of Furugu Rei, and glanced at his young taming.

Hagihara Kenji had a wink, and immediately hugged Rei Furuya's left arm. When Rei Furuya didn't respond, Jinping Matsuda also followed and controlled the right side!

It is true that Jianggu Zero is the most average and excellent in all aspects of their group of five, but this does not mean that he can easily beat them one-on-two!

"Hey! What are you doing!" Jiang Gu Ling's eyes widened, and he struggled subconsciously!

Seeing that You Tianran was restrained, Zhufu Jingguang took a step forward subconsciously, but when he realized what the two friends wanted to do, he stopped silently, and even stepped back a little to let Date Air block him, And said: "Squad leader, don't stop me, zero looks very uncomfortable now!"

Date Air: "...?"

Date Hang understood in seconds, and immediately pulled Zhu Fu Jingguang's arm without much force: "Haha, isn't this very interesting?"

Down Valley Zero: "hiro?!"

Are you serious about taking a step back? !

Falling Valley Zero didn't want to sit on that rocking cart that looked childish at first glance! His balance was forcibly disrupted by the two bastards, and the tacit understanding of You Tame Ran was not nonsense—even if there was any action by Zero Valley, Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji would be able to find out immediately and cooperate with each other to stop it.

Not to mention the same period that Jianggu Zero will not really treat himself in the same way as dealing with the enemy - if he does, he can indeed break through the shackles, but it will also hurt his friends, which is unnecessary behavior.

The five of them are actually self-sufficient guys, and they don't care about the opinions of other passers-by.

【Don't think I didn't see it! Hiro, are you originally such a black-bellied setting? ! 】

[Zero is so miserable hahahaha! 】

[There is such a pile of life-saving help at the same time www! 】

[The good guy's black history got hhh! 】

[Hagi and Mazda cooperate well! 】

[Two pairs of juvenile dyeing, one pair will not be saved, and one pair cooperates tacitly, this kind of contrast hahahaha! 】

However, when he forcibly pulled Rei Fukugu to the rocking cart, and when Matsuda Jinping was about to forcibly shove the person, his eyes suddenly changed to a certain extent.

The other four also easily noticed this, and the struggle of the valley zero was less than a point.

Hagihara Kenji squinted his eyes: "What's the matter, Xiaojinping?"

"...This, seems to be hiding something interesting." Matsuda Jinping's mouth curled slightly, and the other four instantly understood what they were going to do.

The tacit understanding between the five people is not nonsense. Idahang instantly let go of the hand of Zhu Fu Jingguang, and Zhu Fu Jingguang naturally walked into the convenience store and looked at the slightly nervous The shopkeeper at the door rolled his eyes: "Do you have a cute hairpin?"

In the current era, surveillance is not yet fully popularized, at least not in this small convenience store. When Zhu Fu Jingguang communicated with the owner, the owner had no way to continue to pay attention to what happened at the door.

The shopkeeper stammered twice: "Issue, issue a card?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang clenched his hand into a fist: "That cute Mickey Mouse hairpin? Ah, it would be better if it was neon fluorescent. I remember seeing it before."

The owner was stunned: "It was sold out before..."

Zhu Fu Jingguang couldn't help but feel lost: "Is it really gone?"

When the innkeeper nodded, Zhu Fu Jingguang asked again without giving up.

When a question is repeated many times, enough to bring strong enough psychological pressure, the shopkeeper hesitated for a while, opened the cabinet with his head down, "Maybe there is, I'll help you find it."

It seems to be just an ordinary person who is innocently implicated. Zhu Fu Jingguang made such a judgment when the shopkeeper lowered his head unprepared.

And Jianggu Ling at the door was about to be forcibly taken by the duo to the rocking car, and Jiang Gu Ling complained loudly: "Hey! You guys let me go!"

Idahang took out his mobile phone and pointed it in the direction of this side. He seemed to be photographing people, but he was actually leaving evidence. He smiled heartily: "I finally came out once, I brought coins, and occasionally returned to my childhood, how about it? ?"

Jiang Gu Ling said on the spot: "It's obvious that Matsuda is the guy who seems to want to sit the most! How about this opportunity for him!"

The attitude of the five people was too natural, and most of the barrage people didn't realize what happened, and even when Jiang Gu Ling said this sentence, they had a new wish.

[Wish: Hahaha alone is not as good as the crowd! Come on, Matsuda! 】

"Okay, let's go together." Matsuda Jinping raised his chin slightly, with provocation in his eyes.

Only one or two barrages seemed to sense something.

[Always feel that the atmosphere is a little subtle? 】

[It seems that something is not right...]

Matsuda Jinping strode towards the rocking car, and directly straddled the space behind the seat in an irregular posture.

Falling Valley Zero tentatively asked: "You can't sit for two people at all!"

Matsuda Jinping patted the seat and listened to the sound before maintaining this provocative action and said, "Don't you dare?"

As if he was really provoked, Jiang Gu Ling sat up on his long legs, "What's wrong! Sit and sit!"

Date Air threw a coin over, and Gu Ling caught it and put it into the coin slot of the rocking cart.

In the next second, the black-skinned Santa Claus rocked the cart, up and down accompanied by Christmas music.

When Zhu Fu Jingguang came out with the purchased Mickey Mouse fluorescent neon light card, the rocking car had stopped working.

Even the dim light and the wheat-colored skin were not enough to stop the obvious blush on Jiang Guling's face.

Zhu Fu Jingguang, who missed this interesting scene, sighed regretfully, and couldn't help saying, "Zero, why don't you sit down again?"

Valley Zero: "hiro!"

Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled: "Haha, I'm joking."

"But I can't waste the hairpin I bought," Zhu Fu Jingguang approached Jiangguling with an unprepared attitude, and put the hairpin behind him directly on Jiangguling's head, followed by a click.

Date Air took pictures again.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the fluorescent Mickey Mouse hairpin on Furuya Zero's head, but no one noticed Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinping on the other side.

Hagihara Kenji took off his jacket to block the things in his hand, looked at the time, his eyes widened slightly: "Ah! Oops, I'm going to be late! Let's hurry up!"

"Eh? Is it all this time?" Zhu Fu Jingguang was also surprised: "They won't wait long, will they?"

With these few words, the five of them left the position together, and the black-skinned Santa Claus rocked the cart with a smile on his face, as if nothing had happened.

After leaving this position and walking to a place where no one was around the corner, Hagihara Kenji's expression changed: "How long will it take, Xiao Zhenping?"

"I don't have any tools at hand." Matsuda Jinhei took the bomb from Hagihara Kenji's hand, opened the case with the screwdriver he carried, and checked the route inside.

Zhu Fu Jingguang took out a pair of small scissors from his pocket: "Sorry, I only bought this, otherwise it would be too obvious."

Matsuda Jinping's eyes lit up, and the smile on his face was confident and arrogant: "With this, it's enough!"

The barrage was all stunned at this moment.

【what happened? ? ? bomb? ? 】

【what? ? ? ? 】

【Are we really watching a live broadcast? ? ? 】

[Last second hahaha next second meow meow meow? ? ? 】

Matsuda Jinping moved the camera of the live broadcast a little bit. Bombs are still too dangerous. The people watching the live broadcast on the other side are just ordinary people, and there is no need to contact them.

As for the doubts about the barrage, they were finally answered through the exchange of the other four.

"Just now Xiao Zhenping really startled me."

"Yeah, you just sat on it, what if it was a bomb that couldn't vibrate?"

"Impossible. This Christmas rocking car is obvious enough that children passing by may be interested. If it just exploded because of such a simple vibration, then it would definitely not choose to install bombs in this way."

"The position of the rocking cart is at the door. There are many people coming and going, and it is very convenient to monitor. The owner seems to be very scared and seems to want to say something to me, but in the end he didn't say anything." Zhu Fu Jingguang analyzed: "It should be threatened."

"I just said why the rocking car is bigger than the average one. Only in this way can this type of bomb be put down."

"But to be honest, this prisoner is really... childlike?" Hagihara Kenji thought of an adjective.

"Indeed... to use this method. It's a bit naive." Jiang Gu Ling complained.

【? ? ? 】

【So what happened just now? ? you all know? 】

[Is this the difference between a police academy student and an ordinary person...]

【I really thought they were just playing? ! 】

【Good, so handsome! 】

Matsuda Jinping put down his hand, looked at the defused bomb, and exhaled: "It's the most basic model, call the police, the prisoner should still be watching over there. But the shop owner should be under control and threatened, I don't deny that he is in another place. There's still a bomb in one location, so don't be alarmed."

"Well, I guessed this." Zhu Fu Jingguang rolled his eyes, and Jianggu Ling also took out his mobile phone that he had never hung up on, which was a call with Zhu Fu Jingguang.

Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled and said, "So I called zero and hid my phone in that store, no one noticed."

"It should be able to be used as a monitor until my phone runs out of battery."

"As expected of you, Zhufu!" Matsuda Jinping exclaimed.

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